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stump sculpture.

I love you Babe!

The back of the stump appealed to me the most. I walked around several times, taking my time, wanting to experience every dimension of what I was seeing. It sat on a vacant lot that had been for sale, I saw a sold sign on the real estate sign I hope that doesn’t mean that the stump will disappear.

I hope in clicking on it, you can see how much darker the backside is. Does it look like man had a hand in shaping it.. or was it cut down, and then left for nature to do her thing. ???

There are times in life when I think I feel like that stump. I have no reason for being where I am, except it is where I have ended up… and while life goes on around me.. my physical appearance changes, but inside, I’m like a piece of wood. 1000 stories to tell, and no way to have them heard.

I pulled out a calendar .. like I would the I Ching, closed my eyes and flipped to a page.

Always live with a kind and generous heart. Show love and embrace others’ good points, and be willing to overlook their faults. One who has a generous heart can live a fulfilled life.

Perfect Liberty 2012.17

Thunder and tornado warnings here.. gosh.. excitement never ends. Make the twilight hours count… re-energize… absorb the silver moonbeams as they criss cross the skies. the galaxy is alive…


anyone else see the “lovers”

Comments on: "stump sculpture." (6)

  1. Agreed. We need light and dark to round us off.

  2. One time I asked a friend about her home on the back side of the mountains. She pointed out they were the front side to her!

    I like your stump – full of character on every side.😊

    • `it is all about perception isn’t it.. have you been away, I’ve missed seeing you.. or am I on at the wrong times.. I so often find myself out of step with my previous schedule. =^_^= every one tells me to “go with the flow” IT IS TRUE… life is to be enjoyed, you motoring around now like “before” i.e all healed!

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