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Posts tagged ‘farm land’

Thursday Doors – 9.20


Charm of days gone by.  There is so much to take in when you travel a back road. You have to know that you will not get anywhere fast, you simply accept the moments of discovery.  This was the scene that beckoned loud enough for me to stop and actually get out.  It is aged, tired and worn, but yet it is standing proud. Wind, snow, ice, rain, yes they have left their mark, but the place, for me , still had a quiet dignity.  It stood, just off a paved road, but the surrounding land, was rich and bore the remnants of a bountiful crop.

I left today, open to the possibilities, and the Universe  provided  “seek and you shall find”  PL Precept #1   Life is Art

The day was a happy one, and totally productive in a very creative way.  I hope you enjoyed the same.



had a good co-pilot that helped..

shared adventure, doubles the fun!


looking back 2017

endings, beginnings

always another day

reality, there is only now

always is

this very moment



roof tops

hwy 43 9.16.17f near Mountain

I sit high when driving, we have a truck.  I as struck by the vegetation and rooftops as I travelled how 43, going east.

hwy 43 9.16.17c

It was a beautiful day as you can see.  The miles slipped silently by as I rode along taking in the views.  It was a “me” day.  A day to allow my thoughts to come and go, my only objective to watch the road, and take in the beauty around me.

hwy 43 9.16.17a

Farmland as far as the eye could see.  Small villages, and towns, expanse of fields waiting for harvest.  Rural Ontario. (250km)  Lots of time to entertain my thoughts.

PL Precept # 15  All is a Mirror    –  I sought tranquility and peaceful surrounding.  The Universe granted my wish.  I enjoyed conversation and friendship along the way, then back in the truck  as I continued on my way………….. the steady hum of the tires and visual delights as Nature provided the beginning colours of her  fall palette.

Just before the final stretch, I stopped for fresh produce and discovered a new fruit.  Ground cherries.  physalis longifolia

Enjoy each new day, give thanks for the opportunities that come your way.  Life is good.

ground cherries

A day spent with and in Nature, alone, in meditation and quiet

is a special day indeed!


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