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Posts tagged ‘art journal’

Dec 30

I dreamt I was sleeping……………….. I was

from same journal I used yesterday

Almost the end of another \calendar year. Except for the fact that we will flip open a new calendar, and sign 20 instead of 19. We will still all be here, waking up, and starting a new day .. One more sleep my dears, and a new year will begin.

October journal page

We can be pretty we can be merry – above all else, be safe and always remember, you are the most precious gift of all.


Thursday 11th


Happy start to another day!  It is Thursday, the week has flown by.  Already we are celebrating the 11th of the month.  Ancestors Day.

PL calendar day 11

Appreciate the Makoto (sincerity) of the people who came before you.  Everything we have today was built upon the hard work of our ancestors and the people who came before us.  Always remember to be thankful and humble and continue to build on their past successes.

flower center 34

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”.  Mary Robinson.

Nothing can take the place of good friends, they make you smile, save your bxtt when you think there is no end in sight and give comfort just in being who they are.  I feel humbled to have such amazing friends.

When we pray for our ancestors and the people in our lives who contribute in our daily living, genuinely infuse each moment, with gratitude, giving thanks with all the makoto you can muster.


pages from my art journal


journal page 3.19

Good morning all, Bom dia

Day 19 of the PL Calendar    If you are going to do it, put your whole heart into it

Your degree of seriousness will affect the outcome,  Your daily accumulation of effort toward your goal shows just how serious you are.

My latest journal pages reflect the various interest I have in the world of Yin.  I search the rows of books, catalogs, comics, artworks for ideas.  I never know how a  page or series of pages will end up. I let my creative muse direct my energies .. colours and subject matter change with each new day, even from morning till evening hours, my inspirations can and often change.

But whatever I am doing, I do my best to put my whole heart into it.  Living the PL way, one lives with Makoto (one’s utmost sincerity)


Blessings dear friends, may your day hold many wonders..


Feb 28

IMG_0771Happy Birthday to someone special.  Born on the 28th she just missed being a leap year baby.  How lucky is that.

Birthdays are a celebration of life. No matter how many we have, each one marks a year of experiences and adventures.  Some birthdays are stepping-stones, and others well, they require hiking boots walking sticks and determination.

birds enhanced in snapseed

I welcome every day as an opportunity for kindness.

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late” Ralph Waldo Emerson”

#30 of the PL Calendar  Your surroundings are a mirror of your thoughts

When you think \”this s going to be hard” then your situation will become difficult  Instead think “let’s do this!” and face your situation with determination.  Then you will be surprised to se how smoothly things go.

Have a wonderful day every one!  If you are celebrating today, go for it.  Enjoy the day to the fullest.. That said.  We should be doing our best to live every day to the fullest. Happy happy happy energy and vibes to all.



picture ht9

art journal page, Q

the art of nothing


While waiting for the paint to dry, I decided to take a picture, of my nothing page.  I do a lot of nothing, that is what speaks to me the most.

I will do a whole book of pages, when the mood strikes, of “nothing” art.  When I am done, I will have my very own book of “Nothing” for the month of December 2018  I ask you, What will you do for yourself, to remind you of this coming month of December.

Our thought for today (PL calendar, day 11) was to be thankful for who we are…

Tomorrow, PL Day Calendar day 12 –  Carry out what you believe in

Once you have prepared everything to the best of your ability, seize any opportunity that comes your way and take action without hesitation.  Express yourself to the fullest.

I learned a long time ago, that “nothing”was not always easy to express.  I used to call it abstract art, or expressions.  To call it art, to some was stretching it.  You dear friends, who have been on this journey with me, know that this is not the first time, you hear me speak of “nothing”   If you recall I  took pictures one summer of nothing.

All this to say, if it feels right, and it is to be your very own, create your memory your way. A picture, a doodle, story, whatever method choose to for your expression, if done with Makoto (sincerity of intention) it will be great.  There are no failures, only experiences.



Chop Suey Tuesday 18th

oct journal pageHappy September 18th everyone.

First I want to thank you all or your birthday wishes.  I was away for a birthday outing yesterday, when I came back I was overwhelmed by all the messages and good wishes.  Wow, it is going to be super awesome year, I have been jet propelled into a new year.  I am truly blessed, I say thank you each and every day!

oct rust 1 page

While some look for pristine, blank pages, I work at making mine look old, and sometimes, like here, I strive to make rust, and dirty a page, this is my playtime. Yesterday was spent visiting places in west of downtown Montreal, looking for paint, inks, and any and all other artistic, creative tools, to be found,  It was an all day event that I got to share with two like-minded friends, needless to say, it was a lot of fun.

rocks oneoct rust page

Every person is unique, we each and every one of us, expresses ourselves in our own way.  What rocks one person, can be a total turn off to the other, yet when we are on a search and find mission, the enthusiasm of the other person’s excitement when they have found something that has fired up their enthusiasm for their craft, that is catching.  It is smiles all around.

