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Posts tagged ‘wood’



mid month

Live with firm determination, thinking that “this will turnout for the best” Everything in this world progresses and develops. Always be positive,, knowing that everything will turn out for the best.

Perfect Liberty 2019.15

The key to solving problems is within you.

It is interesting because it is difficult. In order to overcome difficulties in your life, you need to think hard and be creative, That is why life is always interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2016.12

woohoo 12.12

Worn, weathered, aging beautifully, still holding up and ready to welcome …wonder what the sound of the knocker is like. Funny I don’t recall taking this picture.. someone sent it to me? Thank you, I love it.

Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking. There are different points of view and ways of thinking, which makes it interesting and creates new ideas. Try to enjoy others’ expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.12

PL Precept #2 To live is to express One’s Self



For the sake of others, society, and world peace. Always live keeping in mind everything you do is for the sake of others, society and world peace. PL 2021.10

La vie est belle – Life is good


Do you believe you are never alone? I do.

Be grateful for everything. If you see everything as material to express gratitude,. you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

Day of Appreciation (once called Thanksgiving) service is at 7 pm …EST

snow Saturday

outside my bedroom window at 7:30 a.m YES it is still snowing.
guess my little Garden spirit will be smoothened under the snow. (see PS below)

What is “Normal” is different for each individual. Everyone has a different way of thinking and doing. It is important to understand others’ feelings.

Perfect Liberty 2021.16

Value those who are nearest to you. It is especially easy to overlook how wonderful your spouse or other family members really are. Always remember to respect and value one another.

Perfect Liberty 2014.22


PS. the sculpture using driftwood and apoxie sculpt is one of my earlier pieces.


There is something about the evolution of a tree, and what we have learned about how it grows, the different types of wood, hardness, texture, colour. I am captivated when I walk into a workshop where wood is being worked on/with. I love the many shapes, forms and characteristics of the different species.

I never tire of discovering an old wooden building/structure

In Wakefield the other day, the wood workers shop was not open when we went, but I got to explore his outdoor work space. Wood everywhere, it was a mini paradise.

I know that pictures are not the same as being there, but I’m sure for those of you who love this kind of “setting” as much I do… you can almost smell the wooden wonder of the place. In the back of this property is a babbling brook. YES I not only got a visual “high” I had the ambience of the running water and clear blue skies. YuppeeDoooo!!!!

We all have different ways of feeling and thinking. Let’s always accept others differences and respect one another. Remember that “different strokes for different folks” is the key to having harmonious relationships with the people around us.

Perfect Liberty 2014.13

Thank YOU for sharing my journey, allowing me into your lives, I truly do appreciate you, and for sure, I love all the comments and feedback.


stump sculpture.

I love you Babe!

The back of the stump appealed to me the most. I walked around several times, taking my time, wanting to experience every dimension of what I was seeing. It sat on a vacant lot that had been for sale, I saw a sold sign on the real estate sign I hope that doesn’t mean that the stump will disappear.

I hope in clicking on it, you can see how much darker the backside is. Does it look like man had a hand in shaping it.. or was it cut down, and then left for nature to do her thing. ???

There are times in life when I think I feel like that stump. I have no reason for being where I am, except it is where I have ended up… and while life goes on around me.. my physical appearance changes, but inside, I’m like a piece of wood. 1000 stories to tell, and no way to have them heard.

I pulled out a calendar .. like I would the I Ching, closed my eyes and flipped to a page.

Always live with a kind and generous heart. Show love and embrace others’ good points, and be willing to overlook their faults. One who has a generous heart can live a fulfilled life.

Perfect Liberty 2012.17

Thunder and tornado warnings here.. gosh.. excitement never ends. Make the twilight hours count… re-energize… absorb the silver moonbeams as they criss cross the skies. the galaxy is alive…


anyone else see the “lovers”


Be Thankful at the beginning and end of each day. Each and everyone of your actions can inspire peace within your family your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2020.21



yin/yang life

Good morning everyone, let me begin by apologizing, I got many e-mails yesterday, it seems there was no link to my second post yesterday. I have since added it, and here is is for those of you who looked and couldn’t find it. https://dymoonadventures.wordpress.com/

Being considerate of others is just as important as what works for you. Always be mindful of the situation s of othersk not just your own. To have a good relationship with those around you, always think of what is important to them too

Perfect Liberty 2019,14

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

Jimi Hendrix

please allow me one more..

La meilleure maniere d;aider un ami est de lui faire savoir qu’il peut compter sur nous en toute confiance

epicure (341-270 avant jc)


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