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Posts tagged ‘leonard Cohen’


1st day 12.14.18_036

Waiting for 2018 to end.  What a year it has been,  Major changes, a much loved story book romance, came to an end.  Lost in thought last night, I wandered through the open doors of the memory vault. Each new day, brings me further away, from the day last May when I was left behind at the runway, my time not yet come to fly.

What will the new year bring, one will never know till the time comes.  Meanwhile, the clock ticks a steady beat..counting down to what…

Chinese New Year is at the start of February this year.  We will enter the year of the Pig.  Tonight in my part of the world, we will slide into 2019, a little over twelve hours from now.  If I didn’t know the time would it make a difference.  Not really, my life would still be in change mode, and after a good sleep, I will wake to begin yet another day of adventure and exploration.

1st day 12.14.18_028

Leonard Cohen, dance me to the end of love

PL Calendar day 31

Your world will change when you look at things in a positive light

Everything you encounter is an opportunity for you to express yourself.  What you choose to make of the situation is entirely up to you.




virtual art Q

Buongiorno, greetings!

Sometimes I just want to share with you,

Thank you for spending time with me today.  There are times when there are so many feelings and thoughts in my mind, I know that its best to just let someone else speak. =^_^=

Do you use the I Ching, if you are familiar with the Book of Changes, you may like myself find it to be a wonderful guide when you come to a crossroad … and are pondering which direction to go. Often I just know and instinctively “I follow my nose” as the expression goes.  Today, these are the words I read     “you come face to face with the perpetrator of wrong thinking.  Circumstances are such that you can effortlessly seize control of the situation.  Proceed carefully.  It is dangerous to attempt or abolish an old and ingrained pattern all at once..”

Namaste – Oyashikiri

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