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Posts tagged ‘living in the moment’



Back from our short stint into the States.  We  had damp weather, some rain, not much, but I had a new experience that had me talking to myself and the strangers around me, who were wondering about my state of mind,  Although I have seen the signs, as we have driven by other locations in the States, I have never before stopped and gone in.

What I was wishing was that I had thought to whip out my camera and take a picture.  I missed the moment, because I was   totally awed by the sight of wall to wall cartons of cigarettes.  When we drove in, we did see the long and I mean long line of cars, driving up to the “take out” window.  Still I was unprepared for the sight that greeted me when I walked in.

I have never seen that many  different kinds of cigarettes, it was so well-organized, a whole wall of cigarettes, with people channeled through lines so that they went through designated lines picked out what they wanted, and then followed the queue to the cashier.  The lines are well-defined, keeping the buyers between metal type fencing,  Once in the lineup, you have no where else to go but follow the buyer in front of you.

It was amazing how efficient they were at getting customers in and out.  No being a smoker, it was like watching a foreign film  No smoking inside but the air outside was blue with smoke.


Life offers us new experiences when we least expect it.  I went in there for information on the Native territory we were on, but was so “blown away” with what I did find… I left, without the needed information, and didn’t care.  I had  a super “holy smokes artichokes” WOW moment.

I wish I could have given you a visual, wishing won’t make it so… but believe me… I was thrilled…. (ok ok, it doesn’t take much.. I know.. =^_^=  )  If you are ever in the NY,Onadaga area… have a look…

Tomorrow is Wordless Wednesday… and yup I did get great picture to share, I liked it enough to holler…stop the truck!!

PL Precept #18    Each moment is a turning point

Life is a wonderful experience…. you never know what  is around the corner!


so it was, past & present


So it was, there before me, in its majestic glory, the ocean.  It was later in the day than we expected to arrive, but here we were.  Other cars were parked along the road, people with their camera poised for that perfect picture.  For me, it was the moment itself that was perfect.  Taking in a deep breath, the rest of the world around me disappeared.  In a second one can live and relive a lifetime.  No  matter how often such moments occur in my life, I am always amazed that such serenity and peace can wash over me, filling me with a gratitude and appreciation that no words can fully express, the blessing is to live that moment to the fullest.


The camera can capture the landscape, and perhaps a “mood”… but that moment of connection to the “Universe” is very personal and unique to each person who was there on that highway, we all experienced our own individual “blessing”


Some of us travel on the water, some of us are grounded on land, but no matter where we are in life, when we experience that intimate connection with the Divine force of Nature, we are captivated, enthralled and in that moment, we are ONE totally engaged in the transcending power of LOVE.

PL Precept # 11    Always be with GOD

PL Precept # 21       Live in Perfect Liberty

he shoots, he scores

Even if we are not hockey fans, at some time in our lives we have seen, heard or even gone to a game.  If it wasn’t or isn’t hockey it could be some other sport, soccer, baseball, there are a lot of people who are enthusiastic fans.

penguins 8

In hockey, like in soccer, there is a goal keeper, or tender. obviously there are other positions, but it is the goal tenders that I seem to have a special interest in.  they function differently than the other players, and their training and  skills sets are honed in a different way.  There powers of observations tend to include a lot of mental agility that they spend hours developing moves to instinctively kick in with what computes with their visual intake.  I can watch a good goalie in action and be totally mesmerized by their performance. (soccer since this is what I have watched the most of)… now I have an interest in a Penguin player, Matthew Murray who has made 47 saves to lead the Penguins in a 3-2- victory against the Capitals, giving Pittsburgh a 2-1 series lead.

I know it takes a TEAM to win a game, not just one player, the spirit and the fabric of their cohesiveness is at the core of a TEAM’s overall performance.  Whether it is Sidney Crosby (centerman) or Kris Letang (defenseman),  Pat Hornqvist spoke after game 3,  Murray has been interviewed,  the players all seem to have a sense of confidence and speak of their performances during games in a positive way, even when discussing what happened during a game where they loss.


