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Posts tagged ‘Church of Perfect Liberty’


it happens, this feeling we just can’t shake

The waiting, the feeling of being abandoned. Not trusting our loved ones, family, friends, with our fragile state of mind. It happens. Everyone, at some stage of their journey faces uncertainty, anxiety. That feeling that you are alone.. it’s real.. to YOU. it is YOUR reality.

Only YOU can turn to your inner self, reach in past the clutter and debris that has shaped this isolation. In Perfect Liberty, we are given the tools and the support to help us, find our way.

PL can teach us how to correct our negative mental habits to improve our state of mind in order to live a healthier and happier life.

Perfect Liberty

Perfect Liberty is world wide, For someone or a church nearest to you, North American Headquarters is, Los, Angeles, in Torrance CA. (310 )328-4861

In Canada we are in Ottawa,Ontario (613) 225-1850 – Sr. minister Rev. Eugene Hayashi, and 4 Hokyoshi (assistant ministers) Japanese, Brazilian, French, and of course English

We are here for YOU.


PL Precept # 10 Love Yourself and Others

cement – rock -concrete

When we had our new fence put in, we had to remove a cement/rock border along part of the driveway.


I see the pieces every time i come down the driveway, and for some reason, I am not wanting to just “get rid of them”.. they stand there like our own version of Easter Island “statues”.. waiting… watching.. standing guard


There are still pieces like this along the front edge of the property.  They  have been there for years, and are very much part of the landscape.  the  iron fence seems to be very much in harmony with them.           They just “are”


You can just barely see the top of one if you look along towards the fence.  Not wanting to disturb the blue spruce the rest of the edging will stay where it is.

Pl Precept # 7   Everything exists in Relativity

Happy week-end everyone.. 

remember, Funky Monkey Boutique Sale is tomorrow

Saturday, October 15th.  9 a.m. – 1 pm

1010 Hunt club Road,

Ottawa, Ontario,



Can we learn from dishonesty?

When someone is dishonest, and it involves you, are you affected by their dishonesty?

It happens, we forget to listen carefully to what is being said, we allow feelings to get in the way. Or the perceived friendship that we think we are having is really not what we think it is at all.  Really I believe that there is a part of us that recognizes the lie we are living, but for the most part, it seems to take a long time to really register.

e940582557c689147356445c9fe16e69Is the lie ours for not listening to our inner voice, or to the person who deceived us with their untruths.  A conundrum for sure.  It takes two people for a relationship to work, and when one is left to try to manage on one’s own, then it is no longer a relationship.  I’m not talking of a social friendship, where one supports a friend, and is there for them through thick and thin.  I’m talking about a special relationship where two people have agreed to share a common interest/goal or objective. the parameters are spelled out and they progress into the adventure.  When one person changes the rules and brings lies into the equation, it isn’t long before the gulf begins to widen.

Canopy walkway-boomslang(newsferret). Some pathways are well-defined, and we know if we step off we are in for a big fall.  We take our time and enjoy the view, but the world around us is not really part of the path, rather our path is traveling through the world around us..

The railings keep us from seeing what is down below, we see only what is within sight of where we are being directed.

Same applies in relationships, no matter how we try, when we are walking through life on a constructed and laid out surface, we don’t go beyond the limits placed on us.

“Tena sentimiento de aprender de todas las personas.  Los conocimientos y las experiencias de uno mismo son limitados.  Eschuche con docilidad las opiniones ajenas. (Spanish) (English) You can Learn from Anyone.  There is a limitation to our own knowledge and experiences.  Listen carefully and sincerely to other’s opinions.” PL lesson for the day.


Dishonesty, deceiving, lying, cheating, these are all activities that will come back to haunt you.  When we lie or create false truths, we are deviating from nature, from what really is.  We not only deceive the other person, we deceive ourselves. Happiness can not last when it is based on lies.  In life, we take more winding paths than we do straight roads.  We are also responsible for the choices we make.

747b2758989756743cbf0ca7cf6b48c4We may stand physically alone, but we are never alone.Nature, surrounds us and permeates are very being, with all that is real, the Universe is real,  God is real.  You and I with God, we are ONE.

To lie is a waste of time and energy, to lie and accept living a lie, is not being in Harmony with Nature. My choice, will always be to Love.and live in harmony with life/UNIVERSE

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Feelings -Thanksgiving

What comes to  mind when you think of Thanksgiving……….


A meal shared with friends and family………..


Is it the joy you take in gathering supplies to make colorful decorations that will please the the eye and delight the senses?  Small gifts for friends, or just to brighten your home.


 As the color titillates our awakening senses, we are open to new adventures   Where ever we are when the leaves start to change, we feel it in the air.  Our appreciation of life is aroused and we find ourselves more open to changes, in fact, our creative juices start to bubble with ideas that want expression.


