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Posts tagged ‘harmony’

Chop Suey Tuesday 12th.

animal pic

Although I would like to say that life is rolling along, at its usual pace, it hasn’t.  Since my decision to follow through and go to Japan for Kyososai * it has been a merry ride of excitement and new discoveries.  Who knew, that one seemingly every day decision to return to Japan, could spur such initiative, and possibilities!  Not I.  But in PL, it isn’t unusual, and I should be used to it by now, but, I’m not, I ever cease to be amazed at how far-reaching goodwill, friendships, and kindness can reach.  What is coming home to me is that miles do not separate kindred spirits, true connections are universal and heartfelt.

PL Precepts # 11   Always be with God

The teachings of Perfect Liberty unite us where-ever we are.

PL Precept # 10 Love yourself and Others

In PL, we learn to appreciate and be thankful for all that happens in our lives.  There are no failures, there are opportunities to grow and learn.  If one path is not open to us, it is because, we have to redirect our energy and find another way to reach our objective.  In TAO, we say, …… the only constant in life is change …….

When a company,church, group or individual, refuses to look at and accept that changes are sometimes necessary to progress and unite, there is disharmony,  Life can become stagnant.  When we open our hearts and embrace and appreciate the world arround us, we recognize that the unique differences  or really sometimes our own perceptions.

PL Principle # 3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

  • Kyososai: is a special celebration . It is celebrated annually on August 1 with a ceremony at all churches in the world.  Kyososai (PL Founders’ Day) in Japan, is HUGE, people come in the 1000s for the celebrations there, it is very famous for “the Art of Fireworks”
  • Musubi – Oneness, togetherness with Others.


the funny was sent to me by a friend, I found the picture adorable, and my oddball sense of humour, laughed at the caption. =^_^=





some realities are very different from our own

we can never comprehend

until we walk in that other person’s shoes

Chika Qu July 4_002

other realities are lived in our daily lives

only they exist where not everyone

can participate or enjoy

gret grand daughter

we all have these very private moments

whether in a tree

or in a crowed scene

they belong to us.

we do live them

and they form the personality

that blooms and  is seen

by those around us

North - July 15.`14_002

our realties, when we are alone

can be disquieting

at such times,

we call upon our inner strength

we need only  recall the

happy times, and how we thrived

yin yang

we survived to live another day

to know happiness, means

we have known sorrow

Life is a balance

The only constant is change

Winnie quote 2

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

another way of letting go



This is one of the walls as one enters into what appears to be a store front in a shopping mall.  The sign says TEAL. Mind,Body,Wellness, and although there is a rather spa like setting as you enter, it is basic, clean, simple and you immediately feel,  “nice”.  Looking around, it is open, and bright, and coming from outside where it is cold, and very much winter, the atmosphere inside is warm and inviting without being pretentious.

teal screen shot

Theses are some of the options offered at Teal.  I’ve been twice now, and both times I’ve come away looking like a greased monkey, high on a lot of TLC and expert attention to my – in need of a holiday body.  We all can’t get away on an exotic holiday, nor do we all have the time or inclination to spend weeks working over time so we can manage a few days off, only to get back to work and find the work we left on our desks still there.

Teal screen 2

My first visit there, I went for the Ayurveda treatments.  I had a full body treatment and a head massage and a full body Kalp Ubtan treatment.  It was an amazing experience, I have had Ayurveda treatments before, and I always came away totally “spaced”  I am telling you that this combination I experienced that day, was out of this world.  Let me share with you their wording from their website. tealwellness.com

Harmonize your body, mind and senses and experience instant calm and rejuvenation with this ancient Indian shirodhara treatment. Lay back and let us wrap your head and neck in warm towels while gentle botanical water drips over your forehead. The fragrant liquid flows in a rhythmic stream falls into your forehead and rivers around your head nourishing your hair and scalp. Find deep peace and let your tension melt away with every drop.

TEal head

Ubtan is a very influential lymphatic system intoxicant that is used in variety of body treatments; an aid in the detoxification process. The Ubtan (a herbal paste) is a mixture of fine herbs, spices, grains and selective essentials oils. 

Ubtan, when initially applied over the body, the nature of herbs and spices is induced in the deeper tissues of the body, which eliminates stiffness and blockages. 

Thereafter, massaging on the body with herbal Dosha Oils, it creates the friction that helps open up the skin pores, enhance metabolism and dissolving fat tissues. Ubtan; due to its enriched ingredients, is highly advantageous for toning body muscles, reducing cellulite from the body and stimulating weight loss. 

Finally, 15 minutes of steam sauna will relive all your muscle tension and  make you feel rejuvenated and re-energized. 

My recent visit, today. I had the Kalp Ayurveda Facial (1 hours), followed by a one hour massage from a RMT (Registered massage therapist)… need I tell you that I did not drive home, my thoughtful husband, drove me there and picked me up.  I was totally on a ME day.

Thai body massage


Have you ever wondered about a Thai Yogic Massage?  You’ve heard about it, and thought about it, but never got around to looking it up.  Maybe you want to try Reiki, or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, maybe now while we are in the winter season, and life can get blah… you could consider doing something for yourSelf…. In every major center, smaller towns, and most communities, there are Alternative Health Care providers.