Nooooooooooooooooooo for all of you who know me wondering if I have fallen off a glacier.  I have not taken to hockey… but I do appreciate teamwork, and in this case my love of penguins, and a bit of friendly competition, has me rooting for the Pittsburgh Penguins, that they have good goal tending is bonus.  When my son thought he wanted to play hockey, he wanted to be a goal tender. So I heard all about the goal tenders of the day.  Watching Soccer honed this interest …  for me the “specialist” on the teams are the goalies

In every day life, we are our own goal tenders.  Do we let challenges that are coming at us, around us, affect our lives are we passive….. no, to be happy, and to live the way we want to live, > in a state of happiness< ( the best antidote to stress and stress related disease)  a dedicated athlete, practices daily, it is a way of life… so too must we, focus and live in the NOW.

Pl Precept # 15  All is a mirror

penguin 1 images

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri



PL Thanksgiving Feb.2016


Look at the snow, it was piled so high, that I wanted to capture it, but couldn’t really get the same view I had from inside the truck.  I had stopped on the way to church to take a picture of the fire truck that was sitting in the parking lot.


Big red shiny truck… some ladies love their diamonds, today, I went for the chrome, and the size of the truck.  At the time, when I first approached taking my pictures, I wasn’t aware of the fact, that sitting in the dark corner there was a fireman.  I had seen several disembark and go into the breakfast place off towards the back.  I was happily walking around snapping pictures of the chrome, and it wasn’t till I went up for this front shot, that I felt eyes watching me.


I was engrossed in the taking of pictures.. after all how often does a person get up close and personal to a fire truck.  By the time I had made my way around to this panel, the “men” who had gone towards the restaurant were back.. They were a tad amused, we had a chuckle, and of course they apologized for not having the truck at its shining best for her photo session.


Look at the grill, isn’t it beautiful.  I’ve seen these beauties outside the fire stations in spring, summer and fall when they are being washed and polished. I was some chuffed to see one up close and personal.  It was a great way to start the day, what was ordinary for them, was a total  “fantastical” moment for me.

LOL a big mound of snow and a shiny red and white fire truck, helped make my day today…  How about you.. you having a good day.  In Pl, we try to make every moment count.  This morning, sharing smiles and some happy .. made for a great kick off to the day.

PL Precept # 7 Everything exists in Relativity

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri


I’ll end it with an awwwww moment!



street phot by Dave Hoefler,flickrBeing in the right place at the right time, having your camera at the ready, and the lighting  just what is needed to capture a moment in time.

When I saw this photo, taken by John Westrock, posted on Flickr, I thought, “what a good capture? and moved away, but something drew me back to look more closely. I must have contemplated on this picture for some time… I saw how the graffiti in the background sat like a halo over his head.

I wondered if the two shoes on his feet matched.  Some how, I felt that this man was having a peaceful morning smoke and was contemplating life in his own way. I decided he was content just basking in his solitude.

Of course this is totally a fabrication of my own.  I wasn’t there, I don’t know the man and have no idea just how long ago this was taken, or where it was taken.

What I do know is that the artist/photographer had a talent and a good eye to see what he did and click that shutter when he did.  I thought I’d visit his page to see what else he had posted.  Hellooooo..  not what I expected at all.


Timing, patience,total focus on the moment, these are the ingredients of  a good capture, a moment caught in time, some are worthy saving, some are not. Some moments will change you forever…


So it is in our daily lives, I began my thoughts this morning with the 1st photo, that I now know was taken sometime in 2013, research and dedicated time to search precious moments, a luxury, no I don’t think so.  I believe we owe it to ourselves to make each moment count, in a way that allows us at the end of the day to say, “thank you God” I had a wonderful day.

When we live practicing the  Precepts and Principles of PL (Perfect Liberty) we grow to know that no matter what the day brings our way, we can deal with it, we can embrace the moment and learn just what it is about ourselves that caused that moment to take place.

