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Posts tagged ‘Yin’

Wordless Wednesday






journal page 3.19

Good morning all, Bom dia

Day 19 of the PL Calendar    If you are going to do it, put your whole heart into it

Your degree of seriousness will affect the outcome,  Your daily accumulation of effort toward your goal shows just how serious you are.

My latest journal pages reflect the various interest I have in the world of Yin.  I search the rows of books, catalogs, comics, artworks for ideas.  I never know how a  page or series of pages will end up. I let my creative muse direct my energies .. colours and subject matter change with each new day, even from morning till evening hours, my inspirations can and often change.

But whatever I am doing, I do my best to put my whole heart into it.  Living the PL way, one lives with Makoto (one’s utmost sincerity)


Blessings dear friends, may your day hold many wonders..


particle fragments

lexi light show_003Bom dia

hello Morning.  Watching the particle show last night, I was dazzled by the many displays and the constant changes happening before my eyes.  The artist performing the particle show is very gifted, the changes ebbed and flowed to the beat of the music with a rhythm that was almost hypnotic.

As I watched her weave her magic, I thought, “wouldn’t that be something to try to do” that thought lasted but a second or so. Reality tapped me on the other shoulder.  If I was doing what Lexxi was doing, then I wouldn’t be in the audience captivated, I would be focused on being creative.(active)

My choice at that moment, was to be her admirer, someone enjoying her talent, allowing my own thoughts to drift and my “battery” to charge, my creativity to be fired up my her talent, and use of it. (passive)

That is balance, that is knowing that there are times to be active, and times to be passive.

Have a fabulous start to a brand spanking new week….


PL Precept #1        Life is Art

PL Precept #20  Live Maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter



Yesterday was the 21st, in PL, that is the day we do a special service of “Thanksgiving” and expressing our appreciation for the blessings we have received.

Yesterday my husband was taken to the hospital, I had called 911, and the situation warranted he go into hospital, and he was admitted.  The events started at least 24/48  hours prior to the 911 call.  Come last night I was tired, exhausted, and what I call blotto, I didn’t have the energy to really eat, but knew I had to eat.

In PL, we have a Precept, #7  Everything exists in Relativity, and Precept #11 Always be with God. I believe with all my “Being” that “God” is always with me.  When I prayed the night before on what to do, I was given a sign loud and clear, something happened that everything in me knew, I had to call 911.

When I sat depleted at the end of the day, too drained to do much else but sit and let my mind sort itself out… friends came through for me, my sister gave me a steadying voice and the church sent over   Japanese curry and rice (one of my favourites) this is a meal we all share after service on the 21st. Another friend had made homemade baked beans. The angel that brought the over is a dear and long time friend, who just sat with me and shared the quiet moments with me.  I fell asleep with the joyful love of friendship lulling me into a fitful sleep.

This morning my husband texted me.. his message warming my heart and a new day begins.  In PL we are taught to never lose faith, believe and live every moment of your life.  If there is pain, sadness, it is there because you have known true happiness, and you are feeling the other side of life.. but it reality it is all ONE.

There is no right with out left.  No yin, without yang.  When we live each day, with truth in our hearts.. there are no regrets… memories and lessons yes.. but no regrets.

Time to start another day.  All the best to you, and to all of my wonderful and thoughtful friends, near and far. I love you … each and every one of you.

Be creative, today is a fresh canvas.





bom dia…bon jour…. hello!


life itself is simple

it really is

it is the human mind

that complicates

what IS


I am sometimes at a loss

not necessarily for words

but for the “music” or visual if you like

to accompany the words

in life, there is always a positive and a negative

you cannot have one

without the other

one person speaks, the other listens

the start of a conversation

one sees something, and captures it on film/photo

they have already seen it,

what they are doing is capturing the moment

to share, to show, to express


one picture, a thousand stories

not one person wil have the same reaction


however, we will each have a unique response

if we stop long enough

to allow the moment to speak to us

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri



the dance

0158b5b3d273ca1071ed0d00c360530c“you have to feel…”

this is an astounding statement

…You have to feel…

so often I have heard

the words, “I just want to die”

yes it is an expression

usually said when a person is at the end of their rope

they have lost hope or, I can’t take it anymore,

I’ve had enough….These moments pass, but while they are being lived,everything inside feels chaotic, jumbled and turned around.  The stomach is unsettled, the mood is “dark”  When I was still actively working my practice, I would ask..”when is the last time you danced?”  More often than not, the answer was vague, they didn’t recall it was so long ago, or it would be a straight out, “I don’t dance”      Dancing is an art form, it is a form of expression, and yes, to some it comes more easily then it does for others.


To be a professional dancer, one must have a passion for the working of the body and mind, in a continuous need,desire to perform, to be able to use your body in every conceivable way to express movement, fluid and flowing, using every muscle in your body, your mind focused so that not a miniscule of energy is anywhere else but in that moment.

