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Posts tagged ‘animals’



Piglet and I were out wandering, I felt I needed to check in on my friend from a few weeks ago.

This time he had a few friends with him.  He looked no better tended to, even though the zoo was open for business, and there were cars in the parking lot.  But never mind his appearance, he made me smile, and coming over, he began to mooo? bray? Funny how animal can be so friendly in their own way.  There was what looked like a reindeer type of maybe moose in with them.  He looked like he had faded out, dried and withered Xmas garland hanging from his beautiful antlers.  However he wasn’t ready to come say hello … we had to admire from afar.

Thankfully they can’t read the sign on that storage container that is on ground in their enclosure.

PL calendar day 29   You gain strength through your hardships

Whatever you learn easily or master effortlessly tends to be forgotten.  The lessons you gain through repeated mistakes are what gives you genuine strength.

It was hot, the heat was a steady blanket of relentless “ugh” for me.  Not for everyone, but me, myself and I, tend to wilt in the hot sun of summer.  I feel an affection/love for these creatures, even the short visit with them will be a happy memory.

Wishing you all a great start to a brand new week.


papanak zoo june 20


The forbidden finger making its way to share a personal moment.  Yesterday I gave him some fresh taller green leaves from my side of the fence… but did not touch, only with my voice, did I whisper my love.  Every living being needs to know love!


papanak zoo 1

Good morning everyone –

Needing time to cool down (central air, not functioning ) I got into my car (where the air conditioning is working) deciding to run an errand that was some miles away.  I would get to travel the road along the river, towards Montreal, and enjoy the countryside, as it is reaching out and up to meet the wonderful seasons, of late spring, early summer.

I saw a faded sign, Papanack Zoo, something niggled in my mind, I come this way, time and time again, why had I not seen this sign before.  I turned off and headed down the road in the direction the arrow pointed.  I was overwhelmed by a very sad feeling as I looked over and saw an exotic cat (big one) lying on a mound of earth and weeds.  So out of place. The area looked so unkept, it was a field, like one would see in the back forty of an acreage where a broken down, old piece of farm equipment would have been left to rust.

This was a majestic animal, one that  I would see pictured on an advert for a safari somewhere in a totally different country, certainly not here in Ontario, just outside of Ottawa.  My curiosity peaked I went in search of information.  The place was closed, not inviting at all.

I was now on a dirt track, I had parked near a building, to look at what looked like donkeys, standing in open pens, a man came out of a building and I asked him if he could give me information, but he distanced himself from the place, said he knew nothing,   I should google it. (I did when I finally got home)

Meanwhile, not getting any information from this man, I turned the car, to continue along the dirt road that ran along a high fence.  I saw other animals, in enclosed areas, with very poor looking structures that would allow for “some” cover should there be high heat, or heavy rain, but not all of them had any form of shelter to speak of.

I felt the eyes on me before I saw him, he watched as my car slowly drove by.  when I came to a gate that barred my way from going further, I carefully turned the car around, the road was unkept and really meant for a truck or as I later saw, a golf cart type of vehicle.

papanak zoo june 20

Here I am, visiting with my new friend.  He had a quiet dignity.  That could be my finger, because I did scratch his head, and gently lift his hair to see his eyes.  He didn’t move except to turn his head, to acknowledge me, and share the moment.  His hair was matted in places, and like the other pens, there was no where for him to go.  There were two other animals with him.  My focus and love was on him.

I wanted him to feel love, experience kindness, he was not just a curiosity, he was beautiful, he mattered. Our bonding was interrupted by a woman’s shouts to not put my hand in it was dangerous.  Too late I thought, I have already touched him with love in my heart, and spoken to him with tenderness.  Even prayed with him, for I felt his energy, his patience and his gracious acceptance of my attempt at friendship.

Honestly, when I read the negative and awful reports on the internet about the cruelty that was reported a couple of years back, I felt sick, and still today, I hurt for my friend and his other companions.  Please offer a prayer for these animals.

I have read reviews,  one reviewer who went said it was nice to see animals in a natural setting unlike commercial zoos.  There were  positives and negatives.  I guess one needs to go when it is open and actually speak to staff.

For me, I give thanks for the time I got to spent with my silent friend.  His strength, his ability to communicate by just BEING helped me, in my moment of need.

PL calendar day 21 – Let’s be thankful for everything we have right now.  Now is an accumulation of every moment leading up to it, and everything that continues to progress and develop to become NOW.  Be thankful for everything.


Friendships can last a moment or a life time – love is forever



Love a Donkey


“Hey, come on closer, I can’t hear what you are saying”… dutifully I found my way into the ditch and up to the fence.  I knew darn well they heard what I was saying, but clever darlings, wanted me closer so I could feed them the taller greens on my side of the fence.

