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Posts tagged ‘California’

Rose Parade

Good Morning, thought I’d share a little sunshine from down CA way. Temperatures here have dropped, no snow to speak of but way below freezing during the night. I think I heard we could get sprinkles here and there over the next few days, good thing the ski resorts up in the “hills” have been able to make artificial snow.

My “playtime” climbing and enjoying close up and personal time with the trees I showed you yesterday caught up with me. LOL.. good way to ensure, a sound sleep!

Be flexible to change. A flexible way of thinking and responding is one of the keys to getting along with others, (PL 2023.31)

A note… a news bulletin, altho’ there is ice on some lakes and rivers, the news reports are that they are not safe.. we already have had drownings. Please be careful out there.

Pl Precept # 7 Everything exists in relativity.

Pl Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point,


a snapshot moment

IMG_5280 Feb 10

PL calendar day 10

When you are not having fun, could it be because you are being lazy?

Sometime you feel blue or can’t seem to find the joy in doing anything.  

At times like this, just get up and move your body or work your mind to the fullest extent.

A rainbow caught yesterday afternoon… someone was at the right place at the right time.  Thank you Ms California for sharing. =^_^=

Another reader gave me a big fat smile with this sharing 

click on the  above link  =^_^=         are they not adorable?

Tomorrow Monday  is the 11th.  Ancestors Day service is at 10:00 a.m.

Today’s service will be at 10 a.m   See you there.




think Positive


10.17 disney grinch


This particular cancer is hard to treat, it is very aggressive    Think Positive

  1. Let’s try to stop it if we can from growing further            Think Positive
  2. Sorry that didn’t work,  we can try another treatment     Think Positive
  3. Body is so frail, treatments have to be stopped                  Think Positive
  4. A Blood clot has been found                                                    Think Positive
  5.  In looking to see how the cancer may have spread, we have discovered that there I water on the lung, and there is an infection.                       Think Positive

Good evening everyone, the above are words that we have been hearing for the last many months. #5 is what we were told today.  I picked up the PL Calendar for the 29th.

Be Cheerful and Easygoing

Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to Think Positively.

How we deal with challenges that come our way, determines a lot, about how we enjoy our days, and if we are able to Think Positively.

My husband and I both would have liked the scenes we are living to be somewhat different, however, they are not.  They are what they are.  We do our best to encourage others around us, help them find their way in the “stories” that they are living.  We also make time for “us” … and our personal “selves”

The messenger doesn’t  always bring “good news”, but every one is doing their best, and that is really all one can ask. When we get over whelmed, we accept that moment, and rest.  No regrets or misgivings.  Tomorrow is another day. when it arrives, we will deal with it, one step at a time.

Whatever the outcome, knowing we have done all we can do.  When the time comes for the day to come to an end.  We will know we did our best.  Meanwhile, we enjoy each other, and know we’ve come a long way, each being whole, when sharing with the other.



We are so grateful that you are part of our lives.  You are appreciated, each and every one of YOU.

10.17 mickey


disnyland 10.17

I was just going to settle into bed when I heard the ping of my phone, I could have ignored it, but I wasn’t completely settled in so, I had a look.  There was Mickey smiling away while in the shadows I could see a throng of people wandering, mingling the Disneyland “Park” Even at night it is able to captivate with the charm that is Disnyland.

Where I was, on a quiet street, night time had descended, and most residents on our street anyway, were safely tucked into bed.  My sister on the other paw, visiting in Los Angeles was surrounded with activity and coloured lights, (3 hour time difference)

I love when I am reminded on how wonderful life is in 2017,  that with technology the way it is now I can share a moment in space and time with someone (in this case my sister) and be miles away, and in a totally different “place”  These are blessings friends, we experience them everyday.   We have much to be thankful.

Appreciation of life, learning to share and care as a daily part of our lives, that is important.

People who choose to be toxic, who get their “highs” on the distress or perceived failures of others, who can only malign and remember past incidents that they feed on to give them a reason  to live.  That is SAD.  we can only pray that their toxic behaviours and  “sick” fumes don’t darken our paths.  When they do, appreciate that you are not in “that place”  give thanks for your own life, and pray that their “unwell” state of mind and being will find its way to a better place. Then move on.

PL Precept #11   Always be with God.

