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Posts tagged ‘wellness’

Monday 4.10.17

pic.Darren 2015

After a visit to one of the hospitals I’m  truly overwhelmed at the number of “sick” people contained in a maze of corridors and multiple floors.  This being only one of the large hospitals in this city.

In Japan one of the wellness programs they introduced was to spend more time with and around trees.  I guess this came out in the early 80’s  Japan in known for its spring time blossoms, people flock to the parks to take pictures and enjoy the refreshing ambiance of trees in early bloom.

Not spending a lot of time confined to a hospital, or home environment it is  an eye opener to visit one of these places.  Yes my Mother had been hospitalized, but my attendance there was focused on my Mother, and where I would have noticed or seen that the place was humming with activity and a lot of people, the thought came and went.  Today I had  occasion to have to track down my sister-in-law, she had been moved from the area I had been told she would be in.  The hospital is big it has grown and expanded over the years, even staff were not sure exactly where or how to get to certain rooms, didn’t help that you had to know if you were in the right “section” never mind floor.  Like a Chinese menu, there are  multiple choices.

Darren 2015 Monterey Bay Ca

I came away with the determination to work harder at obtaining and maintaining a good health report card.  Like most, I can cheat at sneaking in a dessert or extra starchy snack, now I have a visual reminder of where I do not want to be.

What about you…   are you setting attainable goals, then sticking to them?

PL Principle #8   I will not have a mind to be greedy

PL Principle # 2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather,  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.


pictures in this blog by- Darren Su

Taste, delight & savour


Sauted black fungus and mixed vegetables…The veggies are done just right, with a  crispness to them, and the sauce is light not drowning in starch and sugars. Looks good, and it is.


There is a whole array of salads too, some very nice ones, but I skip those,  in the background you see, just beyond the  customer is a whole delight of cooked dishes.  There is a plate of scallops that my friends delight in, they are plump lightly breaded with not a hint of “fried”  Next to that dish, you will find the  different noodle dishes and I believe that is where the fried rice is for the North American taste buds.  BUT to the right of that customer, is also two dishes that I find hard to resist, One is green beans stir fried and tossed with a few sesame seeds, I pile as much of that as I can over my other goodies.  In front of that dish is a mixed veggie dish that I supplement my other choices with.

eclipse 2

From this side of my plate, you can see the green beans, and the crisp broccoli, on the top to the left is salt and pepper fish, the dumpling on the right there is a pot sticker, and under the broccoli is a small piece  salt and pepper pork .. the stick you see, holds a wonderfully roasted piece of chicken, moist and succulent.


This side of my plate shows you the  larger helping of black fungus and veggies.   Buried under all of that is freshly steamed Basa fish, a nice big slab of it. Note, no rice, no noodles. You can’t see it, but I likely have a couple of sushi there too.  They have a good sushi cook and serve some traditional sushi, not North American …


All this side of that round server going around to the right there, where the customers are, is DESSERT.   The counter on the right is where the steamed or baked fish dishes are. You can not see that portion because of the back of the bench.  Sorry.. behind the bench is another serving area, of ice creams. Off to the left or other dishes, and the server behind the benches on the left, holds the soups, and more steamed dumplings and Chinese steamed spare ribs in a garlic and black bean sauce.


You are witness …. I did have dessert.  that cake  or whatever it is on the left is to die for.. it melts in your mouth, it is like a whipped cream, only the colour of pistachio.. the square on the right is mouth drooling tasty, it looks innocent, but oh wow it is good, and so is that silly looking cup of  what you think is a little bit of pudding,  I’m not usually a dessert person, so I cannot tell you what they are, just that I will go back for more.  The little macaroon didn’t stand a chance next to the other goodies, it was good, but… hands down on the green whatever it was.( looked like a cake)

All this to say….. seize the moment………live each day making choices that you will enjoy….. choose wisely, but get out there,  try new challenges..  

In Pl, we have a Principle, PL Principle #13  – Concerning food, I will not have complaints, likes and dislikes, nor preferences; nor will I overeat, over drink,nor eat irregularly

Not easy peasy all the time to follow… in this case… I did my best to choose wisely, I didn’t waste, I ate what I picked, taking only a bit of this and that, meant that should something not please my palate, I could still eat it.. and I do try different dishes.  Some I do not have because I won’t like them, but because I know they will affect my sugar levels.  Eating moderately means that I can enjoy these buffets, and not suffer later.