I learned some time ago how devious they can be.  As full of mischief, they are also softies if you are deemed a friend. Get on their bad side tho’ and I would stay way clear. If they are working, and taking care of their flock… be warned, security checks can be quick and purposeful.

My visit was obviously on their lunch break. =^_^=    I’ve been known to chatter away, wax poetically and find myself rewarded with big sloppy kisses.  Of course a carrot or two in my pocket helped.

Lately I have found myself on back roads, where I have had the pleasure of a few encounters.  Have you visited with a donkey lately?  Aren’t they a wonderful audience. You know they are listening even when they turn their backs.. scratch an ear, if you are lucky, you’ll hear the donkey sigh, =^_*=  (wink)

Enjoy every day, today, will lead you to tomorrow.

Blessings be… Oyashikiri

communication …… remember, it is not always what we say, but HOW we say it. after we speak, it is important to LISTEN


Thursday Doors 11.24 and..


PL Precept # 2 To live is to express one’s self

I found this delightful animation on a blog I follow, it told a story that I would like to share with you.  I hope you enjoy.

Native American  (Hiawatha)    grab yourself a cuppa… and enjoy.   Blessings everyone..


the look of innocence ?


if you are a pet owner

you may chuckle at the reminder of your pet’s look of total innocence

on occasions when you know

that they were responsible for the surprise

you found on your return to the homestead


the reality, they live their moments,

they don’t plan them,

they just get right into the moment and enjoy it

they are totally baffled by our reactions

to what they probably don’t even remember doing


a child will react to a moment, they will do so, without even thinking about it

either hide or pose, but whatever they do

they do with presence.  they haven’t learned the adult behavior

of avoiding a response, or colouring it.


when do we begin to change

and  become statistics

with resumes that define our existence

static (27)

now instead of telling you I love you

I send you an icon

so today, I think

I’ll be an avatar, a dinky to be specific

what about you

Q June 30_003

really… this is me celebrating Canada Day

how much more innocent can I look


Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

Service is at 10. see you there.

history, today


I’ve always been drawn to this building.  The many times I have driven by, I want to stop and explore, yesterday was my chance, the season hasn’t started yet, so the parking lot was free of cars, and I had plenty of time to wander.  The day was overcast, but to me, it made the whole place more attractive and compelling.


The Orleans Fruit Farm has an important link to the history in Ottawa of the francophone community.  It was purchased in 1917 by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate the founders of one of the big Universities here (University of Ottawa)  When it was purchased, they renamed it Ferme Saint-Joseph.


The root cellar was built in 1937 using stones recovered from the dairy barn that had been destroyed by fire.  In the 1940’s  the cultivated 325 Acres of land to provide food for their community, namely the U of O, Seminaire Saint Paul, l’ecole secondaire Saint jospeh and the Juniorat Sacre Coeur, in 1942 they had 90 Holstein dairy cows, 400 pigs and over 1000 chickens and by 1945 they had 750 productive fruit trees.


It is now owned by the National Capital Commission (NCC) it was purchased in 1968 and is now part of the National Capital Greenbelt.  It is an operating farm, rented by a couple who have focused their business on apple production .. but also produce other fruits and veggies.  It is an agriculture site that is well worth a visit.  Once the season starts up   where produce is available.. or plants from their greenhouses, the parking lot is full, and continues that way till the retail season ends,

With produces and meats that are always being examined and questioned, re. chemicals, hormones,fertilizers, pesticides used etc. a farm like this is even more attractive to those of us who watch what we eat, where it comes from is important, were animals free to roam, grass-fed??/????   A fresh carrot that is not perfect to look at, is just as good and nutritious as one that has been sized and shaped to perfection.   Apples without layers of wax…

History does a place in the present, when it can teach us, or remind us of what is really important in life, and essential.

PL Precept 20


a silly nilly

dogs blog.photoshelter.com William WEgman  paw  1993

Let’s start with last night I had a headache, sometimes, we just get them, and, well, we deal with them right….

home,in tree

we do live in the city, it can ge noisy with all the activity that happens in the neighbourhood

pure cuteness

my furry friends did come to snuggle and did their best to chill me out


finally after a lot of this and that I was comfortable enough to sleep


When, yep… the boys next door start to play


we all have our own way of seeing ourselves, but really, I’m so tired right now, I’m going to show you my latest selfie

Q wear trial J earring_001

Yup, here I am, ready for the Dinkyville celebrations, wearing my special all time pendant, got my hair done, made myself a new outfit so when I’m on stage with my bass guitar, I’ll be the cutest kitty ever.  errrr …. who is dreaming now.

The end, silly nilly moment gone.

namaste      –      oyashikiri

cuteness pictures from social media

selfie is my own =^_^=


207df0687ad2dc783be2eb1f0d2a476fGood morning everyone:

How is your day going so far?  I know that many of you are in completely different time zones.  For me it is the start of my day, albeit a late start.  Lately I have been enjoying long fitful sleeps  Yesterday I ran around like a woman on a mission, (that is because I was) I had things to do, people to see, and then a 7 pm Thanksgiving service at the church.

