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The first two pictures .. are of a welcoming home that stood on a quiet street.. in a small village off a secondary road in rural Ontario. The home owner was tending to the flower beds in the front and along the wrap around porch. I stopped to ask if I could take the picture .. it was just so inviting. She graciously invited me to have tea on the porch with her. It was a wonderful moment in time. So often we are rushing from place to place.. especially in the city… but here .. on this lazy afternoon, was a neighbourly greeting and a chance to visit. Her family had lived in the area for some time. I learned about the history of the town, the old church that stood across the way, and the small businesses along the village main street. It was a lovely interlude.

The old wooden structure was off the highway as I was headed out back towards the city, it was on the edge of the forest I was driving by, It was part of an old farm… but the owners were setting up a little rest area… so that passers by could stop and enjoy the little out building. A convenience had been added for weary travelers who needed to stop and stretch their legs. Canada is a big country, we have a lot green space.. You can travel for some time along country roads and highways. It is a blessing we should never take for granted.

Pl Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

Avoid being careless or overconfident. Even though you may have put your best effort into doing something, you still may have made some mistakes. That is why, it is important to always work with a prayerful mind. (PL 2019.16)

Are you rushing through life, do you need to slow down.

Here is my gaff of the other day. I had a yen for a good beef bone broth soup with vegetables. I wanted home made. I went to the store got the beef bone with marrow… there was also a healthy piece of meat attached to it.. I put it in the pot to simmer..I added fresh ginger, garlic.. I chopped and smashed.. I had even gotten fresh celery, onion etc. for it.. I was really hankering for that yummy goodness.

I had a big fresh carrot that I carefully cut into slices and added big juicy mushrooms.. oh the anticipation. During a taste test.. I thought to add a bit of Kimchi just to give it a bit of spice. When I opened the fridge I caught sight of another jar ..(anchovies chilies paste. )… I was distracted by the phone, I grabbed the jar took a spoonful and dropped it into the soup. Went to answer the phone. It was a pesky nuisance call. I hit delete and went on with my morning. To my horror when I went back to check on the soup. It was full of floating chilies (seeds) and instead of the warm brown of beef bone broth, I had RED liquid.. AGGHHH was I able to save it.. NO I wasn’t. believe me I tried, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING… at all times.

Any critters trying to get at my compost will burn their mouths .. big time.

For more doors visit Dan’s…No Facilities site.


minha vida mudou

a new visitor the other morning

Minha vida mudou, my life has changed, a sua mudara… yours will too. It is LIFE When we spend time worrying about the future, we miss today.

When you think “I’ve got it” Think again. It is so easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure. (PL2020.13)

I am continually learning from the animals in the forest. You can think you are alone, and there is not another living soul for miles around… Not so. There could be many eyes on you. The animals/birds practice stillness. It can go from very active to total silence .. when a bird/animal of prey wanders into the area.

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.


ogenki desu ka

someone was being very vocal

Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking, There are different points of view and ways of thinking, which makes it interesting and creates new ideas, Try to enjoy others’ expressions. (PL2023.12)


Harmonize-me contigo com os homens e a natureza – Harmonize with nature and humankind

Celebrate YOU


Treasure those fleeting inspirations. The best time to seize an opportunity is when you first notice it. Good timing is crucial to working efficiently, (PL2011.9)

1st door, is inspiration for a storyline. Had me wondering why not just change the lock or have another key made.?

Knowing my love of crows/ravens. Nick and Mel who are traveling in Europe and Iceland, sent a short video of the large gathering of crows/ravens when visiting these ruins, (they don’t show in the recapture of the doorway etc. but they were there and very vocal.)

The third door speaks for itself. Hope that one of the above inspires a story or two, Being this is Thursday Door day.. here is the link for the Thursday Door feature at Dan’s No Facilities site. https://nofacilities.com/2024/05/09/titanic-doors/



Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up”, but that is the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

nugget… for seeing the birds, the earlier you journey out into the woods, the more likely you will find “activity”… we’ve all heard the expression.. “it is the early bird that catches the worm”


Yes, the fruit trees are flowering, and so is the magnolia. AND the mosquitoes are starting to be active. bring out the repellent, check what is left from last year does it need replacing? Thank you for your kindness and support. Little steps…


Always live with hope in your heart. With a clear image in mind, move forward with enthusiasm. Your dreams will surely come true with perseverance. PL2015.2

There is something very serene about seeing the trees mirrored in the calm waters of an early morning visit to the woodlands.

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror

Share a smile today, be happy! Life is good when we are welcoming!



Always work to heighten your “inner sensitivity” Your life will take on greater dimensions when you are able to perceive your surroundings with more sensitivity. Let’s continue to learn and add to our knowledge and experience, and cultivate a fresh sense of beauty. (PL 2015.29)

This handsome brute was taken by photographer Philip Barden, you can see more of his work on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/philipbarden53/

PL Precept # 7 Everything exists in relativity

Happiness is a state of mind. I love moments when I can bask in contentment.


PL Precept # 1 Life is Art

You just never know who you will meet on your walk, when you enjoy the nature trails in and around the Ottawa area. Walk softly .. listen and be present.


Let’s respond clearly. Giving a proper response shows consideration towards others, (PL 2021.28)

….she/he who wants milk, should not sit on a stool in the middle of the pasture expecting the cow to back up to him/her. ….. just saying,

Good morning/afternoon… Oyashikiri

ohayoo gozaimasu


It is OK to think…”This is where it starts” There is always a turning point. It’s important what you do from now. (PL 2021.27)

When the tall tree fell early in the month, I cleared around the fallen soldier” and took pictures of the areas that still showed how beautiful it had been in .. the various stages of life it was still holding on to. Parts of the tree that only the birds that used it saw … with it on the ground I was able to walk along side its length and capture some of its beauty. weather worn and lived in and on, it was a work of art.

PL Precept # 16 All things progress and develop

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,.



Every key plays a different note,.. assembled together played in different formats, they produce sounds that can be melodic .. it matters where they are played and how they are put together. In life, at one time or another, you will land on different keys. Each landing will produce a different sound, and reaction from you. In some there will be harmony, in others. . . you will draw on your creativity to get past the experience… In PL.. the first precept is Life is Art.

YOU are the result of your daily efforts. Put your whole heart into everything you do in your daily life. Your true self will shine through. PL 2022.10

Q? When you are about to eat, you pick up your utensil, and take a bite… do you finish the first bite before starting on the second?

Do you take time to masticate and thoroughly enjoy each bite?

Highs and Lows, Sharp and Flats.. All part of having an interesting day!


Tomorrow the 21st. (Thanksgiving/Day of Appreciation) there will be two services, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 7 pm.

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