Yes, it is looking after your body, yes the very body that houses who you are, and will be your constant companion all through your journey in this lifetime.

When we look after our bodies, our mind functions better.  It really does.

PL Precept # 18 Each Moment is a turning Point

PL Precept #20  Live Maintaining Equilibrium between mind and matter

Don’t wait till your body breaks down, or stalls before you take it in for a tune up.  This is about being proactive about your health, mental and physical.(your body)

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Teal is in Ottawa, Canada visit website for more info.



English proverb

I have the huge honor of sometimes getting to read a Sr. Minster’s words, I’m always left with a new way or a different perception of one of the Perfect Liberty Percepts.  This minister lives in another country, so it’s not like I can just pick up and attend one of his services. When I have heard him, his messages have been insightful.

That is one of the ways we learn in life, by listening.  Not only to being aware of our own adventures, and understanding the values we learn and the blessings we receive.  We learn by “listening” paying attention, to verbal and non verbal communications that come our way.

Part of the PL culture is sharing our blessings and challenges.  We call them testimonies.  It hasn’t really caught on here in Canada, but in South America, and Asian countries, ie. in particular Japan, where PL was born, standing up and sharing what your faced during your week, or that day, and what you learned, not only acts like a cleansing in a way, but it gives others an insight on something in their own lives, that they relate to or with.

One of the Precepts that I have worked on and I imagine I will continue to work on, is PL Precept #4   Being Annoyed limites your expressions.

Or if you wish.. PL Precept #5, One’s Self is lost by being emotional.

The Sr. Minister, tells of how when he and his wife were travelling to a special event, they had a long way to travel, and he was driving fast.  He was doing 74 mph on a hwy that was usually 65 mph.  However he missed when it changed to 55 mph, and guess what.. he got a speeding ticket.  AND when he was stopped, the police officer gave him a notice .. the ticket and fine etc would follow.  We had a very unhappy Sensei.

In PL we reflect on what happened, and why……….what Precept we were not following.

In this case, he and his wife during the trip, had one of those marital moments we all know if we have ever coupled, where a quarrel happens and the response to that is silent stewing. He was not paying 100% on what he was doing,   Refer back to PL#4 and PL# 5.

19 miles over the limit, the disharmony cost him $211.

In telling of this expensive lesson, a church member said,  “you are lucky, 19 miles over the limit means you lost 4 points. Had you been going 1 mile more over the limit 20, you license would have been suspended.    Your insurance premiums will likely be affected in the next 3 years!… but here is a good thing to know, If you take a course at the traffic school, 4 points will be reduced, this would reset your points.”  Sensei was very happy to learn this,  the member was very kind to have explained this to him.

In this experience, Sensi learned a lesson, in sharing it, he was blessed with information he had not had before.  “Life depends on how we accept things”   PL Precept # 16  All things progress and develop.

PL Precept #1    Life is Art



the blank page


I am


Sometimes no words are needed.

 We need only enjoy what is before us.

 Allow the mind to take in what it wants to.

Assimilate and enjoy.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


a tisket, a tasket


Nursery - Kewpies


Kewpie dolls always brought a smile, the innocence of a yesterday, can still bring out a smile today.  When we reminisce, we usually indulge in memories that make us happy, and feel good.  I realized as I researched for this blog, that some of the pictures and rhymes did stir in me forgotten moments of my childhood.  A person who lives in the present, I seldom go back or think of this from the past, once I’ve lived them I move on.  So getting little snippets of another time and place was kind of nice.

nursery -thumbkins

An illustration done by Barbara Freeman for stories from Hans Anderson.

nursery - my dolly

The actual events are gone, but the feeling of contentment when I read my books,  drew or made clothes for my dolls, and later fashion models, are feel good moments.  For instance, when I saw the picture that I will post next, I remember the Dutch nanny we had after my Father passed away and my Mother had to go out and work so that we could manage in our home etc.

nursery rhyme

The Nanny had such a love for her country, and she was happy to share her memories, songs and stories with us. To this day I have a strong feeling for the Nederlands, even though I’ve never been there.  She taught me a song that I  still know some of the words and the tune, even though its been years since I’ve sung or heard it, when I sing a few bars to someone from Holland, they laugh and know exactly the nursery song I’m singing. =^_^=    When we are young, we absorb and take in more than words, we understand through feelings/connection.

nursery -books

Our minds are much like our personal libraries, if we allow ourselves the luxury of quality time with our”Selves” it is amazing the awesome discoveries will find.  As adults we often forget to take in the whole picture, ie. read the whole book, we read the summary and think we  know it all.  We don’t.  Make time to be with your”self”, it is important, you are unique and complex, and I assure you, you are worth knowing.

nursery tisket tasket

A tisket, a tasket a little  yellow basket, I wrote

a letter to my love, and on the way I dropped it

A tisket, a tasket,

nursery basket

I had fun this morning finding a little yellow basket, along the way I got to revisit nursery rhymes and snippets of another time.We talk of trying to find harmony in our lives with others, personally I find that peace of mind begins at home (within our selves)

