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Posts tagged ‘Ontario’


The first two pictures .. are of a welcoming home that stood on a quiet street.. in a small village off a secondary road in rural Ontario. The home owner was tending to the flower beds in the front and along the wrap around porch. I stopped to ask if I could take the picture .. it was just so inviting. She graciously invited me to have tea on the porch with her. It was a wonderful moment in time. So often we are rushing from place to place.. especially in the city… but here .. on this lazy afternoon, was a neighbourly greeting and a chance to visit. Her family had lived in the area for some time. I learned about the history of the town, the old church that stood across the way, and the small businesses along the village main street. It was a lovely interlude.

The old wooden structure was off the highway as I was headed out back towards the city, it was on the edge of the forest I was driving by, It was part of an old farm… but the owners were setting up a little rest area… so that passers by could stop and enjoy the little out building. A convenience had been added for weary travelers who needed to stop and stretch their legs. Canada is a big country, we have a lot green space.. You can travel for some time along country roads and highways. It is a blessing we should never take for granted.

Pl Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

Avoid being careless or overconfident. Even though you may have put your best effort into doing something, you still may have made some mistakes. That is why, it is important to always work with a prayerful mind. (PL 2019.16)

Are you rushing through life, do you need to slow down.

Here is my gaff of the other day. I had a yen for a good beef bone broth soup with vegetables. I wanted home made. I went to the store got the beef bone with marrow… there was also a healthy piece of meat attached to it.. I put it in the pot to simmer..I added fresh ginger, garlic.. I chopped and smashed.. I had even gotten fresh celery, onion etc. for it.. I was really hankering for that yummy goodness.

I had a big fresh carrot that I carefully cut into slices and added big juicy mushrooms.. oh the anticipation. During a taste test.. I thought to add a bit of Kimchi just to give it a bit of spice. When I opened the fridge I caught sight of another jar ..(anchovies chilies paste. )… I was distracted by the phone, I grabbed the jar took a spoonful and dropped it into the soup. Went to answer the phone. It was a pesky nuisance call. I hit delete and went on with my morning. To my horror when I went back to check on the soup. It was full of floating chilies (seeds) and instead of the warm brown of beef bone broth, I had RED liquid.. AGGHHH was I able to save it.. NO I wasn’t. believe me I tried, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING… at all times.

Any critters trying to get at my compost will burn their mouths .. big time.

For more doors visit Dan’s…No Facilities site.



A thankful heart leads to happiness. When we really pay attention, we are surrounded by many things we can be thankful for, the society we live in, the kindness shown to us by others. You will be able to find true happiness when you can see and appreciate these things,

As spring slowly opens up to us, we can feel the newness in the air. Small buds are appearing on winter weary branches. There are even brave spring blooms opening their faces and arms to the warming spring sunshine.

There is something so soothing when you are treated to the sound of birds calling out to each other in cheerful greetings. Males are chirping,, pick me pick me… while the female coyly murmur soft replies. Ahhhh ….Spring when romance fills the air…… Wishing you a joy filled day!


Yes… the sandhill cranes are around… their morning calls are so beautiful… the variety of sparrows and finches …willing pose a second or two before flying off again. Even the cowbird yesterday was dashing with the sunlight on his feathers. The sneak was trying to friend a red wing blackbird.

Services today. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.


Doorways, entrances, there is always a certain intrigue ..sometimes more obvious than others. Even at night, we are drawn to buildings because of an entrance/doorway. Some can be very deceiving, impressive and exciting on the outside, but uninviting once inside. Other doors or functional, strong and commanding, while inside there is calm and serenity.

Today I have combined the Thursday Door challenge that I participate in, and pictures of two of the Perfect Liberty churches. the streamline one on the left, is the PL Church in Hawaii, the bottom right is the Ottawa church, standing in front of the main entrance are, Rev Hiroki Matsuki and his wife, Yoshiko.

Reminder today is Ancestors Day, there will be a 10 a.m ceremony, if unable to attend, please take a moment for a short prayer mid morning if you can.

Today’s quote

Give thanks to your ancestors and to your parents. You exist today thanks to your ancestors and parents. Express your appreciation by devoting yourself for the sake of others and society. (PL 2015.11)

Note* In today’s prayers, make time to remember “All” who have touched your life in some way, been there for you, travelled some of your journey. Some may have been strangers, you met and never saw again, but the meeting left a lasting impression. Could be a voice at the other end of line, who when you needed kindness, was there for you. Gratitude and Appreciation are gifts we not only extend to others, but benefit our own lives.


Today being Thursday, as always if you want more doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site and enjoy the trip around the world enjoying the doors shared by other door bloggers. https://nofacilities.com/2024/04/11/alumni-doors/

Photos.Rev. Goto, except last one taken in Ottawa by yours truly when new ministers arrived.

Cheers everyone!

Enjoy, shared from the heart


Good morning, since showing you a picture of my fridge door would not be as pleasing, I will introduce you to Gananoque, Ontario, a picturesque little town along the Canadian side of the St. Lawrence river, while I wait for my Lobster Bisque to cool to a temperature that is comfortable at this hour of the morning.

Back to the fridge door and the lobster bisque. I opened the fridge door at 3 something a.m. to get a glass of water, and found that the bisque lobster had tipped over and was now redecorating the interior of the fridge. Keeper (my whippet) was happy to sniff around to see if any had gotten down to her level, she always wants to help in such matters, However, since the door was already opened, and I was faced with the mess… I did what I do best in such matters I closed the door.

