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Posts tagged ‘Positive’

Thanksgiving long week-end

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, I know it is not a holiday in the States, but you are still getting the good wishes. =^_^= We all need some positive vibes these days.

Where I am, we are back to a being on serious lock down, people are being asked to allow at least 28 days of remaining close to home, no social gathering, or extended forays into the city if it is not required.

Please stay safe, stay positive, and enjoy family visits via virtual means if at all possible.

Today is also the 10th day of the 10th month. auspicious time.. =^_^=… we could get an early start to perhaps doing something we haven’t done in years. Let’s send Christmas greetings by snail mail. !! Now is the time to try making your own greeting cards.. or drafting a Season’s greetings news letter. 2021 is less than 3 months away!

Enjoy the moment while you wait. Things come about when they are meant to happen. Think of what you can do for the time being, and don’t rush the outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20


time – it is all in the perspective we apply =^_^=


Good morning everyone, I was challenged to post a picture of dog(s) Pffft. easy task, since I don’t get to FB much except through my blog, I have given you pictures of dogs here, to achieve the goal, of dogs for smiles!!!

I didn’t do a typo the quote today is from the 29th, year 2011.

Lack of Explanation is a sign of your lazy mind. Sometimes you incorrectly assume they should know this already. Always strive to explain things thoroughly with a ind heart.

Perfect liberty 2011.29

To all our friends in the USA I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday with family/friends, sharing in the joys of sharing and appreciation.


Sunday greeting

ice sculpture -Ottawa

Before everyone starts to panic, that is not from this year. OK take a deep breath, breathe in slowly, and then exhale. Snow that came, most of it is now gone, we have had lovely weather. In fact for most of the summer, and fall, I thought the weather was really a pleasure.

In my recollections of last winter, I found it to be rather fun and easy to deal with, except for the odd storm that kept everyone in and off the roads. Dressed properly Canadian winters can be exciting and beautiful. Stop trying to find my bio to see what planet I’m from, I live under the same sky you do, and I get rained, snowed on, just like you. Difference is I don’t let the weather determine whether or not I am having a good day or not.

It is a blessing to be busy. Enjoy being busy and continue to seek more work. Being busy is God’s way of showing you that you are loved.

Perfect Liberty 2016,18

In winter, when I had to be at work for 8, if there was a storm I would leave really early to avoid getting caught in the rush. One year I remember X country skiing to the hospital so I would be there on time. I loved the challenges of my work, and I felt alive making my way to work, skiing along snow packed roads, and past stalled vehicles.

Years later, after I retired from the hospital, I was working downtown in an HR capacity. Travel was slow from the Quebec side to downtown Ottawa if there was snow or other traffic delays. So I left my vehicle at home and began walking, to and from, no matter the weather. It was exhilarating and excellent for the health and fitness part of my life.

Life is what we make it, YOU decide if it will be a good day or not.


for you, my pleasure

When we make something is it for us, or the pleasure of giving. Some of both, yes. We love doing things that we enjoy, but when it gives pleasure to someone else, or it makes their day, Double blessings!

Be kind, be considerate, share happiness, and positive thinking.

Live in Perfect Liberty.

Perfect Liberty, Precept 21

Smiles and a kind word, go a long way in making someone’s day.




Success doesn’t just happen….

It is not by coincidence that things go well.  The results are based on the hard work you have put in up until that moment.  Remember to be thankful and use your current success to reach the next level.

PL Precept #20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

Happy productive Tuesday everyone!



pleasure – quilting

When we apply ourselves to making something we enjoy, it is a pleasure.  The results are rewarding.  When we apply the same philosophy into any of our choices, life is good.  There were “difficult” moments, for example when my sister decided that she didn’t like her first choice of threads when doing the finishing, she ripped out and redid by hand in smaller stitches with a smaller needle and different thread, to get the results she wanted.  Voila, a beautiful and happy quilt.  Was it hours of work, or pleasure.. =^_^=

PL calendar day 28

Let’s find the good in others and praise them.  All people have good qualities and bad qualities.  Focus on the good in others and applaud them every chance you get.

Reminder – August 1st is Kyososai  (Founders’Day)   service at 7PM


Iife is



1, 2 buckle my ?

Bom dia, What a day it has been.  Problems with my e-mail have been giving me problems for the last couple of days.  After three attempts with the provider to determine why the e-mail was not coming in. and 48 hours later, they try to sell me a plan (  until then it had never been mentioned).  It would only cost me six dollars a month, and they would watch over my PC and mail (they are the provider)  Needless to say I was not a willing player of that game.  When I asked to speak to a Supervisor I was told, there was no Supervisor, they were in a meeting.  A Manager then, no sorry no Manager,  Seems manager and supervisor were one and the same.

PL Precept #4 Being annoyed limits your expression.

PL Precept # 2 To live is to express one’s self

I did get annoyed and I did express myself.

PL Precept #5  One’s self is lost by being emotional

My day started with my leaving home without my phone.  Then discovering, that I couldn’t find my phone at all.  Since I was/ am waiting for the insurance people to get back to me about the car, let us just say, it wasn’t a banner start to the day.


3 – 4 – shut the door

It is almost 8, I can close off and shut down, call it  day.  Tomorrow is another day. I am sorry I missed getting on earlier today, I hope you all had a very productive day

Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

Any one know the rest of this little ditty.

5 – 6  Pick up ??

It is all good, my son called concerned about my phone, that was a big “happy” for me.  and Leon my bbf  (wonderful caring dog) was happy to see me, content to snuggle and cozy up.  What more can a gal ask for. =^_^=

Always count your blessings come end of day.  (yes phone found)



accidents happen

IMGP2660 Nick

Sorry everyone   I didn’t get to church today, was busy being hit by a car, and dealing with having to do an accident report, and getting my car towed etc.

PL calendar day 31    Someone who is mentally prepared is strong

Even when things look grim, if you take on the situation with determination, you will be able to make a fresh start with a positive outlook.

Sometimes, things happen that are unexpected.  Living in the NOW, you deal with it and move on.

PL Precept #7    Everything exists in relativity

PL Precept # 4  Being annoyed limits your expression

I won’t refuse positive energy being sent this way.  =^_^=   Thanks!!



photo – Nick




1st day 12.14.18_036

Waiting for 2018 to end.  What a year it has been,  Major changes, a much loved story book romance, came to an end.  Lost in thought last night, I wandered through the open doors of the memory vault. Each new day, brings me further away, from the day last May when I was left behind at the runway, my time not yet come to fly.

What will the new year bring, one will never know till the time comes.  Meanwhile, the clock ticks a steady beat..counting down to what…

Chinese New Year is at the start of February this year.  We will enter the year of the Pig.  Tonight in my part of the world, we will slide into 2019, a little over twelve hours from now.  If I didn’t know the time would it make a difference.  Not really, my life would still be in change mode, and after a good sleep, I will wake to begin yet another day of adventure and exploration.

1st day 12.14.18_028

Leonard Cohen, dance me to the end of love

PL Calendar day 31

Your world will change when you look at things in a positive light

Everything you encounter is an opportunity for you to express yourself.  What you choose to make of the situation is entirely up to you.




virtual art Q



It was a beautiful day for reflection yesterday.

Day 26 of the PL Calendar

Maintain a positive attitude and wisdom will come to you.

Worrying will prevent you from having good ideas.  Stay positive and you will find a solution.



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