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Posts tagged ‘St Lawrence SEaway’


A thankful heart leads to happiness. When we really pay attention, we are surrounded by many things we can be thankful for, the society we live in, the kindness shown to us by others. You will be able to find true happiness when you can see and appreciate these things,

As spring slowly opens up to us, we can feel the newness in the air. Small buds are appearing on winter weary branches. There are even brave spring blooms opening their faces and arms to the warming spring sunshine.

There is something so soothing when you are treated to the sound of birds calling out to each other in cheerful greetings. Males are chirping,, pick me pick me… while the female coyly murmur soft replies. Ahhhh ….Spring when romance fills the air…… Wishing you a joy filled day!


Yes… the sandhill cranes are around… their morning calls are so beautiful… the variety of sparrows and finches …willing pose a second or two before flying off again. Even the cowbird yesterday was dashing with the sunlight on his feathers. The sneak was trying to friend a red wing blackbird.

Services today. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.

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