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Posts tagged ‘Quebec’

Monday Quote

No one can take away the joy you get from putting your whole heart into something. The joy you feel when you’ve put your all into something is yours and yours alone. Nobody can take that away from you

Perfect Liberty 2020.29

Tuesday 21st.

Be grateful for everything. If you see everything as material to express gratitude, you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

Express your appreciation with enthusiasm. Appreciation is the driving force for progress and development.

Perfect Liberty 2021, 21

Thanksgiving/Day of Appreciation ceremony/service is at 10: a.m.


It’s easier to adapt to something when we find it interesting. No matter how enjoyable a situation is, a slight change in our attitude can make it boring. let’s face any situation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2022.10

Sometimes it is not what we see, but what we can’t see that speaks to us,

Photo, Dave Renz.

le hot dog steame

I have recently travelled many miles to find a good old fashioned steamed hot dog, the way I grew up loving them. I grew up in la Belle Province de Quebec. Please read all about the Quebec Hot dog in this piece I found on good old Google https://roadstories.ca/hotdog-steame-steamy/ There is nothing like the feel of the warm steamed bun, the hot dog covered in the toppings of your choice . I had to take the picture from the internet of the hot dog because when I finally found a steamed hotdog made the old fashioned way, I devoured it.. My sister said I didn’t breathe, I simply ate. She was being kind and didn’t mention the sounds I was making of “pure gastronomic pleasure”. (shown is an .. all dressed)

My Mother made them at home for us from time to time, but it is never like getting it at the roadside casse croute/diner or establishment that makes them … serving them with real French fries, cut on location, and made fresh… Not the ready made we get in a lot of places now. Sigh. I could go on, but I will spare you, suffice to say if you are in Quebec where they are still serving a real steamed hot dog. Indulge. The diner where I finally got one after searching for several weeks here in Ottawa and on the Quebec side of the river, is on 10th line in Orleans and is called La Belle Province,*

Today’s calendar..

Get things started with Grit. If you work on things in daily life with the attitude of “let’s do it” you will feel a power to accomplish things People around you will rely on you..

Perfect Liberty 2023.29

Today the 29th. is PL Anniversary’s Day – service will be held at 7 pm EST.

Have a wonderful Friday and start to the week-end.

  • another location is in Alfred Ontario on the way to Montreal on the old hwy. ASK before you order, Steamed… you want steamed.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Quebec has to be the most beautiful Province in Canada. BC is great and so is Nfld. but Quebec has this rustic charm that never fails to enchant. AND because the further inland you go in the Province, the more you experience the cultural difference, the feeling of being “elsewhere” (other than in English Canada) is front and centre. If you ever want a special experience, visit “la Belle Province” – not for the big city experience tho’, unless you visit Montreal or Quebec City, but for geographical landscapes,(nature) rivers, lakes, skiing (winter) hunting/fishing during the right seasons… it is a breath of fresh air.

Always pray “for the happiness of others and Society’ Praying only for your own wishes is not the true way we should be. Strive to do things for the sake of others, and pray for their happiness as well.

Perfect Liberty 2012.23


There is something about the evolution of a tree, and what we have learned about how it grows, the different types of wood, hardness, texture, colour. I am captivated when I walk into a workshop where wood is being worked on/with. I love the many shapes, forms and characteristics of the different species.

I never tire of discovering an old wooden building/structure

In Wakefield the other day, the wood workers shop was not open when we went, but I got to explore his outdoor work space. Wood everywhere, it was a mini paradise.

I know that pictures are not the same as being there, but I’m sure for those of you who love this kind of “setting” as much I do… you can almost smell the wooden wonder of the place. In the back of this property is a babbling brook. YES I not only got a visual “high” I had the ambience of the running water and clear blue skies. YuppeeDoooo!!!!

We all have different ways of feeling and thinking. Let’s always accept others differences and respect one another. Remember that “different strokes for different folks” is the key to having harmonious relationships with the people around us.

Perfect Liberty 2014.13

Thank YOU for sharing my journey, allowing me into your lives, I truly do appreciate you, and for sure, I love all the comments and feedback.


Ancestors Day

Today, the 11th of the month, in Prefect Liberty we celebrate our Ancestors. Through the ceremony, we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors and ask for their protection and guidance so we can continue to live the PL WAY. Service will begin at 10 a.m.

We are aware that many of you will be sheltering in place, we ask that you take a few moments at home to share in morning prayer with us.

All over the world, people are having to physically distance themselves from loved ones. In Canada this week-end it is our long week-end, a time when many of us would be gathering and sharing our table with our loved ones who do not live in our immediate “space”. May your creativity and love allow you to find ways to communicate virtually. Be grateful for the bounty we do have, and for the love and community we live in and belong to.

a memory photo from 2019

Be thankful to your parents and to your ancestors. You are here today because the “torch of life” has been continuously passed down. Always remember to be thankful.

Perfect Liberty 2020.11


make it happen

It was a cool day today, there was a strong wind, and few people on the beach. Being a Saturday of a long week-end, the last before we march into the fall season, I expected there would be more people

Nice and quiet. There would be more people … the cars were pulling in steadily, with the promise of sun for most of the day, the scene would change soon enough. After all, it was not yet nine a.m.

Don’t give up!

Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up” but that is the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6



Be Thankful at the beginning and end of each day. Each and everyone of your actions can inspire peace within your family your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2020.21


you listening?

Believe me, the deer was very aware of our movements, in a flash it would have dashed away had we come any closer. Obviously used to human traffic .. the deer was not perturbed by our presence, but there was an awareness. Basically that is the way I am, when I encounter, new surroundings, or groups of people. Aware. At least I try to be, unlike the deer I can be distracted.

In my prayers, and meditations, I ask for guidance .. to be more aware, is to be kinder to other’s feelings, avoid accidents, be prepared to lend a helping hand.. and so on. How often do we become caught up in the moment, and miss an important message, or signal, that had we been “aware” could have altered an outcome.

Value your intuition. Be aware

Perfect Liberty 19,2014

Thanksgiving Service will be at 7 pm this evening. See you there.


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