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Posts tagged ‘smiles’

morning smile

Some pictures just make you smile, when I saw this little pet sunning himself, I couldn’t help but smile. Enjoy!

Today’s quote

Free yourself from being overly attached. Overthinking hinders ideas and actions. PL 2021.22


picture. Ron.


Your smile is what’s needed. A smile invites happiness and cheer and is essential to energize others as well as yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2022.3

If you are cheerful, it will make everyone around you cheerful.


update. Keeper started a new medication yesterday… thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts.


My friends have gone, moved away, they were there to greet me everyday for years. I actually still look hoping that I’ll see them. Change. It is the only constant in life.

Energy springs from your smile. A smile makes you and others cheerful and energetic,

Perfect Liberty 2021.4

Weka a new bird (for us)

saw this bird on Shirley’s FB page. What a character!

I was interested so I asked. LOL I was told about what a pest these birds can be and how loud and “many” they are. They are native to and live in NZ, so we won’t be visited by one soon… Thought I’d share this clip I found on the bird. It is called a Weka.

Be a person who can say ” I like it!” Find what moves you the most and express your appreciation.

Perfect Liberty 2021.2

happiness is

borzoi puppies
this is an adult Borzoi

These adorable bundles of joy are from the Freckashpeng kennels in Winchester, Ontario. Canada

Having gone out in the cold fresh day, I thought a little bit of soft cuddling would be in order. =^_^=

Enjoy the sunshine everyone! Hot soup and sandwich time, before heading out again..


meet Freddy

Some fun with a Dollar Store toy.. nail polish and distress oxide inks.

Always express yourself with a bright smile. Strive to always be cheerful cheerful and open hearted person has the power to spread their positive energy to others.

Perfect Liberty 2016.16

chop suey Monday

Who says a dog’s life isn’t always easy. It is 80 degrees in the shade and the human wants to go for a walk. Give me a break. Personally, I’m going to stand my ground on this one. Ahhh found a place to chill.. and man I’m gonna just lie here till I’m ready to get up. If I could only get him to turn off that noise box.

We humans are always putting words and thoughts into our dog’s actions. Today I took the two whippets out to the country for some quality R & R with some of their whippet buddies out at the Breeder’s “spa”… huge running area, level terrain, shade umbrellas, huge wooden deck. Velcro the oldest (a true senior citizen) was fine till all the youngsters were let out.

Body language says it all, he went to the door that leads out of the back spa area.. and stood there, face pointing out of the area. Non verbal communication, “Let’s head” This human was enjoying a nice breeze and pleasant conversation.. Like Leon (above) my dog was not interested in what I wanted, he had decided it was time to go.

Choices.. choices.. Keeper his sister (grandmother ) to a few of the younger dogs.. was also showing signs of.. ok enough of the activity.. I’m ready to leave. When you live a quiet life, and are suddenly surrounded by very active, curious and playful pups.. you are happy to climb back into the vehicle for the ride home.

So what did I learn today – our animals, communicate to us, communication is key between all living beings. We need to be open and aware to receive … when it happens, it is a wonderful connection.

This next picture is of a sheep that I fell in love with when I was working with textile textures. I went through a phase where i went bananas over sheep.. this breed was one of my favourites.

How can you not smile when you look at this face.


sheep photo – Shirley Keene


Good morning everyone, I was challenged to post a picture of dog(s) Pffft. easy task, since I don’t get to FB much except through my blog, I have given you pictures of dogs here, to achieve the goal, of dogs for smiles!!!

I didn’t do a typo the quote today is from the 29th, year 2011.

Lack of Explanation is a sign of your lazy mind. Sometimes you incorrectly assume they should know this already. Always strive to explain things thoroughly with a ind heart.

Perfect liberty 2011.29

To all our friends in the USA I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday with family/friends, sharing in the joys of sharing and appreciation.


for you, my pleasure

When we make something is it for us, or the pleasure of giving. Some of both, yes. We love doing things that we enjoy, but when it gives pleasure to someone else, or it makes their day, Double blessings!

Be kind, be considerate, share happiness, and positive thinking.

Live in Perfect Liberty.

Perfect Liberty, Precept 21

Smiles and a kind word, go a long way in making someone’s day.




The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions and not upon our circumstances – Martha Washington.

PL calendar day 26      If you face a situation head on, a path will open up

No matter how hard the situation is, face it head on.  If you approach it seriously you will be able to find a way to break through.

Happy Friday everyone, smile at passers by they will wonder if you are alright, but it sure will feel good. Some will even smile back.  Smile, you are  a winner!!! just for being YOU.



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