Delight in what you eat.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri



a quiet interlude

cave,Fingal's in Scotland  Isle of Staffa

Fingal’s Cave off the coast of Scotland

Good Morning, thought I’d share a little more of yesterday’s experience.  Like many others around me, I live life at a rather “active” pace.  True not always, I know to take breaks, and  have a slow down time, the key words here, are I know… just because I know, doesn’t mean that I do it.  I was happy yesterday to disrobe and get on the waiting table in the small room I’d been assigned to.  Nothing magical, just a quiet place, soothing music and the implements used for doing facials.  The table was the ordinary table used in spas, and salons all over.  The table had been prepared, the colours of the towels and sheets were calm, soothing colours, the terry towels were big a fluffy.  Already I could feel myself relaxing, and when I slipped unto the table and felt the warmth on my back (the table was heated) I knew I had made a good choice.

Our minds are chatty little characters,  often even if we want to rest and know we are tired, the little voice just keeps babbling away at times like a broken record. I closed my eyes, letting the moment surround me.  I was getting a holistic facial, the herbal fragrances were intoxicating, never mind the knowing trained hands working their magic. My mind began to still, my thoughts drifted into quiet spaces that’s I’d found along the way and wanted to explore.

cave, Greece

Melissani Cave, Greece

There is no rhyme or reason for where the thoughts will drift.  The mind and body are strongly connected and tuned to one another.  When the body begins to let go and release pent-up stress, the mind feeling less smothered and pressured, will also relax.  Being able to find, quiet moments where the body truly let’s go of the daily ritual of “activity” is an awesome experience.  It really truly is.

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The promise of spring, a new season, when we see the first signs of new growth peaking through the soil…. this is rejuvenation.  we see it and we love the discovery, it is pleasing, it is a new moment. Our bodies deserve the same care and attention that we give to our gardens, our hobbies, crafts, work, it is ours.

IMG_1147 - Copy

When we invest in ourselves, in having a facial, a massage, a skin and body treatment, we are looking after ourselves, the part of us that often is taken for granted until it nudges and pushes back at us.

 PL Precept# 20   Live Maintaining Equilibrium between Mind and Matter

Having a quiet interlude, enjoying the moment, was a re-energizing experience.  I had booked a full hour of body massage after the facial, needless to say, my mind took itself to exactly where it wanted to be…. my smile was a mile wide… total immersion in a happy reverie is good for the soul, you really should try it.

crocus in snow

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

ps. am I still smiling, you betcha!

another way of letting go



This is one of the walls as one enters into what appears to be a store front in a shopping mall.  The sign says TEAL. Mind,Body,Wellness, and although there is a rather spa like setting as you enter, it is basic, clean, simple and you immediately feel,  “nice”.  Looking around, it is open, and bright, and coming from outside where it is cold, and very much winter, the atmosphere inside is warm and inviting without being pretentious.

teal screen shot

Theses are some of the options offered at Teal.  I’ve been twice now, and both times I’ve come away looking like a greased monkey, high on a lot of TLC and expert attention to my – in need of a holiday body.  We all can’t get away on an exotic holiday, nor do we all have the time or inclination to spend weeks working over time so we can manage a few days off, only to get back to work and find the work we left on our desks still there.

Teal screen 2

My first visit there, I went for the Ayurveda treatments.  I had a full body treatment and a head massage and a full body Kalp Ubtan treatment.  It was an amazing experience, I have had Ayurveda treatments before, and I always came away totally “spaced”  I am telling you that this combination I experienced that day, was out of this world.  Let me share with you their wording from their website. tealwellness.com

Harmonize your body, mind and senses and experience instant calm and rejuvenation with this ancient Indian shirodhara treatment. Lay back and let us wrap your head and neck in warm towels while gentle botanical water drips over your forehead. The fragrant liquid flows in a rhythmic stream falls into your forehead and rivers around your head nourishing your hair and scalp. Find deep peace and let your tension melt away with every drop.

TEal head

Ubtan is a very influential lymphatic system intoxicant that is used in variety of body treatments; an aid in the detoxification process. The Ubtan (a herbal paste) is a mixture of fine herbs, spices, grains and selective essentials oils. 

