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Posts tagged ‘Halloween’


Girls wanna have fun. Remember when we played dress up.. what movies do you watch, what captures your imagination.. Today everyone has license to dress up and have fun, its Halloween. People add colour and fun to their appearance to go to work, wear costumes representing a popular game character, or super hero, there have been parties going on all weekend. You got a costume in mind?

Mother Nature had her own bit of fun, she gave us a sprinkling of snow.

Be Flexible to Change. A flexible way of thinking and responding is one of the keys to getting along with others,.

Perfect Liberty 2023. 31

Whatever you do today.. celebrate the joy of living… be in the moment… allow your creativity to shine.. wear a smile, it goes a long way… I put on my halo and wings for the day…. wink…


Oct fun

Sometimes we have to go into the night and dance .. ” no one is watching” and if they are, who cares!… Let the moment happen, enjoy the freedom of movement and space.

Yesterday I finally got to have my BD lunch with my niece and nephew. It was the last day of the Moon Festival offerings at our favourite buffet. 3/4 of this plate is filled with shrimps cooked in different ways, the green beans you can see, I got a couple of slices of ginger beef, and same with the salt and pepper pork. The only noodle is the decoration you see on top, Notice I did take a piece of corn on the cob that sits in a lovely butter sauce in the heating trays.

I know. Last bd meal for this year!!!

Being asked for a favor is a chance. When someone asks for a favor from you,, this is a chance for you to help others. Face the chance proactively,

Perfect Liberty 2023.

I love the colour, the costumes, the sharing of creativity that happens in October, https://pin.it/2Ac7aiV click on it if you dare….. Have a great start to the week everyone,

a yummy treat!



October is such a fun month. The creativity that I see, the decorations, the parties, the costumes, there is one store in our area, that has racks and racks of costumes and accessories … I notice there are even pop up shops that sell exclusively props and costumes for the occasion.

Even Mother Nature has her fun decorating the trees with her coppers, reds, orange and golds that shine and gleam under clear blue skies. If you are lucky and out at the right time of day, the reflections in the water mirror the beauty that abounds.

Sometimes, you happen to be at just the right place to see a familiar path in a different way.

Yesterday, I had what I thought was a productive day, I began very early in the morning putting together pictures of a new build that friends had put together to add mystery and fun to their Island. (In Second Life)… I had been told it was a haunted house.. how many haunted houses have I visited over the years.. (many)… to my delight when I got there it was different it had an air of mystery, there was a realism to it, the building was almost art deco.,(a period of architecture that I really like)… Inside I felt like I had actually stepped back in time… (You can see more pictures of the “hotel” if you read back to a previous blog*)…

The visit inspired me to actually do one of my virtual blogs. which I happily followed my desire and creative need to express ..more… we all know how that feels.. we are on a roll. Done I sat back and thought, yes… this would be just fine. But when I came to do the categories and tags (fellow bloggers you will understand) I was horrified to see that somehow I had done the blog not on my virtual blog, but on my daily inspirational blog… try as I might I could not find out how to switch all my content to my virtual blog, copy paste, what! In the end, I simply published and then re-blogged to the Virtual blog. ..That didn’t work the way I wanted either, suffice to say, I did get it out to readers, but it was a real “mess” for me.

Today is another day!

Don’t let circumstances sway your decision. It does not help to overthink things, Sometimes we just need to make up our minds and move forward.

Perfect Liberty 2022.6

Free yourself from being overly attached, Overthinking hinders ideas and actions,

Perfect Liberty 2021.22

witching hour

When the midnight hour strikes, the ghosts and goblins come out to play. There are always those who just don’t fit in, the ghouls and their pranks, the vampires and their weird sense of humour. Like, being bitten is fun!.

Some players just don’t get that its not nice to play with pointed objects that could hurt someone

I did meet a dog who seemed friendly at first, but when I drew closer, he bared his teeth and snapped… I got the message and moved on.

I thought to have more luck with this fellow, but he just wasn’t interested in anything but his bottle. We do our best, it is really all we can do.

Be careful about saying “its probably good enough”” Wholeheartedly do what you notice, when and how you notice it.