The negativity and disease of others, need not infect your world.


no matter what philosophy you live by, LOVE permeates all teachings.



photo -Valerie

Wordless Wednesday

retreat 10.7.17e

Happy Wednesday – Blessings be.




Chop Suey Monday

retreat snowberries 2

On a retreat this past week-end, my sister thought to share some pictures with me.  In one of them, I was very taken by these big white berries.  They are so plump and lush. She is in California, so her countryside where she was visiting was very different from what I have now here in the Ottawa area,

retreat snowberries 3

I thought at first to crop out the shadows, but then I realized that it lent a very human element to the picture.  the retreat took place on a large acreage owned by the diocese of the church she belongs to.  Her church and another one were holding their annual fall retreat. Before the heat of the day set  in, her group, were walking some of the pathways, exploring.

The picture isn’t perfect the wildflowers look a tad blurred, but I think the reason I liked it s much was that it was being shared with me, and it had been part of her journey that day. So often in life, we want everything to be perfect, I am guilty of cropping, removing, using photo shop at times to get what I call an artist visual of whatever it is I want to express.  My sister, was taking a picture simply to share her happy moment, the joy we all feel when we are outdoors on a sunny day, being warmed by the sun, perhaps a gentle breeze and fellowship.

Realizing that the  sharing of a special moment was more important and let’s face it precious, than a perfect picture.  Appreciation of all that comes our way, is a gift.  I like many others have to practice every day, giving thanks, and being grateful for all life has to offer. ALL, not just what I pick and choose . When we learn appreciation, only then can we truly be of service to others.

retreat snowberries 4

Look at the view ,for as far as they eye can see .  No highrise to block our view,, no constant roar of traffic.  Just open land.  I wasn’t there at the time she was, but I am sure enjoying it now.

It is Canadian Thanksgiving today, but appreciation and knowing how blessed we are, is something to give thanks for every day.


There is no such thing as true perfection, but happiness, and Love/GOD are very real…

PL Precept #11   Always be with God


d9931e0e6e451b9573ebf462182c50b9Changes, every day we encounter a change in our lives.  It is no different with a church. the church of PL is headquartered in Japan as you all know.  In Japan the fiscal year is from April 1 – till March 31st of the following year.   Thus when changes occur, they are announced at the end of the year with the changes taking place immediately (almost).  Ministers are transferred to new communities, and this includes the churches in North American, South  America etc.

Change will occur in our church, Rev. Tiago has been transferred to the church in Los Angeles.  Rev. Atsushi Tsuji  a young minister from Japan will be coming to Canada.  What wonderful adventures for these two young men.  Rev. Tiago and his young family are not long in Canada having come here from Brazil.   He has learned to live in the extreme cold of a Canadian winter, and now will head for the dry heat of Los Angeles, California.

Rev. Tsuji will not only experience a change from his Native Japan, but he will be coming to his first assignment here in Canada,  And no, dear readers, he does not speak English, never mind French.  Fortunately he will arrive during the spring season, and will grow into his new home with the delights of a Canadian spring with the multitude of early spring flowers, tulips, crocus and the like..  In Canada, especially here in Ottawa, we have a bond with Holland, that is expressed with a magnificent show of Tulips in parks and in private gardens.

Picture below were  taken during the Ottawa tulip festival, where the tulips are planted to offer up the photographer, tourists and visitors a chance to admire and enjoy their beauty.  smiles, and of course to showcase our beautiful city.

So it is, we wish these two young men much success and adventure on this new journey in life that they are embarking on..Changes although at times a challenge, with packing, paperwork, and organizing in such a short period of time, we work through it, step by step, and when tackled with enthusiasm and sincerity (makoto) the rewards are a million fold.

For those of us who are not leaving, there will be a gap, a new personality will enter the community, and we will all have to adjust.  Again, it is how we will meet this new opportunity that will determine our temporary disruption to “daily living” God/Universe is always going to ensure that we grow in spirit28601a77418f0fdc87a3750dc7a02245changes are what make us better people.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Church of Perfect Liberty is a non denominational Church that welcomes everyone in community, our goal is World Peace

PL Precept #1      Life is Art




window witdh a view

Good Morning everyone

Musubi is a Japanese word used in PL, that translates, Oneness, togetherness with other.  Another word you hear us use a lot is Makoto, this means, One’s utmost sincerity. When we refer to an act of God, you hear Kanwaza, God’s Act.  There are other words of course that are used, when asked why, it was replied that using the basic Japanese words, in the teachings, meant  that when in countries with their own languages, ie. Spanish, French, Portuguese, English etc. the essence of the teachings would remain standard,   Translations can often unintentionally be misinterpreted or represented

Mishirase means, Divine warning, in the form of an illness, a misfortune an accident, pain or suffering.