In our travels as we headed back towards Ottawa, I found Catnip who I knew would be perfect for my October Fright journal.

Sharing happiness with friends is a blessing.  What better way to share a birthday celebration, Catnip will always remind me that my 2018 birthday was not only  great.  It lasted for days,  Today I am off on another adventure.

PL Calendar for 18th.  Look forward to what’s ahead

There is no use brooding over the past.  Always try to begin each day anew with a fresh outlook.





journal page 9.7.18

halloween, sept.7Will I ever grow up, probably not, there is a part of me that loves the creative fun of the October season.  The leaves start to change colour, the air in the mornings is fresh and crisp.  Makes for a happy me.  OK I confess my preference in life is to living happy.

halloween sept 7a

I know of one of you for sure, that is groaning and shaking her head as she sees this post. “it is still September ” she will moan.  But giggle and groan, Boooo Whooooo, this is a smile per page.

PL Principle 12  I will get up pleasantly in the morning.

I will never tire of saying, be happy, make that your choice, and the goal you have for every day and night.  When I play with my stickers, paints and ideas, I get right into it, it is about me, me little old me, enjoying myself.  Let us not forget the stolen hours, checking out thrift shops and crafting places for the materials, It is not about spending, it is about searching out the hidden treasure that will work (maybe) to help in your redesigning of an old book,  or putting colour down on a fresh blank canvas.

halloween sept 7 b

Norm the door opens, but once in, you are own your own to find a way out..

link to Norm’s page   

happiness is


congeeGood evening dear friends

I like to share.  I tried this new product today 5 black grain congee. totally unknown to me, I saw it, and after reading the label decided it was time to give my taste buds a change. Black rice, black soybean, black glutinous rice, black sesame, mulberry fruit and goji berry  Doesn’t that sound simply yummy.  I followed the directions for cooking it in my rice pot.  I had it with Chinese BBQ pork thinly sliced and a bowl of steamed Chinese greens.

journal pageFor dessert I played in my studio, starting a new page in my October junk journal.  For some unknown reason to me, I enjoy the fun of October.  This is my second ‘art’ journal dedicated to the silliness of witches, bats and things that go bump in the night.  Non fattening too.

There need be no reason or rhyme for the “hobbies” or fun things we do to relax, as long as we take the time we need for ourselves to recharge.

Plan to do something different this week, try something new, spend time with someone you haven’t seen in a while.  The boost we get in bringing new vibes into our routine, really helps us to rediscover our own possibilities.

zentangle card woodless colour sticks



Happy 31st!



week 20 Que,May 2017

Everything you encounter is an opportunity for you to express yourself.  What you choose to make of the situation is entirely up to you.

PL calendar day 31

photo Dave Renz

HI. =^_^=   Wanted to show you a page from one of my art journals.  This picture so delighted me at the time, I couldn’t pass along the magazine or get rid of it.  Finally I started an Art Journal, or a Junk Journal… in it, I put in the various  ” art pieces” that have caught my attention.  This is one I wanted to use today, but… didn’t fit.  So adding it in a post script.


Life offers us so much that challengers our creativity, it is staggering.  I love it.

I accept that life isn’t always “fun” but it is powerful, it is an emotion that transcends words, happiness is LOVE  and LOVE is GOD.



What a

What a difference a day makes.

zen tangle mini 3.4.18

I used to suggest to clients that keeping a journal, even if it was sentence, or a word to express  how they/you felt at that moment, or about the day.  Not everyone likes to write, or wants more words.

Since in PL, (Perfect Liberty) we say,  “Life is art”  (Precept #1) I began to suggest if not a word, a sketch, or picture, something doodled.  It doesn’t really matter, no one will see or read what is written, unless you share. It is for YOU from YOU.

zen tangle mini 3.6.18

At the time, it seems insignificant, but that simple “action” leads to appreciation and gratitude.  As the days progress (nights) something beautiful starts to happen, you see what “was” in such a different light.  No two days are the same. Never.  Moments cannot be relived.

zen tangle mini 3.7.18

Even if I end up adding only one bit of shading or colour tonight, this little card will have another dimension.  AND yes, even if I don’t get to do anything with the card, today, tomorrow or the day after, I will SEE the card differently with each passing day.

A”story” of my own making…..    Happy sunshine, and many creative opportunities be afforded you today.  If it is evening when you read this, may you be blessed with a contentment of peace in your sleep.



note> it is amazing how we have time to try to unravel the world and things that are totally out of our control, yet we can’t make time,  for  our”SELVES”  we resist.



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