This picture evokes the desire to explore, to walk down this sun filled path, to smell the autumn leaves as they progress through their cycle of change.  You know that the photographer who took this picture, felt the sun and heard the birds and wildlife that surround her/him. They managed to capture the moment beautifully.  If you listen closely you’ll hear the rustle of the leaves as a gentle breeze makes its way through the spectrum of fall colored foliage.

Life is to be enjoyed,  Thanksgiving is a time to express and give thanks for the bounty we receive in life, In Perfect Liberty, (PL) we give thanks each month for the many blessings in our lives.  We do so on the 21 st . of each month.  

Faith grows not only through intellectual understanding but also through actively participating in life, the PL WAY.


PL Precept 20.

Live Maintaining Equilibrium Between Mind and matter

PL Precept 21

Live in Perfect Liberty

Namaste            –            Oyashikiri

photos -Pinterest

Happy 4th of July!



Good Morning Everyone!  and to all our American Friends, Happy Independence Day!

We have a Japanese term we use in the PL Church,  Musubi: Oneness, togetherness with others.   one of my goals, my ambitions, something I strive for every day.  Not just sometimes, I really believe and pray that I can attain this with every breath I take. I can’t live in tomorrow or next week, even next month. I live today, now, in this very moment.  and I do my best to live each moment with Makoto,(utmost sincerity)   I pray Shikiri: PL’s unique way of prayer, asking God’s blessing with a sincere promise to accomplish what I need/have to do    Once a moment is lived it cannot be taken back and relived.

As a child I recall my Mother telling me that one should never say something hurtful or negative about someone else because  once that word(s)  was/were  spoken  they could not be taken back. I’ve never gotten that.

Good relationships begin by greetings and acts of respect and courtesy.  Our action not only words, show how much we value others. Often actions speak louder than words.  We have much to be thankful in our lives, lets share a smile today, say hello to someone you haven’t seen or  heard from in awhile.  Pass the feel good feeling around.  It is free and it is yours to give.

love light - jef palamer Pinterest

This is an amazing picture in so many ways.. I don’t know the photographer, but the person who pinned it was Jef Palmer, this photograph was on Pinterest.  Totally awesome.

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

Happy Thursday Everyone!


Welcome another day!  I overheard a conversation the other day, noooo  I was not eavesdropping I was happily shopping but aware of my surroundings, two women were in conversation right  next to me, hard not to hear.  One woman was complaining of the heat (it was hot, in the 90’s) the other one listened, but as soon as the first stopped talking, went right into what a mess her life was in.  This was a conversation that they both have had before because the other woman then jumped right in with her list of complaints too. Both agreeing that nothing ever changes..  I tried moving away to another rack, but they were also shopping and seemed to moved near me again, still with the same dialogue.

These women were strangers to me, and I’m sure that it was great to be able to have a friend to unload to, however, they were sad and disappointed with their current situations when the conversation began, and it seemed that it would go on being so …. I briefly closed my eyes and offered up a thank you to the heavens for the blessings in my life.  I love life with all the joys and challenges it brings. That’s me, being who I am, I wish everyone  was as happy as I am, in PL (Perfect Liberty)  we strive to live ….. Precept #1 – Life is Art  in all we do.  Precept #10 – Love YOURSELF and  OTHERS.

itstained glass windowsThe  PL lesson of yesterday was  to set higher goals and work to improve ourselves.   Today’s lesson, is to always express our true selves with honesty and integrity.

Why start the day with a meditation, thought, prayer ………………….because it helps set the tone for the day, YOUR day.  Life is not always a ball of laughs, and we are not always happy with the cards we were dealt.  However,  reality is…… perception…… and only YOU have the ability to change that perception.  No one else can do it for you.

Focus on your true feelings, and express yourself with makoto (sincerity) and honesty.  Then listen to what you’ve said, and to what you are feeling.

Once you’e made up your mind, move forward without hesitation.  Believe in your”SELF”.

Namaste      –    Oyashikiri

Feelings of appreciation become real, when expressed.

nederlands,3Good Morning Everyone!

Today is the 21st of the month, the day that all members of Perfect Liberty celebrate, and when possible come to church, where the Minister and / or Hokyoshi  perform the  “formal” Thanksgiving ceremony.  It is a day set aside each month to remind us to show appreciation and not take for granted the world around us.  It is so easy to step off the path we are on.  And, reality is, we often find that in some way, we are no longer in alignment with our spiritual goals.  Our vibrational alignment needs a tune up.  In observing our thoughts we realize that some how we just aren’t going in the right direction.  Time for a U turn?

