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Posts tagged ‘retro’


Found, in a search and find mission the other day.  Was actually looking for paint. Thinking I got off the “track” somehow.  There she was, patiently waiting to be discovered.  It was the highlights in her hair and her make up that “hooked” me.  Her eyes are still bright with a sparkle.  She had been well loved,  now she was discarded waiting for her new fate.

I can easily be distracted when I am in an interesting place.  I learn about myself and life by being open to new possibilities.  My husband as a reporter, was a great observer,  we could be in the same place at the same time, but his sense of what was happening, and mine were often very different.  The unique components of his personality and character blended and added to my own “self”.

It is interesting how often in the day, his presence in my life is felt.   Never be afraid of love or of differences, in a relationship, they make us stronger.  Love is unconditional, it is faith, trust,  & so much more.  The word respect is so important, in defining a strong relationship, whatever the relationship might be.

Is RESPECT in your life?  “love”


A great many people think they are thinking, when they are actually rearranging their prejudices.   William James


Thursday Doors – 9.20


Charm of days gone by.  There is so much to take in when you travel a back road. You have to know that you will not get anywhere fast, you simply accept the moments of discovery.  This was the scene that beckoned loud enough for me to stop and actually get out.  It is aged, tired and worn, but yet it is standing proud. Wind, snow, ice, rain, yes they have left their mark, but the place, for me , still had a quiet dignity.  It stood, just off a paved road, but the surrounding land, was rich and bore the remnants of a bountiful crop.

I left today, open to the possibilities, and the Universe  provided  “seek and you shall find”  PL Precept #1   Life is Art

The day was a happy one, and totally productive in a very creative way.  I hope you enjoyed the same.



had a good co-pilot that helped..

shared adventure, doubles the fun!


look ! vintage!

vintage bike CCM hwy 1 garage sale

Vintage bike CCM aug. 2017 hwy 1



Happy Tuesday everyone

Treasures found yesterday, wonderful bricks, a sign with history, and a set of doors to a root cellar.

Does anyone know what these doors are called?  I want to say trap doors, but.. I am not sure?  I found wonderful doors, but will save them for Norm’s Thursday Doors.

It was misting off and on, practically all day but that didn’t stop us from enjoying ourselves.  I have this lovely friend who I can always count on to get in touch at the last moment and suggest a road trip. Whooo hoooo out of the blue, we took off for an adventure that led us to a wonderful tea room in Perth, Ontario. We really  did well, we got there early enough to get a table at the lace curtained table where we could enjoy the street traffic on Perth’s main street at the noon hour.

I didn’t think of it, or I would have taken pictures of the delicate china our lunch was served on, Bonnie had a fancy tea, while I stayed with my ice water..  We both tried the Thai soup, while Bonnie had a sandwich I had a wrap, all delicious. YES we both indulged in dessert. Uh huh, not telling, calories were not counted.  Address will be shown below.

Doing something ..just because… can be a wonderful way to enjoy a mini vacation when none was planned.

Happiness is something that comes from within.  Doing something that brings smiles and a lot of chuckling is a super way to make a dull weather day, a whole lot of fun.  Good food, and great company Whoooo hoooo Katchoo.. =^_^=

PL Precept #2  To live is to Express  Self


Crossroads Tea Room (Perth, Ontario, Canada)


Wordless Wednesday – time was


Once alive with tourists, visitors enjoying a bit of history while touring the carefully tended gardens, and game park nearby.  This “car” now sits, empty. A relic days gone by.



Plattsburg, New York. USA,   May 14.2017                    taken by myself Q – Dymoon

NH discovering


Hello on Tuesday.. Was bright and sunny here today, yet where I would be up and out of the house bright and early, I was slow in getting going.  Happens, I may have mentioned that while in NH I was suddenly hit with a flash of recognition.  I didn’t want to shop, or really look around. I had enough!  I’m sorry, for those of you who have had to pick yourselves of the floor, I assure you,  it really happened


Such things do happen.  Let’s face it, a book was written about the “strange events” that have been recorded to have happened, in the hills of NH. Shrouded Memories, True Stories from the White Mountains of New Hampshire, by Floyd W. Ramsey. 


