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Archive for the ‘birds, wildlife’ Category

minha vida mudou

a new visitor the other morning

Minha vida mudou, my life has changed, a sua mudara… yours will too. It is LIFE When we spend time worrying about the future, we miss today.

When you think “I’ve got it” Think again. It is so easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure. (PL2020.13)

I am continually learning from the animals in the forest. You can think you are alone, and there is not another living soul for miles around… Not so. There could be many eyes on you. The animals/birds practice stillness. It can go from very active to total silence .. when a bird/animal of prey wanders into the area.

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.


tudo e obra divina

early morning cuteness

Tudo e obra divina. Everything is a diving act. When the tree fell in my backyard, I mourned, it has been with me since we bought this place in early 2000s When we moved here, there was nothing but a small flower bed and grass. I took it all away, no grass for me, and no flower beds, I wanted to replicate if I could the Chinese gardens I had when I had my house and gardens on the Quebec side of the river.

I soon learned that in life the only constant is Change. and what worked in Hull, was not going to work here, different property .. sunlight… etc. The Hazelnut corkscrew was one of the first trees I planted, in fact I planted two.. one several years later.. It was a show piece. the gnarled branches coveted by many for their floral arrangements. Then the neighbourhood started to change.. established homes were ripped out including old oaks .. lawns disappeared.. infill began.. and with infill, the focus was on buildings and not on having a lawn, or garden ..

I soon found myself surrounded by big block buildings that looked more like dental or office buildings and new neighbours didn’t have room to do anything but maybe put out a potted plant. or a box with earth raised off the ground on their patios … what trees were left were on city property ( size of a laneway) between the backyard neighbours and my yard. No one tended them and soon they overshadowed my beautiful serenity gardens. My vegetation/ plants were deprived of the full sunlight they had had.. and began to fade. I watched the slow death of many of the shrubs and plants in my yard.

I knew eventually I would have to say a full goodbye.. and that time arrived this year. Last year it was bravely still standing, but .. no.. this past winter it had its last hurrah, Like the passing of the many friends and family members who have “moved on” it is now another page in my memory book.

I’m at an age where I have lived through a lot of “goodbyes”… I’ve learned the process of “letting go” is something that comes with “time”… it is what it is,

There will always be a way. As long as you are serious, there is no reason for you to give up. Move forward one step at a time and things will always turn out for the best. PL2018.13

Nature is being neglected. Look around, listen to what is happening globally…. focus is on destruction, not on harmony…. I pray every day .. for the strength to continue to work towards love and universal peace.


Anyone else remember when we could play in the front and backyard, I was lucky Dad made a small rink in our yard.. there were trees to climb, an area for Dad to have his garden, Mom her flowers, Mom would hang the wash out on sunny days.. linen had that fresh smell when it was put back on the beds. Some where along the way, I heard that is not allowed in some communities. (hanging out your wash)…

Have a good day everyone.. do you have memories of times gone by?


Is there anything I can help with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence that you have something you can do for others, (PL2023.3)

PL Precept # 17 Grasp what is most essential

  • vary your arrival time in the woodlands.. earlier is best if you want to hear the activity of the birds..
  • if you have allergies to insect bites, use a lotion/spray and long sleeves.. the mosquitos are active
  • there are hats with insect protection netting, this will keep the pests away from your eyes/face.


Who knew! yesterday I heard a Cackling Goose, hmmm looked to me like the Canada Goose, but no… I eventually had time to look it up, Sorry I had to take a screen shot during a video to get this shot to share with you. It was migrating !!! and I got to hear it. Now I’m wondering if that is the bird I’m seeing with the Sand Crane some mornings.

Again I’m remined one should not take it for granted when we see a bird at a distance that it is not be dismissed as just another XYZ. I’m relatively new to the world of birds.. it is an adventure in learning.

I have been watching the growth of a red trillium… such a little beauty, I didn’t get to see one last year.. and this year it is my first find.

can’t wait to see how she is doing today!!!

