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Posts tagged ‘communication’

chop suey Monday

Who says a dog’s life isn’t always easy. It is 80 degrees in the shade and the human wants to go for a walk. Give me a break. Personally, I’m going to stand my ground on this one. Ahhh found a place to chill.. and man I’m gonna just lie here till I’m ready to get up. If I could only get him to turn off that noise box.

We humans are always putting words and thoughts into our dog’s actions. Today I took the two whippets out to the country for some quality R & R with some of their whippet buddies out at the Breeder’s “spa”… huge running area, level terrain, shade umbrellas, huge wooden deck. Velcro the oldest (a true senior citizen) was fine till all the youngsters were let out.

Body language says it all, he went to the door that leads out of the back spa area.. and stood there, face pointing out of the area. Non verbal communication, “Let’s head” This human was enjoying a nice breeze and pleasant conversation.. Like Leon (above) my dog was not interested in what I wanted, he had decided it was time to go.

Choices.. choices.. Keeper his sister (grandmother ) to a few of the younger dogs.. was also showing signs of.. ok enough of the activity.. I’m ready to leave. When you live a quiet life, and are suddenly surrounded by very active, curious and playful pups.. you are happy to climb back into the vehicle for the ride home.

So what did I learn today – our animals, communicate to us, communication is key between all living beings. We need to be open and aware to receive … when it happens, it is a wonderful connection.

This next picture is of a sheep that I fell in love with when I was working with textile textures. I went through a phase where i went bananas over sheep.. this breed was one of my favourites.

How can you not smile when you look at this face.


sheep photo – Shirley Keene


papanak zoo 1

Good morning everyone –

Needing time to cool down (central air, not functioning ) I got into my car (where the air conditioning is working) deciding to run an errand that was some miles away.  I would get to travel the road along the river, towards Montreal, and enjoy the countryside, as it is reaching out and up to meet the wonderful seasons, of late spring, early summer.

I saw a faded sign, Papanack Zoo, something niggled in my mind, I come this way, time and time again, why had I not seen this sign before.  I turned off and headed down the road in the direction the arrow pointed.  I was overwhelmed by a very sad feeling as I looked over and saw an exotic cat (big one) lying on a mound of earth and weeds.  So out of place. The area looked so unkept, it was a field, like one would see in the back forty of an acreage where a broken down, old piece of farm equipment would have been left to rust.

This was a majestic animal, one that  I would see pictured on an advert for a safari somewhere in a totally different country, certainly not here in Ontario, just outside of Ottawa.  My curiosity peaked I went in search of information.  The place was closed, not inviting at all.

I was now on a dirt track, I had parked near a building, to look at what looked like donkeys, standing in open pens, a man came out of a building and I asked him if he could give me information, but he distanced himself from the place, said he knew nothing,   I should google it. (I did when I finally got home)

Meanwhile, not getting any information from this man, I turned the car, to continue along the dirt road that ran along a high fence.  I saw other animals, in enclosed areas, with very poor looking structures that would allow for “some” cover should there be high heat, or heavy rain, but not all of them had any form of shelter to speak of.

I felt the eyes on me before I saw him, he watched as my car slowly drove by.  when I came to a gate that barred my way from going further, I carefully turned the car around, the road was unkept and really meant for a truck or as I later saw, a golf cart type of vehicle.

papanak zoo june 20

Here I am, visiting with my new friend.  He had a quiet dignity.  That could be my finger, because I did scratch his head, and gently lift his hair to see his eyes.  He didn’t move except to turn his head, to acknowledge me, and share the moment.  His hair was matted in places, and like the other pens, there was no where for him to go.  There were two other animals with him.  My focus and love was on him.

I wanted him to feel love, experience kindness, he was not just a curiosity, he was beautiful, he mattered. Our bonding was interrupted by a woman’s shouts to not put my hand in it was dangerous.  Too late I thought, I have already touched him with love in my heart, and spoken to him with tenderness.  Even prayed with him, for I felt his energy, his patience and his gracious acceptance of my attempt at friendship.

Honestly, when I read the negative and awful reports on the internet about the cruelty that was reported a couple of years back, I felt sick, and still today, I hurt for my friend and his other companions.  Please offer a prayer for these animals.

I have read reviews,  one reviewer who went said it was nice to see animals in a natural setting unlike commercial zoos.  There were  positives and negatives.  I guess one needs to go when it is open and actually speak to staff.

