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Posts tagged ‘painting’

sister project


Something neither one of us had done before.  Painting on wooden what nots.  A nice quiet activity, but with results that will leave a lasting memory.  Fun.  Having been to Holland, my sister picked the tulips.  I have seen these wooden pictures in the stores, just never thought to try doing something with them.  There is a light in each one.  A very different look when seen at night with the light in the back.

Anyone else given these little wooden what nots a try?  If yes, post a picture, it would be delightful to see your “vision”.  I noted the Halloween ones are out now.  Do I dare try spooky  🐱

PL Calendar day 6     Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation.

Always remember that you are here today thanks to God, and thanks to the many people around you.  Lets make each day meaningful by starting out with a feeling of gratitude.



I used distress oxide sprays (Ranger) on the night scene, with acrylics both metallic and regular paints.

tulips were done with markers





The fun of starting something new, is that one never really knows what it will end up to be.  what I showed you yesterday, and this today, are beginnings.  Like one would sketch an idea, I am using fabric.  Already when working this piece last night, I could see a glimmer of what I was NOT doing, that I think I will try when I continue playing,


When we look at a visual, it leaves an impression, that our gray cells will process in different ways, over the course of minutes, hours, days, who knows when what you saw, will reclaim a moment of your “now” to present itself in a different way.

Whatever your medium, photography, paint, ink, text, fabric, if you are expressing yourself, through a visual, the colours, patterns, shapes and textures that impressed themselves on your psyche will show up.  Some colour combinations will never draw my attention, because, my “personal” makeup is drawn to shadows/light and colours that are attractive to me.


This is one of the reasons I love life, and find it so fascinating.  I “see” the world in such a magical way.  I loved this picture, didn’t know why till I got it home and saw it on my PC screen.  When I took the picture, it was instinct.  Now all I see is the wild animal preparing to chow down.  =^_^=

Beginnings never have to end. Love the choices you make in a day, embrace the adventure of life.  Appreciate your friends.  Life IS.



all photos and work, mine Q

Colour riot Saturday

October abstract 5

If you haven’t guessed already, I love October, and the energy that seems to gather and explode in the shops around this time of year. I can’t at this moment in time, over haul our living quarters into a stage set, but I can dream about it. So, some of my time today was wandering the shops and taking pictures of items I’d want to collect and bring home, if this was the right time for me to do so.

October 2

How fun to have this at the back door to greet unsuspecting visitors.

October 3

Could it be the colours, the designs, or just the witching fun.

october 6a

Back when I was  really keen on redoing the “home” with such colourful and creative items, we had to make them ourselves.  Now, they are all over in the shops and so available.  I love the black, the way it sets off the bright yellows and glowing oranges.


I have been feeling more creative these days, the top picture is my bedtime activity, some people write in journals, I like to paint.  I have art journals, and junk journals, they are everywhere, so when I feel an urge, I can just pick one up and add to it.  Even the act of preparing a page so that it will take paint, or other medium is joyful.

Ripping up a magazine for the splotches of colour that have caught my eye is very relaxing…. then to see it reborn in a totally “MY ” way  is absolutely satisfying.  Same applies to fabric, wool, threads, cord, ribbon, tapes, the possibilities are endless.

The best part of visual expression, is that it is very personal, subjective, and really only needs to be enjoyed by me, myself and I.  If someone else likes it, that is bonus.

Life is what we make it.  There is an artist in all of us. We all choose to express ourselves differently. What is important is that we do so.

When a challenge looms before us.  How we deal with it, shows are creativity.  We are offered so many possibilities during the day, I am always amazed that not every one gets the  feeling of satisfaction at having a full day.

If you are in Canada, you are well on your way to enjoying a long week-end.  I am looking forward to mine.  It is a daunting task, but I am going to try to rearrange my studio/work area.

PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a turning point.

PL Precept # 19  Begin Once you Perceive

Happy, wonderful and productive Saturday !!  Let the colours shine.


bloomer painting

bloomers painted on Pepsi

Pepsi needed a skirt, shorts, or jeans, I couldn’t find anything suitable, so we painted a pair of bloomers for her.  I think that she looks pretty “neat”.  Next I will dig up a pair of shoes for her feet.

Life is Art  (Precept #1)

PL Precept #2  To live is to express One’s self.

This was fun.  How was your day?  Have a good start to a new week.






Wordless Wednesday – bird house

birdhouse 2

Oh dear, was the mess cleaned up?

wet birdhouse

Ohhhhh, I think it is still wet….

