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Posts tagged ‘health’

Friday 31st

japanese cartoon

Being healthy and staying in shape, is a choice we make.

This cartoon was in one of our PL Publications, I saw it,  it just spoke to me, said, share me,  Now I have.

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point

PL Precept #20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter




ocean clean up

I just finished watching a video for the second time.  I enjoyed it the first time I viewed it, and again today.

ocean clean up

Since seeing clips on this project, I have been even more aware than ever, on how disrespectful we have been in how we rid ourselves of waste materials.


Please, let us work together towards a cleaner environment.

Use the present as a starting point, to move forward towards improvements and progress.  Happy start towards a productive new week.


*Boyan Slat’s Ocean cleanup project


chop suey Monday 9.4.17

field fresh tomatoes 9.4.17

Field fresh tomato, sliced with a toasted bagel, and 4% cottage cheese.  I just discovered the 4%, in the past I’ve opted for 1%, BUT with hubby needing as much protein and nutrition as I can get into him.  I got the 4%………now I’m  in love.. doubt I will go back to 2 or 1%    Just looking at the picture I want to have my breakfast all over again. (Natrel by Sealtest)

electronic arts 11. 2015 Darren @ halloween

This is a picture taken by my nephew, Darren Su, he is a wonderful photographer, who can always capture a figure or sunset in a way that shows it at its best.  Seeing this picture again, was a reminder to me that in life, we need always be prepared.  Not necessarily to do battle, but to seize new opportunities in a way that will be creative and bring our desired results .. this means… it is important to arm ourselves with stress busters and a healthy lifestyle.


Spend time with a canine friend.  If you have a whippet like we do, they are true couch potatoes in the house…  emulate their techniques of relaxation =^_^=

Remember – PL Precept #18  Each Moment is a Turning Point….

Happy start of a new week… from our home to yours… Blessings & Sunshine hugs.

eastwood, john 9.1.17Here Velcro is smooching up to his uncle John.  Velcro didn’t wait for a second invitation to get on the couch..   Gosh anyone would think he gets to do that at home too…    everyone out there, who knows how Velcro rules the roost, stop snickering.


Church Garage Sale, September 16.  from 8 a.m to 2

Ancesters’ Day  on the 11th. service at 10 a.m.

When cancer calls

nature bells corners SAWe’ve had some time now to think about and mull over the “visitor” we have in our home.  We didn’t go looking for our house guest, but then I don’t think that many people go in search of inviting cancer into their lives.

I personally have had to think about how I am reacting to (relating) to this visitor.  It is not a welcome guest, but… it is here, and we have to deal with it best we can.  I like to drive down country roads, when I want to think and talk to my “self”  Ottawa is a good place to be, since in almost any direction I go, I can be in country spaces surrounded by green space and untamed vegetation.

nature bells corners SA1There is a hodge podge of this and that.  nothing is planned, it just happens.  A patch of flowers, different shapes, sizes and colours of greens all come together to allow for crickets and critters of various shapes and species to mingle and cross paths.

nature bells corners SA2I’ve decided that cancer just didn’t happen, it found its way in, and was allowed to settle in grow and fester.  Ownership has to be taken for this.  Only in accepting this fact, can we move on and make friends with it.  Find out what it will take for it to go away, and then work faithfully, and with dedicated purpose to ease it out of our lives.

nature bells corners SA3Look carefully, there is a path.  It is hidden if you just glance, but if you take your time and look … you will find a way, a path to follow.  Life is always open to change.  Prayer and faith are the most direct path in our connection/relationship to/with God/Universe.  I believe that whatever the outcome, it will be what is best.

nature bells corners SA4Cancer is a world changer, we are blessed that we found out in time, that it had come into our lives.  Knowing, means that now we can work with the specialists and take the necessary steps to improve our lives, and work positively towards a healthier outlook and lifestyle.

Nature is not stubborn, it is resilient.  Acceptance and grasping the opportunity for change positively, will help us flow with the seasons.

PL Precept # 15  All is a mirror

PL Precept 11  Always be with God

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point.



taking ownership


I love many of the minion cartoons, not all, but most.  I confess, some I don’t get the humour at all.  And then, others like this one, connect with me right away.

