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Posts tagged ‘vintage’


It is important to say “thank you” … Everything that appears in front of you is all material for you to improve yourself, whether it is food, people or things Learn to accept everything, whether it i something you like or not.

Perfect Liberty 2020.9

PL Precept # 14 World Peace is everything

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers, in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving in October, and in PL (Perfect Liberty) we have service every month on the 21st. (Day of Thanksgiving/Appreciation. No matter… wherever you are, feel the energy of LOVE and GRATITUDE, there is love in the world a lot of it.. We just need to give it more emphasis.. and to share our ability to bring happiness to others. Start with a smile. Smiles are infectious.

Being Thursday, there are more doors featured by those of us who participate.. on Dan’s site, No Facilities, here is your link.. https://nofacilities.com/2023/11/23/thankful-people/

Thursday doors

Driving by I spied out of the corner of my eye, this quiet lady, sitting prim and proper on a hill. Her land had been farmed, ready for the blanket of snow that would soon cover the sleeping fields.

I couldn’t pass her by, I found a place to turn around, and made my way up the hill. I found her interesting, there were no cobwebs and hanging weeds between her boards, it was as if the fairies had come and swept her clean. Even her faded walls are nicely shaded as if penciled or charcoal -ed, against the winter skies.

For now I’ve dubbed her Lady Finch. Maybe I will get to see her again, when she is sun bathing on a mid-summer day. Anything is possible. =^_^=

Don’t be swayed by the past; It’s what you do from now on that counts. Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past. Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.

Perfect Liberty 2015.9.


If you love doors and would like to see more, visit Norm 2.0 https://miscellaneousmusingsofamiddleagedmind.wordpress.com/

Thursday doors

Start by thinking this is interesting… Even when you are dealing with a difficult situation, it is important to find something interesting about it. From there you will be blessed with wisdom and something new will come out of it;

Perfect Liberty 2019,5


More doors can be found at Norm 2.0 https://miscellaneousmusingsofamiddleagedmind.wordpress.com/2019/12/05/thursday-doors-december-5-2019/

Chris, you can see, my find was much older and in need of TLC

palm reader

clipboard 8.23

Good morning, this is last night’s project, yes it was one of those stay up late nights.. We all have them.  The project that keeps us up way past normal shutting down hours.  There are times when you just need to go with the flow.

PL calendar day 23 –    Once you’ve set out to do something, it is your job.

Once you have accepted a task, don’t make any excuses.  Continue the job until the very end and make sure the outcome is something you can truly be proud of.


ps.  yes that is mould I have drying at the bottom.

Thursday Doors – 9.20


Charm of days gone by.  There is so much to take in when you travel a back road. You have to know that you will not get anywhere fast, you simply accept the moments of discovery.  This was the scene that beckoned loud enough for me to stop and actually get out.  It is aged, tired and worn, but yet it is standing proud. Wind, snow, ice, rain, yes they have left their mark, but the place, for me , still had a quiet dignity.  It stood, just off a paved road, but the surrounding land, was rich and bore the remnants of a bountiful crop.

I left today, open to the possibilities, and the Universe  provided  “seek and you shall find”  PL Precept #1   Life is Art

The day was a happy one, and totally productive in a very creative way.  I hope you enjoyed the same.



had a good co-pilot that helped..

shared adventure, doubles the fun!




found VV July 10.18We begin our journeys with such innocence

so many dreams, hopes, genuine happiness

we find ourselves discovering something new every day.

Why do some of us stop discovering, and allow routine to take over..

found VV july 10These dolls I found the other day

Have been around, the top one probably more so than the other one

Where have they been, what stories could they tell.

These little treasures will come with me to the next Doll meeting

hopefully I will learn more there.

For the moment they have a new place to stay and experiences to  acquire.

IMG_3654Every day is a new opportunity to live another story line, every day is a new beginning.

Look down, look up, look around, pleasures abound, waiting to be found.

PL Calendar day 15

Being Attentive Makes Life More Enjoyable

Live life paying careful attention to every detail, be it big or small.  By doing so, you will be able to experience the subtle joy in things.


look ! vintage!

vintage bike CCM hwy 1 garage sale

Vintage bike CCM aug. 2017 hwy 1



Happy Tuesday everyone

Treasures found yesterday, wonderful bricks, a sign with history, and a set of doors to a root cellar.

Does anyone know what these doors are called?  I want to say trap doors, but.. I am not sure?  I found wonderful doors, but will save them for Norm’s Thursday Doors.

It was misting off and on, practically all day but that didn’t stop us from enjoying ourselves.  I have this lovely friend who I can always count on to get in touch at the last moment and suggest a road trip. Whooo hoooo out of the blue, we took off for an adventure that led us to a wonderful tea room in Perth, Ontario. We really  did well, we got there early enough to get a table at the lace curtained table where we could enjoy the street traffic on Perth’s main street at the noon hour.

I didn’t think of it, or I would have taken pictures of the delicate china our lunch was served on, Bonnie had a fancy tea, while I stayed with my ice water..  We both tried the Thai soup, while Bonnie had a sandwich I had a wrap, all delicious. YES we both indulged in dessert. Uh huh, not telling, calories were not counted.  Address will be shown below.

Doing something ..just because… can be a wonderful way to enjoy a mini vacation when none was planned.

Happiness is something that comes from within.  Doing something that brings smiles and a lot of chuckling is a super way to make a dull weather day, a whole lot of fun.  Good food, and great company Whoooo hoooo Katchoo.. =^_^=

PL Precept #2  To live is to Express  Self


Crossroads Tea Room (Perth, Ontario, Canada)


Wordless Wednesday – time was


Once alive with tourists, visitors enjoying a bit of history while touring the carefully tended gardens, and game park nearby.  This “car” now sits, empty. A relic days gone by.



Plattsburg, New York. USA,   May 14.2017                    taken by myself Q – Dymoon

lazy day musing


Spent a lazy day, painting and trying to resolve a technical problem on the PC.  Am  I the only one who asks, PC or Apple?  I have both, each has their own special features that I enjoy.  but neither satisfies me 100%

P1000693Such is the way of life.  A philosophical conversation years back, Can a husband and a lover be one and the same?  Or do you have to settle on which  qualities you want to spend the rest of your life with.


Don’t you just love the solid look of this old charmer, it has been so well looked after.  While someone wanted the top one, but has left it out in the elements, the inside of it is ruined.


This beauty was ready to roll. The dealer wasn’t open when we happened by, and there was no signage on the vehicle.  So I was left with no choice but to steal a kiss and run. =^_^=

Our Honda Ridgeline was secure in the knowledge that she can accommodate all 4 us, in a way the  two seater could never do….You may love the wicked ones, but it is the solid good drives that keeps you humming from year to year. =^_^= .

P1000701 (1)

I appreciate a good-looking body, especially one that has been well looked after.  You can always tell when there is pride of ownership.  Today we take too much for granted.  Life is to enjoy, and living is about exploring and discovering. When we are internally happy, the world is a beautiful place.

PL Principle # 3 I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

PL Precept #10  Love yourself and Others.

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