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Posts tagged ‘dog’

quiet comfort

You might want to make the bed… but I’m comfortable
try it, you might like it

Habit is.. get out of bed. Make it.. Someone had a different idea, after her morning outing, she decided she hadn’t finished with her “bedtime”. I had to leave to get to church. Did she get to stay on the bed, or was it made before I left?

The key to solving problems is within you. the problems that appear before you can surely be solved. give it your best effort, and the answers will come to you as long as you remain strong in your conviction that all will turn out well.

Perfect Liberty 2012.14


naturally unique

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our own way of thinking and our own individual lifestyle. that’s what makes life interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20

Strive today to put on a positive outlook to the day. Start the day with a smile.

You have seen Velcro before, but since we were talking about being “laid back” BEING AWARE, yet chilling while you observe and live in the world around you. My boy whippet, served up a good example. =^_^=


Relaxing, is part of living. Don’t make it all work and no play. -Q

chop suey Thursday 18th


Same bed, different bed cover, same lazy laid back whippet …Nothing new goes down, without his checking it out, for comfort. Ceiling fan is over head, he is content.. I have permission to leave on my errands.

When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment that you notice, something is the best time to take care of it. IF YOU REACT QUICKLY, YOUR LIFE WILL BE MORE EFFICIENT.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18


Problem bro?

When there are two different perspectives to a situation.
Clearly Viktor sees no problem with his current state of “happiness;
He has just come in from enjoying some creative time in the backyard.
He dug himself the most amazing bed in the cool earth,
There is obviously confusion on his human’s part.. after all,
wasn’t the objective of the exercise for him to enjoy time outside in the fresh air.

When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment that you notice something is the best time to take car of it. If you react quickly your life will be more efficient.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18

I’m sure Viktor was outside enjoying himself. What he hadn’t counted on was the human reaction to his “living in the moment” That happens, It is that ripple effect. WE are all arm chair detectives… what do you see when you look at Viktor’s reaction to his Human’s tirade.

Just saying.


5 a.m wake up call


IMG_2175 icelandIceland, so beautiful, so far away,

so natural so inviting, so far away,

5 a,m, here, now, the whole house is stirring  there is nothing to do but get up and start the day.

IMG_2178 iceland

Bom dia, bonjour, allo, there is no worries that there will be few hours in my day.  I have plenty  hours stretching out before me, no excuses to not getting more work done in the clearing up, cleaning out of my physical spaces.

Btw I have not cropped or changed the pictures, I am using them just the say my cousin Brian sent them to me.  He and Jon are honeymooning, I get to reap the rewards of their wonderful pictures  they travel from place to place.  There is something to be said of the arm-chair traveller, no packing, no jostling at busy airports, no line ups, etc.. At some time or other we have all been there.

Oh dear I am going to have to look at just what is I that box on the top shelf.  I am sure you have all had that experience too. Life is full of these little “treats”  reminder to self.. Find the happy in all that you do, to change direction I thought I would go make the bed, There I discovered a big lump !

Velcro aug 10

he graciously got himself up and went somewhere else to have his lie in.  Very considerate.

It is now going on seven, I have been successful in removing some of the clutter, but fear not, there is still more for me to do once I take this lot away.  happy finding I found where I had put my sloth stamps away.

PL Principle #1  I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto into all I say and do (sincerity)

PL Principle #3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

To members of the PL community, tomorrow is the 11th, we will be celebrating Ancestors Day, service will be at 10 a.m.

Have a great day everyone, if your day is almost over.  I trust it was a good one for you.

I pray for the happiness and well BEing of all.  We are all ONE.






human in training

july 26.18

Pay attention, this is how it is done.  Find where you want to life down, then  let your body relax, put your head down and sleep. You have to really let go. It is easy, follow my lead.

Keeper July 25

I don’t think you are paying careful attention, look I’ll do it for you again, you see how I have positioned myself.  You are watching, yes.  Ok, here goes again.


You have to be totally committed to letting go, relaxing, and following through with the art of sleeping.

What… you want me to what.. move over so you can get into bed.

How thoughtless is that.


image1 sending kisses





PL Precept #15  All is a mirror


rusted vs reality


rusted memory

rusted metal & chrome

look at those lines

oh to have you for my own

time has not been kind

still I wish you were mine

be my July valentine


july 19

oh do get on with it

I am trying to sleep

tsk, groaning and moaning over metal and chrome

honestly woman, you have me

 I am here with you at home

appreciate what is near and dear

metal and chrome, are cold

I am soft and warm

best of all .. I don’t rust

my words you can trust

It is true, I do have conversations with my dog.  she inspires some good ideas with her feedback.  It can take me a day or two to unravel her wisdom…but if she can get me to understand the jumble that often tumbles from my mind, why not…

PL Precept # 17  Grasp what is most essential

words are only words

sometimes they tell a story .. sometimes they don’t

It is the listener / reader that gives them meaning




snips and bits

May 27Someone is sleeping in my bed.  Someone thinks it is her bed, and is not shy in making her thoughts known.

May 27 c

Yes her legs are extended and she is pushing at me to move over. our little whippet knows her mind.  No I did not give in to her, sweet as she is… I’m the leader of the pack.  =^_^=

PL calendar day 29   Be Cheerful and Easygoing

Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to think positively.


faces looking out

Another picture from Norway.  Can you see the face… I see two … how about you?







Give it your all…

Keeper 4.15.18

PL Calendar – day 16

Don’t hold anything back;  Give it your all

Always approach things with full enthusiasm and energy.  Then, things will develop in new direction.

PL Precept #16   All things progress and develop






Lunar Dog Year

Year 2018 —— Dog (earth )

Dogs are capable and knowledgeable, and it is not unusual to see Dog people in high demand in the job market.  Dogs like to work at whatever career they choose.  Prince William, Elvis, Cher, George Gershwin, Mother Teresa, were born in Dog years

As a partner Dogs are extremely loyal  although they think they know best, it is fortunate that they are usually open-minded. and will be open to advice. Generally speaking with their sensitive and compassionate heart, they do well in occupations or careers that “serve” or work in the best interest of others. ie. teachers, charity workers, doctors etc.

Unlike other Dog years the Earth Dog is less idealistic than most Dogs, the Earth element makes them practical enough they don’t lose sight of reality.

In China dogs are usually associated with justice and compassion.

We are living at a time, when the plus, positive characteristics of the Dog, could stand us in good staid.



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