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Posts tagged ‘greeting’

Happy New Year !

May you prosper and live a life happy filled with many blessings


Happy Saturday

pig dish 9.29.17

This little piggy was at the market

but was not brought home

This little piggy stayed on the shelf

where passers by, looked and smiled

Rest assured, this little piggy

will not be travelling for miles

to visit you soon

But the smiles and happy chuckles  he

passed on to people who passed by

I hope will stay with you

way past noon

Happy Saturday all !

smiles a  mile long….  and pass them on


Me and rust

If there is rust, I’ll find it.  I love the way it grows and expands, changing as it ages. Ok it is not for everyone.  To my artist’s eye it has a melody all its very own. Left to slowly decompose, erode and oxidize  it has  patina and look that is unique, like a snowflake.  At least it does to my eye.

I have a whole section of film that is all rust.  For now it is part of my private collection.  When I want inspiration, I can play it back and let each image dance across the screen in slow motion. Oooohhh so powerful.

Smiles out at her friends.. that is why that expression that has been around for ages, is so fitting here… “to each his/her own”

Happy start of the week my lovelies.  May it be successful, productive and happy.

Namaste – Oyashikiri

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in Relaltivity

Learn from everything – aprender que tudo


In life, if we are present in our daily activities, we soon discover that all in life is a mirror. When we are faced with a choice, the easiest way is not always  the choice that will make you happy.  Just because you think you know something, doesn’t mean that you do.

I took my camera to Japan, intending to come home with pictures galore.  I barely had time to think of having my camera out, nor had I the inclination when time was available to me. C’est la vie.  I had a wonderful time, even though the long traveling time and the change in atmosphere/weather proved to be a challenge for me. More once the jet lagged has moved on. With no internet I have missed your visits, I will look forward to catching up when I can.

Pics_For_Q (1)

Till soon



Thursday doors 6.9.16


Doors for Norm

some doors will no longer close

when we look inside

we see the remnants of what was


other doors

are salvaged and become

a work of art

one door has been left to decay

another lived to 

see and brighten another day


doors reflect a lot of things

that is why 

so many of us

love our doors.



have a special day today

Precept 17

make it  YOUR  day.

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

Friendship & salads


Hey everyone, look, a salad. it just isn’t any salad, my sister made this salad.  So what is the big deal, well let me tell you.  When my sister was here visiting (from away) she had a bite with us, where my husband had made one of his super delicious  salads.  She liked it so much, that she savoured that experience till she got back to CA, and then made one up for herself.

Hers is different, it is her own taste buds that went to work to create the vision you see above.  No two people will create the same masterpiece.  Like friendships, we are all unique in what we bring to the relationship.  I love my sister, she is my sister, however, when we were out one day on an excursion, we met a lovely lady in a Tim Horton’s.. neither of us knew her, but we sat with her and enjoyed the visit.

At one point in the conversation, my sister said, “we (she and I) were getting know each other”….  ding, it registered with me.. WOW it was true.  just because we are sisters, doesn’t mean that we really know each other, we lives miles apart, and see each other only so many times a year.  Our daily lives and our “habits” or the way we go about our lives, is really unknown to the other.

Her making this salad and sharing the picture with me, brought home, how special she is, and how much I do love her, as not just my sister but a friend.  One that I hope to get to know better over the years to come.

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a Turning Point

PL Precept #16  All things Grow and  Develop

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things


Have a grand start to the week-end.

what ever you do, 


Namaste         –          Oyashikiri

Happy Mother’s Day

tweety bird


To each and every parent this is a special day,

Just for YOU


Whether the sun shines or it rains

it doesn’t matter

YOU are the diva of the day

come what may

This is YOUR day

May great joy and much happiness

bless your special day.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

Friday,dezoito 18th

it is Friday

it was s toss-up, between this sweet little pup

and the penguin


Enjoy your day everyone, may your creativity overflow in great abundance!!

Remember a smile can bring sunshine

to those we meet and greet today!

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Bonjour, hello how are you today?


Good Morning, thought I’d show you the snow outside the house today, it isn’t so pretty today. After the huge storm of the other day, dropping over 50 plus centimeters on us, we still have a lot of it piled on the streets.  It is cloudy and overcast, and with the sidewalk plow having gone by, well this is what we can see. This is the pile along the street, and below is the snow on our front lawn.



The blue spruce is playing peek-a-boo, happy that we put a barrier between it and the sidewalk.  Not every day is sunny, and not all days bring out the crystal lights in the snow.  But it is still the same snow we love to see when the sun shines merrily on it, dazzling us with its glittering display.  I’m not a skier, but when I did do X-country, the wet snow of day such as this, was sloppy.  Temperatures are going up and the snow out there is being rained on.


Even the house has lost its country cottage charm this morning. A positive here, I see the bird feeder needs more seed.  Actually, I loved the vintage, look when we bought ther house, and even today, as I see her braving yet another winter…I admire how she has stood the test of time.   They the weather forecasters, tell us it will be a cloudy wet day, all day.  As the temperature rises, the streets will really get mushy.  Hmmm choices, stay in, go out, its darn warm and cosy inside, and I certainly have a lot of projects and things to do… isn’t it wonderful to have all these choices.  =^_^=  we can sit and share a cuppa tea/coffee..

card 2x


Luckily I share my world with other bloggers who travel the globe and live scattered all over the world.  I know they’ll be dropping in during the day with stories of their own.  Many will bring a ton of sunshine they’ve captured here and there.  No matter where we are in the world, we are always sharing life/the Universe with others.  In today’s world of the internet and social media, we can cultivate and explore all parts of the world, make new friends, and best of all, we thrive, we grow when we allow friendships to blossom and bloom.  In exploring the various dimensions of ourSELVES through the friendships we make, our world as we know it, expands, we know that what is outside our door today, is only a moment in time.. in this very same moment and time, a friend is basking in sunshine on a mountain top or sandy beach.

PL Precept #17   Grasp what is most essential

PL Precept 18    Each moment is a turning point.



Does anyone, can anyone remember or recognize these little give aways?

2013-02-23 brown eyed Susans 001

I once had these Black eyed Susans in our garden,  over time, they simply disappeared.

C’est la vie, such is life.

Namaste          –          Oyashikiri

Have a good day everyone!

Till soon!

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