In a recent article by Dr. Kunihiko Do, who is head of the OBGYN Dept. at the PL Hospital in Japan, and a PL Minister, he says “don’t forget that most diseases start with a little cold that gets worse.  Be thankful that you ‘just’ have a cold and receive a Mioshie for it,” he also suggests a consultation.

Mioshie, is Divine Instructions given to PL members to help them learn and improve their there Mishirase.

Through consultations given by PL ministers, you receive personal guidance tailored to your individual character and situation. We, each and every one of us has our own unique personality and lifestyle, therefore we all need to follow and practice our faith in a way that works for us.

by the sea

Wherever you are in the world, we can work with you, be there for you,  we pray for each of you will all our hearts, I love and appreciate each and every one of you, and remind you to be careful, not to over-stress your bodies and minds.

sunset, pacific ocean, CA

This last picture is of the sunset on a beach on the Pacific, in California.  You can see the photographers gathered to catch this wonderful happening.  What a collective awe-inspiring moment, yet each and every one of them will have their own appreciation of the moment.



Namaste      –      Oyashikiri




* thegiftsoflife.tumblr.com


Jail and wedding chapel


Although I have heard during my lifetime, that some have found marriage to be very restrictive at times, and non to happy to be tied in what they have considered a “life sentence”.. when I saw this picture all I could think of was that somewhere, in years past, someone had a sense of humour.

We are the makers of our own destiny … we are the culprits that live with the challenges created by or from choices we have made. We are the leading characters, and sometimes even the directors of the scenes we are cast into.


There is a difference between being abandoned, and “lost in time”  When you abandon, you give up, you walk away, and don’t look back.   If we choose to recreate and live in a manner that is “lost in time”  we are happy with our choices.  When we abandon often the feelings are negative.


How does one go about changing a negative mind to a more positive mine.  Negativity can become a habit. Best solution is to begin now, one thought at a time.  If we feel a negative thought bubbling up, try to counter act it with a positive one.  At first it won’t be easy, but with time the positive outlook will win out.


Obstacles will go disappear, the rain will go away, and you will find that life will be lived in a much brighter world. All very poetic, but it does work, when we live putting a positive face to what we do…. we reap the benefits of all the work we did overcoming past negativities.


A favourite memory  California Highway 1 road trip – Mendocino County – a positive!  735 gorgeous miles of iconic road!

Start today, putting negativity behind you.




* found on jlmillican.tumblr.comn  (off Blue Ridge Parkway)

** sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net

*** trendhunter.com  architect Peter Archer


Hello? is it me you’re looking for?


Fried Calamari as served up in Sausalito California at the Trident Restaurant.  The restaurant has been revived, anyone remember it from the 70’s when it was all about live entertainment and psychedelic ceilings.  (Photo John Storey, The  Chronicle).  It is only in the recent years that I’ve developed a fondness for well cooked and presented  calamari.  The dogs and I have an agreement, I eat the calamari,  they get to sample the batter. Works.  Husband is happy not to be included in our feast, same applies if we are going to have shrimps,,??? So be it… more for us.

It is only when I went online to look for a picture of the breaded calamari that I discovered that t his is a food eaten and enjoyed by many, there were pasta dishes, and several mouth-watering and tempting dishes with a mediterranean  flavour.  Myself, I seem to like the taste, plain, with little seasoning, same with shrimps.  Shrimps I like the big fat juicy ones, and the scallops don’t bother unless they are about the size of  toonie (a Canadian 2 dollar coin) after they are cooked. I’m also happy to just sit and eat one item till I’ve had my fill.  Next meal I will gorge on a green veggie or a variety of vegetables.

Yay I’ve finally broken from what others what me to do, to doing what I want to do, I do it happily and joyfully and  with plenty of enthusiasm.

This is the song playing in my head…   I want to share it with you because, just because…. =^_^=  I so appreciate that you take the time to share these few minute with me when I post.

Life is to be lived dear friends… let’s travel together… Have a day that is filled with all the  richness in life that you so deserve.

Till next time…            Namaste – Oyashikiri


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