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Posts tagged ‘laughter’

U give smiles

this is?

Unintentional it was… but somehow I have friends out there with creative minds.. and fun thoughts. I had so many smiles from the responses I got on the post yesterday. I thought I’d throw out another one to you today. LOL it was a busy day, (mine seem to always be).. and when I’d check in on my PC I’d find delightful comments on yesterday’s photo. I had used the picture because it made me smile remembering how I’d gotten out of the car to take the pictures.. and the reactions from other shoppers… BUT.. viewers/readers saw something different.. I loved it.. Love love loved it!

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up”, but, that’s the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6

Fevereiro 6 – Viaje comigo no trem da esperanca Sente-se ao meu lado No poltrona do amor (Trem da esperanca PL songbook)

the pie (I was the witness)


Bonnie pie caught on filmThis is a piece of pie (she said)

let me explain,

it is my second piece of pie (she said)

Bonnie Perth 7_edited

fresh baked, rhubarb & strawberry crumble

a dab of whipped cream

teamed with a fresh pot of tea

not a dream, no

I really intend to eat the whole thing

Yes, that is what she said….

Bonnie Perth 7.04.18

I did it! I did it!

So pleased was she, not a crumb was to be seen

that was one dessert

that made an impact

for now it is a fact

she willingly ate

a second piece of pie

that is no lie

you know who you are!!!!!

you ate 2 pieces of pie.


PL Calendar day 6

Your joy will increase, Once you make up your mind

If you’re going to do it.  Do it with determination.  your resolve will create good rhythm.

*** my friend made up her mind, she would have a second piece of pie.  She did it.  We had a jolly time, the calorie count was of no mind.  They will be counted another time.  =^_^= *****

Perth Tea Room on the main street.

hope – esperanca

Pics_For_Q (1)

Let’s travel together

Viaje comigo


Some Say Love -LeAnn Rimes

Feeling good Nina Simone

I love this song… it gets me up and dancing  my apologies, I just had to listen, so I’ve included…  get up and move. =^_^+    Love YOU

Mark Ronson -Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars


Music can be so “happy”  smile all day long…






Happy land

dragon, start of.. 4.30.17

Once upon a time a dragon came to visit.  “Oh” said I, ” what pretty colours you are! ”

“hmmmp” he said, “I’m just passing through”

So, I took a picture of him and posted him on Instagram, I went about my day and didn’t think much more about him.  I was having a “dragon” kind of day, and really wasn’t that interested in what he had to say.

The next day, I was busy with activities that I couldn’t put away.  Today was the day, so I had to be present and social in a “family” kind of way.  By mid day, after guests were gone and I was now back home on my own.  All I could think of was that I wanted to pray.  It was pouring rain, the clouds were bleak and gray, but nothing was going to stand in my way. The quiet, tranquility of the church, the peace of love and community, was drawing me, like a moth to a flame.

Silently I prayed, my words and thoughts, came, they flowed, they flew into the air, the heaviness, the pain, slowly drained away.  PL Precept # 11  Always be with God.

PL Precept # 5  One’s Self is Lost by being Emotional

PL Principle #2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for short comings in my own thinking and actions,

When I came home, the dragon looked at me and winked.  The brat I thought.  I reached out and with   steady hand, and knowing actions, his friends came to light.

happyland 5.2.17

Just like that… the dragon smiled, his friends pranced and I was smitten with their charm.  My grin went from ear to ear… life is good when we believe and trust in God

PL Precept # 7  Everything exists in Relativity

PL Precept # 21 Live in Perfect Liberty


como esta? how you doing? como vai


Great day, wonderful day, no phone.. yup, phone company told me in a couple of days they would cut off the land line and  transfer the home number to my cell phone.  Today we found we could not call out, nor call in.  YAY, transfer done…………. no……………….uh uh……… hmmm my cell phone has no service at all.  LOL… is this a gift or what.  Come on guys, no calls, in or out… silence.



Come on.. what better way to spend the day.   Keep the fire going baby … This gal is going to chill….  PL Precept #19    Begin Once you Perceive   and, PL Precept #4 Being annoyed limits your expression.  I’m having a great day and I’m hoping you are too.


Relaxing, is good for what ails you…

come on, share a lie down

the world looks just fine from here.

I’ll move over,

smiles… maybe

there is a lot of room on the rug,

here, I’ll give you a hug

you all are as snug as a bug on a rug

greyhound 2

let’s face it, LOL

in the end

it is all about getting a smile

out of YOU!

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

picture of big brown bear, Great Big Canvas

and a good day to you!


Top of the morning!  How are you this fine day…


Sure I’m up to it.. only thing is will I be able to get in..


Come on Lizzie, lelt him in.. he’s sorry, he really is


On no!  someone has let the alligators out and baby is feeding them again.