Ubtan, when initially applied over the body, the nature of herbs and spices is induced in the deeper tissues of the body, which eliminates stiffness and blockages. 

Thereafter, massaging on the body with herbal Dosha Oils, it creates the friction that helps open up the skin pores, enhance metabolism and dissolving fat tissues. Ubtan; due to its enriched ingredients, is highly advantageous for toning body muscles, reducing cellulite from the body and stimulating weight loss. 

Finally, 15 minutes of steam sauna will relive all your muscle tension and  make you feel rejuvenated and re-energized. 

My recent visit, today. I had the Kalp Ayurveda Facial (1 hours), followed by a one hour massage from a RMT (Registered massage therapist)… need I tell you that I did not drive home, my thoughtful husband, drove me there and picked me up.  I was totally on a ME day.

Thai body massage


Have you ever wondered about a Thai Yogic Massage?  You’ve heard about it, and thought about it, but never got around to looking it up.  Maybe you want to try Reiki, or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, maybe now while we are in the winter season, and life can get blah… you could consider doing something for yourSelf…. In every major center, smaller towns, and most communities, there are Alternative Health Care providers.

Yes, it is looking after your body, yes the very body that houses who you are, and will be your constant companion all through your journey in this lifetime.

When we look after our bodies, our mind functions better.  It really does.

PL Precept # 18 Each Moment is a turning Point

PL Precept #20  Live Maintaining Equilibrium between mind and matter

Don’t wait till your body breaks down, or stalls before you take it in for a tune up.  This is about being proactive about your health, mental and physical.(your body)

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Teal is in Ottawa, Canada visit website for more info.


missing – 1 gym bag

PL Principle # 6    I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.

gym bag IMG_0915


For weeks even months I have talked of getting back to the gym.  Always there was a reason why I just couldn’t get there. Now with the sun shining into my office, and a day facing me with my feeling blah and ho hum, I thought, I’ll go to the gym after my morning meditations etc.  The Virgo/goat that I am, I wanted to organize.  Couldn’t find my gym bag, I looked and just couldn’t find it.  Husband to the rescue, he came and looked with me, wandered down the hall and came back, “its in your office, you can’t miss it”

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

“How did it get in there, that isn’t where I usually keep it?” said I with a bit of the morning

surliness.  Wise husband, quietly says he doesn’t know and returns to his morning activities.

PL Principle #10  I will live in true harmony with my spouse.

I come into my office and there it is sitting in the corner waiting to be found again.

PL Principle # 2        I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

punching bag

Are you  someone who goes to a gym…. have you ever considered working out with a punching bag.  The jabbing, kicking and punching gives an immensely powerful take no prisoners feeling, and it also helps with weight loss, co-ordination and strengthening.   Great for sharpening reflexes too.  Find someone to show you the how to’s though before you jump in.

PL Precept 19.  Begin once you Perceive.

Have a great day, thanks for sharing this moment with me… you’ve helped me get going today… thank you, thank you, thank you!

PL Precept # 21. Live in Perfect Liberty…..

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


# NB – In the Pl Church we live by 21 Precepts and 21 Principles.


* gym bag – Q

** woman.thenest.com

I have a cold…


Good day everyone….

I have a cold… blanket statement…  What does that mean exactly.  It is a response that I have used for a number of symptoms, and it usually satisfies the person to whom I am talking.  I realized the other day that my making that statement doesn’t always stem from my having the same symptoms, if I were to really examine and say out loud why I was making that statement, I think the listener would have lost interest and moved on.    Saying “I have a cold” is much like the other conversational throw away “how are you”  reply “fine”

They are openers that more often then naught are merely cordial greetings.  In conversation with Rev. Eugene the other day, when i verbalized that I had a cold/flu, his response was, “why”.  My internal response, “hello, why” of course that was an excellent PL reply.

Exactly … he brought the statement, the thought back to me for closer examination.  After all if I have a cold, or say I have a cold, what is it that brought this on, why do I feel like I do… No one can answer these questions but myself.

