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Always work to heighten your “inner sensitivity” Your life will take on greater dimensions when you are able to perceive your surroundings with more sensitivity. Let’s continue to learn and add to our knowledge and experience, and cultivate a fresh sense of beauty. (PL 2015.29)

This handsome brute was taken by photographer Philip Barden, you can see more of his work on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/philipbarden53/

PL Precept # 7 Everything exists in relativity

Happiness is a state of mind. I love moments when I can bask in contentment.


PL Precept # 1 Life is Art

You just never know who you will meet on your walk, when you enjoy the nature trails in and around the Ottawa area. Walk softly .. listen and be present.


Always live with hope in your heart. With a clear image in mind, move forward with enthusiasm. Your dreams will surely come true with perseverance.

Perfect Liberty 2015.2

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity,




Faith, Hope, Letting go

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes, Sometimes, you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up” but that’s the time for you to dig deep and push through, Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6

If it is to be, it will be.


update 5/30

Good morning, the news and media are full of pictures of the destruction and havoc caused by the storm, I’m sure many of you have googled or seen on the news the ravage dealt the province when the storm hit.

This is the large tree that was uprooted at the church, thankfully it did not fall towards the church or the seniors residence.

insurance nightmare

What to do………… What can be done …..

PL Precept #1 – Life is Art. this is a challenge for sure. We can only go forward. We cannot rewrite the last weeks.

PL Precept # 4 Being annoyed imits your expression. Tough one, how can one not feel the stress/anxiety that this force of nature has delivered. So many people are still without power.. yes.. you read that right, especially those living in more remote areas of the province, or outside the central core of the city.

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point

What can we do. The storm has forced us to sit up and take notice. Even those of us who now have power, we are left to cleanup, clear up, face the daunting task of rebuilding .. finding our “balance” our sense of “normal” … of course nothing will ever be as it was. somethings are gone forever.

It is important to remember that while we are coping with whatever “issues/problems” that have been put in our “in” basket… there are men and women who have been working around the clock .. rebuilding, rescueing, repairing and doing their best to make the city and our homes safe again.

” Let’s have a humble mind. Once you think, “That’s good enough” you become blind to the opportunities to be more creative.” PL day 30 of 2022 calendar

While I made the many trips up the stairs with the food that was wasted .. trekking down the laneway to the recycle bin.. (today is garbage day).. I thought… “ok, you are getting exercise, this will add to your daily step count”

Then I was inspired to get a big box and fill it with staples from my over stocked kitchen cupboards to take to the foodbank this morning..

What can you do today to help someone else…

The skies seem overcast and gloomy.. have not heard the weather forecast for today…. I hope the weather holds so that the construction and hydro crews can continue to work in safety…

PL Precept # 16 All things progrss and develop

Take each moment a step at a time… Till soon.

“everything happens for a reason”… “everything”

being objective…

sun and shadows.. create a moment of tranquility

When you get stuck, take a step back. When you are able to see things objectively, your viewpoint will change and you will receive new wisdom.

Perfect Liberty 2022.23

How many times have I gotten up, read the lesson of the day, taken it in and moved on with my day… its not till later in the day that the morning lesson steeps in, and I have a light bulb moment. So often in these times, we are multi-tasking, running from one ‘thing to do” to another… let’s remember to take that moment in the day to reflect on “are you being kind to yourself!!”

Remember the mailboxes yesterday, how many of you saw the address on the mailbox… 5501 – giving us another 2 for that day =^_^= (2.22.22)…. … did you see it? or miss it?

Have a great day everyone! Remember life is to be lived.. be kind to yourself!!


we’ve had freezing rain, off to feed the wee ones (birds, wildlife)-yes over snow and ice. a fun drive!

LOL to all you face seekers.. how many faces looking out from the darkness of the woodlands?

+ 10 cm overnight

Put your heart into your words. Do you tend to speak in jut a matter of fact tone? It is important to put your heart into your words.