For me, I give thanks for the time I got to spent with my silent friend.  His strength, his ability to communicate by just BEING helped me, in my moment of need.

PL calendar day 21 – Let’s be thankful for everything we have right now.  Now is an accumulation of every moment leading up to it, and everything that continues to progress and develop to become NOW.  Be thankful for everything.


Friendships can last a moment or a life time – love is forever



Love a Donkey


“Hey, come on closer, I can’t hear what you are saying”… dutifully I found my way into the ditch and up to the fence.  I knew darn well they heard what I was saying, but clever darlings, wanted me closer so I could feed them the taller greens on my side of the fence.

I learned some time ago how devious they can be.  As full of mischief, they are also softies if you are deemed a friend. Get on their bad side tho’ and I would stay way clear. If they are working, and taking care of their flock… be warned, security checks can be quick and purposeful.

My visit was obviously on their lunch break. =^_^=    I’ve been known to chatter away, wax poetically and find myself rewarded with big sloppy kisses.  Of course a carrot or two in my pocket helped.

Lately I have found myself on back roads, where I have had the pleasure of a few encounters.  Have you visited with a donkey lately?  Aren’t they a wonderful audience. You know they are listening even when they turn their backs.. scratch an ear, if you are lucky, you’ll hear the donkey sigh, =^_*=  (wink)

Enjoy every day, today, will lead you to tomorrow.

Blessings be… Oyashikiri

communication …… remember, it is not always what we say, but HOW we say it. after we speak, it is important to LISTEN



When I saw this picture, I had to look twice, it was on a Pinterest feed, but you can see on it, it originally came from Facebook. Text was on it, you are seeing the photo exactly as it was sent to me.


Does this picture ring any bells for you?  Can you relate to this picture.  How long ago do you think this was?  I don’t think it was really all that long ago.  I do recall seeing old replays of television shows where people had to go to where-ever the phone was to answer it.  Often, there was only one phone to a household.

I do have a cell phone .. but confess to often forgetting it at home, or not having it where I can access it.  In fact, I prefer meeting up with a friend, and chatting in person. It is true with cell phones, and Skype, we can communicate with family, friends and do business using the internet or cell phones more conveniently.  But do I consider it an improvement on the quality of life?.

Any thoughts?

smilePencil  Maybe, just maybe, some of you, don’t know what the kid is doing?

chop suey Friday

mohawk, just beyond

When we journey beyond our day-to-day, we come across forgotten places, faded dreams of a yester-year.   There are such places, that I can acknowledge and let pass.  Two ships in the night.  Other places shout out to me, calling for my attention.  So we stop and I survey the land, the energy and “vibe” of the place.    What is it that makes one location stand out from another.


Same stop, different camera angle.  Maybe seconds have passed, maybe it was more like a few minutes.  But in the fraction of time my gaze and attention was diverted.  The light, the view was different.  So it is in life.  When first a challenge faces us, if we listen and take in what it is we are dealing with, our response and reaction will vary.   If you are two people, arriving at the same time, seeing the same thing, neither of you, will see it the same way, sometimes close, and other times..totally different.


That is why communication, conversation is so important, if there is dialogue between two people, even between two energies, there is compatibility or there isn’t.  To be a good communicator, listening has to be one of your most used tools.


The place may seem empty, but…………. the reality is ………………………..it is alive with memories.

PL Precept # 1     Life is Art

Namaste         –         Oyashikiri

bom dia…bon jour…. hello!


life itself is simple

it really is

it is the human mind

that complicates

what IS


I am sometimes at a loss

not necessarily for words

but for the “music” or visual if you like

to accompany the words

in life, there is always a positive and a negative

you cannot have one

without the other

one person speaks, the other listens

the start of a conversation

one sees something, and captures it on film/photo

they have already seen it,

what they are doing is capturing the moment

to share, to show, to express


one picture, a thousand stories

not one person wil have the same reaction


however, we will each have a unique response

if we stop long enough

to allow the moment to speak to us

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri



remember ? Dead Poets Society


The use of words is very powerful.  Once we speak them, we can’t take them back.  A teacher in an English high school showed the movie to his students.  He showed the movie because he was genuinely passionate about teaching, and he wanted his students to learn, and grow as humans.  It wasn’t so they would rebel, but to expand their minds and open up the world around them. Communication is key in any and all relationships.

