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Posts tagged ‘being Present’


Strive to overcome obstacles by changing your mind frame. Things don’t always go as planned. When that happens, try changing how you look at the situation or how you are doing things The outcome is in your hands. ( PL2020.17)

Bumped into a friend who I had not seen for a long time, yet we are often in the same area/place… we just don’t get to have a one on one. Of course the opening question is always, “how you doing”.. “doing great” was my reply…a voice inside my head asked,,… “is that really the right answer, or is it your polite answer”. Strange I thought, why was my inner voice popping up.. I was doing .. I am doing fine… Soon, I knew why I was being kept “present”… my friend was answering my “how are you?”

It is easy to give an automatic response, it can be “habit”… when we do that, we are not always “present” and hearing what the response is that we are getting from the friend we have just asked the same question to. The moment passes and the opportunity to be there for someone passes with it. Friendships are special, true some are fleeting.. but others last a lifetime… In making each moment one of “value” we never regret “missed opportunities”.

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,

Pl Precept #15 All is a mirror



Treasure each moment in time. Life is a continuation of “now”. Treasure each and every moment as it comes, so that you can live your life as fully as possible without regrets.

Perfect Liberty 2016.10

PL Precept #15 All is a mirror



art of silence

The shortcut to progress is to listen with a humble mind. If you are stuck in your own ways you will eventually become bogged down. Let’s remember to be humble, learning what we can from the knowledge, advice and suggestions of others.

Perfect Liberty 2016.24

Strong emotions can be the cause of various troubles. Strive to maintain a calm state of mind.


Ancestors day

Make today a “give back day”. We can live our daily lives owing to our ancestors, our elders and the work of our predecessors. Above all, kindness for others is the best way to give back.

Perfect Liberty 2023.11

Service at 10 a.m.

Be attentive and put your whole heart into what you do.


when is later?

coming soon to field near you

Rather than thinking ‘I have to …” Think “OK, let’s do this” When you procrastinate put things off until later, you will make things harder than they need to be. Get up and do it now..

Perfect Liberty 2020.31


working and living


Working and living =^_^=   go together – living in the NOW means you are interacting and being present all day, whether it is work or play, you are involved.  by putting your best into all you do, the experience is uniquely yours.  What ever you do today, enjoy it. Yes, really… do your best.

PL calendar day 4 – Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others.

Junho 4, Pense em felicitar a si e aos outros, sendo honesto consigo.






Bom Dia, Saturday has rolled around again. I thought to share some of the colours I have captured in the last few weeks of roaming


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I couldn’t resist driving over to the other end of the parking lot to discover the myriad of colours I could see.

I am sure everyone was wondering what this elderly lady was doing behind the liquor store with her camera.  But I was having fun, and isn’t that what life is all about.

The other day I was trying to explain that I am not a photographer, but an artist that uses her camera to capture textures and moods, that I can reuse, recycle into one of my expressions.  Whatever right.. it is my fun, my hobby, and I love it.  Just like I enjoyed trekking the harvested cranberry fields the other day in the rain.


Theses are trash bins I found in Chinatown the other day. My son and I had a philosophical conversation last night about life.  It is always interesting to listen and learn from someone who has a different perspective on life.  We take turns in being the grown up.  LOL  today’s PL Calendar, says it all.

Day 27   Put all your efforts into the NOW.  You can only do your best right this moment, not in the past, not n the future, but now.


PL   Perfect Liberty



IMG_0745Bom dia..

Sim yes, my inspiration today is the bark of this tree.  There is something about textures that appeals to me, I paint using textures, I create a lot of “art” dimensional, I have never analyzed why, I just like it.  After a painting dries, I will close my eyes and gently run my fingers over the canvas to discover its hidden delights.

After years of trying to take in all of what I am seeing, I know that I can see a lot of things at one time, some details will stay with me, some won’t.  So much like I did here, where I focused my lens on one area of the tree, I do that with life. I don’t ignore the rest of the picture, but when I see something that is of interest, then I delight in discovering what it is that is communicating with me.

If you are a photographer, you know  we can walk by a landscape a zillion times, then one day, the lighting is just right, shades dance across our vista, and wow, we “see” an amazing sight.  Just like walking out your back or front door, is different every time you walk into the “outside”.  hmmm did she mean to say it that way.. yes I did =^_^=

remember this picture..

IMG_0748Same day, same place, same time of day give or take, but a different tree. Each had its very own appeal to me.  “that day”  I suspect if I went back today, I couldn’t find them again.  Thus the harping on… live each day to your fullest, today is today, and tomorrow will be a new beginning.

After going on about “observation” I will share with you an incident this morning. I washed my hair (I know exciting stuff) as I was towelling my hair I looked down and wondered what was sticking to my night “dress”.  Hello I found the “bleeding” thing has a pocket. No, I didn’t know, and again no, it isn’t new. So you can see what I wear to sleep and around the house, does not get the attention  I give to other areas in my life.  Oh dear! I am human after all.  sigh.

With that, I will wish you all good cheer, make the most of today, I am off to enjoy mine. Thanks for sharing this brief interlude with me.


oh ho oh ho, its off to church I go, smilePencil



good morning, bom dia, buen dia    The moment you notice is the best timing

El momento en que perciba es la oportunidad

A chance esta no momento em que e percebe

I am the little yellow flower in the picture above.  I was out being spoiled with another special outing.  One of my  dearest friends had arranged with me weeks ago, for us to celebrate yesterday.  Celebrate we did.  It was a full day of shopping and exploring, ending with a fabulous dinner at the Mandarin, (Asian buffet)

Yesterday, Eartha drove, she was my hostess with the mostess.  Then last night as I lay basking in the events of the day, I imagined this picture, and  my being the yellow flower, surrounded by people, events with the world going on all around me. I had a feeling that I  had missed something, and it nagged me.  So much so that this morning, I sat down to meditate on “it”

The rest of todays calendar message says…  Procrastinating will only weigh you down.  The best time to do something is when you notice it.  You will feel lighter both physically and spiritually.

Whatever is niggling at me, took place yesterday, obviously I was too surrounded by outside energies and activities.  It was a special day, and thanks to Eartha sneaking in a surprise on me, I have a memento of our time, that I am able to put on the fridge (a picture of us that the Mandarin presents to us in the form of a magnet)   A cherished souvenir!

Sometimes in life, we are so busy living, we miss something else, that moment is gone, so begin TODAY with Makoto (sincerity and focus).



feed your mind

  • Nourish your soulSqually Cove, Shirley Keen
  • The mind can be a powerful ally or your worst enemy
  • PL Precept #10  Love yourself and Others
  • Start each day, with an open mind.  Do your best to live each moment of your day so that you will never have regrets come end of day.  You will know you did your best.                                                              Oyashikiri

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