PL Precept # 16  All things progress and develop

Positives – the girls finished painting the bird house

– they didn’t wait for more paint, they used what they had

– faced with a challenge, they took the opportunity to get it done another way

PL Principle #3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.



continuation from yesterday’s blog




a chop suey day

flowers 4.22.17

A beautiful sunny day after all.  A late start to the day, but once on the road, it was lovely.  The further from the busy pace of the city we got, the calmer I felt. With nothing really planned, it was nice to wander towards where we wanted to visit, but with no real need to be there, we could enjoy the ride.

The fields are bare, barren, trees are waking up, but there are still no buds in sight.  Other years we would have seen some sign of new activity, not so this year.  Low lying fields are damp, wet and in some places completely covered over by water.  I looked for animals, but except for a few sheep, resting in the sunshine on higher ground, there wasn’t much to see.

acrylic spools and needles

I did find a large quantity of a full range of colour in acrylic spools of yarn, and the needles to work with them.  Have I a clue on what to do with them, no.  If anyone out there knows, I’d love to hear from you.  I was smitten by the colours and the prospect of doing something artistic with them.

doll 4.22.17 18 inches VV Kanata

My husband sighed quietly when I climbed back into the truck with my little one… “I thought you said, you weren’t going to start collecting dolls”  the dear man, it wasn’t a question, he shook his head.. He didn’t say it, but he was thinking.. he hoped this phase will be short and sweet,  he really is the VERY BEST. =^_^=

There was much more we explored and experienced, it was simply one of the nicest of days..  I came home content with my “treasures” .. I had done the background for the flowers before we left.  After supper, the flowers magically appeared, it was 1,2,3, et voila, I was smiling.  I liked what I saw. =^_^=

Every day won’t be like today, but the happy days, out number the “gray” days. The minister in NY. wrote that we need to apply ourselves more to “living like the sun” PL Precept # 8.  I agree, and will try hard to practice being more cheerful, and to see the world through fresh eyes every day when I wake.

Happy Sunday everyone.. The forecast calls for blue skies with a lot of sunshine.  Enjoy!

Oyashikiri (Blessings)


Dark forest- mixed media

dark forest 2

Good Evening everyone.  Mixed media is when an artist uses more than one media or technique to work on a canvas or project.  In this instance, I had a canvas I wanted to recycle I applied gesso, then acrylic and when that dried, I went on with water colours. I have used water colour on acrylic before, but this time I wanted a dark background, so wasn’t sure how the water colour would show.

I was pleased with the results, I sculpted the canvas first with different tools, then applied the water colour to bring out the “feeling” I wanted. My water colour pallets were the Medallic Accents (Prima) nothing too fancy, and the Prang Ovals by Dixon.

Because I basically work to express myself, I use products that appeal to me, either colour range, and price. plays a part in what I get.  One could say, self indulgence. I create to please my need to express visually what is passing through my frontal lobe. This makes for happy happy, I know I’m happy when I hear myself humming.. I paint, I hum. =^_^=

What does it mean, I’m asked, or what am I supposed to see? is another one. The short answer, is whatever you want to see. If what you see speaks to you, Enjoy. There is no rhyme or reason, my expression, whether writing, painting, or sculpting is because I want to.  I gave up a long time ago trying to please..

We learn in PL, we, WE have to be happy, it is up to us to be ourselves.  If we don’t know what we want, or what makes us happy, how on earth can we share honestly with another human being.  It is no one else fault if you are unhappy, no one can make you unhappy unless you give them the power to.

OH my.. must not get going on one of my pet philosophies… Just wanted to share with you, my happy “dark forest”  Makes me smile silly.

A holiday Monday for some, others are back to work.. hope your week-end was a good one, let us have a joyful start to another week.

baby bear Yu yang pin wanLook who came to visit. He is from Malaysia..his ribbon said..Yu Pin Wan, does anyone know what that says?  Google translate didn’t help me.  Doesn’t matter, I think he is darling and will let him stay for a while.

broken crayons



PL Principle #2 I will not have complaints about others,matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

wanting – doing

joy 3.22.17Remember the other day, I posted this start of a new “expression”  She was joyful, I felt her energy and couldn’t wait to get back and work on her with a new media that I’ve found rather interesting.  Previously I have played with it in very small  sections of a piece I had been working on, and realized that to get the desired effect as shown in demos I’d seen, I would have to be more liberal with the product.

The product is made by a well known supplier Pebeo, I have often used their paints, their pigments are strong, vibrant,.. so I was keen.  The Vitrail. Prisma and Moon, Fantasy series all have the toxic danger symbol on them…   but for some unknown reason (to me) I saw but didn’t think any more of it.  I knew to be careful, and recalled having worked with such media before.