In PL, there is a Precept, #7, Everything exists in Relativity –  Precept # 11 is – Always be with God, two of my favourite meditations.


when we find ourselves truly embraced

and caught up in the moment

we often will find that we have come face to face

with  an unspoken fear

and in that very moment

the fear is no longer buried by layers of the past

for you have recognized it, at last.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

How It Flows

have you seen my umbrella

Have you seen my umbrella?  I asked myself not that long ago when the last time was I used an umbrella.  I honestly could not recall when I has last used one, or even, where there was one in the  house..image by John HancockThere was a time when just the sight of a cloud had me carrying an umbrella, what changed, Something has to have changed, obviously it was a subtle, and slow change, because I do not recall the exact moment where I no longer cared to have one with me, or feel the need for one.

Life is not something that happens instantly, nor are we always aware of how something came about, or why something is.If we are present in our everyday moments, then we deal with each occurence as it happens.


Once I stopped seeing rain as something to avoid, it simply because another aspect of my day.  It didn’t affect whether or not I was happy or not.

For sure I appreciate the way the earth responds to rain, the grass gets greener, the trees stand taller, and if you are out in the garden after a summer rain shower, you often get to enjoy the wonderful fragrances of the flowers and vegetation like you never do at any other time.

At church today when the formal part of the service was being performed, I found myself drifting off into a relaxed state, the tension in my shoulders eased, and my eyes closed in prayer.  The peace and power of prayer is so powerful that during that space in time, I was transported to another dimension.

Love filled my thoughts, my mind, my being was permeated with a divine sense of total Oneness with the moment.


Love = God = Prayer


image-by Joseph Hancock

other images-Pinterest

doorway to…

Scotland,church of St.Mary's andSt. Fillans at Glenfinnan

Wow… what would it be like to open a door and have that vista before you….  This is a doorway at the Church of St. Mary’s and St. Filllans at Glenfinnan, Scotland.  I sat and gazed wistfully at the far away mountains peaks, and let me thoughts drift lazily across the water. Hmm what are the ambient sounds as one steps out the door.  Are the rays of the sun warm enough to wrap us in a comforting embrace…. Is there a slight breeze coming up from the lake/river that will bright with it the hint of lush woodland vegetation…..  Today was a day to daydream.


Doors, represent opportunities, some are locked and closed tight, they need a key to turn the lock, and others, sit slightly open, teasing us with just  a peak inside.  While some are open wide, and we know what we will find inside, or we think we d0

Even now I know, that many of my inner rooms have keys that have not turned  in years, and that memories and emotions I may not want to revisit are tucked away, waiting… for a day that may never come.  In PL we are taught to  tackle our issues in the order that they appear in our lives.  That is not always possible, if we live in the moment, change is a constant factor. Sometimes when we do finally return, we find that the wood is aged, and the lock has rusted into place so that re-entry will not be easy.


I like a simple life, free of drama and remorse…. if I have gone on with my life and I’m content and happy then what is behind those doors has come and gone in my life, it not longer matters. I know… I truly believe, that should the day ever come that what is behind those doors is needed,then I will find a way, to open them, until then, I will admire the weathering and aging … I will take myself out an open door into the sunshine and the happiness of living my life in the NOW.


Come on, wear comfortable shoes, and lets explore.  Let’s begin our trek down to the water’s edge. Let go of the past, let’s walk hand in hand into the start of another day.  Wipe the cobwebs away, open your mind and heart to the wonders of a brand new day!

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri








self expression

Your environment and the things that happen to us and around us, are the materials/tools of our self-expression.  In living the PL “way” we  learn that it is with God’s blessings that we are able to freely express ourselves using these materials.

4fead84ae78e442b65208bc3535b2d14By doing our best to live a life that is filled with happiness and good health, we have to begin with the basics in life. We have to believe and trust that our connection to the Universe is a constant force in all we say and do.  We need to strive to maintain, respect and acceptance of the  difference in others,  And, to recognize that hardships are the challenges in life that give us strength and character.


There is only one you, individual, unique and very special.  You are the “artist” who creates the story lines in your “book”  Make them joyful and meaningful.


