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Posts tagged ‘harmony’

Sunday 16

Make the best use of materials and money. You can do different things as materials and money play their roles. How to make them work is important.

Perfect Liberty 2023.16

It wasn’t that long ago that there was snow on the ground, these past few days of record breaking warm weather for this time of year has started the “spring cleaning” buzz. Trying to catch some rays on the deck the other day was great till one neighbour started to vacuum up leaves/debris from the winter, which brought on a flurry of activity from another neighbour who decided to power wash his deck. Timing right.

“If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceable with all” Romans 12:18″

Harmony does not require sameness. A single note played simultaneously thru different instruments creates beautiful music when different chords are played.

Every day holds new blessings. Oyashikiri.

Wednesday 15th.

Not picture perfect, but there you have it. Leon has his rights. He knows when it is his time to chill, and he takes it.

It is important to be assertive, but maintaining harmony is just as important. Say what is on your mind clearly but don’t be overly attached to your views. Respect the points of view of others and always seek to find a happy medium.

Perfect Liberty 2020.15


December 2

IMG_1644 ireland.9.2018

Here we go.  Tim Horton’s in Ireland. No more can we say, “only in Canada” the world has changed so much over the years.  What hasn’t changed is the bond of friendship that is ongoing, and is built and groomed with unconditional love.  Acceptance, and respect.

Yesterday in PL, being the first of the month, we celebrated with the PL service of Peace.  Every month, on the 1st day of the month. at 10 a.m. all over the world where there is a church,  or a member of  PL, time is made to pray for world peace.  Through the service at the church we pray for World Peace and rededicate ourselves to live as a peaceful human being, in our own worlds, which includes, our home, school, work and communities.

When we love with makoto “sincerity” and dedication of purpose, we are blessed with love in our lives that continues to shine, forever and always.  It is not measured in earthly ways, days, months, years, it is, simply life itself. Like breathing in and out. we don’t count how often we breathe in and out during our days and nights, we just Breathe …. Love should be in our action, words and hearts.  Always.

Life is Art.  PL Precept #1

Harmony leads to world peace



reminder. Pick up your 2019 calendar at the church, if you are unable to get to the church and would like one, contact me  thank you, obrigada/o


Good morning Monday

Bom Dia

*Deus Natureza (Maria Aldinria M.Martins)

Obrigado Oshioya-Sama Por me ensinar amar assim.  Por ver Deus dentro de mim E em qualquer lugar.


Thank you Oshieoya-sama for teaching me to love, to see God within me  and everywhere around.

*Excerpts from God and Nature, sung in church Sunday, (page)

I can harmonize with you with nature and humankind.  I am happy living like this, a rich feeling hard to find.  Harmonizo-me contigo, com os homens e a natureza.  Viendo assim sou feliz E nao ha maior riqueza

With love and blessings, great the world with your smile and presence.




October 1st

pomegranate paintOctober has arrived… Outubro 1… Bom dia

Yesterday I went in search of a colour of paint that would mix well with what I had to enhance the suggestion of blood.  Dried blood.  Luckily where I shop there is always someone to help and with my cohort  Little Piglet, we spent a happy hour browsing and shopping.  I know it is not often someone comes in looking for blood, but Isabelle, at Scrap En Mass (Alfred, Ontario) was up to the task.  When you shop with a goal in mind, you are more easily able to describe what you want.

The ambience of the place is also a factor, the display of merchandise, the overall sense of creativity and fun that is generated by other customers.  The time spent searching out, then playing with the items later, is always an interlude, that passes quickly, it is refreshing.

PL Calendar – day 1

Harmony leads to world peace – A Paz Mundial comeca pela harmonia

It is important to live in harmony with our surroundings.  The basis of a peaceful society is to maintain harmonious relationship.



Scrap en Masse is on the main street* of Alfred, Ontario please check their website for hours.  http://www.scrapenmasse.com

269 rue St Philippe    1-866-218-3704


Friday – Happy Day!

Pippa in backpackGood morning,

Meet Pippa, she is a female Whippet who lives with her human parent(s).  You can see that in her very short time with them, she knows how to handle them so that life is extra good for her.  I’m told that she is a very patient and willing model, just look at that face.. her eyes are wise beyond her years.  A ride to work in a warm cozy wrap with a fall coloured whimsical cap –    she’s got style.  What better way to get around  and keep her pedicure and paws perfect for her lazy sprawl on the living room couch after a hard day.

Her owner graciously allowed me to share her pictures, Pippa can be found on Instagram, she is a raising star in the “diva dogs” on Instagram    pippa_g_thats_me  Pippa was born, in the spring of 2017 and lives in Austin TX.   If you enjoy a smile from time to time, she is a whippet you might like to follow.  She already  has a lot of followers, the numbers grow everyday.

