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Posts tagged ‘family’

Ancestors day

Make today a “give back day”. We can live our daily lives owing to our ancestors, our elders and the work of our predecessors. Above all, kindness for others is the best way to give back.

Perfect Liberty 2023.11

Service at 10 a.m.

Be attentive and put your whole heart into what you do.


Service 10 a.m.

Ancestors’ Day – 11th of each month, (PL) Today here in North American we also are remembering our veterans’ and those who served (Remembrance Day) Service will be at 10 a.m. EST

Through the ceremony we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors and we include special prayers for all those who touch or have touched our lives throughout the years. We ask for their protection and guidance so we can continue to live the PL Way. (Perfect Liberty)

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point

Pictures today, Q, Mariko, Caron


a happy place

there is something special about photographs that recall a moment in time

pictures that take us back to another time and place. When I found these pictures yesterday, I wondered if I could ever find them again. Computers are amazing wonders. I don’t know how often I’ve changed computers since these were taken, I’ve lost count. Yet, here they were on my screen popping up from files that the software genie had compiled.

I no longer questions how these things happen, the Universe has a way of delivering these little “presents” when I least expect it. I say thank YOU and feel gratitude for the discovery.

With the Thanksgiving week-end having just passed (Canadian) I got to spend a lot of time with memories as i looked over all the pictures. The pictures dated back to the early 2000’s A lot has happened since then. Seeing my Mother, sisters, family pets, in-laws, gave me much time for reflection. Of course, constant in all of them was my husband, it was his love and dedication to our “lives” that enabled much of what i got to see and live during the years he was here on earth with us.

It was a reminder not to squander the time we have here on earth.. it is a beautiful environment, and meant to be enjoyed, Friends, family, people we meet all have a purpose…We are all ONE….

We are all represented in Nature, we can be different seasons, different species, but we are all here to co-exist. It is time to focus on World Peace.

When you think “I’ve got it” think again. It is easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure.

Perfect Liberty 2020.13

wordless wednesday



Yes there were better pictures, but I wanted to share my special friends (family) from yesterday. These two little girls, are such a joy and Eartha, well she and I have been friends for years.. we are like simply “sisters” from start to finish.

I can’t recall the last time I did a siss boom bah and a chika latta, chika latta chika latta Boom, cheer in a public parking lot before. It was great fun, I didn’t even remember that I knew the cheer. But here I was out in the parking lot showing little A, the footwork, jump and cheer in the parking lot. My older niece is grade A gymnast, she had gone on with her Mother to another location, or she would have outshone our jumps for sure.

Letting go, enjoying the day, and today still enjoying the glow. there is something very special about sharing time with those we love. don’t squander your days, include your family and friends when you can.. Thanksgiving is for everyday.

Love is


Chop Suey Monday

retreat snowberries 2

On a retreat this past week-end, my sister thought to share some pictures with me.  In one of them, I was very taken by these big white berries.  They are so plump and lush. She is in California, so her countryside where she was visiting was very different from what I have now here in the Ottawa area,

retreat snowberries 3

I thought at first to crop out the shadows, but then I realized that it lent a very human element to the picture.  the retreat took place on a large acreage owned by the diocese of the church she belongs to.  Her church and another one were holding their annual fall retreat. Before the heat of the day set  in, her group, were walking some of the pathways, exploring.

The picture isn’t perfect the wildflowers look a tad blurred, but I think the reason I liked it s much was that it was being shared with me, and it had been part of her journey that day. So often in life, we want everything to be perfect, I am guilty of cropping, removing, using photo shop at times to get what I call an artist visual of whatever it is I want to express.  My sister, was taking a picture simply to share her happy moment, the joy we all feel when we are outdoors on a sunny day, being warmed by the sun, perhaps a gentle breeze and fellowship.

Realizing that the  sharing of a special moment was more important and let’s face it precious, than a perfect picture.  Appreciation of all that comes our way, is a gift.  I like many others have to practice every day, giving thanks, and being grateful for all life has to offer. ALL, not just what I pick and choose . When we learn appreciation, only then can we truly be of service to others.

retreat snowberries 4

Look at the view ,for as far as they eye can see .  No highrise to block our view,, no constant roar of traffic.  Just open land.  I wasn’t there at the time she was, but I am sure enjoying it now.

It is Canadian Thanksgiving today, but appreciation and knowing how blessed we are, is something to give thanks for every day.


There is no such thing as true perfection, but happiness, and Love/GOD are very real…

PL Precept #11   Always be with God

dragon soft

dragon soft

Acrylic abstract, created to soothe and calm.  Relaxing to do, and a pleasure to enjoy.