Today in PL(Perfect Liberty), it is Thanksgiving, a day we set aside each month to show our appreciation and gratitude to God for the blessings we have received. and to give Thanks.  A Thankful  Heart leads to Happiness.  Two services today, one at 10 a.m. and another this evening at 7 pm.

To all the Fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day..  In today’s society, I think that the day should include all the single parents, who have to pull double duty.  Being a parent is a life long commitment.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

communication 2015

0d41485561a37c6865761f503975eb84With the technology in our lives today the need to have a telephone available in public places has all but disappeared. Interesting to note though, that in some remote areas, or smaller villages cell phones and internet access is not always easily obtained.   Yet, because of the lack of use .. the public phones are fast becoming non-existent. Heaven forbid you get stuck along a country road between communication towers, or in a deep valley with a lot of mountain between you and the air waves needed to work your cell.

40870a6d01987ff9525864f6e721ac64With central air, and many controlled environments in public areas,, buildings, and newer housing complexes.  We don’t use windows like we used to.  Where at one time I knew many many co-workers and acquaintances who went to cottages and out into the rural areas for most of the summer… I don’t hear of that as much now. The back road summer havens are slowly finding less and less activety … the lakes and rivers are not humming with constant activity.


Yes, creative minds are still at work,  all around we see the creative mind at work.  We live in a society that says, individual rights and freedom of expression  is important.  AND it is.  However, there are times, when we should be looking at how our needs/wants affect others.  AND we should care.It isn’t always about what we  want, I appreciate and enjoy looking at the above bed, do I want to sleep in or on it, no.  Everyone around us, is a unique human being, yet they are all part of who we are… they share the same air, they think and feel emotions, hurts, love, sadness, just like we do.

cliffs of Moher,County ClareSome will want to walk along a path that will mystify and rattle your nerves,  Yet hearing about their journey and seeing the world through their eyes, is WoW… exciting.  You can share the experience, just not in the same way..

Yoho National Park,CanadaThis is an experience I would like to one day explore.  For years I would drive by a frozen waterfall, and wonder what it would be like to climb the frozen sculpture I passed it 5 days a week, going to and coming home from work.  I’ve not done it yet, but it remains a goal.  I may never get to actually climb such a might fall as this one, but never-the-less I keep the desire alive by sharing the passion and exhilaration of those who can and have….  Modern technology is such that today, I can easily find and enjoy a glimpse into what someday might happen.

Never stop believing in your dreams.  Have faith.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri



the subtle shades of green

weave a gentle pattern through my dream…                


my body stirs, as I sense the life around me

birds sing, a squirrel chatters from a tree

and a ray of sunshine finds its way to my face

what is this place

so, calm, so surreal

I know it is part of me, for I am totally 

embraced by the beauty

and serenity that gracefully permeates

my total being….

this moment, this time in space

it is real, it is not a dream, 

it is my communion with God 

the bonding and reconnection

to what is real

Oneness with Nature/God/Tao

…. buen dia…. a hug? abrazo?

71 bronco

hey.. wow … need  HUG

gosh, you look like you could use a HUG

Actually I have friends that would be in utterly fantastic bliss to be out there on a beautiful day, sharing their off road experience with friends, and no they aren’t in need of a hug, they are having fun.  Perspective.

7172510-r3l8t8d-650-cute-big-dogs-and-babies-5Awwww now this is a true hug

wrapped in a warm embrace by a friend

relaxing and just sharing bonding time

What, no?  Oh you have allergies, and you can’t be that close to an animal, dog, cat etc. So this wouldn’t be your idea of a nice happy moment…. ahhh…. Perspective


We are all unique in our own ways, and we each and everyone of us goes through life trying to understand our selves and the world around us.  It is when we share our dreams and differences, that we learn about someone else, their culture, their world, in doing so, we broaden our own.


Please come by for tea, the door is always open, careful on the way over, it can get rather steep, but I’m always happy to meet and greet a friend, we can chat and exchange views (smiles), visiting and getting to know you, will be a very special kind of “hug”…sincere sharing/caring… is a hug in itself.  Blessings.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

love this last picture, hermitage,Qianyuan mountain,Tianhua X, the capture is awesome, peaceful and surreal, did you find the hermitage? (artstation.com)

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