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri




nursery pins by Taller Casa Pinardi -Solo cuentos y leyendas board

*basket, ladychatterleyaffair.com


missing – 1 gym bag

PL Principle # 6    I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.

gym bag IMG_0915


For weeks even months I have talked of getting back to the gym.  Always there was a reason why I just couldn’t get there. Now with the sun shining into my office, and a day facing me with my feeling blah and ho hum, I thought, I’ll go to the gym after my morning meditations etc.  The Virgo/goat that I am, I wanted to organize.  Couldn’t find my gym bag, I looked and just couldn’t find it.  Husband to the rescue, he came and looked with me, wandered down the hall and came back, “its in your office, you can’t miss it”

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

“How did it get in there, that isn’t where I usually keep it?” said I with a bit of the morning

surliness.  Wise husband, quietly says he doesn’t know and returns to his morning activities.

PL Principle #10  I will live in true harmony with my spouse.

I come into my office and there it is sitting in the corner waiting to be found again.

PL Principle # 2        I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

punching bag

Are you  someone who goes to a gym…. have you ever considered working out with a punching bag.  The jabbing, kicking and punching gives an immensely powerful take no prisoners feeling, and it also helps with weight loss, co-ordination and strengthening.   Great for sharpening reflexes too.  Find someone to show you the how to’s though before you jump in.

PL Precept 19.  Begin once you Perceive.

Have a great day, thanks for sharing this moment with me… you’ve helped me get going today… thank you, thank you, thank you!

PL Precept # 21. Live in Perfect Liberty…..

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


# NB – In the Pl Church we live by 21 Precepts and 21 Principles.


* gym bag – Q

** woman.thenest.com



Good Morning… ahhh what to do today…..

shall we lie by the pool, or would you like to stroll the beach.

 Look at the clear blue sky, not a cloud in view.

There is just a bit of a breeze,

can you feel and see it rustling the leaves.

Let us spend the day… me and you

even though we are miles apart

welcoming the day with an open heart.

We will each do our part

to cultivate and nurture family, friends and co-workers

so… that no matter where we are, 

the inter-action will inspire and make that moment ours.

A sincere sharing, heart to heart.

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

PL Precepts 14  World Peace is everything.

* cntraveler.com

female -male -partners


Good day everyone!  What a beautiful day, not because of the sunshine, but because it is a brand new day. Another adventure to look forward to, more challenges to unravel and explore. Each and everyone of us is unique, we think and feel things in different ways. To live in harmony with  another, we have to first be at peace ourselves.


To the artist when creating, we strive for balance in our presentation. We often bring inanimate objects together to present a pleasing visual to the eye. In dealing with another human being, we are working with another person with feelings, and thoughts of their own.  Immersed in our own thoughts and ideas, we often neglect to consider that the person we are working or sharing time with can also be lost in thought.  Because we all have our own unique personality and lifestyle, the response or view  of our partner,friend can be completely different from our own.  Practice acceptance of differences, learn and grow together. It is through communication, and respect that bonds grow stronger.


When we choose to walk along a path with another, it is amazing how differently each takes in the landscape, both see different vistas even though walking side by side. What a blessing it is to share a horizon with another. There cannot be one without the other, if the head of the coin was not there, neither would the tail.  Positive/negative =1 (One)

Namaste   –  Oyashikiri











* weddingchicks.com

** Kaboodle.com (Barbara Zito)

*** Shore of Lake Kinnaret (sea of Galilee) by Adam Jones,Ph.D -Global photo Archive -Flickr

Dank u, goedendag, good day!

Holland, theVeenpark,Barger-Compascuum  found on flickr by mad_madchen_cards

Recall the expression, “different strokes for different folks” isn’t this adorable,  It’s a little build in Holland, The Veenpark,Banger-Compascuum*

Holland, goamsterdam.about.com  Pinterest

We are all unique, in our own personal way, that is what is so wonderful about meeting and getting to know another person. I grew up in an age when we were encouraged to have pen pals. With the electronic age, snail mail seems to have gone the way of the 10 cent phone call.

Norway, Alesund, by waynekkorea on Flickr

Yet, the internet now provides us with opportunities that would have been unheard of in days gone by.  The meetings can be more frequent, and more direct if not face to face, they are still person to person. Respect becomes key, we may appear to be different, we may dress, walk, talk in a different manner, but we are still connected,  We all feel, we all have needs and wants, even though our experiences/challenges differ, we came to “be” in the same way.

norway, Predjame castle

Intriguing build  isn’t it.  So are the people around us.  Each person in your life, is a whole new landscape waiting to be discovered.  Accept and respect differences, strive for harmonious relationships.

Namaste      –    Oyashikiri






** Zaanse Schans, Holland (full of traditional crafts and architecture) found on goamsterdam.about.com

*** Reflections in Alesund,Norway by waynekorea on Flickr

**** Predjame castle Norway http://www.photopix.co.nz



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