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Posts tagged ‘Pinterest’

and then….




broken crayons


share a smile and hug today…

let the love in your heart shine through

Aug 21_012



Good Morning, konnichiwa, this is not one of my photos, it is one from Pinterest that I used many years ago in one of my blogs.  I dug it out to use again, because  I want to relate a thought to you, it is one that I have been “munching” on since a visit with an acquaintance the other day.  I found myself in her company for several hours and where usually it is a pleasant enough interlude, yesterday she was in a particularly “negative” place.  It was one complaint after another.  To her it is not complaining, she is simply voicing her discontent with the world around her.  As I listened to her, there was seldom a space for me to interact, I wondered how such obvious negativity  could be affecting her life.

In the media and the “news flashes” that pop up in our social media reading, I read or should I say, I see,   headlines, that I now just delete. I don’t always watch the news because it is so repetitive. What I do, DO, is I interact with a lot of people.  I would like to say that my interlude yesterday was something that I don’t encounter often, however, that would be an untruth.  I heard myself interject at one point, and say ” X, unless you are perfect, you should not be judging and criticizing others” “There is no way you can know that person’s circumstances, nor what really happened, unless you were there, participating , etc.”

OMG so unprofessional, it just came out, my inner self slapped  her forehead.  My reality is that I see life as the beautiful view outside that window.  Yes I see the cracked window and the dirty sink, I also see that whoever took that picture, put a lovely flower at the corner of the sink.  I appreciate that life, the world is made up of a number of factors,  The picture might not have been so interesting had it been a rainy cloudy blustering day.

If all we see is the negativity in the world, then that will be our world.  Happiness is a state of mind that begins from within.

PL Principle # 6.  I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.

PL Principle # 5   I will not get angry at anyone or anything.

PL Principle # 4    I will live with the spirit of “misasage” (devotion) working for the happiness of others.

In PL, we do our best to live these Principles on a daily basis.  It is our choice, we have chosen this way of life.  We share our world, but we do not insist that others see the world our way.   Our goal is World Peace, something that can be achieved, when we learn to listen to one another, and to appreciate that someone else’s reality is not our own.

I reacted yesterday, and will today do my best to ensure that she is having a good day, and remembers the good moments in our visit yesterday.  We did have a good time.  It was MY reaction, and I will address why I reacted during my quiet times …..  then I’ll move on.

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

that picture is a work of art, did you look closely at it, did you see the face the artist put in

I would love to know who did this picture, who pulled it together, if someone knows, please….

let me know..

take 2 and rest


take two Friday’s and rest

Friday, for me is like the rest

every day is a holiday

when you like what you do

and enjoy the challenges of the day

your days and weeks

are enjoyable and great


one ring e dingie

two ring e dingies

hi, can you come out and play


distance doesn’t keep friendships away

it in fact can bring them closer


true friendship

enables is lasting

and so rewarding

spiritually, emotionally you thrive

PL Precept # 11  Always be with God

when we live expressing ourselves

with love in our hearts

PL Precept #1   Life is Art

becomes our way of life

my wood burning

I once sat down with a wood burning tool and enjoyed the moment

now, I can’t even tell you where this piece is

live the moment, enjoy the experience

then, let it go

material things, will come and go

true love

is with us forever


minion fun and retro illustration -Pinterest

wood burning, my own

Q&A Thursday

Arizona USA Petrified Wood Gallery

Petrified wood, in the Arizona Petrified Forest National park (Wood Gallery) this picture shows them sewn into logs, yet supposedly man was not around? (USA)


Such wisdom has been around for a very long time, why do we have so much trouble really practicing it in our daily lives?

minions 3

Minions, what??? what is it about them that cracks me up, I even went to the big “arches” (McDonalds) when they were the “goodie” of the day.

Angels Landing trail, Zion National Park, Utah.

Angels Landing trail, Zion National Park, Utah.

Some people love a cruise, personally this is still on my bucket list. Yuppers, I’d prefer to do it solo with no one else around, but… it looks like this is a trail that is well-known and I am not alone in wanting to experience it.  Who discovered this trail and marked it for us?  What a “high” that had to have been.

Zion National Park  Utah

This awesome capture was in Zion National Park, It was taken by photographer Long Nguyen, posted in 500px.  When I come across some of the amazing work of the photographers (artists) that search out their passions and capture them to share with us, I am so grateful to them for their skill at translating their experience into a visual format that I can enjoy and share in.

stairway to heaven

OK.. I want to visit here.  Does anyone know where this was taken, the photographer was Petr Marek,  the picture was posted on Fivehundredpx, the trail brought me to his pictures but aside from the title, Stairway to Heaven, there was no other info.??? anyway??  and yes, another for my bucket list.  could take me a while though, and I wouldn’t run up./P

camp fire

Let’s meet back at the camp site.. have the fire going… yawn, its been a good start to the day… loving it.  while I ponder all of this, I wish you all a grand day, I’ll send you off, to take a long walk… with a smile and a  hug of course.  Enjoy your day.. I’m with you all the way, Love you!


Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

PL Precept #2     To Live is to Express One’s Self





  • National Park Services
  • Pinterest,NA
  • Minion on Pinterest
  • Utah
  • camp fire pic National Geographic

Good morning, Bonjour…


Have you ever been walking on a clear day, just going about on your every day travels, when you find yourself suddenly shrouded with a fog, that seemed to appear out of nowher…..There is an old expression, “i was blind sided”  means something happens and you never saw it coming. It happens.  Sometimes more often than we would like it to.

found on flickr

Lessons in life are never straight forward, they are a way for life to remind us that we have gotten slack or lazy in how we are living or proceeding in life. We do not walk alone on the earth, we are surrounded by others who are going about their lives in the same way. Each with feelings, miseries and problems of their own.  It is how we deal with the challenges in life that sets us apart and makes us unique in who we are, and what we are.  Not just towards others, but to ourselves.  We must never forget that we count, and that love, and light comes from within.


We need not look far to see the signs of distress, loneliness, and abandoned dreams, we need only turn on the  telly or a radio to hear about the conflicts happening all over the world.  The reality is that is only one side of the coin.  In this creative photo manipulation, instead of the foot coming down – causing gloom and doom, it is being lifted and kept away by the steady, reliable protective hand of GOD/TAO.


The TAO/WAY is always there … ALWAYS, we decide  we can look at it in the distance, or we can walk through the door/portal and  discover what lies beyond self imposed restrictions.  We are responsible for our choices and our actions.

China, bridge

Believe, have faith, cross over –  discover new realities, you are and never will be alone – God is everywhere, in the air you breathe and the essence of your life.

surreal landscape byBrunner Nathan

Surreal… … no life …  is real

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

*A special Thank You to my friend Mollie who got me started on this, when I found one of her pins.(Pinterest)

** bridge in China (Zhangiajie,Hunan)

***last picture,  Bt images

a new season will soon be here…


The warm fuzzy glow of a warm house, frost on the windows, air that is crisp and clear. Hmm not everyone smiles dreamily at the thought of the coming of winter, but I do.  There is something to be said about “nesting”.  Like a squirrel gathering nuts before the snow comes, I get in supplies like I think that it is the late 1800’s or early 1900’s and we need to be prepared.


Winter weather has been rather erratic of late, wow, places that seldom saw snow  have been hit with blizzards, crops in the southern states have had some brutal storms come their way.  All over the world, winter comes and changes where we live, and we have to adjust.



Before the days of instant news, and social media, we simply dealt with what came along. It might not have always been fun, or easy, but we took measures to  do our best to cope with the power outages, furnace malfunctions, delayed  transportation etc.  Now with “instant fixes, and gratification” it seems that there is more of a “panic” mode that sets in. OMG the cell phone is not working, or the TV  signal is all askew.


Arggghhh my PC is down.  Honeeeeee the internet is not working,  anguish at its best.  LOL been there done that.  Remember the days of trying to read by candle till the lights came back on.  How about the wind up radio, so you can hear the news should there be an announcement of when the power lines will be up again.


Winter is a special time, a time for spiritual rebirth, for reconnecting with the inner YOU.  A time where we can enjoy seeing the world new and fresh,  We are all unique and different in our own way, personalities and lifestyles vary.  One thing we all share is the gift of life and LOVE.

Let us do our best to see the positive in our lives, and to appreciate and show appreciation to those who share in our world. Whether close or far, reach out and say  hello, show you care.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

*** Scotland

other pictures gathered from Pinterest

To Dream


Riding solo into the beyond. No luggage/baggage just open highway and sky


at  one time  camping was simple, could this be done today?


Dreams do come true, not always the way we want t hem to

we have to hold on to our dreams, and believe that they will come true

I may not always travel alone,

nor may I stray far from home

in my dreams, I can be anywhere, and at home the skies are blue

in my dreams I can do anything, at home I have everything

the sun, the sky, the freedom to be, 

is all here with YOU.

