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Posts tagged ‘focus’

Feliz Domingo


meat and spuds 7.20.18

Left overs for breakfast some like it hot.. which it was first time around… but this I had chilled.  Nice way to start a day.

cartoon dogThis is what happens when you start to doodle a mouse, but are not really into it.  distraction – big time –  I was using charcoal, the actual piece (still at the church) is different, I used scotch tape to remove shading in place.  I sent it around to friends, but got no reaction to “what happened”  .. ok that’s not true, because they all answered something completely different .. and not related to the picture I had included

Distraction?    We have a tendency to read sometimes., actually we glance at it, and then respond.  OK OK not all the time.. but often. I do it, and I know I’m not alone.  The only reason I worked at not doing it, was because I had a husband who having been an editor, was patient and consistent at pointing out to me how often people in his “circle” didn’t answer a question, or completely misread his missive.  He was especially hard on the journalist he worked with.  We won’t go into when he was doing government contracts.

Why do we skip over material, I have discovered that I have begun to skip over pages in a book when it gets boring.  Or, the writer is taking to long to get me to where I want to go.  How unfocused is that?

miceSee I do know what a mouse looks like…   I was going to doodle another mouse.  like duh!  DISTRACTION..

I’m suffering from Not In My BackYard…..symptoms…. torn…. church members and friends are being so helpful.  I’ve gotten some good ideas.  There are actually videos on YouTube. !!!! I’m learning something new every day.

Happy Sunday everyone!  Enjoy the day. Tomorrow is Monday!!!  focus, focus, focus.



5 – 0 Penguins!

first rose of season

Good Morning everyone!

Timing.. Today’s calendar is about Timing

PL Calendar day 19

The Moment you notice is the best timing

Procrastinating will only weigh you down.  The best tie to do something is when you notice it.

For any hockey fans… my Penguins won last night   5  –  0  When it comes to timing this team “rocks”

LOL  what a way to end the day last night!!

Smiles are lasting into the new day!!! waaaaa hoooohooooo!!! Ka Chew!



Team Captain, Sidney Crosby is a Canadian!

First rose of the year (California)

PL Calendar day 7

zentangle card woodless colour sticks

Day 7

Don’t Strain, Don’t Rush, and Don’t be Greedy

When you are doing something, my may rush things to get good results quickly.  Instead relax and enjoy the process (PL, Perfect Liberty)

origami 3.4.18Remember this from yesterday.  I loved the simplicity of it, I wanted to do it.  To make it easier on myself, I asked the minister’s wife if she could please show me how to do it. Being a visual person, I do better when I see something done  (when it is totally foreign to me and origami is)  Her patience at folding the paper, and refolding to ensure that I was seeing where I had to turn the paper, how to fold a crease etc. was calming.

I didn’t know that I was so  hesitant to do it wrong, that I wouldn’t even try until I saw her do it.  The she patiently led me through the steps, one by one.

Me, “miss get it done” was learning something new,  I doubt it is something I will ever excel in, but I did it.  I have an artistic bent as you all know.  The mediums I do best in, are media that work WITH me, for example, my “style” of work, and my need to watch the process develop (I am getting better) finds me working with acrylic and water paints. Oils and I have not clicked over the years.  Yet I do work with mediums that require over night drying…I’ve never taken to oils.

This lesson has a lot to “say” to me. I know that I will do my best to apply myself to practicing the wisdom in this lesson.

I will do my best.. that is all any of us can do.

Have a good day everyone.. LOVE and Blessings.






roller skates - Archie

PL 2 (calendar) The world is constantly in motion and never rests.  Keep your senses sharp and be ready to adapt to the ever-changing world.  BE FOREVER YOUNG AND SEEK NEW CHALLENGES.

Focus, don’t have an Oops day….



cartoon found on Pintrest

chop suey Thursday

IMG_4093Some times when we are travelling full speed down a Provincial highway, we admire the beauty along the sides of the road.  Same is true when we are on secondary roads.  My mind will pick up on a detail, that later brings me to another storyline.

old orchard beach taken by B

Two very different landscapes, yet each sends me images and text.  I imagine that for many this is also true.  This morning, when I opened up my mail, one of the images I saw was this one.

fantasy house Pinterest

Of course I thought immediately of Norm’s Thursday Doors.  His this  week is AWESOME Norm 2.0  For those of you who know my love of the “character” doors, you will appreciate why today he had me mesmerized..

My husband has been wanting to take me back for a visit to Newfoundland and Labrador, he worked there years ago when he was still doing radio/TV… I have also been there, but just to visit, now seeing Norm’s doors, you can bet your booties, I am going to be suggesting that YES, Let’s pack up the truck, bring the dogs, we are going exploring.

See that is what an image can do for me.  I love seeing the world through the lens of another, as well as my own.  When we focus, a whole new world opens up for us.

BE  present.  always.  listen giving full attention.  the rewards are   A MA Z I N G

I didn’t plan on a trip to the States yesterday, but there I was, having lunch in NY State, and adding to my fabric stash.


Life is good, life is great, being alive to see the fall colours, WOW, we are so lucky those of us lucky enough to experience Nature in  all her seasons.  Yes even winter.