We all have the freedom of choice, some of us exercise that right, another can be passive about the world around them, however, I’ve learned that passive does not mean indifferent.

My personality is what it is.  I now know after living all these years with my “self” that to others I can be not only opinionated, but stubborn.  Do I think of myself as being stubborn, no, do I think I’m opinionated, no…. BUT… if the other person’s reality is that I am.  Then guess what…in my interactions with that person, I have not responded in a way that encouraged communication, or in turn,  they find me to be stubborn and opinionated, because I don’t agree with them.  Fun eh!

The only person I have control over, or can change, is MYSELF.

Every day is a lesson in .. living life to its fullest potential, to do my best when sharing with others to bring happiness and a smile, whenever I can.  I like being happy, and tend to remove myself when I meet up continuously with negativity.

It is not easy to walk away, or take a stand, but, mental health, and our ability to cope with some of the negative energy that bombards us each day,  is just as important as being heart healthy..A healthy  positive and loving spirit, will go a long way, in seeing daily rewards grow.


Last meal in Japan


Knowing it would be a while before I would once more be in Japan, I surveyed the available restaurants well before I decided on where I would eat.  No fast take away, or the airport versions of western food, believe me the dishes all looked good, I was hungry.


I had plenty of time, I decided on a venue that had a more traditional feel (for me).  I saw it as my last meal … and made the most of it.


I obviously have a lot to tell you about, once I’m over this jet lag, I’ll talk more of the benefits of eating healthy, the talk I had with the doctor in Japan, (re. being diabetic)  The Japanese cultural history is world known for promoting good health and longevity. (Food)

Being without internet, social media, television, etc. for an extended period is very self revealing.

PL # 15  All is a Mirror


Taste, delight & savour


Sauted black fungus and mixed vegetables…The veggies are done just right, with a  crispness to them, and the sauce is light not drowning in starch and sugars. Looks good, and it is.


There is a whole array of salads too, some very nice ones, but I skip those,  in the background you see, just beyond the  customer is a whole delight of cooked dishes.  There is a plate of scallops that my friends delight in, they are plump lightly breaded with not a hint of “fried”  Next to that dish, you will find the  different noodle dishes and I believe that is where the fried rice is for the North American taste buds.  BUT to the right of that customer, is also two dishes that I find hard to resist, One is green beans stir fried and tossed with a few sesame seeds, I pile as much of that as I can over my other goodies.  In front of that dish is a mixed veggie dish that I supplement my other choices with.

eclipse 2

From this side of my plate, you can see the green beans, and the crisp broccoli, on the top to the left is salt and pepper fish, the dumpling on the right there is a pot sticker, and under the broccoli is a small piece  salt and pepper pork .. the stick you see, holds a wonderfully roasted piece of chicken, moist and succulent.


This side of my plate shows you the  larger helping of black fungus and veggies.   Buried under all of that is freshly steamed Basa fish, a nice big slab of it. Note, no rice, no noodles. You can’t see it, but I likely have a couple of sushi there too.  They have a good sushi cook and serve some traditional sushi, not North American …


All this side of that round server going around to the right there, where the customers are, is DESSERT.   The counter on the right is where the steamed or baked fish dishes are. You can not see that portion because of the back of the bench.  Sorry.. behind the bench is another serving area, of ice creams. Off to the left or other dishes, and the server behind the benches on the left, holds the soups, and more steamed dumplings and Chinese steamed spare ribs in a garlic and black bean sauce.


You are witness …. I did have dessert.  that cake  or whatever it is on the left is to die for.. it melts in your mouth, it is like a whipped cream, only the colour of pistachio.. the square on the right is mouth drooling tasty, it looks innocent, but oh wow it is good, and so is that silly looking cup of  what you think is a little bit of pudding,  I’m not usually a dessert person, so I cannot tell you what they are, just that I will go back for more.  The little macaroon didn’t stand a chance next to the other goodies, it was good, but… hands down on the green whatever it was.( looked like a cake)

All this to say….. seize the moment………live each day making choices that you will enjoy….. choose wisely, but get out there,  try new challenges..  