Chop Suey


Today we celebrated Ancestor’s Day, we do this on the 11th of every month.  It is a time to pray and give thanks for the lessons and teachings that we learned  in life as we progressed along the journey through our days and nights.  It is not only our parents, it it is teachers, friends, other family members. neighbours, health care professionals , anyone we come in contact with  who  may have an affect of influence us, in some way shape form or other.

chop-suey-1929.jpg!BlogThe name of this piece where the two ladies are sitting at a table in a Chinese Restaurant is Chop Suey.  This is an oil painting done by Edward Hopper in 1929.  It is currently in a private collection, I found this copy on wikipaintings.org.  This picture brings back memories of the restaurants many decades ago.   As soon as we sat down, a waiter in a smart uniform of black pants and a white jacket would appear with a pot of hot tea and cups.  Rice was always free with your meal.  It seems that every town or city had a Chinese restaurant and each one had on the menu, a version of Chop Suey.


Cooks back then were very adaptable to the region they were cooking in.  The ingredients used back in China were not readily available in the city never mind the smaller towns, so they grew bean sprouts and served a variety of meats with sprouts, celery,onion and a few slivers of peppers for colour.  If they used chicken it was chicken shop suey, if it was pork, pork choe suey etc., when crispy noodles were sprinkled on top the dish became a chow mein.  NO we didn’t eat chop suey at  home.

Today there are Asian grocery stores almost everywhere, even the big super markets have sections dedicated to the products and vegetables used in Asian cuisine.  The ingredients are there for the actual meal, but the ambiance and customer service of yesteryear.  Now you pay for the tea, and the rice, and yes you have a lot to pick from on the menu, it is no longer the simple menu of choosing from  column A, B or C.

We can’t go back, but when I think of the ancestors or people who influenced some of my behaviour, the cooks and waiters who came to Canada to start new lives, their beliefs that hard work and dedication to the task before them, come to mind.  They came to a country where they didn’t know the language to earn money so they could send or go back for their families,  They wanted a better quality of life for those they loved, so they applied Makoto (sincerity) to their lives and earnestly did what needed to be done.

I am humbled by such dedication & selfless giving for the next generation.  I give thanks for this memory, and I pray that I in turn will do something worthwhile that will help those around me and who will come after me.


Veggie chop suey – Yum….  (food pictures from Pinterest)


Namaste  Oyashikiri


Feelings -Thanksgiving

What comes to  mind when you think of Thanksgiving……….


A meal shared with friends and family………..


Is it the joy you take in gathering supplies to make colorful decorations that will please the the eye and delight the senses?  Small gifts for friends, or just to brighten your home.


 As the color titillates our awakening senses, we are open to new adventures   Where ever we are when the leaves start to change, we feel it in the air.  Our appreciation of life is aroused and we find ourselves more open to changes, in fact, our creative juices start to bubble with ideas that want expression.


This picture evokes the desire to explore, to walk down this sun filled path, to smell the autumn leaves as they progress through their cycle of change.  You know that the photographer who took this picture, felt the sun and heard the birds and wildlife that surround her/him. They managed to capture the moment beautifully.  If you listen closely you’ll hear the rustle of the leaves as a gentle breeze makes its way through the spectrum of fall colored foliage.

Life is to be enjoyed,  Thanksgiving is a time to express and give thanks for the bounty we receive in life, In Perfect Liberty, (PL) we give thanks each month for the many blessings in our lives.  We do so on the 21 st . of each month.  

Faith grows not only through intellectual understanding but also through actively participating in life, the PL WAY.


PL Precept 20.

Live Maintaining Equilibrium Between Mind and matter

PL Precept 21

Live in Perfect Liberty

Namaste            –            Oyashikiri

photos -Pinterest

Happy 4th of July!



Good Morning Everyone!  and to all our American Friends, Happy Independence Day!

We have a Japanese term we use in the PL Church,  Musubi: Oneness, togetherness with others.   one of my goals, my ambitions, something I strive for every day.  Not just sometimes, I really believe and pray that I can attain this with every breath I take. I can’t live in tomorrow or next week, even next month. I live today, now, in this very moment.  and I do my best to live each moment with Makoto,(utmost sincerity)   I pray Shikiri: PL’s unique way of prayer, asking God’s blessing with a sincere promise to accomplish what I need/have to do    Once a moment is lived it cannot be taken back and relived.

As a child I recall my Mother telling me that one should never say something hurtful or negative about someone else because  once that word(s)  was/were  spoken  they could not be taken back. I’ve never gotten that.

Good relationships begin by greetings and acts of respect and courtesy.  Our action not only words, show how much we value others. Often actions speak louder than words.  We have much to be thankful in our lives, lets share a smile today, say hello to someone you haven’t seen or  heard from in awhile.  Pass the feel good feeling around.  It is free and it is yours to give.

love light - jef palamer Pinterest

This is an amazing picture in so many ways.. I don’t know the photographer, but the person who pinned it was Jef Palmer, this photograph was on Pinterest.  Totally awesome.

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

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