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Posts tagged ‘letting go’

art of silence

The shortcut to progress is to listen with a humble mind. If you are stuck in your own ways you will eventually become bogged down. Let’s remember to be humble, learning what we can from the knowledge, advice and suggestions of others.

Perfect Liberty 2016.24

Strong emotions can be the cause of various troubles. Strive to maintain a calm state of mind.



Sometimes, you want to, but there are signs that suggest, you find another way. This morning I wanted to stay in bed, but the days calendar told me, I needed to change my direction, to a more productive start. Sigh, it was so cozy.

Always be cheerful, happy and good humored. When you make an effort to be cheerful and happy, you will naturally begin to feel that way,

Perfect Liberty 2020.12

I’m going to repeat this several times today, it works! =^_^=



Faith, Hope, Letting go

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes, Sometimes, you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up” but that’s the time for you to dig deep and push through, Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6

If it is to be, it will be.




Your Path will open up if you let go. Your heart is weakened when you are swayed too easily by money, things and reputation. If you can let go of these things, you will be able to truly express yourself.

nb* Thanksgiving Service on 21st. 10:a.m. and 7 pm

Have a great start to a new week!


October is such a fun month. The creativity that I see, the decorations, the parties, the costumes, there is one store in our area, that has racks and racks of costumes and accessories … I notice there are even pop up shops that sell exclusively props and costumes for the occasion.

Even Mother Nature has her fun decorating the trees with her coppers, reds, orange and golds that shine and gleam under clear blue skies. If you are lucky and out at the right time of day, the reflections in the water mirror the beauty that abounds.

Sometimes, you happen to be at just the right place to see a familiar path in a different way.

Yesterday, I had what I thought was a productive day, I began very early in the morning putting together pictures of a new build that friends had put together to add mystery and fun to their Island. (In Second Life)… I had been told it was a haunted house.. how many haunted houses have I visited over the years.. (many)… to my delight when I got there it was different it had an air of mystery, there was a realism to it, the building was almost art deco.,(a period of architecture that I really like)… Inside I felt like I had actually stepped back in time… (You can see more pictures of the “hotel” if you read back to a previous blog*)…

The visit inspired me to actually do one of my virtual blogs. which I happily followed my desire and creative need to express ..more… we all know how that feels.. we are on a roll. Done I sat back and thought, yes… this would be just fine. But when I came to do the categories and tags (fellow bloggers you will understand) I was horrified to see that somehow I had done the blog not on my virtual blog, but on my daily inspirational blog… try as I might I could not find out how to switch all my content to my virtual blog, copy paste, what! In the end, I simply published and then re-blogged to the Virtual blog. ..That didn’t work the way I wanted either, suffice to say, I did get it out to readers, but it was a real “mess” for me.

Today is another day!

Don’t let circumstances sway your decision. It does not help to overthink things, Sometimes we just need to make up our minds and move forward.

Perfect Liberty 2022.6

Free yourself from being overly attached, Overthinking hinders ideas and actions,

Perfect Liberty 2021.22

Don’t give up!

little inner voice

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say “I give up”, but, that’s the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6
one day, this is what you find -new fence destroyed
another day -skies are blue and all is right

We never can predict tomorrow. It is how we live and accept our todays that count. Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes!


Wednesday 15th.

Not picture perfect, but there you have it. Leon has his rights. He knows when it is his time to chill, and he takes it.

It is important to be assertive, but maintaining harmony is just as important. Say what is on your mind clearly but don’t be overly attached to your views. Respect the points of view of others and always seek to find a happy medium.

Perfect Liberty 2020.15


let it go

some days a guy just wants to chill

ohhh ho hummmmm not much going on, just want to hang. Lucky you when you can just do exactly that. In our lives, we tend to have errands, chores and things that we want time to do. When I don’t listen to my body and keep pace with my well meaning mind., the moment comes in a flash. I crash. Then Velcro and I are like buddies in our recliners – chilling!

Remember that learning is a lifelong process. No matter your age, there is something to be learned and there is always room for improvement. Always remember that there is wisdom to be gained from any situation.

Perfect Liberty 2011,25



Disappointments happen. Often, a lot, no matter, they happen, and when they do, you feel a certain loss. The dictionary defines it ” sadness or displeasure caused by the non fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations” “a disappointing person or thing”

It happens, and we can either shut ourselves away from the human race and try to avoid any other such moments, or we move on. In PL we learn to move on, we accept it happened, and learn from the experience.

I will not have complaints about others, matters,nor the weather. Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions

Perfect Liberty Principle # 2

See, it is my decision to let it ruin my otherwise happy day, or to change direction, move on, and share time and space with “happy” moments/friends, and or, create new interests, there is a whole world to discover.

Always, the ball is ours, we own the results of our choices,

I will live with a mind of appreciation toward others and things.

PL Principle #3

It is early in the day, there are so many possibilities before us, enjoy your day, may it be productive and happy.



I was reading a friends blog recently, he lives in Japan, and writes about the use of and the caring of good carving tools https://covingtonandsons.com/2019/10/04/sharpening-part-10-the-ura-%e6%b5%a6/ While reading his blog I was hit with the similarity of looking after one’s tools, and the maintaining of friendships. When we don’t look after our tools, they stop performing for us the way they were intended to perform. Especially a carving tool. A good crafts person, knows that it is essential he/she maintain his/her tools in good working order if the quality of work is to be preserved.

When a friendship is taken for granted, or mistreated, will it withstand the neglect or at times, miscommunication. In PL we learn that life is about us, and that we re responsible for our feelings. So I muse on if I feel slighted, or taken for granted, then it is up to me, to what…. dismiss the situation, put it aside and move on.

Not let it happen again, simply do not put your self in the position again. hmmmm the little voice says…. you could miss out on something…. you enjoy that friend. Did they intentionally set out to hurt you. The answer is no. It is simply their actions, were not appreciated by my sensitivities.

Darn being a philosopher is hard. I likely will opt for a good cry. Have a good nights sleep, and tomorrow, begin another day.

Now please everyone, don’t be sad or feel that I am blue.. I am living the moment, and will then move on. Life is too beautiful and inspiring, tomorrow I will be wide eyed and living my adventure.

gentle falling rain, will eventually, etch its presence in rock.

a shadow will change with the movements of the sun

a cloud is temporary

love is forever and unconditional

and, I am what I am, a temporary traveler in this space and time


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