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Posts tagged ‘pixel art’

Bom dia!

ever wonder how many eyes are watching you?

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our own way of thinking and our own individual lifestyles. That’s what makes life interesting. (PL2020.20)

PL Precept # 21 Live in Perfect Liberty

I’ve heard almost a dozen new birds (to me) the last couple of days.. I’m heading out early. Have a great day everyone!… and I’m getting to see younger animals testing their legs. . It all happens early before the heat of the day.


Dance as an expression of joy , feel the freedom of movement

Your true self is revealed in the smallest of words and actions, Most people act and speak carefully when faced with an important situation. However, it is also important to put your sincerity into the simplest, seemingly minor tasks as well. PL 2011.18


HI my heartfelt thanks to you for your prayers ..your kindness/thoughtfulness and caring is very appreciated. Life is what it is.. one door closes, another opens.. Friends are one of life’s greatest treasures.


Do you ever feel like you are all alone waiting… Do you look around and “see” what was, and not what IS?

Some days, we walk around and go about our daily activities, but the world around us is not what it used to be… and we are not wanting to let go.. Maybe it is time to step back, and reconsider what we really want in life and where we “Need” to be… so that we can move on.

Give your best effort with a prayerful mind. Even if you’ve given your best effort, you may still have missed something important, Continue to have a prayerful mind even after you have completed the task at hand.

Perfect Liberty 2012.8

Today is a brand new day, What will you do with it?


Zaw visited HillVale Beach Arizona in SL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thorny%20Nook/100/127/22

BOO fun

Altho’ the actual date set aside for Halloween is the 31st. I hear on the radio that the parties and gatherings will happen this week-end, If they are not already started, they will be in full swing over the next couple of days. We’ve had rain of late, the beautiful colours that sprang out all around to greet us weeks ago, have faded and many have fallen to the ground from being pelted by the rain.

I spent many happy hours exploring all the creativity that is in SL (Second Life).. entering into the magical world of the many seasonal destinations that the fertile minds the artists in SL have created for the viewer’s enjoyment. The SL pictures above were taken at Pacifique ..http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pacifique/50/173/3748 the owner and artistic director of these amazing builds is Eclair Martinek.. if you are a player/citizen of Second Life, this is the link that will take you to this delightful build.. If you are a photographer , she has given us many photo opportunities, If you just like to play and have fun, explore .. there are caves, tunnels, scuba diving, a mermaid ballroom, hot air balloons.. and the list goes on.

We are not all going to go out Trick or Treating, but we can treat ourselves to the many offerings that abound at this time of year, Life is to be enjoyed….

Develop new ideas through your imagination, Softly and Flexibly. If you could find a way to add a twist you will have more joy.”

Perfect Liberty 2023.28

Make today a different day” Instead of doing the same old thing, be creative and do things to improve your day.”

Perfect Liberty 2021 17

Oct fun

Sometimes we have to go into the night and dance .. ” no one is watching” and if they are, who cares!… Let the moment happen, enjoy the freedom of movement and space.

Yesterday I finally got to have my BD lunch with my niece and nephew. It was the last day of the Moon Festival offerings at our favourite buffet. 3/4 of this plate is filled with shrimps cooked in different ways, the green beans you can see, I got a couple of slices of ginger beef, and same with the salt and pepper pork. The only noodle is the decoration you see on top, Notice I did take a piece of corn on the cob that sits in a lovely butter sauce in the heating trays.

I know. Last bd meal for this year!!!

Being asked for a favor is a chance. When someone asks for a favor from you,, this is a chance for you to help others. Face the chance proactively,

Perfect Liberty 2023.

I love the colour, the costumes, the sharing of creativity that happens in October, https://pin.it/2Ac7aiV click on it if you dare….. Have a great start to the week everyone,

a yummy treat!


are you sure?

Some days happen, they do… but… they don’t register…. they don’t leave an imprint or shadow on the lens of your reality.

Perception is important.Take immediate action once you suddenly perceive. You might discover something important in what you perceive.

