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Posts tagged ‘now’

snow anyone?

Please note .. this is NEW snow, that snow from the other day, was all gone .. yesterday my driveway was clean of snow. What you see here is new from last night and ongoing at the moment. I did try to shovel a path to the street so I could see if the street itself was plowed. It isn’t. In shoveling my way to the street, just a path to walk .. I created a mound in the middle of the lane, that was waist high. Needless to say, even if I wanted to.. I can’t get out of the garage, when I cleared in front of the garage door, I was left with a pile of snow to back out over that was higher than my waist, I stand 5’3″…..

Keeper when I opened the back door for her, just turned her head and looked back at me, the expression so clearly said… “you are kidding me right?” Sadly I had not cleared a foot path for her, and she needed to go, so she had to solider on. (I’ve seen taken the shovel and made a small path for her to at least get off the deck … We’ve had over a foot of snow and it is still falling. Temperatures are going to get milder, with the snow changing to rain…

Guess who is staying home. Will have to call and cancel my 9 a.m.

Face challenging situations with positive determination. When you encounter difficulties, Boldy take measures to overcome them. By creatively finding solutions, you will feel the joy in tackling any situation.

Perfect Liberty 2019.13

On the positive, it was only snow, no freezing rain to coat the trees and hydro wires.. causing potential black outs. etc. I did not hear of power outages in the area.. but I haven’t listened to the news either .. I was focused on seeing if I could get out..

Where-ever you are, be safe, and enjoy the day. Smile, it is contagious.




somehow, I got there

hidden just beyond where I stood

I heard the sound of water

.. .. I looked beyond the trees

and there it was…

I had arrived..

sight ..sound … light …


I am here


Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking. there are different points of view and ways of thinking which makes it interesting and creates new ideas. Try to enjoy others’ expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.12

August 15. forest wonders

the tree that was

The story teller in me, found a tree stump one day in a small forest setting nestled off a well trod trail. Not this one, but one similar. I was so taken with the setting that a whole story emerged about a wee family of forest folk who lived nearby and used the stump as their outlook. They would come out during the day, hike up the base of it, then stroll the “high grounds” enjoying the view of their little dens and glens.

I didn’t have the time this day to stop and really have a proper look around. Could this be where the wee creatures who live within the ferns and wild flowers, sit out on warm days.. to catch the rays of the sun, and visit with passers by. And what wee ones would they be?

can you feel the eyes hiding from sight, watching you

The whole area was full of life, birds, crickets, butterflies, ants, mice, chipmunks, the activity was alive with sounds … all blended in to form a natural melody that harmonized and weaved into a calming ambiance. It is a world of wonder like no other.

It is important to be assertive, but maintaining harmony is just as important. say what is on your mind clearly, but don’t be overly attached to your views. Respect the point of view of others and always seek to find a happy medium.

Perfect Liberty 2020.15


stand still.. look around.. stay still….

maintain harmony

I have Yoda in my living room and in the bedroom
do you know Yoda, are you familiar with his philosophy.

A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” “Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.”


Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Yoda, The empire strikes back

How has the last month been for you? Are you the same person you were, or do you feel that you have changed? How long have you been in a “changed” environment, or had your daily routine drastically edited, so that now, you are faced with the daily challenge of “living in the present”..

It is important to be assertive, but maintaining harmony is just as important. Say what is on your mind clearly, but don’t be overly attached to your views. Respect the points of view of others and always seek to find a happy medium.

Perfect Liberty 2020.15


Thursday doors

missing door
a door that welcomes strangers
a door that leads to a journey
a door from yesteryear

We encounter doors every day, some we don’t even see, some we see, but have no desire to enter, and others capture our imaginations just by being there.

knock knock, who is there? It’s me with a prayer. =^_^=
where there is a door, there is always a here and beyond.

for more doors visit Norm 2.0 https://miscellaneousmusingsofamiddleagedmind.wordpress.com/2020/02/13/thursday-doors-february-13-2020/

once upon a time

Chika Qu was born on a sim in Second Life. There she sits forgotten, no where to go, and no one to talk to. That is what happens, when time goes by, and another life is forgotten. Someone gets left behind.

