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When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment that you notice something is the best time to take care of it. If you react quickly, your life will be more efficient. ( PL 2020.18 )

In Canada this is a long week-end. Gardeners are putting in their annuals and doing their “big plantings” and cottage goers .. it is traditional that most drive out to open their summer cottages. Happy Long Week-end everyone. Enjoy what ever you have on for the week-end.

Picture is PL church in Hawaii

I’ve reposted an earlier post I did on another of my blog sites… Please if you have time, have a read. https://dymoonadventures.wordpress.com/2024/01/17/drawn-into-silence/ -Oyashikiri

Feedback is welcome.


Strive to overcome obstacles by changing your mind frame. Things don’t always go as planned. When that happens, try changing how you look at the situation or how you are doing things The outcome is in your hands. ( PL2020.17)

Bumped into a friend who I had not seen for a long time, yet we are often in the same area/place… we just don’t get to have a one on one. Of course the opening question is always, “how you doing”.. “doing great” was my reply…a voice inside my head asked,,… “is that really the right answer, or is it your polite answer”. Strange I thought, why was my inner voice popping up.. I was doing .. I am doing fine… Soon, I knew why I was being kept “present”… my friend was answering my “how are you?”

It is easy to give an automatic response, it can be “habit”… when we do that, we are not always “present” and hearing what the response is that we are getting from the friend we have just asked the same question to. The moment passes and the opportunity to be there for someone passes with it. Friendships are special, true some are fleeting.. but others last a lifetime… In making each moment one of “value” we never regret “missed opportunities”.

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,

Pl Precept #15 All is a mirror


minha vida mudou

a new visitor the other morning

Minha vida mudou, my life has changed, a sua mudara… yours will too. It is LIFE When we spend time worrying about the future, we miss today.

When you think “I’ve got it” Think again. It is so easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure. (PL2020.13)

I am continually learning from the animals in the forest. You can think you are alone, and there is not another living soul for miles around… Not so. There could be many eyes on you. The animals/birds practice stillness. It can go from very active to total silence .. when a bird/animal of prey wanders into the area.

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.


tudo bem?

Discover the joy of transforming yourself. When you realize how much you have changed for the better,, it fills you with true happiness. Strive each day to improve yourself. PL2014.8

PL Precept #10 Love yourself and Others

“vai me orientar neste ideal De levar a todo mundo com amor profundo, a Paz Universal. please give me the strength, helping me to share this love and great desire of having universal peace” (PL songbook)


photo. Rev. Goto


Faith – Hope – Charity

Wisdom comes naturally when you are humble. You will stop growing if you have a conceited or boastful mind. Always remember to be humble. PL2016.5

PL Precept #15 All is mirror


Day of Peace

May 1st. in PL we celebrate the 1st of each month with a Day of Peace ceremony. We pray for World Peace and renew our dedication to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds. Today was also my Mother’s birthday, I will do a special prayer in her memory, and include all my family and friends who have shared part of my journey with me. Love in one’s life is what brings contentment.

Always remember that world peace is everything. If each and every one of us prays for World Peace, we can make it a reality. Let’s keep this in mind as we live each day. PL2015.1

I am blessed to have kind thoughtful people in my life, I appreciate each and every one. Life’s journey would be bleak and bare if we can’t share. Thank YOU all for being part of the world I live in.

Begin today with a smile, spring is bringing new growth, new hope, the buds will open, a new season has begun. We are all ONE under the moon/sun.



New encounters can help you change. Be up for anything even if its out of your comfort zone. This is a chance for you to improve yourself as a human being. (PL 2020.30)

PL Precept #6 efface your self-conceptions



It is OK to think…”This is where it starts” There is always a turning point. It’s important what you do from now. (PL 2021.27)

When the tall tree fell early in the month, I cleared around the fallen soldier” and took pictures of the areas that still showed how beautiful it had been in .. the various stages of life it was still holding on to. Parts of the tree that only the birds that used it saw … with it on the ground I was able to walk along side its length and capture some of its beauty. weather worn and lived in and on, it was a work of art.

PL Precept # 16 All things progress and develop

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,.



Today’s quote, is one I need to print put and put on my mirror, on my PC screen .. a kitchen cupboard , my car door, almost everywhere. I have multi tasked all my life. It is time to make a supreme effort to change what is a habit that no longer feels comfortable to me. Just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean that we keep doing it.. when the willingness and the desire wanes. When I was carving out a career path and thrived on achievement.. it was a breeze and I loved it. A snow storm, bah.. I would strap on my X country skis and ski to work.. early before dawn to avoid traffic.. if the skiis were not going to work used my snow shoes I had the will and would find a way.

Life is different now, I am supposed to be retired, Seems I’m busier than ever. BUT my mind may want to be active, my body wants to slow down. Yesterday I pulled my folding chair from the back seat of the car, and simply sat with the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and wild turkeys. Yes it was still on the “cold” side, but soon the morning sun, warmed my face, and I felt a weariness I had been refusing to acknowledge begin to stir.

The singing of the birds, the sound of the big male turkey pecking at the corn, the squirrels chasing and scolding lulled me into a nice restful state. Even the blue jays turned down their cawing …it was amazing. Bonus later as I drove away, the sandhill crane was closer to the road, through the trees I got a good look as it gracefully lowered its head to graze.

Multitasking reduces your joy in half, When doing something .. give it your all. There is joy in everything. PL2021.23


variety of sparrows, doves, juncos, red wing blackbirds, cowbird, you name it, they all dropped in. and lets not forget my ravens who were calling from above. Life is so brilliant when we stop to listen.


A thankful heart leads to happiness. When we really pay attention, we are surrounded by many things we can be thankful for, the society we live in, the kindness shown to us by others. You will be able to find true happiness when you can see and appreciate these things,

As spring slowly opens up to us, we can feel the newness in the air. Small buds are appearing on winter weary branches. There are even brave spring blooms opening their faces and arms to the warming spring sunshine.

There is something so soothing when you are treated to the sound of birds calling out to each other in cheerful greetings. Males are chirping,, pick me pick me… while the female coyly murmur soft replies. Ahhhh ….Spring when romance fills the air…… Wishing you a joy filled day!


Yes… the sandhill cranes are around… their morning calls are so beautiful… the variety of sparrows and finches …willing pose a second or two before flying off again. Even the cowbird yesterday was dashing with the sunlight on his feathers. The sneak was trying to friend a red wing blackbird.

Services today. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.

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