Live each day to the fullest, never regret what was, celebrate the experience and move on.  The photographer who saw this moment in time, captured it for us, what a beautiful sharing. From the state of mind of being one with God, we learn the path to happiness, how to progress and elevate ourselves to find true freedom in our lives, based on the truth, ” Life is Art”

Namaste   –    Oyashikiri

* Epic house, TNW, the nextweb.com

**buzzfeed.com  Barios,Ecuador

*** amongraf.ro  Jacaranda trees in bloom, Pretoria South Africa

Come sta? How are YOU today.. giovedi?

cabin, turner lake,Juneau Alaska

How often are you asked how you are, and find that before you can even formulate an answer, the person talking with you has moved on and is chatting away about this or that in their lives.  Is it something you are sometimes guilty of yourself?  Why do you think this happens?  When I was still actively working in Health Care, I would often ask the client, “what do you think causes this/these  “symptom(s)?”  Almost 90% of the time, the answer related to a stress of some kind, and more often then not, there were more then one stress factors in that person’s life.

Q – “what do you think could be a solution”

answer – “time away, getting away”  were two of the most stated forms of  actions required for relief sought ..

Ah that elusive cabin in the woods, that dream of peace and quiet that would be achieved if only we could get away from the daily grind and get out of the city.  Those of you who live in the country and have seen city types come out to live in the quiet rural communities, only to realize in a short period of time that all the conveniences of city living don’t exist … One friend said..”they want to be in the country, but live like they did in the city”.   The grass is always greener on the other side.  We’ve all heard that saying before.

When we live in the moment, every moment is an opportunity for that ” oh wow feels sooo  good”  time in space.

cabin, in the woods bathroom suite.Serafini Amelia

Whether it is sinking into a refreshing sudsy bath after a long day of activity, or you are floating along on the Bayou, be present in all you do, that way, when someone says “how are you today”, if they don’t allow you to answer, it won’t matter, you will know they need you to “listen”..   The “Quiet” is missing from their lives at that moment in time.Bayou swamp-Louisiana  Michelle Morris

So…..  how are you today? ………….. where do you want to be …………….. wherever it is, be HAPPY

The Quiet resides in us all




* cabin spotted Turner Lake, Juneau Alaska (Nora Stengrim) Pinterest

** Pinterest -Seafini Amelia, Grand by Design bathroom Suite

***On the Bayou (Louisiana) by Michelle Morris on Fivehundredpx

Aging – best before date


Maxine always has something to say!  As we mature, age, our bodies start to lose the zest and vigor, our minds may still want to play and experience all that life has to offer, but the balance between body and mind has shifted.  We’ve all at one time or another had the e-mails or faxed  “words of wisdom”  passed around to us.

aging .1


All cute and all words to quote and use when times get tough when we think we are getting old.  Usually if I am to believe the moaners and groaners out there in the 25-45 year age group getting older is a process and accept it or not, it is a journey that has to be taken. The magazines, and marketing shows all want us to think that we can stop the process, there are products out there to make one look younger, or a way to apply makeup so you take years away. The French have an expression, “whether you want or you don’t want it, life happens”  that is a literal translation.

Laughter is timeless – Imagination has no age – and Dreams are forever (Walt Disney)   I can tell you that when for some reason or another I’ve had to visit a home for the elderly, I don’t  hear a lot of laughter. When you look into the faces of the men and women who are sitting there lined up in chairs, facing or backs to the sunshine. You usually meet  eyes that are blank, with no laughter waiting to spill over, just a tired, resigned look of apathy.  No one wants to be in that position, no one goes out of their way to be alone in their very senior years, but for some this is where their journey will bring them.

Even the young are facing such moments. Social media, has a lot of pluses, but it also has the potential of leaving us more alienated from life than we’ve ever found ourselves before. We (society) has taken steps to ensure that what we put into and on our bodies has a best before date emblazoned on it.  We joke, and talk about getting old, but we don’t really prepare, really prepare for old age.  We accept that a plant will grow and go through the cycle of its life and die, but our own life cycle, we tend to put on hold. We want to live at all costs, and we are always so busy planning how we will do that.. We do not live the moment.  If we are unhappy with something, we cleverly, create other means of satisfying that itch, or passion.  There is a lot of talk of improving our own SELF.  it is a huge task, do we really work hard putting our utmost sincerity (makoto) into dealing with our own issues.  Happiness is something that begins within.  One first has to be happy with one’s SELF, in the end, that is all you have is your SELF.

Aging 5

aging 6


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