If my body is rebelling on me, giving me grief, I have to ask myself why. what am I doing, saying or thinking that is creating an imbalance in my thought pattern, or harmony in my body,mind and soul.  Speaking about me, I know that I have a tendency to get really busy, stay actively busy looking “out”… when I am not wanting to perhaps address something that is “stewing” “inside me.

Having a cold means that I can retreat with an excuse.  I can take to my bed and sleep the whole morning.totally oblivious to anything but the “mode of BEING” I’m in..  Since I can’t sleep all day.. guess what.. I will keep busy till I can hit my bed once more and sleep till next time I wake.  I have a cold.


this is an ant pushing a drop of rain

found on huffingtonpost.com


SHOESOk you know  this is going to be a heavy when I bring shoes into the equation at this  hour of the morning. =^_^=  And NO, this is not just for my women friends, since knowing my friend Derek, I have been educated on the fact that some men love their shoes too. What is it about shoes that turn our c rank so much.  LOL how often have I heard that men love to see women in heels.  How the shoe can be the perfect foil for bad hair days, and days where you just don’t know what to wear. I only a few women friends who really don’t care about shoes.. most of us drool, and lust even after a new pair of shoes.  I have a Pinterest board with just shoes, its called 4 the love of shoes.  I amaze even myself on the choice of shoes that I am drawn to.  I have shoes tucked away that I will never wear, but I love knowing they are there.

shoe vintage 1930


This ad dates back to the 1930’s for as long as I can remember, I have loved shoes.  When I was younger of course, i spent a lot more time finding and wearing shoes, they were important to “my look/style”.  It wasn’t so much comfort but how they looked.  Although thanks to a very determined Mother, I did grow up with a strong sense of needing to wear and have a proper fit.  Mother I do still remember the brown lace up shoes you had me wearing when all my friends were in pretty feminine sandals.  Were they called Oxfords.. whatever, such shoes were not worn again once I was buying my own shoes.  OK everyone, here is the flash news.. now in my more “adult” years, guess what… I don’t wear Oxfords but I do wear what most call a sensible shoe.  Hand crafted, made in Germany Finn Comfort shoe. leather, good arch support, this is my go to shoe for at home,I could live in them 24 hours of the day.

shoes - finn comfort


I still love the heels, the glamour of the shoe, but I no longer spend oodles and oodles of dollars to have them in my closet.  Now I find then and put them on my Pinterest board .. I am not alone for I find them by the bushel full on the Fashionista pages.   Have you gone shopping for a good running shoe (sport training shoe) lately.  It is very hard to find a conservative pair that don’t shout out at you.

runner, Under Armour Shoe  Micro G. .Mantis


Where once I walked a cat walk, or strode down corporate corridors, now I hike the trails. Our feet take us everywhere, and travel the distance with us.  We don’t think with our feet, but we think on our feet.  Yet often I’ll notice inappropriate footwear and see it at the root of some of the physical ailments in today’s society.  Like seeing someone with asthma still smoking.  Now  especially now, when those around me are nearing their more senior years, or  in their famous  “mid years”, where the bodies that once took them everywhere and r covered quickly from various falls, knocks and bruises are being slow to mend.  Shoes are a really important component to staying in good health,  Keeping you mobile.  I still hear the little girl’s voice saying.. “I can’t wear those shoes to school, they’re ugly”  But today , this little girl, is a mucho  happy person with feel that still get her to where she wants to go.  Unlike many around me, I don’t suffer with back pain, sore legs, and fussy sensitive feet.

hiking trail, North Carolina

Now when I’m faced with a hiking trail that is rocky and uneven, I can move forward knowing that my feet (footwork) and balance will allow me to tread with confidence that I will make it up the hill and into the vista beyond.  That’s life, we need to prepare, we need to live today, so that our tomorrows whatever they will be, will be something we can handle easily.  Enjoy each moment of your day, build your “self” with the knowledge that good planning will benefit you in the long run. You can still enjoy a passion, you just may have to redirect and be creative on how you enjoy it  Life is ART.

shoes, runners



what new to you, can do for you

bridge,hanging,west coast trail  by stodmyk on Flickr

Many years ago now, I crossed such a bridge. I didn’t bravely just walk across, I went through a bout of  “OMG I can’t do this, NO. no, no.. you can, but I won’t”  Eventually of course, I did go across and it was an exhilarating experience.  Having accomplished that bit of adventure, when I was asked to go salmon fishing an a fishing boat on the Pacific, my negativity was less emphatic, however, I did tell everyone that I do suffer from motion sickness, no problem I was told….  so on board we climbed and off we went.  All went well for the first while, but when we got further from land, and the water got really choppy, you guessed it… I was hanging on for dear life, and as green as fresh young asparagus coming out of the ground.  No matter how I tried to ride it out, it just wasn’t happening, we had to return to shore.  I share this with you because not all our adventures end on a happy note.  All we can do is give it our best.  I tried.