Perfect Liberty 2021.29

When I think on it, he may not have been happy that I had one of his possible friends on my witching rod. This is the season of the witch, your broom dusted and ready to fly?

Till soon

You wanted to enjoy the scare.. here is your taxi.. A very Viper Hell o-ween on Viper Isles http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Viper%20Isles%202/135/34/2003

for music lovers

Second Life is a virtual world that can be accessed from almost everywhere in the world. https://www.secondlife.com/ By now everyone knows about virtual worlds, and many of you are familiar with what an avatar is. To move around in SL, you need an avatar, but all that will be explained to you by visiting the SL (Second Life) website. If you are already in SL, then this is the venue you won’t want to miss. SAX on the Beach. https://wordpress.com/view/virtualnws8.ca

Two full days of live music, the musicians come from all corners of the world and all have their own unique way of presenting their music to you. The times they are playing ( you will see the schedule in the virtual news blog) will enable you to schedule a time convenient to you.

China is ready .. she has been at Pacifique enjoying the Halloween venue provided there, if you are in SL you can drop over to Pacifique to enjoy scaring yourself into a very fun time. see http://virtualnws8.ca/2021/10/21/news-october-21/

China taking care of two foolish skeletons who wanted to scare her.

The links I’ve provided will take you to two of my earlier posts that will give you (1) the details of the Sax on the Beach venue, and the Pacifique Halloween themed park. Halloween will run at Pacifique till the end of October and maybe a wee bit beyond.

October is my favourite month… I don’t get to dress up in RL, but in SL I have a blast.

Please pass this along to your music loving friends.. the Sax on the Beach is not an event to miss. Happens only once a year. If you are already in SL here is your taxi.. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beauty%20Forest/231/36/22 remember there is a lot to enjoy at the event.. wander, explore, ENJOY.

Till soon

when I fly

October is when we can take to the skies
oh yes my pretty day or night

If you look high in the sky, you will see me in flight

Sisters and warlocks, we criss cross the skies,

searching for the pumpkins that have been gathered for displays

Yes mortal beings, we love what you do,

For years now we have watched as the festivities blossom

we no longer celebrate one night a year… No No my lovelies

by the time all Hallows Eve has arrived

you have been celebrating “our world” for weeks on end

we have been rewarded time and time again

as we watch with delight, your shows that showcase menus

that are deliciously frightful and wonderfully ghoulish

ghosts, goblins, skeletons abound

we feast on pumpkin pies, and desserts that are so devilishly sinful

mortals, elves, witches and healers shriek in pleasure all through the night

have a BOOOOtiful day/night… I’m hovering near by

journal page 9.7.18

halloween, sept.7Will I ever grow up, probably not, there is a part of me that loves the creative fun of the October season.  The leaves start to change colour, the air in the mornings is fresh and crisp.  Makes for a happy me.  OK I confess my preference in life is to living happy.

halloween sept 7a

I know of one of you for sure, that is groaning and shaking her head as she sees this post. “it is still September ” she will moan.  But giggle and groan, Boooo Whooooo, this is a smile per page.

PL Principle 12  I will get up pleasantly in the morning.

I will never tire of saying, be happy, make that your choice, and the goal you have for every day and night.  When I play with my stickers, paints and ideas, I get right into it, it is about me, me little old me, enjoying myself.  Let us not forget the stolen hours, checking out thrift shops and crafting places for the materials, It is not about spending, it is about searching out the hidden treasure that will work (maybe) to help in your redesigning of an old book,  or putting colour down on a fresh blank canvas.

halloween sept 7 b

Norm the door opens, but once in, you are own your own to find a way out..

link to Norm’s page   

Colour riot Saturday

October abstract 5

If you haven’t guessed already, I love October, and the energy that seems to gather and explode in the shops around this time of year. I can’t at this moment in time, over haul our living quarters into a stage set, but I can dream about it. So, some of my time today was wandering the shops and taking pictures of items I’d want to collect and bring home, if this was the right time for me to do so.

October 2

How fun to have this at the back door to greet unsuspecting visitors.