What I didn’t take into consideration was my reaction to the fumes, especially to the cleaning solvent needed to clean brushes, stir sticks etc. good ole turpentine..  Needless to say, soon enough I was feeling the  results of my being in the close proximity of the paints and the solvents.  Even after a day out in the fresh air, my head was not willing to deal with the fumes of the products.

So… that said.. my “Joy”, is being put on hold, she is still drying, for the paints to finish interacting  with themselves and to dry could take up to 72 hours or more… depending on the density ..how it was used etc.  My “Joy” is now continuing her drying process in the sun room.  All brushes, and waste (cleaning cloths, paper etc.) have been emptied outside.

Sometimes we want something, or we think we do, but the Universe has other lessons, or experience for us to live.  When Joy is all dry, I’ll re-address her possibilities..  maybe she has had enough too.  Who knows.

PL Precept #6  Efface your self conceptions.

PL Precept # 7   Everything exists in Relativity.

note.. this is a truly fabulous media, check out the videos on YouTube,  I have a sensitivity that doesn’t mean you will.  I should have remembered why I don’t work with oils is just not because of the time it takes to dry.  =^_^=   We are all different and unique.

=^)^=   thank God for that!!!!!   smile… life is good!



aggh -wot is the problem


While my latest card says to Dream and Be Happy… I’m trying to find the balance between discomfort and ”darn that hurts”  It is distracting. On talk show radio today while driving around from errand to errand… (I was being productive) there was a feature on how Emergency rooms are having to deal with dental emergencies, and are not equipped for the problems they are seeing.

It seems there are many people for one reason or another don’t go to a dentist, and then suffer terrible pain at some point when they encounter a severe tooth problem.. ie. they need a root canal etc.  They are in so much pain, the doctor says they can’t answer a question properly the pain has distracted them so much.

As I listened, and wondered, hmmm is the pain subjective?  I myself was caught by a sudden burning sensation in my right ear.  Ooohhhh that hurts as I put my hand up to the ear, trying to sooth it with some warmth from my hand.  Then I remembered that the dentist had told me that I had the equivalent of a sprained ankle in my jaw.. and I was to rest the jaw, not chew down on foods that would stress the jaw.  He said “it is a warning sign” that if I didn’t take care of the situation now.. it could lead to bigger problems.

Even suggested a mouth guard.. yes … a mouth guard… and he gave me an estimate of the cost for such an appliance. Oh dear… I recall making a mental note, to **try to talk less =^_^= **  ** refrain from eating pistachios for a while** and try to eat foods that were easy on the jaw, like soups, etc.    The discomfort was an instant reminder that I have not been following my “good intentions”

Even the finding of great fancy scissors that another crafts person parted with and a wonderful discounted bargain price failed to take my attention away from the “raging” ACHE in my jaw.. which shows itself through the ear.

So.. my obvious lesson today, is to stop being lazy .. and stubborn.. lazy, not taking the time to make and eat homemade soup that is nourishes and soft and easy on the jaw.. stubborn, thinking that I did it for a few days and that was enough, I knew better??? Wot! So if I have a discomfort, whose fault is it??………………….MINE

It is called owning the decisions we made and the results of……



the results of cleaning my brushes on the back of a book… liked it so left it that way the black is gesso

silent voice


Sometimes when I’m driving, I get half formed thoughts, inkling of ideas, nothing really pithy, just thoughts drifting in and out as I wind my way through the traffic along the highways and side roads.

Sometimes there is a particular sentence or catch phrase that will stick with me, today it was “silent voice’  I was coming home from church, its been a busy week with my Mom having to be moved to long term care, (all this in a very short period of time)  So I’ve not had the quiet times I usually have on a daily basis to regroup.

If I try to focus on one particular task, I get restless, and I need to find a way to slow down, “chill” as we used to say.  I was cleaning out a box, sorting the contents to get it ready to recycle, when I found an inexpensive canvas I got somewhere, with some kind of print all over it.

Without really thinking about it, I got out some of the old paints that were in the box, and threw some on the canvas .. using the brayer, which of course, didn’t work well, the canvas was not well-stretched over the frame.  The paints were a lime green and a fuchsia type pink, old enough that they were not well blended.. but I didn’t seem to care, I just persisted with the brayer till I covered the canvas.

You can see, I then began to wipe some of it off using an old brush that had a dry tip… somehow the silent voice saw a pair of eyes .. and that is what I tried to find.  when the voice stopped. I stopped.  that is the way it works for me.  I feel much better.. my Lemur called so, because that is kind of what it reminds me of, is sitting there, content to watch me as I type.

Life is what it is, isn’t it.  We all have a silent voice, we just don’t always hear or listen to it.  I’ll see what I think when I wake and visit with him tomorrow.  Yes, I feel it is a “him” or would that be hymn  =^_^=


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