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Posts tagged ‘landscape’


The best timing to take action is when you notice it. When you take note of something,, it is a signal from God/Universe that you should take care of it right away.

Perfect Liberty 2015.25

Make Today a memorable day! Let’s try to put our whole heart into whatever we say or do, as our unique signature.

Perfect Liberty 2022.26

bottom pic. Heather.


Your smile energizes the people around you. A smile has the ability to put others at ease and give them energy. Strive to be the first to offer a smile each day to those around you

Perfect Liberty 2020.5

Dealing with a difficult situation – Start by thinking “This is interesting!”



Is there anything I can help you with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence tht you have something you can do for others.

Perfect Liberty 2023..3

It was a sugar coated world yesterday . Mild, very pleasant. There is a simple joy in standing quietly while the fluffy snow flakes dance merrily through the air. Of course if I stood too long, there were complaints from the peanut gallery that the morning breakfast was being delayed. Interestingly when they see the chair and I sit.. they stop chastising me and go about cleaning up their “plates”… they seem to know, when the human sits and closes her eyes, I’m having a ” time out”.

Enjoy the day everyone, don’t know about where you are, but here, the airwaves are full of the holiday cheer “songs” and “stuff”


It’s easier to adapt to something when we find it interesting. No matter how enjoyable a situation is, a slight change in our attitude can make it boring. let’s face any situation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2022.10

Sometimes it is not what we see, but what we can’t see that speaks to us,

Photo, Dave Renz.

a memory

photo by Dave Renz

The above picture immediately reminded of a dream I had years ago. Yes the picture took me back to a hike that my Mother had organized when she was a leader in CGIT, (Canadian Girls in Training) My Dad had come with us to share in the experience and take pictures. Taking pictures was his passion, this picture is much like the interpretation of the moment, he would have shared,

Canadian Girls in Training, or CGIT, is a church-based program for girls and young women aged 11–17 throughout Canada.[1] Girls who join the CGIT vow to “Cherish Health, Seek Truth, Know God, Serve Others and thus, with [Jesus’] help, become the girl God would have me be”. (Wikipedia)

My education began at an early age (to be of service, and dedicate my life to helping and being there for others) I don’t know why Dave chose to publish the photo in these muted tones, but he did and for me it was breath taking. I wanted to share this picture of his for two reason.. one because I found it to be so touching and poignant. And 2, I feel it will “talk” to others in a way, words can’t.

Good or Bad it is your mirror. Sincere expressions invite good results, but insincere expressions can lead to unexpected trouble.

Perfect Liberty 2020. 24


The hike was in the Gatineau Hills, Quebec, Canada, the photo Dave took was in Pennsylvania. USA =^_^=

22 nd

nick mel backyard

Last few days of tranquility, soon there will be outdoor activity with the smell of the fresh new growth, sunlight warm on bare arms and winter pale legs.  When friends post the sights and wonders of their backyards, and places that they can wander and enjoy, it brings me such a joy, such shared happiness.  Friends are what makes our day-to-day so magical.  Each one is like a jewel, with its very own facets and brilliance.  Unlike an object, friends are priceless.

I know I keep repeating how much I appreciate and love you all, can’t help it.  You all bring such richness into my life that I am at a loss to explain why I have been so blessed.

Blessed I am.

Day 22 of the PL Calendar

Appreciate the strengths as well as the shortcomings in others  Even though you may not agree with someone, complaining about it doesnt’ help.  remember, “We are all human,” and accept each person for who they are.

nick mel photo



photos Nick/Mel



good morning, bom dia, buen dia    The moment you notice is the best timing

El momento en que perciba es la oportunidad

A chance esta no momento em que e percebe

I am the little yellow flower in the picture above.  I was out being spoiled with another special outing.  One of my  dearest friends had arranged with me weeks ago, for us to celebrate yesterday.  Celebrate we did.  It was a full day of shopping and exploring, ending with a fabulous dinner at the Mandarin, (Asian buffet)

Yesterday, Eartha drove, she was my hostess with the mostess.  Then last night as I lay basking in the events of the day, I imagined this picture, and  my being the yellow flower, surrounded by people, events with the world going on all around me. I had a feeling that I  had missed something, and it nagged me.  So much so that this morning, I sat down to meditate on “it”

The rest of todays calendar message says…  Procrastinating will only weigh you down.  The best time to do something is when you notice it.  You will feel lighter both physically and spiritually.

