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Oct fun

Sometimes we have to go into the night and dance .. ” no one is watching” and if they are, who cares!… Let the moment happen, enjoy the freedom of movement and space.

Yesterday I finally got to have my BD lunch with my niece and nephew. It was the last day of the Moon Festival offerings at our favourite buffet. 3/4 of this plate is filled with shrimps cooked in different ways, the green beans you can see, I got a couple of slices of ginger beef, and same with the salt and pepper pork. The only noodle is the decoration you see on top, Notice I did take a piece of corn on the cob that sits in a lovely butter sauce in the heating trays.

I know. Last bd meal for this year!!!

Being asked for a favor is a chance. When someone asks for a favor from you,, this is a chance for you to help others. Face the chance proactively,

Perfect Liberty 2023.

I love the colour, the costumes, the sharing of creativity that happens in October, https://pin.it/2Ac7aiV click on it if you dare….. Have a great start to the week everyone,

a yummy treat!


Comments on: "Oct fun" (3)

  1. Looks like my kinda meal. 😋🍃🌶️

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