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Posts tagged ‘Food’


Thanksgiving offering at a friend’s place. I’m glad I wasn’t there, it would have been a difficult choice on what to put on my plate. Montana is a tad far to get to for a meal, but what a spread she put out for her friends! Wow! Wonder if she made everyone eat with chopsticks! Hope if you were celebrating Thanksgiving, you had a wonderful day/evening. Now its time to carry the bounty of kindness and good cheer forward.

Always be cheerful, happy and good humored. When you make the effort to be cheerful and happy, you will naturally begin to feel that way.

Perfect Liberty 2020.12

My choice, is happiness, I like to feel and be happy!

Photo .. Little Sister

le hot dog steame

I have recently travelled many miles to find a good old fashioned steamed hot dog, the way I grew up loving them. I grew up in la Belle Province de Quebec. Please read all about the Quebec Hot dog in this piece I found on good old Google https://roadstories.ca/hotdog-steame-steamy/ There is nothing like the feel of the warm steamed bun, the hot dog covered in the toppings of your choice . I had to take the picture from the internet of the hot dog because when I finally found a steamed hotdog made the old fashioned way, I devoured it.. My sister said I didn’t breathe, I simply ate. She was being kind and didn’t mention the sounds I was making of “pure gastronomic pleasure”. (shown is an .. all dressed)

My Mother made them at home for us from time to time, but it is never like getting it at the roadside casse croute/diner or establishment that makes them … serving them with real French fries, cut on location, and made fresh… Not the ready made we get in a lot of places now. Sigh. I could go on, but I will spare you, suffice to say if you are in Quebec where they are still serving a real steamed hot dog. Indulge. The diner where I finally got one after searching for several weeks here in Ottawa and on the Quebec side of the river, is on 10th line in Orleans and is called La Belle Province,*

Today’s calendar..

Get things started with Grit. If you work on things in daily life with the attitude of “let’s do it” you will feel a power to accomplish things People around you will rely on you..

Perfect Liberty 2023.29

Today the 29th. is PL Anniversary’s Day – service will be held at 7 pm EST.

Have a wonderful Friday and start to the week-end.

  • another location is in Alfred Ontario on the way to Montreal on the old hwy. ASK before you order, Steamed… you want steamed.


OK I resisted putting in a winter theme picture, but last night… I have no idea why, a song came up in my head, we have all been there, and nothing would do but I find the song and listen to it properly. Did I find it yes and no. I found all kind of versions, but the one I was hunting for. I did find this one, https://youtu.be/5Aa_9ruWPnA?si=7wTQRxR1f7fMU6BC … it was the sax part that I wanted to hear… Anyway, I searched for a good hour or more, in the end I did find a version I remembered but by then I was too tired and had missed my falling asleep moment. Not everyday/night is a perfect.. pleasant dreams night … where you wake up all sunshine bright next morning.

I should have had my scallop snack, they provide serotonin and magnesium .. my cooking pals out there.. I’ve become a scallop fiend I want them 3, 4 times a week, LOL Gail rolling your eyes… I simply rinse them. drop them in a pot of boiling soup stock, drain them .. cool them and pop them like popcorn. (the wee ones) the bigger ones I sear ..in butter and garlic. No.. I know, there is no hope for me.

Be grateful for everything.. If you see everything as material to express gratitude, you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

Thanksgiving/appreciation service tonight at 7 pm eastern..

yummy yummy yummy

Wednesday 5th

Someone has not had breakfast yet.  What am I doing with all these food photos?  thankfully I can truly say, MOST of these meals were not mine. The stomachs that most of these foods were digested by, were in the States.. =^_^=

In Japan most restaurants, cafes etc. post the dishes they serve outside at the door, so the customer can know what they want to order when they come in.

I am already contemplating dinner/lunch out. HINT bitmoji-20190415064912

PL calendar day 5    Start by thinking  “this is interesting”

Even when you are dealing with a “difficult” situation, it is important to find something interesting about it.  From there you will be blessed with wisdom and something new will come out of it



photo credits m&n  except for Q’s



foo foo food


Bom dia, Good start to the day!  Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?  What do you eat, when do you eat, do you skip meals, do you like vegetables.  Food is a topic that is talked about all over the world, day in and day out.

Gosh I had potatoes today when I really wanted rice.  I could have had spaghetti, I’ve been thinking about pasta for days.  We have to eat.  AND… we have to or should drink so many glasses of water a day.  Knowing this, we either have to come up with what we want to eat, then how we will go about getting the meal we want with or without a lot of effort on our part.  In some way, form or another.

Day 18  PL calendar – You will feel better when you take immediate action.

Things have a way of getting more complicated when you procrastinate. Work on taking immediate action and you will discover many ways to tackle the situation.

My eating habits are nothing like they were when I was younger. Change is constant in my life.  But no matter how my tastes have changed, for better or worse, I have to eat,  Yet I dither, I procrastinate, then out of habit, I will see the time, and fix myself something to eat.  It may be nothing like what I had hoped for, or thought I would eat. Can anyone else relate?

Choices, we all have to make them.  How are you doling these days?  The week-end is here, do you change your meal choices for the week-end?  Just asking… =^_^=

Curry on the 21st at church after service, see you there?


