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Posts tagged ‘poetry’

and there I was


havingĀ  a bit of fun are we

yes, and I am not out planting a tree

I am inside playing on canvas

bought at the dollar tree

one is of me trying out an idea

the other is a portrait of me

having fun, just being me

oh dear, how can it be

somehow they both represent me

I can tell

can you tell

which canvas shouts my name

of course this is a game

for both are me, myself and I

these simply reflect pieces of the pie

that will be me till I die

but I will never die will I

for I am part of

forever more and always.



Sunny Saturday

blogged june 8

torn from a journal page

a memory from another day

I sit wondering

just where my thoughts lay

on that other day so far away

where eyes that seem to drown inĀ  sadness

were what spoke to me

while I was pondering

that day is long gone

I have long moved on

still, that was me,

at that time and place

I like it, but thankfully, today is another day

I am headed out to explore what comes my way

YOU are in my heart

today and always



acceptance and appreciation


hearts & flowers

1st day 12.14.18_048

February 14, Valentine’s day – that works for some, for others not as much.Ā  Some years we stand alone in a universe totally different from our own.Ā  To all around, we look the same, but something is happening to us within.Ā  There are no words, no rhyme, just fragmented time.

1st day 12.14.18_050

Perfect Liberty calendar, day 14

Being considerate of others is just as important as what works for you

Always be mindful of the situations of others, not just your own.Ā  To have a good relationship with those around you, always think of what is important to them too.

1st day 12.14.18_052

dans la vallee perdue

“To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.” Bertrand Russell

haunting beauty

IMG_7392walks in forgotten places

the whisper of the leaves

as they are temporarily displaced

by intruding footsteps

on the well-worn path

the memory haunts me

the path remains, but you are gone

no longer will we explore the unknown

for you have gone into the unknown

You have found peace forever more.

While I wait on the shore

listening for signs, that on earth, one day

peace and happiness will be found around the world

Till then, the haunting beauty will remind me of home

and the comfort of unconditional love, beyond here and into the unknown.


PL Precept #14 Ā  Ā Ā  World Peace is everything

PL Precept #15 Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  All is a mirror


photo hT9


IMG_6641Sometimes, we just sit around,

we don’t make a sound

except perhaps a burp now and then

really the day stretches on

we don’t know where the time has gone

It takes years of trial and error to develop this useful skill.Ā  We live in a world of go, go, go.

IMG_9110Sitting with only the gentle stirrings of the world around you.

Can be a difficult task indeed.

Try bundling up and doing it in the dead of winter.

It is an amazing release of unwanted “baggage”.

Sometimes, the road that beckons isn’t the road you are on.

IMG_7574You will find that stepping into a different space, will also bring you to another place and maybe even time.

Live each moment with the interest you give a new book that has caught your fancy, where each page is riveting and you drink in each word, fingers poised to turn the page.

Our lives are just as interesting, when we sit in the silence of the moment, The reality of BEING is rejuvenating.

Sometimes, it simply is… no more..no less…

Bom dia everyone, have a good day dear friends.. I carry you in my heart always..

PL Precept #1Ā  Life is Art



photosĀ  hT9




1.4.17_006ā€¦ so easily muttered, relax, relax…

Relax. I said, relax, sometimes the word itself is like an exLax

ever notice that

you are being told to relax,

when all the while you thought you were relaxed

maybe to some the word relax could be replaced by passed out

no somehow I doubt that

next time I should ask

please be more specific I will say

and just maybe, they will go away

then I will really be relaxed, eh!!

PL Precept #4Ā  Being annoyed limits your expression

PL Precept #5Ā  One’s self is lost by being emotional



Saturday is starting out with a whimper




Saying Hello

a view

I can see you in the distance

I know you are there

everywhere I look

I feel your presence

Ā tears have abated for now


like the rain on the window pane

I know the sky will clear

but you my darling

will always remain

in the sun, the sky

the night and stars

Ā always

you are, today, tomorrow

and forever



Another great picture Bonnie, thank you.

me and you

april 25. Q china dream

There are days when I am not really the person that I think I am.Ā  Instead I am far away in another land.

On one hand, I feel no pain, and roam free across the plains

On the other, I am grounded, focused on the sounds all aroundĀ  me

who am I really, I can be here and everywhere

nothing can hold me back, there is nothing that I lack

china April 25_008

Take my hand, let us bond in forever land

you and me, me and you

Shinzen Japanese Garden, Yosemite_006

dreams are part of who we are, and no matter where we are

the stars above, shine on us all… … Q

“PL Calendar day 1 ” Harmony leads to World Peace

It is important to lie in harmony with our surroundings.Ā  The basis of a peaceful society is to maintain harmonious relationships.

It is true, no matter where we are, how far the distance, I will always love YOU.





lexi light show_001

July 3_007

July 10_017

I dream, I walk, I talk

snap, crackle, pop

the mind is active taking off in all directions

time, to astral travel and make corrections

pop, crackle snap,

oh dear, earth to outer space

time to chat

I need a face to face


PL Precept # 2Ā  To live is o Express One’s Self



Pig fun

pig fun

well here I am

stuck in a cup

I simply pop up

offering you some fun

cuz I am bored

stuck in this cup

waiting for someone to finish

lunch or whatever

to come back and play

pig 2 fun

Ā I am sure if you colour me in

my smile will get broader

no one will notice

the tea is laced with gin

Valer eeee, valour aaaa ahahaha

I am a silly little piglet

sitting in tea

popping in

to peak at your chin


Happy Thursday to me

no reason, no rhyme

justtttt me


if you are feeling just as silly colour piglet in…

he/she is a piglet in need, indeed Ā  !!!

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