Will it last, who knows.  So far, so good, I ran errands yesterday and today, and was not tempted to browse, or “look around”.. I applied myself to what needed to be done, then came back home.   I do have some of my artwork on display  at  Raglan Art Walk 2017  in SL, I have participated for the last couple of years.  I do need to send out some invitations.


What you see here, is my darling Canaille (Portuguese Water Dog) watching her human “daddy” eating a sandwich while relaxing with his “notebook” after a day of driving his “lovely” wife around touring the wilds of NH.  You can see she is trained on his every move, I think, she believes, that if she waits it out, he will drop something.  LOL he never does, but she never gives up hope.

That is what life is all about isn’t it.  We need to live each moment, focused on what we are doing, appreciating the moment.  When we are “hit” with an “idea” or “inspiration” we should listen, take heed, recognize that it is a  “personal” message”

PL Precept #17  Grasp what is most Essential

PL Precept # 20  Live Maintaining Equilibrium between Mind and Matter




When I saw this picture, I had to look twice, it was on a Pinterest feed, but you can see on it, it originally came from Facebook. Text was on it, you are seeing the photo exactly as it was sent to me.


Does this picture ring any bells for you?  Can you relate to this picture.  How long ago do you think this was?  I don’t think it was really all that long ago.  I do recall seeing old replays of television shows where people had to go to where-ever the phone was to answer it.  Often, there was only one phone to a household.

I do have a cell phone .. but confess to often forgetting it at home, or not having it where I can access it.  In fact, I prefer meeting up with a friend, and chatting in person. It is true with cell phones, and Skype, we can communicate with family, friends and do business using the internet or cell phones more conveniently.  But do I consider it an improvement on the quality of life?.

Any thoughts?

smilePencil  Maybe, just maybe, some of you, don’t know what the kid is doing?

recent find


look at her lines

isn’t she a beauty

to think, when I was younger

there was no way I would

ever have considered

owning an American car


my first car was  British

the second a Renault

now, when I see one of these babies

I just have to stop and admire

I’m captivated

down to the white wall tires

would I trade my truck

for a vintage classic


but I do love looking at them


any guesses as to the year of this beauty!

 19??  Buick

found off hwy 11 NY State

Garage Sale


Good morning everyone, today is a church day, the sale is this week-end, therefore there is a lot of setting up to do to be prepared.  If you live anywhere in the area, please pass this information along,  The garage sale will be in the parking lot and the Boutique sale will be in the lower level of the church.  We have lots of “treasures” and “goodies” for you to discover.  This year, we have handmade one of a kind greeting cards that we are excited about.  Affordable and fun.  Lots of retro and diva jewelry, rings, necklaces, earrings, accessorize you look, you will have lots to choose from.

Yesterday’s visit to Montreal was very successful, as you know I’m working on Holiday cars for a group that gives crafted cards to shut ins, and seniors without families.    To be ready for the holiday months,  artist and crafters have begun working already on their projects.

PL Precept #16  All things progress and develop – and in life if you know this, then you plan accordingly.

PL Precept # 19  Begin once you Perceive

PL Precept # 7    Everything exists in Relativity

The gathering, the preparations for the Sale, is a fun way to recycle and find ways to raise money, but more then that, it allows us to share the day with each and every visitor, interacting and enjoying the seek and find that happens at these events.

PL Precept #1   Life is Art.          Communication is an art –   Sharing smiles, and conversation is a joy…

2012-12-11 Church PL 5.13 005

Find the church and come on by 1010 Hunt Club Road, nearest cross road, is the Airport Parkway. If you are at Bank and Hunt Club, facing towards Winchester,(south)  then turn right and head west.  If you get lost, call, the number is on the poster. 613 -225-1850

Namaste          –         Oyashikiri

PS.. anyone interested in Japanese books, we have a lot to pick from, beginners to advanced

Wordless Wednesday #2







bnnies in Australia


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