Our bodies are important in the managing of our health and our well-being.  Dance, in whatever form it takes in your life is a necessity in maintaining a balance between the “yin” and “”yang”,  negative and positive in life.  You cannot have one without the other.

denzel washington

Even if you just reach and stretch your arms up into the sky above

or out to touch the walls on either side of you, do it with the intent to stretch out as far as you can, then slowly release, exhaling as you do, it well be such an exhilarating feeling,  your body will go “wow”..

Stretching is an easy way to begin bringing more activity into your life, it is with slow small steps that we increase our awareness of the body.

Our bodies are our very own, our personal shrine for all that is divine within us.

Practice doing a dance move every day.  Don’t let it slip away, do it.

Your body will be with you till the very end.  Open your eyes to the need it has to survive and carry you through till you are ready to let go.

Forever and Always.       …Namaste   –    Oyashikiri


43b18614aa6074ede33be210e01048b1lingering, I heard the waterfall

before I spied the lush

beauty of your curves

how mesmerizing

even tantalizing

the light on the surface

shimmered a soft golden glow

on the undulating water.

and  suddenly I was totally lost

in the wonderful moment

of your hypnotic allure

this magical spell

the bliss of

pure joy








namaste     –     Oyashikiri


Yin – Yang

pictures,Arizona, Pinterest

original verse,Q



Yes !  I am strong

Yes !  I can be wrong

Yes !  I accept that challenges

Am I ready for what the day will bring

Yes, you bet, the birds are singing

and I am more than willing

I’m full of cheer and wonder

Why Yes?, woke up this way

Yes, I will smile today

there will be sunshine in my day

even if it is of my own making

Smiles across the miles, and says

YES !  for sure, you can quote me

This is a  Y E S !   day.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Turquoise, healing stone, emotional/body, releases stress by relaxing neck and shoulders, helps to breathe deeper and better, protects from negative influences etc.

Silver, associated with the night-yin,feminine power and the moon (for the benefits of colloidal silver, do a google search)



stairs 1


We haves a similar ruin in the Gatineau Parks, not all that far from the city.  During the spring, summer and fall, people, locals, and tourists flock to the Gatineau Hills to enjoy a respite from the busy city and concrete.  Our winters can be brutally cold, and our summers extremely hot and humid.  We are blessed in living in an area that experiences each season in all of its glory. Whenever the season changes, the ruins take on a different look “feeling”.  In winter I wanted to snowshoe up to see them, but never did, You know the old expression, “could have, should have, didn’t”

abandoned -memories


This picture reminded me of when we used to visit on of my Mother’s aunts in the Muskoka area.  A city girl, it was something of a wonder for me when I first saw the little store, with the pumps outside to service the passing cars going into Algonquin Park. Canada is full of huge park lands and places where civilization hasn’t been able to clamour to and destroy wildlife and vegetation.  I had to be dragged kicking and sulking to go up there in the summer, once there, I would delight in the new discoveries I would find.  Jumping into water as crystal clear as one could find, while distant cousins jumped from the wooden bridge into deeper water.  The track we took to get to the stream was packed earth sand,we sat on rocks, and picked wild berries along the trails as we explored.  There was no other sounds except our childish banter, the birds, and what little traffic could be heard from the few passing cars in the distance.  There were  no radios we brought along, no cellphones,  just us and the outdoors.

nature and water

Yes of course, I’m older now, and seldom do I reminisce, yet there are times, like today, when a picture will pull a memory from my gray cells and I will relive an experience or moment, that happened a long time ago.  With the internet we all connect now in a very different way, and I am always pleased when I find that someone else has been experiencing similar flashbacks, and is sharing their story or visual memory in a photograph that in some way closely resembles  mine. then from ruins come rebirth, and I am refreshed.  Much like the walk in the forest along quiet trails when the world was not as busy.

Life events might crumble, buildings can be torn down or abandoned, but what is constant and always with us no matter what time of day or night, is the Universe.. No matter where we are, we will find Nature to view, to feel, to experience, Always, Nature is present, The Universe is open and available 24/7, we need only accept with an open and sincere heart what is before us.

sky and clouds

Love, true love, never dies, nor does it crumble away and fade to dust.  True caring, is the sharing of one’s heart and soul forever.

There are no restrictions, no demands, and no judgements ……….. it simply IS, no more…no less.

cloud and sky

Yin – Yang  (Tao)

There cannot be one without the other.

Namaste      –     Oyashikiri

PL Precept #2    To Live is to Express One’s Self

Welcome the day

silent - annewenzel.nl     moonriver on flickr


Yin/Yang – Black/White

we met, we talked, we danced,

the world went from dark to light

explosions came and went

and,   just like that

one life ended

another began

mystic silence - snake eyes Lou

Tender are the moments shared

Silent in my private world

I’ve waited for you

Today is brand new

I welcome you


*photo  found on annewenzel.nl

** photo pinned by Snake Eyes Lou -Pinterest

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