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Posts tagged ‘calm’

happiness is

For me, mixed media 4.18.17

PL calendar day 4.

Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others

Always be true to yourself in your words and actions.  Strive to make others happy with a sincere heart.

I came across the above photo this morning.  I enjoyed revisiting it, so I am sharing it with you. Some expressions of mine.. I enjoy at the time, they are calming and relaxing when I am working with them…  then… fickle as I am..  I move on.  Each step leads to another.  So maybe not fickle, maybe it is more, I let go and go forward.  I just finished several small requests for greeting cards, I enjoy doing them,  I sit myself down, focus on project cards.  When that is done, I put the card making supplies away and return to my art journals.

Sage sentiment.  Follow your heart while thinking of the happiness of others.

I know it is impossible to be happy and full of glee 24/7, but I  do so enjoy thinking of you all living in happy states of mind..  Productivity, creativity and accomplishments filling your days with rewarding moments of pure satisfaction.  Positive and loving energy to all.   Share a smile today!





This was taken on the last day at the Montfort before hubby was transferred to a larger hospital in the city.  Isn’t this just the most welcoming space.

pic.Darren 2015

My nephew took this other one a while back, for me it give me the same sense of tranquility as the one I took the other day when leaving the Montfort.

Whatever, or where you find your “calm” today…. enjoy it.




just a little farther


There are times when you travel down a back road,  that the country side beckons to travel just a little further, and even lures you down a long forgotten,overgrown dirt road.  Just enough width for you to slowly inch your way, so that the brush doesn’t leave a trail on the side of the vehicle, and your muffler if you are lucky, will make it intact, till you find a place to turn around.


You see signs of previous activities, but little else, the farther you go, the land opens up, and you see nature the way it is intended to be enjoyed. No parking lots, and fast food shacks, just the outdoors.


We were able to find a place to park off the single road we’d been on, and made the time to climb the embankment and sit a spell..  The dogs loved it, even though they had to dive, they swam and played, enjoying the freedom of being in that space and time, just as we did.  What is it about the human race that we all want to travel to foreign lands, and only feel that we’ve been on a holiday, if we fight the traffic to the airport, wait in airport lobbies, and sit like sardines in metal contraptions that fly us through congested skies.  To arrive in an exotic place that isn’t home, (to us) rush around to try to see everything there is to see, then tired and over spent, we head home.  Back into the crowded airports, stand in line to go through customs, maybe even be detained.  Then on arrival back home, we still have to get to our homes.. only to be faced with a pile of mail we have to deal with, maybe a good night’s sleep, and then we are back at work, dealing with the backlog of “stuff” that was what we wanted to escape with our well-earned holiday.


When really, not very far from where you live now, just by driving off the main roads. you will find a wonderland, that is pure, unpopulated by commerce and just a little farther, down the road waiting to be discovered.


Every time we venture off the tedious road of routine, we allow our “selves” to really holiday.  A holiday is when we re-energize, re-group, reconnect with the person we are.  Nature is the only true balm for the “soul”


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Pictures were taken in the Province of Quebec, near Rubert and Lac Peche



calm, confident and centered


What are my 3 wishes for today.  I pray that I remain, calm, confident and centered. It is not because I’m concerned or worried about the hospital procedure, but rather it is the coping with my inner disquiet when I am asked to drink something that I find totally distasteful, and it produces a physical reaction from my body that I don’t enjoy living through.


Have you seen what they are doing to watermelons in Japan?  They are growing them in clear square containers, more convenient to the consumer I would guess, but that is not what nature intended of the fruit.  I have gone now a long time without solid food, and truth be known except for the first couple of hours when I got hungry, I’ve not really thought much of food, since I had to deal with my diabetic self, reacting to the lack of food and the awful sickly sweet liquid they want me to force down.


Unlike the helpless fruits that are forced to grow in confined spaces, I have choices.  The procedure today is a simple one, done I’m sure zillions of times on adult humans everywhere, a must in the course of our regular health check ups.  So thought my body will have to endure this interruption in its daily routines, my mind, and focus will be on this New England get away.  I will be calm, because I’m happier in a calm state, and I will stay centered knowing that nature is all around me. Nature will continue to provide serenity to all those who seek the freedom  of God’s  embrace  and the blessings that are ours when we live in a state of prayer, keeping our connection to the Universe alive.. always in our hearts.

Life is God

God is Life

Centered in God, I am

Confident, and I am




Goedemorgan hoe gaat het met u/jou?