Feliz Domingo


meat and spuds 7.20.18

Left overs for breakfast some like it hot.. which it was first time around… but this I had chilled.  Nice way to start a day.

cartoon dogThis is what happens when you start to doodle a mouse, but are not really into it.  distraction – big time –  I was using charcoal, the actual piece (still at the church) is different, I used scotch tape to remove shading in place.  I sent it around to friends, but got no reaction to “what happened”  .. ok that’s not true, because they all answered something completely different .. and not related to the picture I had included

Distraction?    We have a tendency to read sometimes., actually we glance at it, and then respond.  OK OK not all the time.. but often. I do it, and I know I’m not alone.  The only reason I worked at not doing it, was because I had a husband who having been an editor, was patient and consistent at pointing out to me how often people in his “circle” didn’t answer a question, or completely misread his missive.  He was especially hard on the journalist he worked with.  We won’t go into when he was doing government contracts.

Why do we skip over material, I have discovered that I have begun to skip over pages in a book when it gets boring.  Or, the writer is taking to long to get me to where I want to go.  How unfocused is that?

miceSee I do know what a mouse looks like…   I was going to doodle another mouse.  like duh!  DISTRACTION..

I’m suffering from Not In My BackYard…..symptoms…. torn…. church members and friends are being so helpful.  I’ve gotten some good ideas.  There are actually videos on YouTube. !!!! I’m learning something new every day.

Happy Sunday everyone!  Enjoy the day. Tomorrow is Monday!!!  focus, focus, focus.



old menu =^_^=

old menu from 1967

Sorry for the quality folks, I was trying to handle it without ripping  or doing damage to it.  This menu was from the Regency Room, I think in St. Catharines, Ontario.  Long gone are those days,  The pies were all .20 cents a slice.

Anyone know what Bruxelloise is/was?

I told myself no way would I have a bedtime snack, but guess what, the call of the avocado toast was too great.


Ahhhh, I’m one satisfied little person.  off to dreamland for me…

Have a great Friday everyone… First day of a new month.

PL Day 1 – Harmony leads to World Peace

It is important to live in harmony with  our surroundings.  The basis of a peaceful society is to maintain harmonious relationships.



Avocado toast

Avocado toast

??? so where is the picture of my newest discovery.  Simple, it was so good, I ate it before I could take a picture. That is what happens when you skip breakfast, buy fresh avocados and come into the house hungry.  I mashed the avocado and tossed it with mayo and garlic salt.  Nothing fancy, but oh so yummy.

I’ve got fresh shiitake mushrooms and new type of dried mushroom soaking so that I can have mushrooms and “fish” for supper.  Side order of fresh green veggies from the Asian grocers ( T & T )  I got fresh ginger, that I will slice into slivers to toss with the greens. I am not going to tell you about the toasted bagel I had for dessert.. =^_^=

No, to those of you raising an eye brow.. nothing on the bagel, no butter, not cream cheese, I ate it nude.

Day 30   PL Calendar for 2018

Use Your Results to Make the Nest Time even Better

Whether things turn out perfectly or not, the important thing is to take what you’ve learned and apply it the next time.

Enjoy the day before you.  Make the most of each moment.  They can never be relived.  Be present.  Be in the NOW.


may 2018

Another moment in Norway… look at the clear blue skies…  it feels “brisk.. maybe not, will have to wait for Bonnie to come home to find out.

Saturday – smile

breakfast 2.1.18

Chinese turnip cake, Quebec pork & beans, Omega 3 egg.  steamed, ready to eat.

japanese meal June 7 14 Atsuko Tsuji

Meal taken in Japan, back in 2014 by a  friend.

Japaese noodles, atsuko tsuji 2014

Japanese noodles in a rich tasty broth

Anticipation, taste sensations, nurturing of the body,  Food, what is it with food, we can spend so much time deciding on what to eat, how to cook it, what will go with it, enhance it, and then for some of  us, how much to eat of it.

Yet, when it comes to the health of our “mind/spirit” our day-to-day emotions, we allow others to influence and affect the “inner balance” of our personal “self”

PL calendar 3 . Use the power of your smile

A smile has the power to help people feel at ease, cheer them up, and at times, give them courage.  Smile and spread your warm-hearted energy to the people around you.






Tourtiere 12.17a

I came home the other day to find this delicious looking tourtiere on the back veranda.  Hmmm… the note was addressed to my husband and I, wishing us a peaceful and healthy holiday and new year.  Instructions were typed on a paper and stuck to the Ziploc bag ….

tourtiere by carmen 12.17

I am not an expert on tourtiere, but this one knocked our socks off.  Wow, the crust was so flakey and light, the filling itself was  exquisite.  We have had a very challenging and exhausting year, this homemade gesture of kindness was such an amazing lift for us. The angel who thought to share her gift/talent with us, is very appreciated.  I have had meat pies and tourtieres before , NON made the impression this one did.  Thank you!

My husband who has difficulty eating … is already anticipating his next piece.  And .. I have learned that some cooks can do amazing wonders where others have failed.

If I had allowed previous experience to colour my thought process, I would have missed out on a tantalizing taste extraordinaire .. Bravo Carmen!!!

Happy week-end everyone…



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