October 3

Could it be the colours, the designs, or just the witching fun.

october 6a

Back when I was  really keen on redoing the “home” with such colourful and creative items, we had to make them ourselves.  Now, they are all over in the shops and so available.  I love the black, the way it sets off the bright yellows and glowing oranges.


I have been feeling more creative these days, the top picture is my bedtime activity, some people write in journals, I like to paint.  I have art journals, and junk journals, they are everywhere, so when I feel an urge, I can just pick one up and add to it.  Even the act of preparing a page so that it will take paint, or other medium is joyful.

Ripping up a magazine for the splotches of colour that have caught my eye is very relaxing…. then to see it reborn in a totally “MY ” way  is absolutely satisfying.  Same applies to fabric, wool, threads, cord, ribbon, tapes, the possibilities are endless.

The best part of visual expression, is that it is very personal, subjective, and really only needs to be enjoyed by me, myself and I.  If someone else likes it, that is bonus.

Life is what we make it.  There is an artist in all of us. We all choose to express ourselves differently. What is important is that we do so.

When a challenge looms before us.  How we deal with it, shows are creativity.  We are offered so many possibilities during the day, I am always amazed that not every one gets the  feeling of satisfaction at having a full day.

If you are in Canada, you are well on your way to enjoying a long week-end.  I am looking forward to mine.  It is a daunting task, but I am going to try to rearrange my studio/work area.

PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a turning point.

PL Precept # 19  Begin Once you Perceive

Happy, wonderful and productive Saturday !!  Let the colours shine.


October 3 – changes

dark forest waer on acrylicAfter the events of the last couple of days, weeks, I welcome October and all its silly fright nights that build up to the end of October.  For weeks now, I’ve seen the fun and silliness that people have and enjoy when they plan their special outfits for the events that lead up to Halloween.  Not just the young, the older shoppers as well.

Stagecoach road 10.3

What IS behind the wall of trees, and mounds of earth.  At this location, as I neared I could hear the rumble of big trucks.

stagecoach road greely on the right of entrance

They were backing up and emptying their load of gravel and sand, the vegetation was so dense, I saw very little, but I did grab a picture on the other side of the roadway.

stagecoach road 10.3.17 2

This with the water is what I see from the road, at the first No Trespassing Pit I come to. It is lovely, but the No Trespassing signs are everywhere.  I took this from the road.  All this to say, that although I started out thinking of ghouls and goblins, and painting spider and furry critters.. the drive out to Mountain, turned my thoughts around.

I am still going to  paint a howling scene and enjoy  the creative rush I get in October, but wanted to share with you, how easy it can be, to go with the flow.  NATURE is so good at drawing us in, and helping us to expand our horizons.  Help us turn a page.

Mid week everyone.  Make every day count.  Enjoy whatever comes your way, find appreciation in all you do.


PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning Point.




Hi Everyone… my apologies to those of you who have joined our little “group” in the last month or so.  I have been experiencing issues with Windows defender, and my security software.   While away on my last trip, I noted that several new members had joined up.  However when I got back home to have a look and say hello, thank you etc. Some were not to be found, and others caused problems when I tried opening them.  So now I am being cautious.

I welcome you .. in time I will find a way to actually get to your blogs.  Meanwhile, welcome, welcome,  I look forward to getting to know what part of the blogs you enjoy the most. =^_^=

blog-10-12-14_007The month of October is a very creative month. In August I begin with the fall greeting cards, and doing up Thanksgiving one, and yes… I get a head start on the ghoulish and witching ones.  Yet.. I do not do Halloween.  Go figure, I simply like the creativity it brings out in me.  I remember in the days when I did ATC* challenges, my envelopes would be decorated with tombstones, ghosts and “characters” in all shapes and sizes.

Today I was told that our cards will be sold at one of the Craft fairs, by two of our members.  So here I am doing HO HO HO cards. By December I’m doing Hearts and Flowers cards, and working my way into Irish greetings.=^_^=



Love transcends all known boundaries

PL Precept #10  Love yourself and Others

PL Precept # 7  Everything exists in relativity

When we speak from the heart

the world is such a better place

PL Precept #11   Always be with God


  • ATC – Artist Trading Cards
  • no matter where we are, who we are interacting with, how we are interacting, it is a very real “connection”

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