Perfect Liberty 2023.9

Sometimes there is just too much happening around you. It seems like everyone needs your attention, or projects, invoices, events all come due or happen around the same time. You feel pulled in several directions at once. Stop. Listen to your inner voice. You really can only be in one place at a time, and to be fair to the moment, if you are not totally present, the incoming message won’t be received by your brain the way it could/or would be normally. You won’t have the right “picture” to peruse and consider action properly for good results.

You can apply yourself to you passions, interests, you can try to divert your mind .. but in the end.. the problem or the issue, is still there and unresolved.

Enjoy what happens. People who can enjoy anything happening to them receive wisdom for the next step. Try to work on things without being overly concerned.

Perfect Liberty 2023.10

Strive to express yourself beautifully through your words and actions. always try to express yourself with appropriately chosen words and act according to each situation. Expressing yourself beautifully is a basic step towards making yourself and others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2016.14

Saturday Haunting

Look who is coming for dinner…

Anyone coming to my house can expect soft food. I finally had my appointment with the oral surgeon who did his “thing” on me back in April. Today he opened up the healed wound to insert screws… At long last I’m a step closer to the final steps. No candy or hard food for the next while, he’s put me back on a “soft” diet.. Pumpkin pie is soft, right!!! ice cream and whipped cream…

Do things joyfully instead of taking it easy. Enthusiastically engage with what’s in front of you. You’ll enjoy it more.

Perfect Liberty 2021.30

Holiday Monday

there is a hush and a quiet beauty when there is a blanket of snow
now with the melt, there is new growth, the mating calls of the birds and mosquitos
yes, each season has a reason
even in Tennessee, the water’s clear and running
the mountains are teeming with wild life and adventure under clear blue skies
Tennessee chickens bathe in the heat and sunshine
hmmm where do I want to be today….
yeah, I think so…

With one thought “The world” will change. Changing your way of thinking will make a difference on how you perceive the world.

Perfect Liberty 2021.24

photo art, a dark dream

it was a dream…………….. a black dream………………….

I had gone to a club called Dark Alley Blues.

No one was there, except the washed out and passed out derelicts in the darkened alleys

Had I gotten the date and times wrong

There were no identifiable sounds coming from the club

Doors were barred, windows dark

my mind caught the stark neon light that flashed off and on

I wanted to escape, to run away,

Why wasn’t I waking up, what held me back

Can I trust the rabbit who came out of the dark to hold my hand?

There is always a solution. Always believe that there is a solution to any problem that comes your way, and work with conviction to solve it.

Perfect Liberty 2016.20

I felt totally out of place. Somehow I knew this was not where I should be….

But… life happens that way…. it is what it is..


you can run, but the heat follows
engulfed in the constant unrelenting heat
you search for the open skies and the welcoming spray of the ocean waves
finally you find a place where the gentle breeze is playfully caressing the trees, a woodpecker is feeding on the tree, the floral scents are wafting over your senses
think carefully of what you will do and say each day, be grateful, appreciate the many splendours of what this world has to offer. We see a lot, hear a lot, there is no denying that there is a bombardment of endless uncomfortable atmospheric mass of unpleasant and uncomfortable energy that is at times out of control.
WE must find the peace, the quiet, the natural nurturing environment of clear skies, fresh growth, and take the path(s) that lead out of the negativity and back into the light of love, peace, and gratitude.
photo -Chris Okeefe

It is important to say “Thank You” Everything that appears in front of you is all material for you to improve yourself, whether its food, people, or things. Learn to accept everything whether it is something you like or not.

Perfect Liberty 2020.9

In PL we learn that everything happens for a reason. It is how we accept what happens, our attitude, and the steps we take to deal with the opportunities offered, . Change begins within ourselves.


storytelling photos taken in SL, my thanks to all the artists (creators) who put together the builds. pixel photos (digital photographs) by Q

SL > Second Life is a virtual platform out of California, Linden Labs.

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