Expressing your true feelings, saying thank you when someone, or something brings sadness into your life, saying  thank  you when you  find  an unexpected  event has brought you to a  happy place. Both are moments of truth, both are a celebration of your perceptions, feelings and thought process. It is in interacting with  others that we grow. Love is a four letter word with a myriad of ways it is expressed, utilized and felt. When we can genuinely express a true feeling of appreciation by saying Thank You out loud, Wow… when we can show someone we care, not just say it…  its a feel good situation for everyone.  We often take for granted the ones closest to us.. Remember today to say Thank YOU…    

Nederlands 5Instead of mourning for love that is lost, remember the happiness experienced.

We can only be ourselves, if we let others be themselves, no more , no less……Blessings … Oyashikiri

photographs – Pinterest,Nederlands

True Happiness


Good Morning Everyone… It is Wednesday another day to explore…


Years back while touring on the back of a Honda Goldwing we came across a setting much like this while exploring cliffs along the Atlantic Ocean.  The past owners had obviously enjoyed sitting and watching the tides coming and going.  The little cabin had once heard the sounds of laughter, maybe even tears.. Today the scene is one of long forgotten memories and charm.  6b962e031064bcc784b36e788932e7e1

We don’t just happen to be who and what we are today, we developed over time.  The moss in this setting didn’t just happen, it came to be over many years, inch by inch, section by section. The scene would have been ever changing.  Plant life died, and new growth developed, it is the natural cycle of life.  “one door closes, another door opens”  In PL (Perfect Liberty) we learn the cause of unhappiness,  we learn that things and people come into our lives (this includes circumstances)  regardless of what we would prefer or what would be convenient for us.  True happiness is not determined by something going well or not.

b9f214fde9e841d32197ad8b59e184e8PL teaches us about Mishirase (Divine warnings from the Univers/God, in the form of an illness, accident, pain,suffering, misfortune. We do not see them as unlucky, rather a challenge to rethink, regroup, we are not “seeing” or “using” our skills/talents  with Makoto (sincerity) we have drifted off the path.  we may be overly attached to our own thoughts and are not expressing ourselves naturally.  we are born with the ability to experience pain, and to know “hurt” so that we can recognize when we need to “stop” and rethink or meditate on present circumstances.  An important  lesson in the I Ching/Tao >  the wise man knows when to retreat. If you are a follower of the I Ching – use hexagram 53 for today’s reading.  Chien (Developing) china,huangshan,anhui, umbrella tree
When a situation is faced, head on, with Makoto…. no matter how hard that situation is, with sincerity of purpose, with the Universe in and around you…..you will be able to find a way.  There is always something to learn when we are faced with a challenge.  when we deal with the challenges we are dealt in life with a positive  and open minded attitude.  We find happiness in positive self expression.    … Oyashikiri …

photography -photos – Pinterest





One challenge that always seems to reoccur in my life, is recognizing and accepting that I am not perfect!  My type AA personality often gets in my way.As I mature/age I’d say that I’m doing better, at one time I would have been a triple A. I’m working at whittling it down. =^_^=.  A devoted and 100% practicing Taoist, I was overcome with a wonderful emotion of community when I first attended a PL service. (Perfect Liberty)  I was very fortunate that the minister at the time I visited the church was one, Rev. Takashi Goto.  I was never a church goer but over the years I had attended Christian services before and was very interested in finding out that this was nothing like I had ever experienced before.

For the first time ever, I heard and felt my beliefs and connection to God/TAO expressed in a way that spoke to me and said…”The philosophy here is mine”.  I was able to have meaningful and thought provoking conversations with Rev. Goto, that expanded  and nourished my connection to the Universe.  The encounter dusted off some of the forgotten lessons I’d learned in the past, and swept out the dust bunnies in corners of the “room” I was residing int.  He had words in Japanese that were totally unfamiliar to me, but explained, I understood.  I began to revisit places in  my mind that had been forgotten or neglected.  My connection with God/TAO grew stronger, and continues to grow stronger each and every day.  He would say ” we must put “makoto” in everything we do and say”…  he reinforced something I’ve tried to do all my life (not always succeeding)…  No matter how small the task, or light hearted the conversation, when we practice makoto in everything we do and say, when a challenges reappears in our lives, we will handle it with a new perspective.

a02e1753ae4d6670f5d173129e1134fbPL is  non denominational.

Rev. Goto is now Senior Minister with the church in NY City    goto@perfectliberty.ca


Happy Monday everyone!




Living in the moment, being mindful means that you are living each moment with awareness, being present, addressing the moment with a clear state of mind. In “biblical” times it is told that Jesus walked on water and that in/with faith, so could his followers.  The moment they let fear/doubt take over, they sank.  It is not easy to always be clear of negative feelings, but we can learn, we can practice the ART of trusting and truly believing that the “Universe” no matter what the challenge, has a reason for where you are and what you are living at any given time.



Begin by starting your day with a positive attitude.  PL Principle # 2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather. Rather I will always be creative and will for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

If you wish to learn more about the PL 21 Principles, please ask for a consultation from your local PL minister. (Perfect Liberty)


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