Be free of your attachments. If you are obsessed with doing something in only a certain way, it narrows your choices. Keep your options open and be flexible.

Perfect Liberty 11.2017


virtual art by Q http://www.secondlife.com

working and living


Working and living =^_^=   go together – living in the NOW means you are interacting and being present all day, whether it is work or play, you are involved.  by putting your best into all you do, the experience is uniquely yours.  What ever you do today, enjoy it. Yes, really… do your best.

PL calendar day 4 – Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others.

Junho 4, Pense em felicitar a si e aos outros, sendo honesto consigo.



Zen moments

image2Looking out at animals calmly enjoying their time in the pasture.

Their only thought is to BE.

Not feeling 100% I took to my bed early, I thought I would listen to my body, and simply lie down.

Life has a way of getting in the way.

PL calendar day 27

Put all of your effort into the NOW.

You can only do your absolute best right this moment; not in the past, not in the future, but NOW


Bom dia dear friends, Greetings.. and blessings.



photos hT9




Bom Dia, Saturday has rolled around again. I thought to share some of the colours I have captured in the last few weeks of roaming


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I couldn’t resist driving over to the other end of the parking lot to discover the myriad of colours I could see.

I am sure everyone was wondering what this elderly lady was doing behind the liquor store with her camera.  But I was having fun, and isn’t that what life is all about.

The other day I was trying to explain that I am not a photographer, but an artist that uses her camera to capture textures and moods, that I can reuse, recycle into one of my expressions.  Whatever right.. it is my fun, my hobby, and I love it.  Just like I enjoyed trekking the harvested cranberry fields the other day in the rain.


Theses are trash bins I found in Chinatown the other day. My son and I had a philosophical conversation last night about life.  It is always interesting to listen and learn from someone who has a different perspective on life.  We take turns in being the grown up.  LOL  today’s PL Calendar, says it all.

Day 27   Put all your efforts into the NOW.  You can only do your best right this moment, not in the past, not n the future, but now.


PL   Perfect Liberty

Wednesday -noise

big machine 3.27

Unwanted noise

beautiful trees ripped out

hedges disappear

in one day

single family home


big image 1

quiet older community


trees that stood for years

home to  the “wild” life

city dwellers gone

no more sunlight

through vibrant branches

now, rumbling

loud mechanical noiseVal 2.10.17 postcard

Last year when my Mother was bidding farewell to her years on earth, my sister who was staying with her. Passed the time, drawing and colouring, memories of another time.

Change happen, with “progress” comes destruction, to “make way” for “infill”  buildings that are meant to fill in where older homes , single family homes with laneways, garages that held the cars that used to fit inside them, and usually have pretty front lawns, and backyards, big enough for small patios and gardens, either filled with flowers in season, or vegetables.

Now these homes when their owners pass away, are taken over by builders who tear them down, and put in two homes on a lot that was meant for one.  Usually, architecture that is cold and sterile.  Forget a lawn or garden spaces. Cement, pavement and more cold man-made materials, usually in various shades of grays and blacks.  Garages if there, are usually part of the main floor, still usually too small for the bigger cars of today, so they end up always outside parked on the single space of the paved front of the dwelling.

Sad, but that is progress. If you are near, or can easily get to green space.  Treasure it. Take the time to enjoy it. Listen to the birds when they visit (if they do) enjoy the fresh earthly smells of spring,  and watch as the young flowers unfold to embrace another season of “life”

Life, can be fleeting.  Live in the moment.  Enjoy each and every second of your day.  don’t wait till it fades away.

PL Precept #11    Always be with God.

PL Precept # 16  All things progress and develop.

PL #18  Each Moment is a turning point.



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