Perfect Liberty 2022.19

The pictures were taken after the big snow storm of the other day, we had almost 20 ” fall in one day. Our amazing winter crews worked all during the storm, plowing and clearing the streets/roads and parking lots. Canada might have some whopping storms, but we are prepared, we deal with them our city especially (Ottawa) gets top marks for the effectiveness of the planning committees in all areas of the city, and companies that focus on keeping our roads and city streets open.

Winter is a fact of life. When I was out filling the feeders in the woods, I was happy to see that those who could were out with their snowshoes and skis embracing the new snowfall.

Have a good day everyone find time to share a smile… enjoy your day!



In the cold gray of the morning light, I got myself ready to find the elusive wild turkeys… Nope, not a one did I see, but I did get some good shots in before the pending rain would start. I used the time to try different settings on this new camera of mine, and to get used to holding it, its big and I have small hands. I like “doing” .. used to enjoy getting up everyday to go to work too. Yup I’m “one of those” It is not “work” when you love what you do ..

What is “normal” is different for each individual. Everyone has a different way of thinking and doing. It’s important to understand others’ feelings.

Perfect Liberty 2021.16

Happy today to you! Share your smile!


Fiddle heads

What I came away with was a HUGE craving for steak med. rare with a side dish of fresh fiddle heads. So much so, I cut my “walk” short and headed for the local fresh fresh grocers (Farm Boy) Came home, seared a steak, tossed a salad of greens and shrimps, with a side dish of steamed fiddle heads with melted butter..

I found this woodlands to be more like a park, not so much the rugged, wilderness of other trails. the paths are well worn and the width of a rural road, I’ll have to go back another time and really wander further into and down trails that lead further in. Today I was always hearing the traffic going down Anderson. Even tho’ I was early, shortly after 8, there were other visitors, so a lot of meeting up with other hikers/walkers.

Take the first step with determination. A wishy washy attitude will not help you get a good start on things. The minute you make up your mind to do something, things will start moving forward.

Perfect Liberty 2015.6

Sauteed fiddlehead ferns (Molly Watson)


forever- always

efficiency gone wrong

Oophs.. click, click, really! in my efficiency I deleted and cleared out mail that I had in my IN folder, then I manually cleared out the deleted file. Like DUH. What did I have for supper.?? I read the incoming, but some I had left to return to, I wanted to reply, or comment. Sorry… I had good intentions however, my efficiency manager, took a wrong turn in the gray matter.

Flexibly adapt to changes. the world around you changes, and so do you. enjoy the transformations and deal with them flexibly.

Perfect Liberty 2015.31

Live radiantly as the sun. Strive to always be bright and cheerful so you can enliven those around you.

Perfect Liberty 2020.27


does anyone know this flower?

photo by Shirley Keen NZ


Hi, Hello there, I’m new to your area, are you available for a bit of a chat? Yes I know we’ve not met before, but I sure would like to get to know you a bit better.

True, I guess you recognize from my tone and the unfamiliar words that I’m not someone who is used to being up close and personal with creatures as beautiful and majestic as you two. I really do want to make friends?

Thank YOU for being so kind … allowing me into your personal space. Now that we’ve come this far, what can I do or say that will let you know I am appreciating your willingness to come closer.

Ahhhh the wire stretched just above the fence has an electric current, so be careful you say… Thank you, I appreciate your letting me know. I will be extra careful, I’ve picked some clover for you.. Allow me to share with you

Only one horse was interested in coming over to know more about me, which pleased me immensely since I know so little about these amazing animals. I did search the field around where we were for some bunches of clover, and he/she did partake. Once we established that rapport, the other one did come over but cautiously

.The dark fellow came over after a bit and shared in our little spur of the moment, “treatfest” I found out later that these two were new to the paddock having only just arrived the day prior to my visit.

Do i talk to strangers? yes I do. Given the right circumstances i am a person who likes to meet new people, I will say “Hi” share a smile or a brief greeting, I find it a wonderful way to spend time, sharing a positive back and forth with another “BEING”..

If you are cheerful, it will make everyone around you cheerful. Cheerful and happy people naturally attract others. Always smile and have a pleasant attitude.

Perfect Liberty 2015.3

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up” but that’s the time for you t dig deep and push through. Your sincere efforts will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6

We learn and grow by being open to change and new encounters. Q



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