PL Precept # 21 live in Perfect Liberty

this and that=love


found on the side of a road in Japan.

sometimes near a park , sometimes not


what can I say

two wild and crazy guys

traveling with us in Japan


a shop along the way


a place to pray and meditate


seen from the window of the bullet train

as we flew by on tracks of iron


as if it was yesterday

the energy and drive

remains with me today


we came from lands far away

to learn and to pray

what I found most amazing

was that these teachers spoke not one word of English

The majority of the listeners

spoke (Brazilian)Portuguese, Spanish and a very few of us English


we gathered to pray for World Peace

to this day

the energy from this last visit

drives me to work harder every day

to become a better person

one who can dedicate and focus on

living in a way to bring about

World Peace


In  Japan while there, it was hot the vegetation was lush

it was growing everywhere

where ever there was space

the green buds would push their way towards the light

LOVE is what nurtures growth

LOVE is what will see us through

LOVE should be part of everything we do


LOVE is beautiful


PL Precept # 11  Always be with God


English proverb

I have the huge honor of sometimes getting to read a Sr. Minster’s words, I’m always left with a new way or a different perception of one of the Perfect Liberty Percepts.  This minister lives in another country, so it’s not like I can just pick up and attend one of his services. When I have heard him, his messages have been insightful.

That is one of the ways we learn in life, by listening.  Not only to being aware of our own adventures, and understanding the values we learn and the blessings we receive.  We learn by “listening” paying attention, to verbal and non verbal communications that come our way.

Part of the PL culture is sharing our blessings and challenges.  We call them testimonies.  It hasn’t really caught on here in Canada, but in South America, and Asian countries, ie. in particular Japan, where PL was born, standing up and sharing what your faced during your week, or that day, and what you learned, not only acts like a cleansing in a way, but it gives others an insight on something in their own lives, that they relate to or with.

One of the Precepts that I have worked on and I imagine I will continue to work on, is PL Precept #4   Being Annoyed limites your expressions.

Or if you wish.. PL Precept #5, One’s Self is lost by being emotional.

The Sr. Minister, tells of how when he and his wife were travelling to a special event, they had a long way to travel, and he was driving fast.  He was doing 74 mph on a hwy that was usually 65 mph.  However he missed when it changed to 55 mph, and guess what.. he got a speeding ticket.  AND when he was stopped, the police officer gave him a notice .. the ticket and fine etc would follow.  We had a very unhappy Sensei.

In PL we reflect on what happened, and why……….what Precept we were not following.

In this case, he and his wife during the trip, had one of those marital moments we all know if we have ever coupled, where a quarrel happens and the response to that is silent stewing. He was not paying 100% on what he was doing,   Refer back to PL#4 and PL# 5.

19 miles over the limit, the disharmony cost him $211.

In telling of this expensive lesson, a church member said,  “you are lucky, 19 miles over the limit means you lost 4 points. Had you been going 1 mile more over the limit 20, you license would have been suspended.    Your insurance premiums will likely be affected in the next 3 years!… but here is a good thing to know, If you take a course at the traffic school, 4 points will be reduced, this would reset your points.”  Sensei was very happy to learn this,  the member was very kind to have explained this to him.

In this experience, Sensi learned a lesson, in sharing it, he was blessed with information he had not had before.  “Life depends on how we accept things”   PL Precept # 16  All things progress and develop.

PL Precept #1    Life is Art



new Monday

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It’s Monday…. oh dear…. the start of another week.  Wonder what is on the agenda for today… last week seems so far away, Had I made plans, are my days all booked.  Seems strange that last week, I thought this week was going to be clear … and I would have lots of time to explore.

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The weather really doesn’t matter, I’m still left to ponder all on my own, of just what or how and when, this day will come to and end.   The excitement of life comes from expressing our individuality. We are born with a one of a kind personality and individuality, or unique character, that is ours alone.  In order to express our ourselves fully, it is important for us to live each moment to its fullest.  With our out most makoto (sincerity)


There are times when we are faced with which or what path we want to be on.  It really doesn’t matter if you go left or right, what matters that whatever you do, is what you want to do, and that you travel the path taking in each moment as best you can.

Resting Stop on The Sshores of Lake Sils, Switzerland

The 1st of the month we celebrate, Day of Peace.  Today and everyday, let us, no matter where we are, work towards wold peace. What ever you decide to do today, do it well, if you have time, sit for a spell… and enjoy the day, give thanks for being part of a world that holds an abundance of love, joy and laughter, we need only cultivate it in our lives.  Peace be with you.

Oyashikiri     –     Namaste

picture of gorge in Switzerland (Jura Mtn, valley)

picture of lake Sils, Switzerland

What was, is…

Abandoned or forgotten, is there a difference… 


On the 11th of each month, we in PL (Perfect Liberty) celebrate Ancestors Day,

with a special ceremony.  Through this ceremony, we express our gratitude

for the love and virtues of our ancestors, asking that we ourselves, continue

to grow and learn to bring love and understanding to others in the world around us.


By  now, most of you know I love to discover an old abandoned vehicle, and capture it

to enjoy and add to my Pinterest board, the neighbours I’m sure appreciate that i don’t

bring them home to display on the front lawn, or the back forty.  Not all of them are left to the elements

some like the one above have been lovingly restored, and are happily on the road again.


We can do that with an object, but with a human  heart, no……

Once the love and laughter is gone, and the body fails to carry on

we are left with an empty space, all that will remain is a memory in its place

Appreciate and love .. today…

In expressing appreciation to God in our daily lives, with sincerity (makoto)

we renew our determination to follow and practice a way of life  that ensures

our memories and our quality of life in the moment, will be good ones.

Seek to retain focus in  your faith and connection with God

Always – Forever

Namaste     –    Oyashikiri


I knew


I knew I had gone in before

but today, I met with a closed-door

no matter how hard I pushed

I couldnt get in

We encounter daily problems

in similar ways

they just seem to plague our days

yet, if we step back

and take a different tack

we often find we were on the right track

only our approach needed new perspective

we did in fact, know

only our focus was inactive

it is important in life

to stop and allow your mind to chill

your body to relax

so that each day can really begin

brand new.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

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