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Posts tagged ‘trust’


Found, in a search and find mission the other day.  Was actually looking for paint. Thinking I got off the “track” somehow.  There she was, patiently waiting to be discovered.  It was the highlights in her hair and her make up that “hooked” me.  Her eyes are still bright with a sparkle.  She had been well loved,  now she was discarded waiting for her new fate.

I can easily be distracted when I am in an interesting place.  I learn about myself and life by being open to new possibilities.  My husband as a reporter, was a great observer,  we could be in the same place at the same time, but his sense of what was happening, and mine were often very different.  The unique components of his personality and character blended and added to my own “self”.

It is interesting how often in the day, his presence in my life is felt.   Never be afraid of love or of differences, in a relationship, they make us stronger.  Love is unconditional, it is faith, trust,  & so much more.  The word respect is so important, in defining a strong relationship, whatever the relationship might be.

Is RESPECT in your life?  “love”


A great many people think they are thinking, when they are actually rearranging their prejudices.   William James


Peaceful moment

Sydney Australiaa quote by Khalil Gibran

Yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream

PL Calendar – day 18     Look forward to what’s ahead – There is no use brooding over the past  Always try to begin each day anew with a fresh outlook.



Wordless Wednesday

fright 9.23Pssst  ya got a plan?

Yea World Peace, des humans ain’t getting it right…      

PL Calendar day 24

Listen and See with careful attention and Accept each other

Focus your eyes and ears towards the expression of others without any preconceived notions.  Then you will be able to see their true intentions.


photo Q

feliz domingo a todos

Bom dia, greetings dear friends,

It is said, that on a clear day we can see forever.


Everyday is such an awesome day for discoveries.  Find your “happy” today and treasure it.  PL Precept #1   Life is Art

andei,andei e encontrei    Oshieoya-Sama

I sought, I sought at last I found Oshieoya-Sama

agora estou,    now I know  ( excerpts from Com Quem Contar*)

Live with a smile… Life IS Art



*PL songbook



Bom dia, tudo bem?


deck flower 3

Greatings everyone, how are you today?

Celebrate with great joy

the gathering of our community

for this day is one of appreciation and joy

at living the blessing of being ONE  in Perfect Liberty


with love and peace in our hearts we reach out to others around us with unconditional love.  Now and always, LIFE IS ART

a forca da PL                                                                                                          the power of PL

Happy Monday


Bright, colourful, a visual delight

I am wishing with all my might

that this week

will be an endless maze

of happy days

whether  skies be blue or gray

I earnestly pray

each and every one of you

will find that God’s grace will visit you

and you will be rewarded

with the best life has to offer you

for dreams and wishes

to come true

we need only believe

love belongs to me and you

PL Precept #11  Always be with God



photography -Hillwalker (Darren Su)





underwater fish 5.18.17

Under the sea

are colourful bumble bees

how can that be

in art, the mind is free

to express all that it can “see”

PL Precept #1   Life is Art

All in life is possible,

when we believe

and trust in “God” to live in peace

World Peace is Everything!



original mixed media by Q (Dymoon)

harmony within ourselves


A student once said to me, “you tell me that happiness begins with me,  intellectually I agree, but the reality is I don’t know how to begin”.  It is easy to talk about the Precepts and Principles of PL,( Perfect Liberty), they are all so “simple” when stated, but they are not as easily followed as one would imagine,  When someone says relax, we just can’t flick a switch and our bodies will relax.

Like the shadows on the fence the “art” of the moment, is there and if we pause in our day, we will see it, return in another half hour, that moment and play of shadows will no longer be there,.

Think on the number of times, your friend, mate,spouse, child, asks you for something, and you have replied with “just a second,” “wait, I’m busy” or I can’t right now, maybe later.  We all do it, it is so easy to simply excuse ourselves from the moment because we are busy, mentally in another space.

Sometimes, the moment passes, and there is no repercussion, it simply gets lost.  Other times, it could have been a  life changing moment.  We will never know, we let it pass, we made a choice, and come what may, we had a part in that “moment” in time.

in prayer

When we make time in our lives for prayer, we are making time for GOD/TAO/Nature/Divine within ourselves.  To understand and learn more about ourselves, we have to spend time with our “selves”  In PL (Perfect Liberty) we are always available to “listen” and to help YOU sort out the complicated challenges that come your way.  It really happens to everyone, not just you, you are never alone, although at times, it might feel that you are.

PL Precept # 1  – Life is Art

Art doesn’t just happen, everyday we live is an expression of our creativity.  Our TRUST and FAITH in GOD is what will see us through troubled times.

in 2013 the #6 lesson was – A change of Heart can turn the Tide –  No matter what the situation you can’t change others.  The only thing you have control over is how you accept things, and deal with them.

PL Precept # 19

Each moment is a turning point



each moment is a turning point


This is a sign post on the campus grounds of the PL headquarters community near Osaka.  I remember when I saw it, wondering if the construction happening off to the left, was something that would be finished that year, that was 2013.  Japan has been very “present” for the last several days in one way or another.  In particular these everyday signs/objects


Do I know why, no I don’t.  It is as if something is trying to speak to me, so I’ve been searching through pictures and casting out greetings/messages to see if anything “pops” up that says, “hey look here”  So far nothing, just this strong urge /desire to be in Japan.


A visit now, will mean that I will be the only member from Canada going, there will be a few members from the States I’m told, in a gathering of many, we may or may not connect.  I am surprised that I am wanting to go without the “security” of other church members being with me who speak the language and know their way around.  Previous time in Japan  has shown me that English is not a language many people speak or know in Japan.  But.. it seems there is a reason for this present moment, and I will have to practice patience to discover just what this “opportunity” is all about.

PL Precept #19 Begin once you perceive.

Pl Precept # 16  All things progress and develop


This peaceful and serene place is also on the grounds, day or night, it is tranquil and energizing.  This picture was taken from someone in the party from Spain, I love it.  I am filled with anticipation, yet I still don’t know if I can swing the trip on such short notice.

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in relativity

There comes a time when we have to “let go and let God”


Namaste          –            Oyashikiri



Every day we are faced with choices.  Some are small, and routine, done on a regular basis, like when we shop for food.   What we are looking for will determine where we go to shop.


What appeals to one shopper will be passed by, by another. I have waited while a customer before me, goes over every bag, weighing it, turning it so that he/she is able to see all produce in the bag.


Even once we’ve picked out the product we will take home with us, no two people will cook that one product in the same way.  That is why there is such a great variety of restaurants as well.   Though they may offer the same basic dishes, how they are cooked and served, could be oceans apart.  When it comes to food, almost everyone I know, is willing to try something different and will dig in and enjoy a cuisine from a different culture.  Diversity is a welcome change.


Why then, do we draw a line, or seem to be so black or white, when it comes to choices we make about our social environment?  Or cultural divides?  A very close someone in my life, will eat carrots, but when they came out with “designer” carrots, (different colours) he balked, why…. cuz they didn’t look the same, blind folded, they would taste the same,  but……. Another friend told me her husband wouldn’t eat the new blue potatoes, why… cuz they didn’t look like a potato……………………………………………?????????????

Amon  Wed 23rd_edited-1

A child is innocent, loving, trusting, …  they  make us all smile with their smiles, and their genuine responses to being loved.  What and why do we change as we advance in years.  What changes us.  WE are shaped by the choices we make in life.  Choose wisely.  Put your full makoto (sincerity) in all you say and do.

PL. Precept # 3    God appears through One’s Self

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