PL Precept # 16 all things Progress and Develop

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that, “It will turn out for the best” Anything can be used as material for progress and development, PL 2015.4



Be very careful about doing things you really like. do everything in moderation. When you overdo, you’ll lose your balance. (PL 2021.26)

A reminder. the e-mail address for the church has changed, Please check the newsletter for the new one. If you are not getting the newsletter, let us know.

PL Precept #20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

fyi., with the arrival of spring, I have been able to clear a small area, when if you can’t get around the trail anymore, but want to visit with the wee ones, there is a small clearing for you to open a small folding chair and enjoy a quiet time not far from the parking lot. (be aware that in a few weeks the mosquitos will be out!)

Hanging with the red wing blackbird the other day was a bird the same size, coloring EXCEPT instead of red on the wing it was a canary yellow? Anyone?



Life is 10% what happens to me and 90 percent of how I react to it. (Charles Swindoll)

With one thought, “the world” will change. changing your way of thinking will make a difference on how you perceive the world. (PL 2021.24)

She was not alone, her mate came closer and kept watch that I would not go closer. I slowly backed away, happy to have shared a domestic moment with the pair.

Have a good day everyone!



Be cheerful and friendly with those around you. Other people can sense how you are feeling. So, be cheerful. PL2022.24

PL Precept 18 Each moment is a turning point



Today’s quote, is one I need to print put and put on my mirror, on my PC screen .. a kitchen cupboard , my car door, almost everywhere. I have multi tasked all my life. It is time to make a supreme effort to change what is a habit that no longer feels comfortable to me. Just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean that we keep doing it.. when the willingness and the desire wanes. When I was carving out a career path and thrived on achievement.. it was a breeze and I loved it. A snow storm, bah.. I would strap on my X country skis and ski to work.. early before dawn to avoid traffic.. if the skiis were not going to work used my snow shoes I had the will and would find a way.

Life is different now, I am supposed to be retired, Seems I’m busier than ever. BUT my mind may want to be active, my body wants to slow down. Yesterday I pulled my folding chair from the back seat of the car, and simply sat with the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and wild turkeys. Yes it was still on the “cold” side, but soon the morning sun, warmed my face, and I felt a weariness I had been refusing to acknowledge begin to stir.

The singing of the birds, the sound of the big male turkey pecking at the corn, the squirrels chasing and scolding lulled me into a nice restful state. Even the blue jays turned down their cawing …it was amazing. Bonus later as I drove away, the sandhill crane was closer to the road, through the trees I got a good look as it gracefully lowered its head to graze.

Multitasking reduces your joy in half, When doing something .. give it your all. There is joy in everything. PL2021.23


variety of sparrows, doves, juncos, red wing blackbirds, cowbird, you name it, they all dropped in. and lets not forget my ravens who were calling from above. Life is so brilliant when we stop to listen.


Everything that happens to you is material for growth Approach everything with firm belief that, “it will turn out for the best.” Anything can be used as material for progress and development.

Perfect Liberty 2015.4

Mother Nature hit her funny bone, Our new minister and his wife arrived from Japan the last week in March. Canada can have “interesting” winters, this last one for us was on the mild side, with less snow than we have had in years.. So guess what was dropped on us yesterday and into today. Some areas have received more snow than others. And add to the mix, the temperature has been dropping, today will be colder than yesterday. This is all ok for seasoned Canadians.. imagine the joy of experiencing this cold blustery weather hiccup .. if you are new…and didn’t come with a winter wardrobe.

Pl Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning Point.

A fresh snow fall is refreshing and beautiful. When we are going through one of our very hot humid summer days, we can recall the invigorating freshness of a blast of winter. Love living in a country with 4 distinct seasons!!

Happy Thursday -Oyashikiri


Always live with hope in your heart. With a clear image in mind, move forward with enthusiasm. Your dreams will surely come true with perseverance.

Perfect Liberty 2015.2

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity,



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