It never occurred to me that I wouldn’t get everything done, I just set out to do it and it all fell easily into place.  However, by end of day, I was ready for my trip into slumber land. I am working on my virtual blog which takes days and sometimes weeks to do because I have to coordinate with other artists.

One of the artists is an amazing  talent, she does shapes and skins for the virtual world as well as clothes and accessories. Even the virtual name she uses tells you she is going to be an interesting person to get to know. (Lush Meme)

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the virtual worlds, everyone entering into a virtual world has to create an avatar for themselves.  Obviously we are all different and our likes and wants are going to be different.

Some visitors to the virtual worlds, don’t really care about their appearance, they get an avatar on entering into the new world, and they keep it, maybe change their clothes to better reflect what they like to wear and personalize themselves. but aside from that they are content to be the avatar that they used to come inworld.  The virtual worlds are full of mentors, people with experience and years in the virtual environment and are willing to help out and put their experiences to use to help others wanting to grow within the community.  With some it is building, creating the architecture, homes,fantasy builds more to do with lifestyles of the inhabitants.

Others, like Lush provide the body of the person (shape, size of your shoulders, length of your arms, waist, hip etc. ) and the skin,(colour or tone of your skin, make ups etc)  The women more than the men tend to want to look a “certain” way, and they are apt to change their makeup, and hairstyles often.  Men do however, like to (most of them)  want to look presentable, once they find the shape, skin and hairstyle they like they are more likely to change outfits for different occasions, but their basic look stays the same.

It is always an interesting exercise when someone new to the world joins us and they being their transformation.  There are many artists in the virtual worlds and some are more creative than others.   You have to look around, you have to try the demos provided.  Otherwise you will look like the person beside you.  In the virtual world you get to build and create what you want to look like.

Now in the day-to-day world, it is not so easy, we are born with our bodies, skin tone and hair colour.  changing is a natural process, nature dictates pretty much our rate and speed of growth etc. And to many it is a life long battle to try to fit in to the “social/fashion norms” or  Photoshop pictures we have put in front of us on a daily basis.

I have to fast today for a hospital visit tomorrow.. That got me thinking of bodies/shapes, and our sometimes out of kilter food decision and choices…. what can I say I got carried away after looking in the mirror this morning.  Hope you survived the visit.  Love you all.

224c2f0f0f0ebf2be5c8d52959b8aba8Sincere apologies to those of you, who prefer my shorter blogs.. Thankfully I don’t have to fast often.  =^_^=  meanwhile blessings all, and where-ever you are, have a super grand day.  Be Happy.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

for more on Lush, my virtual blog will be posted later today.


somedays !


no matter what

it just happens


yup, you could have made a better choice

but you didn’t


now, could we please

just move on

get over it.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

warm fuzzy moment


A warm embrace, another warm body lying close beside you, their warmth and gentle breathing so calming.  Oh.. so very nice.

I’ve noticed in the last many years, that a common farewell greeting ending a conversation, text especially will be to sign off with a hug.  or xxoo  I do it myself, sometimes without thinking

What does a hug imply.  To me it  implies affectionate, so a hug at the end of a text would (for me) be a way of saying “affectionately yours”

I realized this morning when ending a conversation with someone, that when that person used it when terminating our conversation, I was actually taken aback.  Me who is a user of this expression.!! Wow…

Food for thought.. This person  is rather new to my work world, and I know a much younger person.  So now I am reviewing my use of the term, and will consider carefully how and when I use it.  I think I do, but this morning’s experience has made me aware of something in my behaviour that could be easily “misconstrued”  if I am cavalier in my use of the word.  I believe that we should all do things with a prayerful mind, speak with sincerity.  Live life with makoto (sincerity), and strive to build strong friendships and good vibes with all we encounter.


We are all unique in our personalities and character, some love to cuddle up close and personal, others may not feel that comfortable being so close.  I like air climate control and the crispness of a fall day while someone else wants the warmth of the mid day sun on the hottest day before their purr engine starts.

3f440064-a9d7-4d93-bdf6-e08af052bfaa‘Friends that get to know one another, really learn to care, in that caring, they find trust, and share common bonds The the hug is really and truly a warm and fuzzy moment.   Not just a hug of passing strangers, like the European kiss on the cheek that was a custom, thing to do, and had nothing to do with warm and fuzzy.

mmmmmm I like  hugs, not that I’m a hugger, but I do like the word because it does imply a deep affection.  And so… after all of this… I say to you… I want to HUG YOU ALL.

so saying I pounce………………


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

photos http://www.ba-bamail.com

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