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Posts tagged ‘football’

naughty or nice


Have you been naughty, have you been nice, hear that a lot around this time of year.  It is all about perspective isn’t it. When someone is being naughty in someone’s view, he/she could be being very nice and totally appreciated by someone else. Perspective.


We are all so different, so unique in our own ways.  That is a gift from above.  The ability to be different, so that each and every one of us is blessed in an ability to enjoy and appreciate the creative expressions of others.


The Red Blacks (Canadian Football League) brought the cup home to Ottawa yesterday, they won the Grey Cup.. It is a very big deal to football fans, a huge BIG deal.   Congratulations to all you die-hard fans out there.. what an exhilarating over time period it had to have been.

there-be-dragons_004  For anyone wanting to view these dragons a their installation, this is the LM (landmark) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amra/17/238/22  the show is called, Alpha Auer: from here on there be dragons.  when you arrive there is a note card explaining this wonderful exhibit.    Yes it is in the virtual world, http://www.secondlife.com  

I won’t spoil it for you, by sharing with you, the creator’s intro ..    the curator and owner of the Split Screen Installation Space, is long time SL member  Dividni Shostakovich


Thought I’d add a bit of warm and fuzzy.  Have a super fantastic start to your week-end.  Bring “happy” where ever you go.

   PL Precept #11 always be with God

PL Precept # 14 World Peace is everything.


Life is Art, Vida es Arte

cat smile

Brinde aplausos al Makoto de las personas  – Applaud the Makoto of Others  – Makoto (sincerity)

When we want something, really want something, we tend to apply ourselves to reaching that goal.  It may or may not be good for us, but we want it… and gosh by golly, we are going to do our best to achieve/ or get what we want. I watched a video today about some of the basic training done by athletes, in this case it was soccer, goal tenders.  I watch the game, and I see the players running, jumping and doing simply amazing things with their bodies as they work their way across the field.  When the ball is kicked towards the goal keeper, I’m stunned at the movement and the efficiency in which the goalie can reach for the ball.  It could be coming at him/her from any direction, from what seems to be a standing still position the goalie leaps into action.  It is amazing.

These dedicated athletes work hard to do what they do.  We watch and cheer them on, but do we remember to  applaud their hours of training and selfless single-minded focus on their craft. We get to enjoy their performances because they have devoted their time and energy to be the best they can and what they want to do.

The videos were very inspiring for me, and I am not athletic, never-the-less just watching I got a feeling of tightening in my abdomen, I just couldn’t imagine that kind of determination, passion, and drive, dancers who hone their skills are much the same, the body is going to do what it is required … they practice every day.

Life is a serious of challenges that come at us from every direction, it is with dedication to our faith, and our Makoto at applying  our knowledge to  our daily activities to live as better human beings.  It is important to remember that we are not alone, and that we should appreciate those around us who make our lives so much richer.

optical illusion

 Namaste      –     Oyashikiri

Happy Wednesday everyone! Soccer?


If you have been watching any of the FIFA games, then you have to be someone who appreciates the game of football/soccer.  To be honest I have only discovered the game in the last couple of years.  Prior to that it was beyond me why anyone would want to watch men at sport.  I thought it to be like any other sport game I’d seen over the years. NO. Not so.  I actually found myself sitting in front of a television one day while a game of soccer was on, Italy was playing at the time, I can’t tell you who the other team was, I was mesmerized by the athletic prowess, the dexterity, the passion and determination that was unfolding before my eyes.  The sound wasn’t on, all I saw was the ballet, the execution of movements that were almost unreal in the performance that played out before me.  The game was fast, the colours on the screen were constantly moving, the effect was so artistic. Like an abstract painting come to life.

Now of course I watch with the sound on, and I get involved with whatever team I am taken by. My husband who understands the game and can tell you details that are lost on me, shakes his head at my excitement and sometimes very loud cries of encouragement to the players who can’t hear me.  For me it is not a sporting event, it is a game of magic and dance, of fantastic energy that gives pleasure and excitement as you are drawn in the dynamics of the event.  I decide on a team by the performance and their skill at capturing my imagination with their art form.  If it is just a game of technical ho-hum plays, its boring I walk away.  Does anyone else see it my way?

soccer - Holland


Isn’t Orange a dynamic colour? LOL  what a game they played.    I tell you ladies, turn off the sound, and watch a game, the energy and focus these guys have when they play is phenomenal. No hands, footwork bodies and head.

Have a good day everyone…    Nederlands plays Australia today!  You not going to be around, tape it!

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