In Pl, we have a Principle, PL Principle #13  – Concerning food, I will not have complaints, likes and dislikes, nor preferences; nor will I overeat, over drink,nor eat irregularly

Not easy peasy all the time to follow… in this case… I did my best to choose wisely, I didn’t waste, I ate what I picked, taking only a bit of this and that, meant that should something not please my palate, I could still eat it.. and I do try different dishes.  Some I do not have because I won’t like them, but because I know they will affect my sugar levels.  Eating moderately means that I can enjoy these buffets, and not suffer later.

Delight in what you eat.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri



a quiet interlude

cave,Fingal's in Scotland  Isle of Staffa

Fingal’s Cave off the coast of Scotland

Good Morning, thought I’d share a little more of yesterday’s experience.  Like many others around me, I live life at a rather “active” pace.  True not always, I know to take breaks, and  have a slow down time, the key words here, are I know… just because I know, doesn’t mean that I do it.  I was happy yesterday to disrobe and get on the waiting table in the small room I’d been assigned to.  Nothing magical, just a quiet place, soothing music and the implements used for doing facials.  The table was the ordinary table used in spas, and salons all over.  The table had been prepared, the colours of the towels and sheets were calm, soothing colours, the terry towels were big a fluffy.  Already I could feel myself relaxing, and when I slipped unto the table and felt the warmth on my back (the table was heated) I knew I had made a good choice.

Our minds are chatty little characters,  often even if we want to rest and know we are tired, the little voice just keeps babbling away at times like a broken record. I closed my eyes, letting the moment surround me.  I was getting a holistic facial, the herbal fragrances were intoxicating, never mind the knowing trained hands working their magic. My mind began to still, my thoughts drifted into quiet spaces that’s I’d found along the way and wanted to explore.

cave, Greece

Melissani Cave, Greece

There is no rhyme or reason for where the thoughts will drift.  The mind and body are strongly connected and tuned to one another.  When the body begins to let go and release pent-up stress, the mind feeling less smothered and pressured, will also relax.  Being able to find, quiet moments where the body truly let’s go of the daily ritual of “activity” is an awesome experience.  It really truly is.

IMG_1150 - Copy

The promise of spring, a new season, when we see the first signs of new growth peaking through the soil…. this is rejuvenation.  we see it and we love the discovery, it is pleasing, it is a new moment. Our bodies deserve the same care and attention that we give to our gardens, our hobbies, crafts, work, it is ours.

IMG_1147 - Copy

When we invest in ourselves, in having a facial, a massage, a skin and body treatment, we are looking after ourselves, the part of us that often is taken for granted until it nudges and pushes back at us.

 PL Precept# 20   Live Maintaining Equilibrium between Mind and Matter

Having a quiet interlude, enjoying the moment, was a re-energizing experience.  I had booked a full hour of body massage after the facial, needless to say, my mind took itself to exactly where it wanted to be…. my smile was a mile wide… total immersion in a happy reverie is good for the soul, you really should try it.

crocus in snow

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

ps. am I still smiling, you betcha!

another way of letting go



This is one of the walls as one enters into what appears to be a store front in a shopping mall.  The sign says TEAL. Mind,Body,Wellness, and although there is a rather spa like setting as you enter, it is basic, clean, simple and you immediately feel,  “nice”.  Looking around, it is open, and bright, and coming from outside where it is cold, and very much winter, the atmosphere inside is warm and inviting without being pretentious.

teal screen shot

Theses are some of the options offered at Teal.  I’ve been twice now, and both times I’ve come away looking like a greased monkey, high on a lot of TLC and expert attention to my – in need of a holiday body.  We all can’t get away on an exotic holiday, nor do we all have the time or inclination to spend weeks working over time so we can manage a few days off, only to get back to work and find the work we left on our desks still there.

Teal screen 2

My first visit there, I went for the Ayurveda treatments.  I had a full body treatment and a head massage and a full body Kalp Ubtan treatment.  It was an amazing experience, I have had Ayurveda treatments before, and I always came away totally “spaced”  I am telling you that this combination I experienced that day, was out of this world.  Let me share with you their wording from their website. tealwellness.com

Harmonize your body, mind and senses and experience instant calm and rejuvenation with this ancient Indian shirodhara treatment. Lay back and let us wrap your head and neck in warm towels while gentle botanical water drips over your forehead. The fragrant liquid flows in a rhythmic stream falls into your forehead and rivers around your head nourishing your hair and scalp. Find deep peace and let your tension melt away with every drop.

