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Be thankful at the beginning and end of each day. Each and everyone of your actions can inspire peace with your family, community and the word around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2020.21

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

Did you know? Every spring grouse come from near and far to perform elaborate courtship dances at their breeding ground. Around sunrise the males spread their tails and inflate their feathery chests repeatedly in one of the fanciest dance moves ever made by a bird. I have been blessed by hearing this .. I’ve heard it but have yet to see it.. It is awesome.. the first time I had no idea,, .another birder explained it to me.. Nature is fascinating.


SAGE GROUSE video https://youtu.be/UtU_ICPuzV8?si=KctpOnCzbaBF36iB

Bom dia!

ever wonder how many eyes are watching you?

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our own way of thinking and our own individual lifestyles. That’s what makes life interesting. (PL2020.20)

PL Precept # 21 Live in Perfect Liberty

I’ve heard almost a dozen new birds (to me) the last couple of days.. I’m heading out early. Have a great day everyone!… and I’m getting to see younger animals testing their legs. . It all happens early before the heat of the day.

konnichi wa

Put your whole heart into everything and express your individuality. When you put your whole heart into expressing yourself, your true beauty will shine through. (Pl2020.19)

The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty,, has wasted thirty years of life. (Muhammad Ali)

along the Quebec Coast – Whale watching

If our perspective on the world doesn’t widen and deepen as we age, them we have squandered the most valuable asset life has to offer.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

photos, Dave Renz



When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment that you notice something is the best time to take care of it. If you react quickly, your life will be more efficient. ( PL 2020.18 )

In Canada this is a long week-end. Gardeners are putting in their annuals and doing their “big plantings” and cottage goers .. it is traditional that most drive out to open their summer cottages. Happy Long Week-end everyone. Enjoy what ever you have on for the week-end.

Picture is PL church in Hawaii

I’ve reposted an earlier post I did on another of my blog sites… Please if you have time, have a read. https://dymoonadventures.wordpress.com/2024/01/17/drawn-into-silence/ -Oyashikiri

Feedback is welcome.

minha vida mudou

a new visitor the other morning

Minha vida mudou, my life has changed, a sua mudara… yours will too. It is LIFE When we spend time worrying about the future, we miss today.

When you think “I’ve got it” Think again. It is so easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure. (PL2020.13)

I am continually learning from the animals in the forest. You can think you are alone, and there is not another living soul for miles around… Not so. There could be many eyes on you. The animals/birds practice stillness. It can go from very active to total silence .. when a bird/animal of prey wanders into the area.

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.


ogenki desu ka

someone was being very vocal

Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking, There are different points of view and ways of thinking, which makes it interesting and creates new ideas, Try to enjoy others’ expressions. (PL2023.12)


Harmonize-me contigo com os homens e a natureza – Harmonize with nature and humankind

Celebrate YOU


Is there anything I can help with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence that you have something you can do for others, (PL2023.3)

PL Precept # 17 Grasp what is most essential

  • vary your arrival time in the woodlands.. earlier is best if you want to hear the activity of the birds..
  • if you have allergies to insect bites, use a lotion/spray and long sleeves.. the mosquitos are active
  • there are hats with insect protection netting, this will keep the pests away from your eyes/face.

tudo bem?

Discover the joy of transforming yourself. When you realize how much you have changed for the better,, it fills you with true happiness. Strive each day to improve yourself. PL2014.8

PL Precept #10 Love yourself and Others

“vai me orientar neste ideal De levar a todo mundo com amor profundo, a Paz Universal. please give me the strength, helping me to share this love and great desire of having universal peace” (PL songbook)


photo. Rev. Goto


Faith – Hope – Charity

Wisdom comes naturally when you are humble. You will stop growing if you have a conceited or boastful mind. Always remember to be humble. PL2016.5

PL Precept #15 All is mirror


Day of Peace

May 1st. in PL we celebrate the 1st of each month with a Day of Peace ceremony. We pray for World Peace and renew our dedication to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds. Today was also my Mother’s birthday, I will do a special prayer in her memory, and include all my family and friends who have shared part of my journey with me. Love in one’s life is what brings contentment.

Always remember that world peace is everything. If each and every one of us prays for World Peace, we can make it a reality. Let’s keep this in mind as we live each day. PL2015.1

I am blessed to have kind thoughtful people in my life, I appreciate each and every one. Life’s journey would be bleak and bare if we can’t share. Thank YOU all for being part of the world I live in.

Begin today with a smile, spring is bringing new growth, new hope, the buds will open, a new season has begun. We are all ONE under the moon/sun.


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