OK.. so I did clean up the mess up first, and while at it, instead of the water I had been in search of I had some cold bisque. Let’s face it. it is liquid and it actually was tasty. So there you have it, why bisque for breakfast. And.. a serving of doors.

A word of caution tho’ if you are going to get domestic in the wee hours, you will find that doing dishes could be one of your early morning activities. That is not a nightmare, but a morning horror.

The best timing to take action is when you notice it. When you take note of something, it is a signal from God/UNIVESE that you should take care of it right away.

Perfect Liberty 2015.25



For more doors, please visit Dan’s site for the Thursday Doors feature https://nofacilities.com/2024/01/25/more-doors-from-traffic/

one by one

Handle things that come your way one by one. Tackle your issues in the order they appear in front of you. You will be able to get things done more efficiently this way.

Perfect Liberty 2015.19

When your cup is full. Stop pouring!

how we perceive

When you look what do you see? When you listen what do you hear?

You can learn from anyone. There is a limitation to your own knowledge and experience, Listen carefully and sincerely to others’ opinions,

Perfect Liberty 2015.18

Have you been rushing around trying to get things done? Are you constantly on the go? Let’s take a moment to sit together, come on, you are at having a moment to look over incoming missives.. let’s just sit together for a moment. I’ll close my eyes, you close yours.. take a deep breath.. and just let this moment BE .. slowly exhale, and wait .. count to 10 may be even 15 till you open up your peepers again.

Big smile.. did you feel the quiet envelope you. It s a feel good moment, just for you.

Share a smile with someone today, no reason,, just because…

aren’t they cute, their lives are just beginning.

They won’t be encumbered by the constant chatter of “noise” that we humans contend with in our daily lives, but they will have their own share of “dangers” - Carry goodwill to all, in all you say and do.. always.


Has your winter been gray and overcast, thanks to a wonderful photographer who travels with her camera, we have pictures taken during a visit to Upper Canada Village to see the lights in late December, Thanks Chantal for sharing!

We had a dull overcast month of December, it was not a white Christmas, the ski hills had to make do with artificial snow, so die hard skiers’ were able to get some activity’s in… It is a brand new year, and we are already into the first week of it. When I saw Chantal’s pictures it was a wow factor, the past month had been so “sad and low key” for me. It was a reminder to me that there is life outside the “walls” of “my world”.

The best timing is when you notice. When you notice something, it is God sending you a message, Act right away so you don’t miss good timing

Perfect Liberty 2022.5

Pl Precept #15  All is a mirror

Pl Precept # 17 Grasp what is most essential

The “art of letting go” is a full time “project”…. …. keeping you in my thoughts, sending blessings.


Did you know? crows like hard boiled eggs……

Yes.. there are a lot of doors in this post, all lit up.


Good morning, thought I’d share my “gym” with you today. I thought it could be a squirrel, but look at his little hands, I now believe him/her to be innocent of thieving. I arrived one morning to find that one of the cylinder feeders was missing from its placement, I was perplexed, I had (I thought) secured it rather well to the tree with rubber coated wire. (this protects the tree bark)… On inspection I saw the green feeder under the bramble in the bush .. see bottom right picture. I could see it but to get to it I had to maneuver the big trunks …The first time it happened, Tanya arrived for her daily hike, … and helped me retrieve it. For her, younger and more agile she went along the side of the big limbs squeezing along between (see picture to the left of the one you just looked at….. She took her time and the feeder was retrieved. 

The next day, the feeder was missing again. And again, I saw the animal had tried to drag it under the trunks into the bramble ,. likely to its place of residence. This time there was no one to help… after a bit of waiting, I tackled the situation myself.. YES I was successful, was most pleased with myself, I used one of my walking poles, climbed up and lay over the limbs extending myself forward till I was able to hook the feeder. Took some time and I did get a work out.. but it was a success.

This morning I will return to see if the (I think it could be a raccoon(s)) had another go at the feeder.

Your smile is what’s needed. A smile invites happiness and cheer and is essential to energize others as well as yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2022.3

Remember .. where there is “will”, there is a way, Be safe on your adventures of today, enjoy and be happy.



How quickly things can change, with the rain and mild evening we had, I wonder what the scene will be when I arrive this morning. From -14 temperatures the other day, to in the 40’s today. The above pictures I took yesterday morning. The sugar coated trees and forest floor were magical.

Enjoy what happens. People who can enjoy anything happening to them receive wisdom for the next step. Try to work on things without being overly concerned.

Perfect Liberty 2023.10

December is a month of many celebrations… It is a wonderful time to share and enjoy the diversity of the world we live in.

PL Precept # 7 Everything exists in relativity.

PL Precept #1 Life is Art



Is there anything I can help you with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence tht you have something you can do for others.

Perfect Liberty 2023..3

It was a sugar coated world yesterday . Mild, very pleasant. There is a simple joy in standing quietly while the fluffy snow flakes dance merrily through the air. Of course if I stood too long, there were complaints from the peanut gallery that the morning breakfast was being delayed. Interestingly when they see the chair and I sit.. they stop chastising me and go about cleaning up their “plates”… they seem to know, when the human sits and closes her eyes, I’m having a ” time out”.

Enjoy the day everyone, don’t know about where you are, but here, the airwaves are full of the holiday cheer “songs” and “stuff”

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