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Posts tagged ‘photograph’


I put on wings- can I fly? No.

Because I can’t see you, does that mean you are not there… No

Because you spoke and I didn’t hear, does that mean it didn’t happen. No.

Because I can’t see it, does not mean, it does not exist. LOVE IS

PL Precept # 11 Always be with God.


Wordless Wednesday –




lego hero


harry potter2

Bom dia, good morning

Lego, Lego, it has been around for years. I never played with it in years gone by, and had no intentions of playing with Lego now. One should never say never. Lately I have been introduced to the many “wonders” of the  Lego world of activities, I thought for the younger generation, however, I have since learned that Lego is played with by the young and old, and that collectors are hugely abundant.

In my travels I came across this set. #75951 Fantastic Beasts. I thought to give it a try. It was not in the cards. My fingers lacked the coordination and my aging gray matter rebelled unkindly to my intentions.  A friends grandson, I was told was a super whiz at building Lego, and that my little 100 some blocks would be sneeze.   His accomplishments are in sets that have thousands of pieces.  I shudder at the thought, what patience he must have.  I surrendered my little horse and carriage.

And look dear friends, I have it back and it is a beauty. I am thrilled. The young man is now my  Lego hero my knight in shining armor.  I will never think of Lego in the same way again.  btw notice that the heroes are younger now.. or is it I am getting older.

harry potter 5

PL calendar day 14    Be a Person who invites happiness

Live your life with good timing and respond quickly to whatever appears in front of you. By doing so, things will keep getting better and better.

Life is continually bringing a lot of happiness and love into my world.  I feel such gratitude and appreciation for my friends, each and every one of you.






Velcro 7.20Seriously 

can you  really ignore me…..  Come on… give a    S M I L E 

day 21  PL Calendar

A Thankful person will grow as an individual.

When you are able to have a thankful attitude, you will be blessed with good intuition and more enthusiasm, which will continue to move things in a positive direction.

Happiness is meant to be shared



lost? in place


No, not lost where you don’t know where you are, just “lost” when you stand in one place and feel that at that moment, you are in many places.  The shadows, the lush vegetation, the multiple shades of green.  AND of course the almost hidden old wooden building in the background.

My adventure companion and I had arrived in Merrickville, her for ice cream, and me, for no real reason but to share time with a friend and enjoy the outing.  Then I saw this place and was instantly transported to many places at once. I saw New Hampshire, the Laurentians, southern NY state, it was an amazing feeling, it  wrapped itself in a hug and vanished,

Such moments are not uncommon, but they are not “ordinary” we have to be tuned in to “receive the frequency”.  Be present in your every day life.  Live each moment!                 Live with appreciation .. give thanks!

PL day 11 (calendar)


You are standing here thanks to your ancestors, your parents and those who have supported you through your life.  Show your appreciation by giving back to the world around you.


being YOU

africa hippo rhino

Remember the saying, “the glass is either half full” or “the glass is half empty”  Is this fellow walking on the bottom, or is he coming up for air.  Some days it is hard to tell, if its a good day, or we are just used to the “ambience” and tempo.

“I am so busy” I heard someone say, ” I just can’t get anything done”

I would wonder, then what have they been doing that they are so busy. If we are focused on the moment, then each moment we live through, is an accomplishment.  When we go out to lunch, after we have had our lunch, didn’t we accomplish what we set out to do. We ate lunch.  We actually “do” things all day.  Is it that we don’t acknowledge our accomplishments, that we are always looking ahead, and not satisfied with the present?

Have I been listening to too much Pi.   Unless you have heard of the book, seen the film or listened to the CD  you might not recognize my reference.  That’s OK, my musing can be confusing.  Life of Pi

PL calendar day 20    You are YOU, Others are Others

You have your own way of doing things, and others have their way of doing things. Don’t worry about what other people will say.  Simply take care of the task at hand.

Can you believe we are already mid month.  Please have yourself a grand day tomorrow.  Enjoy it to the fullest.  Make each moment count.  A moment wasted on negative energy, is a moment you are not smiling.  Happiness makes for a great day.

When you smile, others will too.



Life of Pi by Yann Martel


Wordless Wednesday – journey

truck tires a

tracks in the fresh fallen snow




One liner Wednesday

first night

Excuse Me!




au soleil – in the sunshine

huntsman spider in australia.

A spider will play, the warm sun fondly warming his legs as he feels his way along the path he is on.  A beautiful day for a stroll, I’m sure he is focused on his search  for his catch of the day. Yet he will be ever vigilant of the world around him.  Of course, realize that it will be from his perspective.

When we are out and about on a sunny day, do we focus on the moment or the day ahead.  I was myself not focused on my day, only on the moment, when a friend knocked on my door, saying, “come out and play”  Left on my own, I would have had a boring day. Sure I would have gotten things done, but having a friend to share some time with changed the whole “colour” of my day.  Not that we did something extra ordinary in a way that would win us, ooohs and aaahhhs…. but, it was an absolutely different and wonderful day, because it was shared with a friend.  So for ME, it was a fantabulous day..

How many times have I used the word =day=   hmmm doesn’t matter this is not a literary piece, it’s a shout out.. saying ” YAY” today was a good day!

What a nice way to enjoy such an interlude in the middle of the week.

Make times my friends to do something that makes you smile. Don’t squander all your day, doing the mundane.

Jai eu beaucoup de Plaisir, I had a lot of fun “living” today.


no goblins or ghouls, I hope this “leaves” you with a smile.  Happy Thursday…




photography,Hillwalker (D. Su)



Wordless Wednesday


The attraction just happened

it was a piece in the ground,  we needed to dig out..

took hours to break and dig it up

when I saw it, I couldn’t let it go

it now stands in the garden

I’ll enjoy it all year round.


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