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Posts tagged ‘video’

Rain is here for the day

Listen to the falling rain
Till soon

today’s walk

Today began in a very uninteresting place. It was such a dismal day, I actually went back to bed. Something I never do, the rain was not hard, but constant and the skies a multitude of shades of gray and bleak. Rather than face the negative thoughts and dismal attitude, I went back to bed. Keeper (my faithful whippet) obviously thought it was a good choice, she joined me (something she does not do, once she is up she usually prefers to stay up and nap in my office or sun room)… Velcro in his wisdom decided to stay in the living room where he could keep track of the comings and goings on the street. In other words, security watch.

I feel my whole body relax as soon as i enter the woodlands

You can freely express yourself within the rules. Consider rules as a canvas on which to express your specialty artistically

Perfect Liberty 2021.9

Brian and I used to go to another trail off Leitrum, the parking lot was there, little else except the remains and debris that accumulates in an uncultivated area over the years. It was used mostly in winter by skiers who wanted to do winter trails. I think its called P19 now. What a difference 8 -10 years make. I walked down the winter trail, it was very muddy, I spent a bit of time collecting wood to make a trail over the mud. When I got home, I cleaned my Bogs (boots) in water, so they will be ready to go again next outing. That was my excitement … I came home feeling refreshed, altho’ going out in the afternoon is very foreign to me, mornings are my time to hike/walk/explore. On the bright side, … it will soon be bed time..

sigh, everyone’s a critic

Be creative in your efforts. If something is not going well, take a step back and look at how you are tackling the problem. There is sure to be something you can improve on.

Perfect Liberty 2014.16
Till soon

Happy Tuesday everyone

China, shang-li SichuanLately I have been watching a lot of Chinese Documentaries, learning about China, not the China I grew up with in my imagination. ( I was born in Canada) but historical and social memories, offered up by CGTN.com.  To say it has been a learning experience would be an understatement.

Today a dear friend in Australia sent me this link… Hans Zimmer “light” 

Hans Zimmer  “Light”  (The Thin Red Line)

Composed by Hans Zimmer, additional music by Klaus Badelt & John Powell, conducted and compiled by Gavin Greenaway and orchestrated by Bruce Fowler & Yvonne S. Moriarty.

The sights and sounds of  the video, were so calming, I wish you for you a serene day, that is filled with a light of promise, that will filter into all your tomorrows.
gelli art 2.20.17

wanna dance

Bruno Mars

Sometimes I wonder how my brain functions.  It was bedtime.  need to shut down and rest… The above link will take you to what I decided to watch to wind down. Duh, is this a case of “mixed emotions” or a tiny bit of “silly”

Bruno Mars is an “energy” that encourages me to get up and dance, move, keep fit, he makes it all look so effortless, but of course, we all know that such dexterity and co-ordination comes with hard work and practice.

The lazy me, knows that I won’t retain ease of motion if I sit around all day, and the “smart” me knows that right now…  I can use some “slowing down”.. BUT whether I feel like it or not, I need to stay fit.  So…. today, I may not get up and dance, but I will do my steps… walk, one foot in front of the other, and step step step.

How about you?  Are you making time for YOU.  or….. are you letting the world hold you down, and not looking ahead…… come on….  move it!

*********** #15  (Perfect Liberty calendar)


Live life paying careful attention to every detail be it big or small.  By doing so, you will be able to experience the subtle joy in things.

fabric friend got for her




2nd clip on Wombats

Why  wombats, cuz, it seems I’ve got a new nickname.. =^_^=  what can I say.. I finally looked it up.


Ok who is next to hold and cuddle me.  =^_^=


I totally rock in the cute department don’t  I…..

Do  you think its my smile ..?


Happy first day of 2017… let us do a lot more smiling…  a shared smile goes a long way.



poached egg on toast


Poached egg on toast no… do I know what it is… no.. I somehow press a button that creates a video of sorts.. this is 1 sec. My creative expression doesn’t always work out the way I want it to.


Moving along, I tried to capture the berries against the red door of the house next door, ok,


click on it.. there should be something there.. this is my morning of poached egg bloopers.


From my mail box to yours, happy day, the snow is light, fluffy and a little sticky, the temperature not balmy, but nice, cozy with my down on.

Oh, and btw, my eggs were delicious, salt and peppered with a tease of a Japanese chili pepper… yummy.

Life is not about everything having to be perfect, I enjoyed being outside, trying to find just the right angle and the perfect frame.  So it didn’t happen like I would have wanted it to, I did get pictures, and in the process, I’m learning.


btw= by the way



please a must watch

heart warming story, of what happens when we let, allow someone to be, who they “need or want ” to be… by our letting go, and letting God


Thursday doors – Ford 2 door


“up town funk” all the way!

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in Relativity

Happy Thursday everyone!

This little light of mine

On Sunday during my talk I told everyone that PL makes me want to sing, and this is the song I want to sing.  I believe with all my heart that love is the key  to World Peace.  In practicing the philosophy of Perfect Liberty, the happiness and joy in my heart keeps  love in my life.

When we love, and live our lives  with the spirit of appreciation for everything around us, we see life differently.  As I said yesterday during service, when I feel a complaint bubbling up …  I look for the shortcomings in my thinking,       and I look for creative solutions to my problem.

LIFE IS ART… PL. Precept #1 .

In PL we are taught that we are all unique, and that each and every person, is an individual, therefore, what works for someone else, might not work for us, but there is always a solution, or “way”  Members of PL have access to personal guidance through consultations given my PL ministers.  Consultations are tailored to your individual character and situation.

My heartfelt thanks to each and everyone who shares with me.  I love you each and everyone =^_^=


Life is Art, Vida es Arte

cat smile

Brinde aplausos al Makoto de las personas  – Applaud the Makoto of Others  – Makoto (sincerity)

When we want something, really want something, we tend to apply ourselves to reaching that goal.  It may or may not be good for us, but we want it… and gosh by golly, we are going to do our best to achieve/ or get what we want. I watched a video today about some of the basic training done by athletes, in this case it was soccer, goal tenders.  I watch the game, and I see the players running, jumping and doing simply amazing things with their bodies as they work their way across the field.  When the ball is kicked towards the goal keeper, I’m stunned at the movement and the efficiency in which the goalie can reach for the ball.  It could be coming at him/her from any direction, from what seems to be a standing still position the goalie leaps into action.  It is amazing.

These dedicated athletes work hard to do what they do.  We watch and cheer them on, but do we remember to  applaud their hours of training and selfless single-minded focus on their craft. We get to enjoy their performances because they have devoted their time and energy to be the best they can and what they want to do.

The videos were very inspiring for me, and I am not athletic, never-the-less just watching I got a feeling of tightening in my abdomen, I just couldn’t imagine that kind of determination, passion, and drive, dancers who hone their skills are much the same, the body is going to do what it is required … they practice every day.

Life is a serious of challenges that come at us from every direction, it is with dedication to our faith, and our Makoto at applying  our knowledge to  our daily activities to live as better human beings.  It is important to remember that we are not alone, and that we should appreciate those around us who make our lives so much richer.

optical illusion

 Namaste      –     Oyashikiri

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