Pippa young whippet 11.17

This is the picture that caught my eye.  I call it the Gatsby look.  Pippa is really good, if I tried to get Velcro or Keeper to sit and model, sigh, let’s just say, ” have you ever chased a hound when its got another place to be??”..Pippa you are a super model already, I look forward to following your career.  Your wardrobe attendant is going to be one “busy” gal.

You all know that this has been a very challenging year for me, I am so grateful and appreciate so much the kindness of you have shown “us”   The Thursday Door posts yesterday were just so varied and so interesting.  With cancer now part of our lives, we are home of course, much much more.  There will be no wandering the back roads, for a while, but I get to visit such fascinating places, and see so much through “your” eyes.

I wanted to share Pippa with you, because when she pops up on the screen, there is always a smile being shared.

Life is good, we are very blessed, the seasons give us blazing colours, shades of gray, brilliant whites and our views, stories and photographs all come together in a cornucopia of blessings, different for everyone, but there non-the-less.

PL Principle #3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

PL Principle #4  I will live with the spirit of Misasage (Devotion) working for the happiness of others.

“Do your best to live in harmony with the world around you.  Life will flow easily and gracefully  along with the current, gently caressing each adventure along the way.”  Q



Pippa’s pictures (her human)

chop suey Tuesday


Blue skies, dazzling sunshine, a fresh crispness in the air, it was time for a day trip. We are fortunate that we can just pick up and go, if the spirit moves us.  The landscapes look so different when they are blanketed with snow and the trees are bare of their leaves.


Notice the happy shadows, at the time of my visit, they are free of critter tracks, but I’m sure had I ventured in further, I would have found evidence of the abundant life within the little woodland patch.

1-30-17-aI was content to simply peak silently into the little world I’d come across. Hoping that by standing very still, I’d catch a glimpse of another wandering nomad, or furry critter going about its day.


The simplicity of the moment, the beauty of the shadow a silver-gray on the textured snow brings tranquility and beauty to my tired eyes. The natural sunlight, the fresh air, background noises of the woodland and the cars in the distance, all blend to harmonize into my moment of communion with Nature.

It takes but a second to connect, to allow God to colour our day with a joy of recognition, that it isn’t man-made news that is important, rather the essence of happiness lies within.  Life IS.

To achieve peace and happiness, we must find it first within ourselves.  Peace is a by-product of LOVE.

PL Precept # 10   Love Yourself and Others

PL Precept # 11  Always be with God



ohno-part-2e_007There is a wonderland around us.  We walk through it every day.  There are magical people that pass us by on the street every day.  People with dreams and imaginations just like ours, who from looking at them we would never know that they were actors in their own theatres and plays.  Yet at night they could be transforming the world of others with their creativity and talents.  You need only walk though a museum, see a window display, every where and especially at this time of year, you will see the creative expressions decorating homes and whole streets…. We love to delight.

PL Precept # 2  To live is to Express One’s Self.


There is an expression when you do something, do it right.  Well this was not my intent, but, hey, life happens.

PL Precept # 1    Life is Art

The congee did cool down and was transferred to another bowl, my wonderful husband, who I appreciate every day, cleaned it up .. he says I’m the best “mess maker” he has ever ever known =^_^=

PL Principle #21  I will live in true harmony with my spouse

Enjoy the sunshine, dress up .. it is  on the cool side, but remember.. LIFE IS GOOD!






Respect and Acceptance

Mural on the side of an old building as you drive through a little town on old Hwy 31.


The building is empty, there is a rental sign on the window off the front entrance. Where it had been a thriving community at one time, it is now a delightful little piece of history, as cars whiz by towards their destination further along the highway.

What seems so important today, can be a faint memory in the years to come.  We live in a world today, that has so much to offer, we intermingle with so many cultures, it is a time to prosper and learn from one another.

It is my prayer that we will not squander away, what so many have worked so hard for, fought for, and died for……

Lesson 13 of the 2016 =PL Calendar…. Each person has their own special qualities.  Each of us is born with a unique personality, and a unique worldview.  Be respectful of others and learn to get along with people of all types.


at the locks



Big imposing, a lot to take in.  What catches my attention, are all the interesting geometric details, with the fading light, I lingered here and there with my eyes, chasing shadows that were by now long and wide ready to call it a day.


Although my husband and I were both taking in the scene, our focus and attention was drawn in totally different directions. The time was spent by each of us in his own “world” at that given time.  The crowd gathered at the picnic tables, were oblivious to our wanderings, and really, that is how it should be…. if you are paying attention to other activities besides the one you are “involved” in, then you are not being “present” in the moment, with the people you are meeting with.

My husband and I are aware that each has his/her own “interests”, we respect and allow that to happen, when we are back in the car and on our way, we share the “adventure” and often get a new perspective to entice and draw us back.


Like the birds, we will fly by and explore another time


PL Principle # 10      I will live in true harmony with my spouse

PL Principle # 3     I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

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