PL Precept #1   Life is Art

—————————————————————————————————————————————— the day started at an easy pace, we were all still worried about Sam’s delay, the estimated time of arrival was July 11th. mid day.  Finally when we still had not heard, we had no choice but to wait till today.

The surprise was that  Celine arrived a day early… so time was taken getting her settled into her rooms.  Her hair was a fright.  Nothing would do but she wanted time at the spa.

MGA Entertainment 2009

Sam bless her heart, finally arrived, by this time, we were nearing panic mode.  All is well, Dragon Soft, kept us calm.Sam getting used to being here 7.12.17Sam was really tired, we have all decided it is best to let her rest up before we  find out about her journey here.  (from United Kingdom) (A girl for all Time)

Both young ladies will add so much to our already dynamic “Family”

PL Precept # #7  Everything exists in Relativity

PL Precept #15  All is a mirror

PL Precept # 14  World Peace is Everything.


NB* Celine’s spa day, was a good cleaning and soaking in shampoo and conditioners.. her favourite part was the cleaning with Avon Skin So Soft

A day is made up of many segments, “chapters”  enjoy them all.  Q

Mother 1921-2017

Mother passed 3.6.17

Mother’s life was like an abstract painting, she lived creatively and managed to  keep all the  assortment of unique personalities that she loved  on one mosaic canvas.  She had an inner strength and resolve that kept her going for 96 years. Pansies were her favourite flowers.  She loved colours, when she set her mind to something, it got done. In later years, she loved to , crochet and knit in quiet times, but she dedicated much of her life to volunteering and working for the good of others.  She remained actively involved in all her charities and “projects” till well into her golden years. RIP Mother, your unconditional love and tenacious spirit, will always be with us.

PL Precept #1     Life is Art

Oyashikiri (blessings)



two pictures one”mind”


Too tired to think, I reach for my brush, then change my mind and take the paint tube itself and simply lay the paint down,  There is no though no reason, or rhyme, my mind takes over, my hands follow directions.


The previous night I felt tired, but I was happy, the colours and my strokes seemed to flow with ease and at a different pace.  I smiled as I posted this picture on Instagram, saying, can you see the face, or what can you see?  I was playful, I slept well.

The top picture was painted when I needed release from the stress of the day, conflict and sadness welled up inside as I faced the reality, yet again, that because you have a sibling, doesn’t mean you have a friend. In fact to feel hatred from someone you’ve known a life-time is really a very sad and hurtful  moment.

We can choose our friends, but not family.  We can walk away, we can close the door, disrespect and uncontrolled hatred that sounds in loud decibel at and around you.. is like walking into a war zone without protection. I choose to turn and walk away.

We all make choices, self-preservation is high on my list. I choose love, happiness = GOD.  With GOD in my life, I will work at being a better person.

Thank you to all of you who worry and call me, I’m fine, life is what it is.. God willing Mother will transfer over to a peaceful place, no more pain.. freedom will be hers. She had a long and happy life, she knows her family loves her, and that is everything.  Knowing you are loved, and God is with you.



moving day


Stop  Hesitating  – Abandone la actitud reservada y vacilante –

When we travel, we pack up our suitcases with our destination in mind.  When we are being moved because we are at a stage in life where we need more care than can be had if we stay on our own.

Packing to go away, I never know just what I’ll need, so I take some of this and two pairs of jeans, etc.  Especially if we are to travel in our own vehicle, we can take more, “just in case”

But if someone else is packing for you, you find yourself watching, listening to the activity around you.  I am the person packing, the person watching and listening was my Mother who will be 96 on May 1st.  There was no hesitation on my part, I needed only to know what it was she wanted with her.  BUT my Mother who has travelled the world, toured China, walked the cities of Greece, bought opals in Australia,always independent and full of curiosity to see where she would visit next, now knows her destination will be to a health care facility miles away from her home city.  Temporary, never-the-less I know it is a trip she would rather not make, wanted very little.

My Mother has always been strong and stoic, whatever challenges the Universe sent her way,  she dealt with it.  She didn’t dwell on how, she simply did what was necessary to get what she wanted done.

Her attitude is.. bring it on, I’ll deal with it.  She never hesitated to live her life, so while we her daughters,  do our best to make it happen in a way that is best for her.  I believe that the Universe will watch over her.  The most important thing in life that she will need, won’t need to be packed, because God has blessed her with the Divine presence that lives within her.

PL Precept #  15  All is a Mirror

PL Precept #  3   God appears through One’s Self

PL Precept #19  Begin once you Perceive



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