TEal head

Ubtan is a very influential lymphatic system intoxicant that is used in variety of body treatments; an aid in the detoxification process. The Ubtan (a herbal paste) is a mixture of fine herbs, spices, grains and selective essentials oils. 

Ubtan, when initially applied over the body, the nature of herbs and spices is induced in the deeper tissues of the body, which eliminates stiffness and blockages. 

Thereafter, massaging on the body with herbal Dosha Oils, it creates the friction that helps open up the skin pores, enhance metabolism and dissolving fat tissues. Ubtan; due to its enriched ingredients, is highly advantageous for toning body muscles, reducing cellulite from the body and stimulating weight loss. 

Finally, 15 minutes of steam sauna will relive all your muscle tension and  make you feel rejuvenated and re-energized. 

My recent visit, today. I had the Kalp Ayurveda Facial (1 hours), followed by a one hour massage from a RMT (Registered massage therapist)… need I tell you that I did not drive home, my thoughtful husband, drove me there and picked me up.  I was totally on a ME day.

Thai body massage


Have you ever wondered about a Thai Yogic Massage?  You’ve heard about it, and thought about it, but never got around to looking it up.  Maybe you want to try Reiki, or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, maybe now while we are in the winter season, and life can get blah… you could consider doing something for yourSelf…. In every major center, smaller towns, and most communities, there are Alternative Health Care providers.

Yes, it is looking after your body, yes the very body that houses who you are, and will be your constant companion all through your journey in this lifetime.

When we look after our bodies, our mind functions better.  It really does.

PL Precept # 18 Each Moment is a turning Point

PL Precept #20  Live Maintaining Equilibrium between mind and matter

Don’t wait till your body breaks down, or stalls before you take it in for a tune up.  This is about being proactive about your health, mental and physical.(your body)

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Teal is in Ottawa, Canada visit website for more info.


wake up

hospital,Glenn Dale MD

We have all passed old abandoned buildings such as this one.  Even in residentail areas now, you can often find a home that just no one seems to want to live in.  There is a feeling that hangs around the place, making it very uninviting.  A recent experience had me visiting a well known teaching hospital.  From the outside it looks big, modern, and for an institution, one could even push the envelope a little and say … it was welcoming in a cold clinical kind of way.  It seems these days that there is always constrution going on .. trying to make room for the many patients needing beds or care, either In-patient, or out-patient.

hospital NY abandonedThis picture was found on the businessinsider.com  Picture was taken by photographer Christopher Payne when he visited North Brother Island a 13 acres island between   the Bronx and Ricker’s Island, the building was abandoned in 1963.  It had once provided housing for World War II veterans previously it had  been a hospital for those quarantined with contagious diseases…When he  visited Payne had hoped to find buildings completely intact what he found was ruins. He told Business Insider “It looked like it had been abandoned for a century”


Has the world changed .. have you been in a hospital room lately. We don’t often think of hospitals until we end up in one. Trust me, you should be thinking about your life, your health, and how you want to stay healthy and out of a  hospital.  you can go in not feeling too well, and come out even sicker


In every city, small town, even a village, there is a park.  A place to get out and enjoy nature.  At this time of year, if you live in parts of the world where  the fall season is a riot of colour, one of the best medicines, for feeling good, is to get out and enjoy a day in the country, or walking  a park trail  Wake up to the natural wonders we are surrounded by.

NY, central park

NY city .. a city known for its concrete and high density population, yet, it still makes room for places like this. quiet spots where you can escape daily pressures of life.  Such  places are everywhere, even our own backyards.  The trick is to take the time, to enjoy them.  You owe it to yourself, and your loved ones, to stay grounded in nature, to be alive with the joys of life, spurring you on….October is when Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving.  Give appreciation for the bounty of goodness in your life….Believe that abundance is yours. Wake up to possibilities of a healthy life.  Make this Thanksgiving, the first one of many.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

October is a month where we harvest our past,  and move into a new beginning

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