How are you today?

PL Precept #21   Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter…


This lovely picturesque grouping is of Giethoom in the Nederlands where there are no roads.  It is a beautiful and quiet village unique in that you will not find a single road in the entire town. Instead it is connected with paths, bike trails and a canal system. Visitors are welcome to explore by renting a noiseless, electric “whisper boat”.  I have been enchanted with the idea of visiting ever since I read about the place.

We all lead busy, at times hectic lives, and finding that quiet time we need so much often eludes us.  We grab moments here and there, but often they just are not enough. In PL we have a Precept, # 5 that says.. One’s self is lost by being emotional.

The 21 PL Principles help us to achieve the 21 PL Precepts that we live by.  Like everyone we struggle at the best of times to get then right, or to effortlessly follow them, but in following PL Principle #1 – I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto into all I say and do (Makoto/sincerity)  as best we can, dedication towards that goal helps enormously.

Holland 1

To be easy going, and to live life constantly in a cheerful and calm state is something to strive for.  When I’m challenged, then I revisit the Holland of my dreams, and let my mind wander effortlessly through the gardens, and sail the waterways.  Care to join me today?   You are all so precious to me, I wish for you a glorious sun filled day , no matter where you are, no matter the weather, let the joy of life, bless you with a soothing balm of love.  Thank you for sharing this moment with me, I really truly appreciate the time you spend with me.  (I would burst out  into song, “love is in the air” but that dear reader would really send you into hiding )  liefde + kus  xxxoo

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri





* Pinterest

Hjelle, Norway


To dream, to wake, to live and follow the  trail

always aware, always prepared to stop and gaze

when my eyes would behold the object of my  quest.

life can be a dream, it really can,

one need only to believe, is Hjelle Norway so very far away?

some one else captured this moment in time

now here I am, enjoying the calm and serene

of this artists gift, of this captivating scene.

because a stranger shared

my day is blessed with time spent in 

Hjelle Norway.

all because I followed the trail

and let God lead the way.

Norway. Hjelle

Text …Q

pictures – Pinterest

thank you SO much


“Thank you so very much” said the voice, it was soft and cultured, without turning I knew that it would be someone older, of an “age” when courtesy and etiquette mattered.  I heard rather than saw the smile in the young woman’s voice that was serving the client.  The store was busy, crowded with shoppers looking for that special gift at the advertised discounted prices.”You are so welcome, it has been my pleasure” was the reply. The interchange between customer and sales associate  made me smile, I felt a nice feeling and thought what a wonderful way to start a day.  When I turned to the area where the voices had come from I was surprised to see not an elderly woman, but a young girl with faded jeans, and a torn T-shirt, her hair was dyed a fluorescent pink, her lips and nails were an ebony black, studded with blinking gems. When she smiled at me I saw that she had a tattoo of a rose on her  cheek and a gold ring in her nose. I must have stared, because she gave me a knowing smile, while   flashing me the sweetest of looks from the  bluest of eyes under the longest lashes I’ve ever seen.  With a mischievous nod of her head, she winked at me and said “A very good day to you Mam” and gracefully turned and walked away.

The sales associate who had witnessed this exchange gave a little giggle, and said, “isn’t she just the greatest”  I recovered my surprise and agreed with her that yes,  “she” certainly was.  That was …… and she named the actress who was playing at the theatre up the way.  Ah…. a light bulb went on in my gray matter….yes there was a play happening in the city, and they could have been having a dress rehearsal … yet … I knew I had just been given a “lesson”  a reminder, that I should not be judging a book by its cover, and I for sure, should not have made assumptions…. PL Precept # 18 – each moment is a turning point.

PL Principle #2 … … …. I will look for and be aware of shortcomings in my own thinking and actions  **the exact wording to this Principle is  “I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.


Take a moment to say Thank You for the lessons you have learned today.  I like to begin and end each day with a sense of appreciation for the gifts I have been blessed with, and the lessons I have yet to learn. To know true meaning in our lives, we have to sincerely believe and appreciate the blessings we receive.

Namaste  – Oyashikiri


* found on topinspired.com (Great Britain)

** mmostbeautifulpages.com

Road Block


Good Morning everyone…..

