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Posts tagged ‘verse’



somehow, I got there

hidden just beyond where I stood

I heard the sound of water

.. .. I looked beyond the trees

and there it was…

I had arrived..

sight ..sound … light …


I am here


Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking. there are different points of view and ways of thinking which makes it interesting and creates new ideas. Try to enjoy others’ expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.12

Be in the NOW

Cherish this moment, this time, this day. People keep growing as time goes on. Cherish your self expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.30

I wandered aimlessly for awhile

a smile, plastered on my face

there was no place to hide

then just beyond as I turned the corner

I spied the bridge, that would take me to the other side

the dappled shade, the quiet reflection in the water

suddenly I felt alive again

my smile broadened, my eyes sparkled

I was not on my own, soon I would be home

once more, I am reminded, I am never alone

I have within me, all the ingredients for success

life is a pathway of stepping stones

trust and believe in the power of Nature

learn from every experience

my smile is now from the heart

thank you for sharing this moment with me

in the infinity of life, I now feel whole and complete

Trust the intelligence within you to lead you and guide you

Today is a brand new day!


photo. Shirley Keen, NZ

wednesday madness

“oh” said the hatter,” does it really matter” “of course it matters” can you not hear the constant chatter?”

mushrooms and glow worms beckon the hatter -“you are a nutter, your head is filled with butter..’ “it’s Wednesday” said the hatter “come let’s gather” so saying he slid on petal and fell with a clatter,
nothing is sadder than a hatter who has fallen into the batter making noises with such loud chatter that sent everyone scurrying .. muttering ” its Wednesday make it matter, make it matter, or the hatter will be back, madder with his natter and we won’t have a moment of silence.. Make Wednesdays matter!”

What happened to Wordless Wednesday?

Be thankful to your parents and to your ancestors. You are here today because the torch of life has been continuously passed down. Always remember to be thankful

Perfect Liberty 2020.11


come one come all

come one come all, come to the ball, it is open to all..

the winds whispered and sang through the trees,

hoping to catch someone, anyone’s ear,

but, the lazy river and the foliage basking in the sun

paid no heed, there was no rush, fall wouldn’t arrive for another couple of months.

Too soon, they awoke to found that the ground was covered in snow, and the cool wind that blew, was in no mood for a ball,

It had come in with the fall, ready to blow the leaves down, and was ready to whip itself up into all it could be, to ensure a clear path

for what was to be. High above from her vantage point above the snow queen polished her wand, making sure her stars were sharp and ready to dispense of all of her glittering diamonds of flakes. With a sweep of her wand, the land below would be covered in snow…

Then, what a glorious landscape it would be. she would call back the wind and open the days to the majesty of the winter sun… Only then would her handiwork be shown at its best. Her diamond flakes would sparkle and amaze, she loved this time of year…

Once more the call would go out, come one, come all, it is time for the ball.

Seasons come and go, we need to flow with the changes. In this way, we will always rejoice at what there is before us. Always be in the NOW.


I say

birds 3.7.17

*I say old bird

how are you today?”

the owl listened carefully

for the reply

Would today be the day

Chatty bird would get a reply

For he asked this question every day

and seldom got even a nod in response

“I am fine young man,” said Ms Tweets

“Young man, you say !”said Chatty bird

“You did call me old bird” said Ms Tweets

Chatty bird was quiet for a time,

then smiled, “I am fine Ms Tweet, thank you for today’s reminder”

“You are welcome,  Professor Chatty,” smiling back, she went on her way.


“Now” is always the start of something new.  -PL  day 24,2014



original art

alas Friday


Little flower look at you

bleached by the sun, with only rocks to protect you

how brave you are, standing there all alone

gosh I am so glad that I  came across you today

you’ve made me smile and given me pause

to reflect on how,  anything is possible*.

Thank you little flower,

thank you.



Have a happy start to a week-end friends.  Enjoy all the moments presented to you

PL calendar day 19

Value your Intuition !  When you suddenly have an A-ha! moment, or when a thought pops into your mind, it is God sending you a message.  As soon as you notice something, you should act upon it right away


owl or beetle

Tin man June 25

an owl or a beetle

in the end it was neither,

instead the rusted tin man emerge

and I heaved a sigh of relief

with the decision made,

I could go on with my day

the sun is high

a heat wave is on its way

it is not good-bye

cuz somewhere in your day

I will pop in and

click or hoot

a boo

at YOU

Have a wonderful start to a sunny happy long week-end if you are in Canada, if in another part of the world, enjoy the moments from sunrise, to sunset and the twinkling  winking beyond… Hooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo loves you..-^+^-   I do!



Pl Precept #10    Love Yourself and Others


Blood Moon’s end 2015

blood moon's end by Darren 2015

Slow down

let the world turn

you need only stand still

yesterday, today

and tomorrow

will never be the same

even if you don’t move

the Universe, and

atmosphere will change

all around you

it is impossible for you

to relive today

just as it is

impossible to

really know tomorrow


why try

let it go

let it happen

cuz, like right now

you and me

we just shared

a now moment

at different time

you there, me here


together again.



top photo, by Darren Su

clouds, social media


anticipation 4.3.17



as the days grow warmer the anticipation grows

soon, not only will we celebrate a new day

the new buds of spring will come alive

and the art of the bloom

will bless and bring colour

to skies that have been winter gray

Bees will actively tend their hives

and our toes will be free again


YAY !!!

Thursday doors – the door


The Door

Inspired this reaction from

one of my dearest of friends..

Is that that darn Avon lady again or is it those people pushing religion.  Don’t answer it!! 
Friends are very special
each one is so unique and so good
at offering us a mirror
or a totally different perspective
to where we are at any given moment
Norm’s – Thursday Doors
is a long time favourite of mine
doors have held interest for me
as long as there has been time
What is it about doors the keeps us
all, so enchanted by their shape
construction, size, and “personalities”
inanimate they may be
but a life of their own
is often found
when we the viewer
chance upon a door that
calls out from its frame
and no way can we  just walk away
a door holds mystery
inspires imagination
today’s door
was indeed inspired by
wall paper
and thoughts of elves
fairies and woodland
gardens where
little “ones” and their
forest friends
enjoy happy days under blue skies
and thriving vegetation
the mossy carpets under foot
a perfect place to play
and while the day away.

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