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Every key plays a different note,.. assembled together played in different formats, they produce sounds that can be melodic .. it matters where they are played and how they are put together. In life, at one time or another, you will land on different keys. Each landing will produce a different sound, and reaction from you. In some there will be harmony, in others. . . you will draw on your creativity to get past the experience… In PL.. the first precept is Life is Art.

YOU are the result of your daily efforts. Put your whole heart into everything you do in your daily life. Your true self will shine through. PL 2022.10

Q? When you are about to eat, you pick up your utensil, and take a bite… do you finish the first bite before starting on the second?

Do you take time to masticate and thoroughly enjoy each bite?

Highs and Lows, Sharp and Flats.. All part of having an interesting day!


Tomorrow the 21st. (Thanksgiving/Day of Appreciation) there will be two services, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 7 pm.

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