It happens to all of us, at some time in our lives, we come across a “road block”… as a writer, writer’s block, when I’m in a creative mood with my sculptures, and suddenly my creative moment goes on sabbatical, it is another form of “road block”    In PL we are taught to take a step back, and to look at how we have been tackling our “challenge” (task at hand).   If I walk away do something else, then come back, I am often able to “see” with a different set of eyes.  When I was painting, I’d find that there were some forms of expression that I just couldn’t agree with.  I would keep wanting to add more paint, or take some away, make adjustments, this would go on till my canvas looked like one big mess of colour. Instinctively I would know that I had “missed” the moment…. the ah ha… of the expression was gone, no matter how much I was to persist, it would not come back. It was time to acknowledge that I had not been working with my full makoto, and the result was before me.  Like it or not,  what I had achieved was putting my “mixed emotions/feelings” on the canvas, there was nothing to do but accept it and move on.  Trying to accept the abstract mess of colour was never satisfying, especially if I tried to convince myself that this is what I must have been trying to express.  What is the expression, you can fool some people some time, but you can’t fool all of the  people all the time???   And, you may try to fool yourself, the reality is, your inner self always knows what is real and what is not.


In Norman Rockwell’s print, you can see that everyone is giving their full attention to getting the “road block” to move out-of-the-way. (found on imachild.wordpress.com)  When we are faced with a difficulty,challenge, obstacle, if we step back and think about how we can creatively get around our problem… usually with patience, the obstacle will move along.


Have a wonderful day today, may your day be filled with calm, serene and beautiful moments!!

Namaste  – Oyashikiri


DSC01445 in dreams the impossible seems out of reach we climb, stretch and jump towards our goal yet we are tethered to the ground                                                           our feet seem cemented in the past                                                                                                                                                                    how long will this journey last “who knows and who cares” says a voice inside my head                                                                                                                         ” I do, I do,”  says a quiet calmer voice from somewhere within                                    ” oh” says the mind,                                                                                                                                                                                                   “ YOU are still here”                               ”  of course”  the quieter voice replies,” I’m always here                                                                                                                         look down at your feet, they moved at the sound of my voice” The choice is to know that we are always moving forward, in time, once the moment is lived, we can never relive it, know this and move on. Let go, trying to hold on, only holds you back. When we trust and believe that we are here to progress and live our lives to the fullest, we are on the right track.

Blessings all, travel safe in your journeys  today.

Namaste – Oyashikiri

dodge vintage with matching camper Flickr

Hit the Road Jack……………… Vintage Dodge with matching camper. . (flicker.com)


sim,entendo. I understand

Good Morning everyone... how are you doing on this wonderful Thursday in April, here we are April the 10th. Just the other day we were celebrating the 1st of the month, the Day of peace, and tomorrow  is  Ancestor’s Day the 11th.  It is said, when time goes by quickly, we are enjoying life.  Oui,yes, life is good.  there is a lot going on and everyday brings new challenges, new beginnings.   Soon, very soon, outside I will see the first buds begin to sprout on the cherry tree.

cherry blossoms found on FB

We understand that we will have to wait for the sun to work its magic and for the tree to find its own time and cycle for it to blossom and bring forth the beauty of its spring foliage.  Why is it that we show such impatience in how other areas of our lives develop?  How often have I heard someone say,”  I understand”  when I’ve tried to explain something I’m feeling.  And, I can tell, from their actions, that really, my explanation  was not understood at all.  Vice verso, when I have said, “I understand” and I think I did, but did I really.  Emotions are hard to pin down, they are often very abstract.  We can’t predict, we can’t say at 6 pm this evening it will rain on Montcalm Street in Hull down through the village of Cantley ending  at the bridge.   We have forecasts that give us predictions, we listen, take it in, and then move on.  Not so easy to do with our every day comings and goings!  We try…. some succeed better than others .Often it has to be wondered if we even apply the same reasoning.(thought process)

cherry blossoms, kenji2006 on flickrToday I ask blessings of everyone in times of trouble.  Comfort for those who are facing a loss.   Calm for those passing their days without work during times of financial stress, Healing for those who are suffering pain and illness.  Encouragement for those who are finding it difficult to believe in the future.  Uphold those who are being tempted in any way today to turn their backs on life.  In all these ways and more, I ask  your Blessings, for we are ONE with Nature and the Universe, now forever and always…………………   Oyashikiri


Ancestor’s Day service is at 10 a.m. (PL Church)

btw. Just in reading the above prayer, you have added and given strength to the Blessing… thank you. =^_^=

pictures >Pinterest, bottom one is by Kenji2006 and was originally on Flickr



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