Pardon me, its time for my break


Oh, Lizzie you were so cute here, how old were you in this picture?


ah, the elephant got to his gig (job)

all ends well…

Thanks for sharing this silly moment with me..

no excuse, just one of those things.. I kept hearing trains last night



the great b/w photos are from BuzzFeed rewind


Lizzie is a dear friend (Lizzie Borden) what can I say, that is her name.

the rest, as always is all from my head (true confessions)

Have a grand day/weekend!


4827c30eba1ada26b75827d3c4747740Look familiar

have you had such moments

They happen in any relationship

This very public television couple

entertained, and made us laugh,

Lucy and her antics where just too funny

at least, that is how I remember the shows

when I saw them when they played

reruns.  She started out in movies, way before my time

but knew enough to change over to the small picture box

when it came along/

She went from showgirl, to B movie actress to a

well know and loved comedian, with a good head for business.  Sometimes we forget how some

actors worked very hard to make us smile and laugh.  They did so by exaggerating the day-to-day

ups and downs that a lot of relationships faced on a daily basis.  They put humour into the events

and laughter was the goal, when the audience really laughed, ratings rose.


These two made it look like fun.  Of course there was always a happy ending.  That is not the case in real life.  Many couples say that they work hard to never go to bed with negativity between them.  That is not an easy task

I faced an inner battle with myself just recently, I had to withdraw to a quiet place and meditate, think on why I was so upset.  Sometimes…. we just have to work things out for ourselves.  It is not that …click.. I sat down, tuned out of the world around me, and bingo the answer appeared in my thoughts.  Rather I had to pray, and have faith that I would do what was right. Once I made the decision, I was done with it, and it no longer took up space in my “head”.

PL Precept #19  Begin Once You Perceive.

Tonight while working on a project, I searched and searched for a picture I wanted to use.  Couldn’t find it, so I used something else.  The moment I stopped looking… you guessed it… I found the picture.  It had always been there, I just didn’t see it.  The picture I did use… turns out was the right one for that project.

PL PRECEPT #7    Everything exists in Relativity

the biggie…

PL PRECEPT # 4   Being annoyed limits your expression.


PL PRECEPT # 5  One’s Self is lost by being Emotional


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

a feline outlook



what we see

is not what is



Kittens are cute.  If you  have ever been owned by one, you know just how captivating they can be.  You also know they can have a mind of  their own.  Their personalities are so different, not one is the same as another.  And when a cat/kitten wants something.. they know how to  find it.      *Siamese and Russian blues,can be sooooooooo “royal” ..if you have ever had one in your family, I need not explain..”


True, life is never as simple as we would like at times

but everything in life is attainable, when we believe

and when we care and trust in our “inner voice” …

realizing that we, each and everyone one of us

deserves peace of mind, a happiness within

is the first step in true happiness…

the look on this great Dane’s face, says it all.. “like what is 

happening here, where is a human when you want one?”


This my friends is a mistake (depending on whether you are the human or the cat)  once the cat knows that the chocolate thing in your hand will be vanilla ice cream once you start eating it… if the cat is around, you will always have to share.


Ok some cats share better than others…….. but just maybe we got you to smile…..     and that what this is all about….

Ok now take your pick on the

ending… =^_^=



collaboration= working together


Friendship – sometimes it is easier with a friend


and it is a good friend that will let you be silly

and share in your moment, to create a smile.


Share a smile today…

they are contagious!!

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

**photo, Howard Berman (Getty Images)

*** lovedaylemon on flickr

new Monday

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It’s Monday…. oh dear…. the start of another week.  Wonder what is on the agenda for today… last week seems so far away, Had I made plans, are my days all booked.  Seems strange that last week, I thought this week was going to be clear … and I would have lots of time to explore.

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The weather really doesn’t matter, I’m still left to ponder all on my own, of just what or how and when, this day will come to and end.   The excitement of life comes from expressing our individuality. We are born with a one of a kind personality and individuality, or unique character, that is ours alone.  In order to express our ourselves fully, it is important for us to live each moment to its fullest.  With our out most makoto (sincerity)


There are times when we are faced with which or what path we want to be on.  It really doesn’t matter if you go left or right, what matters that whatever you do, is what you want to do, and that you travel the path taking in each moment as best you can.

Resting Stop on The Sshores of Lake Sils, Switzerland

The 1st of the month we celebrate, Day of Peace.  Today and everyday, let us, no matter where we are, work towards wold peace. What ever you decide to do today, do it well, if you have time, sit for a spell… and enjoy the day, give thanks for being part of a world that holds an abundance of love, joy and laughter, we need only cultivate it in our lives.  Peace be with you.

Oyashikiri     –     Namaste

picture of gorge in Switzerland (Jura Mtn, valley)

picture of lake Sils, Switzerland

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