This brings me to more recent events.  After a very long winter of inactivity, I realized that my body, that once was active, and an almost daily visitor to the gym, had become a stay at home,, do nothing much physical blah.  I am not exaggerating, I really let myself go, don’t ask, it seemed right at the time I made the decisions to cut back at the gym, and then stop altogether.   When I looked in the mirror I saw from my shoulders up, hey when its cold outside and you don’t go out much, you walk around in very comfortable clothes. Then one day my friend said let’s go for a walk.  Sure I thought, no problem.  I’m a walker, last summer I would walk miles without batting an eyelash or breaking a sweat.  Off we went on our walk.  Surprise, we made it around  a couple of blocks, and I was ready to call it quits.  Shock and dismay was the order of the day!  My mind did not want to accept what my body was saying.  Me, dance all night, walk for miles, climb trails and hike, me!!!! could it really be.   Hmmmm look in the mirror again, wow, I’ve aged….. my body is no longer in its mid 30’s early 40’s I no longer have extra energy to burn, I’ve been lazy, and my body has relaxed and gotten S L A C K….  “you reap what you sow”.    Time to make changes.

exercise 1

That day was the start of a new “attitude” on my part.  No. not new to me, but I had to revisit and bring it back into the “now”.  It is like I used to listen to music all the time, and somewhere along the way, I stopped.  Then a friend played a song by Macy Gray and something inside said, “hello”.. I found the 2nd hand  CD  “On How Life Is”,  at  a Sally Ann,  it is new to me, and I’m once more listening to music.  My body is having to relearn activity, rebuild my core strength so I can walk and not get tired.  Fortunately I have a good friend who is a great walking coach and buddy, just knowing she is there for me when  I need her, helps big time….  All this to say, I’m back to the gym, I’ve got myself a Personal Trainer, so from time to time, I might not get my blog done on time, but I will surface, be patient with me please while I find my new “RHYTHM”


It is not the same bridge, but its the same kind of challenge, I’m heading towards another adventure….  Cycles of life repeat themselves, only in different formats.     Have a great day everyone!  Smile!!!    Oyashikiri


Pictures >Pinterest




On this sunny day in February, my prayer,meditation is one of appreciation for my health, life and friends.  I am grateful for the gifts/skills that I have been blessed with.   It is important to remember that I am not alone, part of my blessing is the wonderful community I find in sharing with you.  Today I want to say thank you for your messages and continued support . I appreciate each and every one of you.  Thank YOU!!!! 

You can only go halfway into the darkest forest,  then you are coming out the other side.  -Chinese proverb –

photo-vintage memory                                                                       bear hugs

Another new year

We seem to hear and ask – Where does the time go? ” Time marches on”, yup, if you don’t live each and every moment of your life to the fullest, you find at the end of the year that there are  holes in your memory quilt, some of the patches lack colour, and others are simply blank.


We all hope for colour in our lives, and if life was perfect, we would always live in sunshine.


Making a quilt, we search out the material and patterns like a treasure hunter on the hunt for the elusive hidden  chest of gold.  Most quilters I think will agree with me, it is the hunt, or chase that is the most exciting.  Yes when we find our “prize” its nice, but 9 times out of 10, that prize once it goes into our”Stash”, we are off on the next exciting search for that piece that will just pull it all together.

Life overall is just the same.  it is one constant adventure after the other.  I’ve loved travelling through time with you .. and look forward to our next adventures in 2014.  January 1 is a special day in PL, Perfect Liberty, we celebrate with a special ceremony that marks the start of the New Year.  In this ceremony we dedicate ourselves to begin anew, living an artistic life according to the teachings of Perfect Liberty.

Oyashikiri – Blessings to you all.

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