Whatever is niggling at me, took place yesterday, obviously I was too surrounded by outside energies and activities.  It was a special day, and thanks to Eartha sneaking in a surprise on me, I have a memento of our time, that I am able to put on the fridge (a picture of us that the Mandarin presents to us in the form of a magnet)   A cherished souvenir!

Sometimes in life, we are so busy living, we miss something else, that moment is gone, so begin TODAY with Makoto (sincerity and focus).



Wednesday 12th

How many greens can you count….

PL Day 12     Carry out what you believe in

Once you’ve prepared everything to the best of your ability seize any opportunity that comes your way, take action without hesitation.  Express yourself to the fullest.

The world is not only full of colour, but provides us with an abundance of textures, variation on shades and so much more,  Yes there is beauty in a flower, but the subtle shading of the vegetation that often is the back drop for a flower(s), is more lasting, and enduring.  Changing with the season we can never be bored.  We need to see beyond transient beauty.  The icing though good, and often very pretty, would be nothing without the cake. It exists because of the cake.




then now???? gone?


avatars that were in a virtual world.  why.  to be there to respond to needs of the community that expressed interest in learning more about living the PL way.  I have come to realize that there are not that many places one can go, where it is drama/stress free.

Unfortunately these young men were assigned back to Japan the dream of exploring a new frontier went with them.


Unable at the time to get in to explore, and get to know more of the creative spirits inworld, I had to bench my idea of expanding the church philosophy via a venue that spans world wide.

The world is now full of gamers, I doubt I could count all the platforms.  Hours are spent each day on one platform or another, whether in war games, sci fi, or social media.  I noted on the telly the other day that there is even a series that is a take off on the alternate realities.(worlds)  Many people are deciding that they prefer the virtual worlds, where they can select and change their worlds including meeting more people who share in their “vision” of what living in a world should be like.

Technology allows us to do a lot of things we couldn’t do in years gone by, however, what remains constant is “change” in the world we live in and the ones we gravitate towards.

We are never dissociate ourselves from the ONENESS of the UNIVERSE from that we cannot hide or escape   Where ever you go, in any dimension, you will always be you.  We cannot escape our “selves”  we can’t even hide.. we can try to avoid or ignore, but always what IS will BE

alexandria 8,4,c

Forever is today.

What ever you do, where ever you are. BE present.  There will always be opportunities to explore, be yourself, in whatever “role” you play or take on for that day.

The young ministers have been given different assignments, both are now married and in totally new environments, yet they will always be themselves, all past experiences will be part and parcel of the men they are today,

When we live with pure intentions, there are not regrets the lessons we learn bring wisdom in following years.




Thursday door – dreams

Alexander Lautsyus January post

Door –      usually we think of a physical barrier that opens, closes, revolves, but what about the doorway to our dream states, or entrance to another realm.  When Alexander posted this picture in earlier January of this year, I was immediately transported to another place, a state of mind/Being.  I had no words to describe how it made me feel, it just spoke volumes to me.

I immediately texted him asking for permission to use this photo, this is a copy, to see his original post, please visit ice art Jan 22.18

The picture for me puts a visual on the “feeling” of some of my dreams.  His 1st picture in that blog, reminds me of when I am searching looking out, and this one I’ve posted, reminds me, or gives me a feeling of happiness and joy.  He was on Lake Ontario, he looked, he saw, and he captured.

Not a physical door, but definitely for me, a doorway, an experience of walking through to another “world”.  For “real” tangible doors, you need to link to Norm 2.0 and from there follow the links to all the other bloggers who post to this feature.

Thanks for sharing today, it is a beautiful day, and you are all part of my sunshine!


a special thanks to Alexander Lautsyus for allowing me to share his “works” with you

and to you Norm for indulging “my” love of all doors/doorways

PL Precept #1 Life is Art




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